《The Juveniles - Segment 2》Chapter 5 - Rather Enchanted
Alo puts his gauntlets in front of him, doing the upright stance, one he got from the book he bought from Johan. Initially, he skimmed some parts of it, but after a while, he decided to re-read the entire manual and learned a lot from it despite originated in the old days. "Alright, who wants to see their god first?". he taunts them all.
The sickle and the sai Apostles boosts themselves towards the brawler and does a flurry of forawrd and down strikes, but Alo still stands, dodging every strike not knowing they're not using their feet. However, his left foot steps on a puddle of rainwater, creating a slight opening, in doing so, the strikes continue to persist and getting harder. He looks at his lower arm to see a small cut wound. Remember the time he nearly died, his blood starts boiling inside. "ARGH! THAT'S IT! ".
Alo spreads his arms wide open, sending the two backwards a bit then kicks the spear Apostle with his boot hitting the face good, but the sickle Apostle tries to strike from the lower side but he catches the upcoming hit and has it stopped by raising his left lower arm, circling around the Apostle's elbow then raises it high, breaking the entire limb with brute force, but just when he's going to kill him, the spear Apostle regained from the heavy kick, charges at him, only for Alo to twist his position with the injured one, and letting the spear cuts through the torso, he grips the head of the spear and lets out massive streams of electricity, connecting through the dead body, and finally eliminating the first two.
But before he could focus on the others, he feels the cold steel cutting through his back like a box cutter, he yells in pain and immediately turns around to see the wakizashi Apostle retracting back after slicing his back, letting the poison seep inside once again. Alo growls in anger and swiftly uppercuts the Apostle with his off-hand, mixed with electric shock, instantly striking the Apostles heart. The body flies away from the fight and the hood taken off, showing her face; wrinkled skin, white frazzled hair and sunken eyes and her height is lower than average and his face completely went blank. He didn't like hurting elderly, but that one was too whack in the head so she deserves it, but one thing he learned;
An old lady just sliced him in the back with a small katana, and he just killed her with one punch.
Last was the sai Apostle, who was observing his moves which was completely amateur boxing plus purely dependent on his lightning powers, and obviously didn't care for the other Apostles, merely wanting to please the god of death. One thing to note, is that the sais are blunt and not bladed at all, but sharp enough to hurt and incapacitate a human, paying homage to the original concept of the ancient weapon.
Losing blood, he can't be defeated now. So he puts up with his defensive stance which is just hiding behind his big gauntlets. The Apostle twirls his weapons letting the brawler think he's going to use his sais, but once he has already maintained the perfect distance between them, he quickly a low sweep kick, nearly losing Alo's balance, but completely breaks his defense.
The Apostle lunges at him and does a series of small, quick and painful attacks (or as I like to call them "spits" from the Shadow Fight video games series), hitting his chest several times before doing a Sai Double Jump Spit (again, from Shadow Fight) then raises sais up, delivering two straight kicks to his jaw and finishes off by plunging the blunt tip to both of carotid pulses (located in the neck), knocking the brawler down on his back, wincing from the immense pain.
He takes one good look at the sai Apostle, twirling his weapons slowly, ready to take the glory for himself.
However, a beam of light flash against the two along with the engine revving up. As the last Apostle turns to the light, he is greeted by a speedbike doing a wheelie, with the front wheel grinding his head into mush, saving Alo. He lands the bike perfectly and turns to the injured and takes two injections, from his overcoat, "Heads up!"
Alo catches the two injections with his gauntlets, holding it delicately as it might break. He then notices the liquid inside is the same liquid Tanaka used to cure him from the poison. "Stab yourself with those, and consider this as my first day on the team.". Alo peaks his head, to see King smirk and drives to a nearby ramp, which leads to the organized walls of shipping crates and occupied by the Bishops, constantly pinning Johan down.
