《The Juveniles - Segment 2》Chapter 4 - Wild Guess
EXT. TOKYO GATES - NOVEMBER 21, 2019 - 7:50 AM
Johan slowly opens her eyes, facing the grey cumulonimbus clouds, a sign of medium-to-heavy precipation. She groggily standing up and does a series of warm-up stretches to prevent slouching on the job before looking back to where she slept; a collection of small crates arranged neatly like a wooden bed, leaning on a wooden wall, outside Dr. Tanaka's clinic. She can only assume, are guns and ammunition for King's men. The vision is a bit blurry, so she rubs the tiny amount of gound on both of her eyes, then wears her trusty eyeglasses hanging above her head, sliding it down perfectly at her eyes.
She sees the refugees are lining up to enter the abandoned yet sturdy military trucks already set up for the journey to Tokyo Harbour. King's men lift their motorcycles, slowly but surely,
"I mean, I get why they are called the Roaring Dragons. But do they really have to bring those too?", she questions herself, tilting her head absently.
Nonetheless, King, now outfitted with usual fixed armor and carrying his motorcycle, sees the now-awake Johan, noticing she is still wearing her armor from yesterday. Wearing a worn-out armor is common out here, but one that doesn't provide protection for unexpected threats? Johan won't survive last long at the docks. And he can say the same about Alo. He stands there, thinking a bit, before having an idea.
He spots Kenji walking towards one of the trucks, only to be called by his boss. Kenji rushes to him, smiling eagerly. "上司、何が必要ですか?(Boss, what do you need?)",
King motions his hands, letting Kenji focus on the motorcycle. "これを最初のトラックの後ろまで運んでください。私の部屋で何かを忘れてしまった。(Kindly carry this to the back of the first truck, will you? I forgot something back at my room.)", King left his second-in-command as he goes back to his room atop the tower.
While Johan is busy fixing her messy hair, one of the small crates shuffles suspiciously, which attracted Johan's attention. It stopped for a moment, before shuffling even more, the geek flinches a bit from her position. But she notices a peep hole in one of the crate's sides. She uses her ability to peep the peeper out of the crate, walking closer to get a better picture.
But Alo pops up behind her, wearing a Kabuki mask, "OOGA!BOOGA!BOOGA!BOOGA!BOOGA!BOOGA!BOOGA!BOOGA!BOOGA!BOOGA!BOOGA!BOOGA!BOOGA!BOOGA!BOOGA!", his scream is similiar to Eustace scaring Courage the Cowardly Dog.
Johan didn't yelp or scream like any frightened babe, instead, she puts on her most pokerface expression, grabbing her arrow and nearly stabs Alo in the arm, "NOT TODAY, SATAAAAAAAAAAN!"
"Woah! Cool it!", Alo nearly dodges the attack hopping backwards with one foot on the ground, posing like an old Kabuki player. Then he chuckles beneath his mask. Johan lets out an annoyed groan before taking the mask off his stupid face. "H-Hey! Give it back!".
Johan observes the mask carefully, "Where did you get this, huh? Been busy grabbing souveniers instead of helping out?", Johan places a hand on her waist, while grinning and raising the mask at her head level with sass.
"The gift shop. Thought I'd bring Tati and Richard once we get back. And what about you? Why are you standing around out here? Looking like that.", he replies while looking at her jacked up outfit. He had to admit he likes women with the same level as he is, but a four-eyed geek wearing outfits that smell like blood, smoke, and piss? Eh, he'll give it a second chance.
"Yeesh. Can't you see I just woke up? I slept at the doctor's clinic at first, but I saw some kids sleeping outside.", she answered, her arms crossed. Alo already knew what she did and didn't bother to talk further.
The brawler looks back at the refugees, seeing the people and the children are happy to go home, same thing for King's men as they also have families and relatives waiting for them. This made him reminiscent of his own back at the his native country, enjoying the simple things. The same way he feels about Johan's part, how she wanted to find the perfect job to support her family, but can't due to companies preferring money over passion. Despite all that, what she did for the poor kids, it warmed his heart a little.
"Hey.", Johan turns to Alo, still grumpy only to be exchanged with flustered as Alo places a hand on her shoulder with a genuine smile. "Thanks, for uhh, doing that.", for some reason, Johan's eyes couldn't look at him at all but the ground. As she was about to say something, she hears a call from King. Alo also hears it and turns to the rider, holding another overcoat and a with a pinkish hue. "Hmm? What's that for, King?