"YOU NAMED YOUR BIKE ALREADY?!", it's what Alo yelled before groaning in pain, he then stabs his left carotid and brachial artery. The cure made its way inside his body, feeling a warm sensation in his bloodstream. Yet the feeling is too relieving, it relaxes his muscles and not soon after, his brain.
"YAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! ! ! ", King bellows from the top of his lungs, catching the attention of the Bishops, much to their confusion.
"この男は狂っているか完全に自殺しているのか、彼を捕まえよう!(Either this man is insane or completely suicidal, let's get him!)", the Bishop who stands forward, presuming the leader, orders the rest of them to focus their attention to King.
Down the harbor, Johan draws her arrow to kill another Bishop only to be stopped by looking at the incoming motorcycle heading towards them. The archer narrows her eyes before opening her eyes wide at the badly wounded Alo. She holsters her bow and arrow and runs to the brawler.
On the other hand, the Bishops now form a blockade to snipe him off the bike, but they're soon met with a different kind of bike. Apparently, over the course of gang war, the rival gangs are not always fighting each other mindlessly, they also gather more information about where they are, what they use, what do they wear, what tricks they have, but in their case, the Servants pictured King's bike as deteriorating and rusty, ready to break down at the last minute. Yet what they completely see in front of them is different.
King grins at the star-struck Bishops, then looks at a small camera right above the fuel gauge. "Alright, Angel. Do your thing!".
With that said, the motorcycle spawns it's twin machine guns once again and before the Servants' could act, opens fire with precision. However, King notices the guns don't rotate around, which is where he comes in. He brings out his engraved dual sawed-off shotguns and blasts the Bishops recklessly with his slugs, double-tapping them all the while singing a Japanese song despite his no talent of singing.
The motorcycle instantly stops, but the engine still revving causing King to look back and check whether they killed everybody. He nods his head, his lower lip curl outwards. "Mh-hm.", he turns back to the front side.
But one of the Bishops, being covered by the dead bodies of his fellow brothers and sisters, he gets up and directly sprints to King, yet the vengeance only lasted so long before a sickle flies right inside his head, the last Bishop persisted before falling down.
The thump made King look behind the dead body, then looks below to see Johan lowers her throwing arm and goes back to wrapping her partner's waist with the teared up Apostles' cloaks, to stop the bleeding, but not before giving King a witty wink and an impish smirk, implying he owes her one. The leader merely scoffs at her and shakes his head sideways, then drives his way back down to the harbour.
On the other hand, Alo has his face slump over, and slowly look up to see Johan wrapping his back full of open wounds, tearing up the Servants' cloaks like a pieces of paper. "Agh, goddamn it. Guess that's twice you fixed my ass.", he wants to move a bit, instead the wounds still hurts even without the posion.
She chuckles lightly while nearly finishing up the bandage right between his shoulders. "Well, that's quite flattering, but you're lucky it didn't get you in your spleen, otherwise you'd be Stephen Hawking. - ", she ends it with a tug in the last knot, getting a pained groan from Alo. " - Aaand there! All good!".
Afterwards, she stands up and wipes the sweat from her brow, then takes a closer look at the fabric from the dead Apostles, then Alo transforms his gauntlets back to his normal hands, the crystal seeping back inside his body. "You know for a bunch of crazed cultists, they do have clothing standards.".
As Alo gets up, the ship air horn gets their attention, looking at the refugees on the deck. King then arrives and stops his bike right beside the pair, his face completely tired and his overcoat damaged. At first, the refugees have looks of fear and dread, especially the children who witnessed everything including Alo's electric powers, Johan's superior perception and agility and King's new sentient bike. Powers that the world has never seen before.
Humans fear what they don't understand, but fortunately, these refugees are the exception. They are either scarred by the events from the war, or just respect their saviors by hiding their identities once they've landed on the neighboring countries. One by one, they all silently bow in front of them, "すべてに感謝します!(THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!)", and raised their voice altogether.
In spite of the nearly fatal wounds he got, Alo could've just dissed them off for being a nuisance, yet deep down there's a hint of happiness that they get to live another day. Instead of smiling, he solemnly nods his head to them.
Meanwhile Johan sheds a tear in her eye, staring at the children waving goodbye at her. As she waves back at them, she thought about what would've happened if they weren't here to help them. Sure, they made the hard choice by watching the horror in Barcelona, but saving these people are better than being chopped down and eaten by those cannibals, sacrificed by the cultists, or lost in reality by the drug addicts, which they've never encountered so far.
By the back of the ship, Tanaka and King exchanges looks. The doctor, having done his job by tending to his gang and protecting him from adversaries, he formally bows at him, thanking the leader for all help. King does the same too, and in his mind, he imagines his older brother's ghost beside giving him a pat on the back for pulling this risky mission (and a kick to the gut for sitting around half the time).
Once the ship is already in a far distance from the harbor, King gaze at Kenji's position, "Looks like the heat died down over there. C'mon you two!".
Johan helps Alo lift him on the speedbike behind King and puts his hands on his thighs to prevent himself from flying out of the bike, his weight alone made both King and the bike flinch in surprise but the former decides to drive in a normal speed (40 km).
While the two move ahead towards Kenji's position, Johan turns her head back to the desolated harbor once devoid of life once more. It left a bitter spot in her memories, one she cannot forget. She pulls her eyes away and let her feet take somewhere else to be.
Kenji sits on a dirty bench on the sidewalk, looking over the dead bodies of his fellow bikers and the savage cannibals. He could see their broken bikes engulfing in flames, spent ammo casings and sliced off limbs. He lets out a tired sigh, seeing the blood of Rhaka trickles down the ground from his face after slicing his nerves and chopping his lower arm to prevent him from fighting.
Similar to King's, his clothes are teared off and burned by the explosion from his bike, after ridding it with one hit. Thankfully his limbs are still intact, and not even Rhaka's sign-axe could do it, if he hadn't have the reaction time to dodge it. He touches the edge of the crude weapon with his fingertips, wondering how does anybody survive a gruesome living.
Abruptly he hears a motorcycle revving from his left, towards the harbor. He lazily tilts his head and immediately gets up and walks up to his leader, his eyes widens in awe.
King stops the motorcycle, and slowly hops out, letting Alo to rest still for a moment. "船のホーンが聞こえました、彼らは出ましたか?(I heard the ship horn, did they got out?)", Kenji asks him with little delight.
The leader merely stares at Kenji for a moment, before chuckling and does a firm hug, patting him on the back like a proud dad with his son. "うん。やりました。我々はそれをやった。(Yeah. We did it. We fucking did it)". Kenji hears the ship's horn again faintly, lifts a heavy burden from his heart, he closes his eyes and bleeding lips furl into a weary smile.
King gently pulls away from the drifter and turn his eyes to another horrible sight. With nothing but grief and remorse, he crouches down to a dead biker looking dead in the sky, the stomach had been teared open, exposing the intestines and other vital organs. The leader carefully shuts the biker's eyelids down, "申し訳ありません。できることはしたが、強すぎた。(I'm sorry. We did what we could, but they were too strong.)", Kenji balls his hands into fists, gritting behind him, but King stands up, observing the carnage silently.
He turns to Kenji. "とにかく、それはとにかく私たちの命がけっしてありませんでした。(Nope, it was never our lives on the line anyway.)", then he hears a faint chuckle from Rhaka. Alo raises his head groggily to see the cannibal leader, leaning against a wall of a building both armless and immobilized.
The brawler tries to hop from the motorcycle but King raises his hand, "Wait . . . I'll handle this.", Alo goes back to nap a bit, huffing through his nose. King turns to Rhaka, standing beside him. Once there, the savage leader glances at him, the overcoat blocking the cloudy skies focusing on his eyes filled with pity and no sense of revenge for his fallen bikers. "あなたを見て。それらすべてのタンパク質があなたを強くしたと思いました。(Look at you. I thought all those protein made you strong.)".
Rhaka coughs up blood, spitting on his useless abs, "いや、私は何も必要ありません。 。 。もう違います。(Nah, I don't need anything . . . not anymore.)", he pauses.
"計畫の変更がありました。あなたはたまたまそれらのうちの1人です。(There has been a change of plans. You just happen to be one of those.)", this time King inches closer to him, taking out a lighter and a cigarette from his overcoat , however these weren't for him.
"欲しい?(Want one?)", he offers him a cigarette, which is unusual for King to do to a rival gang, who killed ALL of his men except for Kenji.
Rhaka rolls his eyes and bites the cigarette butt with his bloody teeth, then the raider sets the tip of the paper alight, leaving Rhaka to inhale the classic tobacco taste and breathes through his mouth, not letting go of it, while the two teens stand there motionlessly.
"やつら 。 。 。なんらかの軍服を著てどこからともなく現れた。それは米軍でもJSDFでもありませんでした。いいえ、これらは組織化されており、分離しており、すべての中で最悪の操作です。(These guys . . . showed up out of nowhere, wearing some kind of military uniform. It was not the US Army nor the JSDF. No, these were organized, discrete, and worst of all, manipulative.)"
He breathes out another puff of smoke. "その「會談」の後、召使たちは私たちのドアを閉め、偵察隊だけを送り、民間人を參加させる代わりに殺害しました。小指についても。 。 。彼らは突然姿を消した。彼らの隠れ家では、コカインのほこりは1つも見つかりませんでした。(After that "meeting", the Servants closed their doors on us, sending only scout parties and killing the civilians instead of making them join. As for the Pinkies, well . . . they suddenly disappeared. Not a single dust of cocaine was found in their hideout.)".
King tilts his head at the new information, while Kenji beside him is quite appalled by the revelation, "しかし、あなたと召使いたちは避難についてどのようにして知りましたか? (But how did you and the Servants know about the evacuation?)",
"私たちはしませんでした。 彼らは昨日私たちに話しました。 船であなたを助けるために2つの連絡先が到著すると言いました。 それから、カルト信者はそれらを最初に見つけて、あなたの不足を扱いました。(We didn't. They just told us yesterday. Said there are two contacts will arrive to help you with the ship. Then the cultists spotted them first and dealt with your lackeys.)", his tone is gradually going down, to the point where he is just tired of it all. Tired of killing and claiming over and over again.
"彼らが私たちに新しいホイールを與えたとしても、私は彼らを少し信用しません。 彼らはあなたを見つけるために本當に必死でなければなりませんが。 私たち3人以上。(Even they gave us new wheels, I wouldn't trust them one bit. Though they must real desperate to find you. More than the three of us.)"
King chuckles as he inserts his hand in his overcoat, "ええ、私たちがそれをこのように終わらせなければならなかったのは殘念です。(Yeah. It's too bad we had to it this way.)", King takes out a shotgun, loading it with slugs and aims it on Rhaka's head.
Rhaka chuckles in spite of the pool of blood he's creating, "どうぞ。しかし、トリガーを引いたら、それを知ってください- (Go ahead. But once you pull the trigger, know that - )".
And with that seals the fate of Rhaka Muhod, the leader of the Road Mashers. To be honest, King hoped a more thrilling showdown between them. How he imagined a duel to the death might've done him some justice, instead of lying dead on the floor with his head blown to bits. Yet with all that's happening, from the one fight that started it all to this, I think Rhaka deserves a break. An eternal break.
Kenji looks at him, rather surprised. The leader glances at him while holstering his shotgun. "何?彼はそれを言った。(What? He said it.)".
As King motions to Alo's direction, he can see Johan catching up but accidentally steps on a large intestine of a dead savage, quickly recoiling back in disgust. He stifles a laugh between his breath before meeting her, "Wh - What did I miss?", she hastily looks around.
King shrugs his shoudlers, "Nothing . . . just checking the bodies. We still have to follow the old plan though. Those antidote I gave to your boyfriend? It's not enough. Fortunately, the good doctor may have left a stash back at the FootTown Building before he left, fingers crossed the Servants haven't taken it yet."
Johan does a facepalm, irritated that King has jumped into that kind of conclusion. "He's not my - Ugh, okay, but how do you expect we'll all fit in your brand-new bike? And Alo is clearly heavy . . . and bloody. Ew.".
Alo huffs in his seat without moving his body. "Hmph. Queasy four-eyes."
Johan twitches her ears as she hears it and snaps her head to Alo, shifting her irritated face with an angry one, "THE FUCK D' YOU SAY TO ME?!".
Alo looks away casually from her line of sight, then fakes his groans. "Aghhh, Owwwwieee, I'm still hurt by this poison! Can we . . . like go now?!". Then followed by dizziness, sluggishly rotating in circles. "Okay, now it's starting to feel like shit." .
Kenji stretches his head to look around, and something catches his eye, "I found one!", he still speaks in basic English. Everyone stares at him, while he bolts himself to a derelict bike tumbled down at the other side of the road, inspects its parts. Once done, he gives them a thumbs up, indicating the bike is still good for one last ride.
King smirks at Kenji and does a thumbs up, while Johan breathes in relief.
The trip out of the harbor was . . . awkward. Kenji and King keep their eyes forward, ready to swerve when danger comes by. On the other hand, Johan watches anxiously as Alo lets his head down, trying to endure the pain and the poison. She bites her lower lip, and plants her fingernails on her cheeks, "Damn. Hopefully, he can still make it back."
" . . . And that's how I came to be.", Alo rolls his eyes behind him as he ends his story about receiving the gauntlets, the situation in Greece, and the arrival in Tokyo. King, his eyes focus on the road, boomingly laughs beneath his helmet.
"Ooooh man, wish I could see it for myself. So this Richard guy, he's your boss?", he tilts his head to the right.
Alo looks at the destroyed buildings and the depressed looking billboards, "Kinda. He's just there to check things out. There's not much to do besides train and watch TV, but Johan usually breaks rule number 2.", He sighs as he close his eyes.
Alo sits lazily on the couch with the aircon humming in the corners of the second floor, his arms spreading around the edges, wearing a sleeveless shirt and khaki shorts. His eyes are focused on watching the UFC wrestling championship, mainly because he's bored out of his mind and could use some time off training. On the floor are cans of beer, but neatly arranged and not all rolled over. (Even if he's alcoholic, he can still place things properly.)
Johan walks down the stairs, wearing a blue ballcap, a light-grey sweatshirt, jeans and running shoes but still retain her eyeglasses then passes by the couch. "Hey, I'll be going out for a bit. Can you do the laundry while I'm - ".
The brawler tilts his head away from the screen, "What? Where do you think you're going?".
Johan double checks her shoes, and puts on cologne, UK brand. "Buying groceries, duh~ Can't having ourselves making steak forever, plus do you really want to look fat in front of everybody? By the way, what do you think our breakfast should be tomorrow? I'm guessing, pancakes?", she gives off a sheepish smile, while Alo does a pokerface.
Alo sighs and looks back at the wrestling show, come to think of it, he likes some variety in his breakfast, also he's concerned about Tatiana's health too. Eh, might as well give up. "Mac and Cheese would be great, but go for it . . . it's your money.", he keeps watching the show, not minding Johan rushing outside.
Alo shoves the memory off his head, but suddenly the King stops his bike prompting him to move his eyes at his overcoat. "Hey, why're we stopping?". He also hears Kenji's bike stopping abruptly.
King ignores him, then slowly takes off his helmet, an expression of mystified mixed with aversion. Not expecting any answers from him, Alo looks up to see a sight that is gut-wrenching to the eyes. "The . . . fuck?".
His eyes catch the collective bodies of dead Servants and Road Mashers float in the sky several meters above them, facing upwards. What's strange is not how the bodies are floating, but how they died miserably. The bodies had no bullet wounds or slash marks. Instead, they saw pints of blood slowly flowing out of the bodies. Alo notices an organ comes out of a initiate's mouth, immediately averts his eyes away, whoever did this is sick to the core.
He glances at Johan and Kenji, but found them sitting in horror displayed by them, the former covering her mouth with her hands. Kenji merely shakes his head from the sheer gore and nods down.
The brawler's eyes fall to the path that leads to the clinic but instead of just the path, he spots a stranger, donning a dark purple hooded robe, but from the curves of the body, it's a lady. He taps King on the shoulder twice, to which it snaps from his trance, "We got company.".
King spots the hooded stranger and hops out from his bike and walks towards the stranger's direction inch by inch, whilst trying to ignore the bodies. Kenji and Johan pop from their own reverie and slant at King's position.
As the 3 watch his back, King can see the jaw of the stranger; cherry red lips, fair skin (might be European), round chin, also he can see tiny long strands of hair under the shadow of the robe but can't picture everything yet.
He slowly reaches for one of his shotguns, when the stranger immediately raises her palm and her fingers curl inward halfway (like grabbing something in front of her/him.). Suddenly his hands, no, his ENTIRE body is frozen solid. King lets out a heavy grunt, "DAMN IT!" .
The scream alone, made them all alert of the threat. Alo activates his gauntlets on his seat despite the pain in his body, Johan unholsters her bow and draws an arrow from her quiver and aims it right in the stranger's head. Kenji takes a spare Molotov cocktail and lights the wick, ready to throw it, but trying not to burn his leader alive.
The stranger clicks her tongue with a playful disappointment, "I wouldn't do that if I were you.", she raises her other hand, letting the invisible force freeze their bodies too.
Johan struggles to get out of her stance, "AGH! THIS IS SOME RAVEN - DR.STRANGE BULLSHIT! LET US GO, YOU BLOODY BINT!", having unknown force affecting her entire body makes her lose her temper and eventually panicking deep inside, as every human should be, and even spouting her native tongue out of hiding.
Ignoring the insults they bellow, the strange lays her eyes on an injured Alo, keeping quiet but has animosity towards her. She breathes beneath her cloak and lowers her hands, releasing them from their bonds. But the archer accidentally lets go of the string, firing the arrow right at her. The stranger nearly allowing it to hit her head, raises her palms against the flying arrow, stopping it's trajectory mid-air, like the Force.
This leaves the 4 gape in awe, especially Johan, who watched too much movies in her days. The lady the curls her hand into a fist, crumpling the arrow like a piece of paper, then finally eases her hand, yet couldn't avoid 2 shotgun barrels aimed right at her. "Listen, lady. I don't know who you are. But I'm gonna give you one chance to get lost before I'll abra your pretty cadavah' with lead.", he cringes a bit in his head.
"Hey - ", Alo cuts him off. He was about to say something but the poison is getting worse, coughing up blood covering with his gauntlets slowly powering down. Johan hops out of Kenji's bike and tends to him, she slowly pulls his hand away from his mouth, to discover blood, much to her horror.
King turns to the stranger, reluctant to shoot her. "Let me help your friend. Please.", she speaks with her gentle yet sincere voice. He ain't gonna lie to himself; this woman is serious.
He exhales and grunts as he lowers his guns. "Fine. But I dare you to do anything stupid. I double dare you.", he huffs and goes to Alo, helping Johan to carry him inside the clinic.
King and Kenji sit on the couch. With the former taking out a bottle of beer from the side of the couch, while the other crosses his arms and naps with his head downwards. Meanwhile Alo is seated on a chair, his eyes laid to rest as his body feels a gentle warmth as the strange lady gaze on Alo's back and raises her palms above it,
She takes off her hood, showing her chestnut hair and her bittersweet eyes, guess King got 75% of it right, one of the perks of "being friends" with different girls.
"S a n a r ", the three instantenously by her ethereal voice, and spawns two bright green beams connecting to Alo's back and shining the bleak surroundings like a small beacon. Johan takes a closer look at phenomenon, finding miniscule fireflies and butterflies fluttering to the brawler's wounds. She steadily crawl her index finger towards the beam, but takes a look at the lady, also looking at her dry. Johan widens her eyes, stretches her lips flat and backs off, hoping not to piss her off.
King and Kenji watch as they literally witness quite a sight, leaving both men speechless. "これについて誰かに言うつもりはないのですか?(You are not going to tell anybody about this, are you?)", King whispers to Kenji, to which the latter shakes his head in, still distracted by the lady's seemingly real magic.
She takes a step back and leans on the wall, staring at her quizzically. "You're her, aren't you?".
The woman merely chuckles at her, yet the attention remains to him. "My dear, my identity died during the explosion. I am all that remains. But what I can say about her, is she was never guilty of anything. In fact, it only took some accidents and a scapegoat.", she bluntly replied.
Johan narrows her eyes, thinking of a bigger play rather than just an 'accident'. True, she pity her due to the unwanted attention, but in her mindset, she could've casted some explosive spell that it was supposed to act as a distraction but not without lost lives. "Mh-hm. And you think bringing down innocent people and a few officers would do you any good?"
The woman remains silent, "It was never me who did everything. Apparently, there is another group who are out to get all of you, including myself. I felt their presence long before the public has ever heard of me, and until now, I never had the chance to acquaint them - ", she paused with a bitter tone, yet she smiles.
" - But your good director might know a thing or two about them, yes?". Johan thought about that for a while. Sure Dr. Stalker is a weird guy, but she never imagined him to have an entire organization chasing him to the ends of the earth. Yet with all this "being chosen with super powers" and "defending the planet from any threat" thing sounds too good that there must be a catch. There's always a catch.
She sighs through her nose and looks down on the floor with nothing but her thoughts.
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8 103 - In Serial6 Chapters
The Path in the Shadows
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] The sun never rose that morning, leaving the world in the terrifying darkness. Was it because George wished to stay in bed last night? Or was it just the end of times? With no answers to his questions, he finds himself in a town where the only people left play a dangerous game: recreating a small government just for themselves. And he, the fool, decides that this is his time to shine. When the world is dying, what do you really fear?
8 119 - In Serial86 Chapters
The Stone King's Lover
Xie Yi-jun; the King of Hei'an City, is a statue. Of course, he wasn't ALWAYS this way! And the curse itself, cast by the snake demon; Su Lan, can indeed be broken! This is good news... bad news? The only one who can break the spell is the King's soulmate; Jin Songcai. Who as it happens, is dead. Fast-forward about 700 years, and the forest where Xie Yi-jun was first turned to stone has become a bustling city. The old man on the corner tells the legend; that only The Stone King's true love can awaken him. Children, travelers, everyone goes to try it out, laughing at the old man's tale- Wen Reian, a young apprentice visiting the city has all eyes on him suddenly, as it seems The Stone King has been finally released! Could Reian be the reincarnation of the King's first love; the infamous Jin Songcai? Unfortunately, whether they want to know or not, the questions still remain; is Xie Yi-jun only destined for failure at the hands of his ancient enemy? Will Wen Reian ever realize the scope of his natural power?! And are they truly soulmates, or is there something else going on that could threaten to tear them apart forever? Book #1 of the After The Long Night series
8 111 - In Serial21 Chapters
Mortal Energy
Mortal Energy, an energy formed from combining three energies that all creatures have in some capacity. Just like many other energies of bygone eras this one too has been overshadowed by the energies of Qi and Mana. Now is the time for it and many other energies return.
8 73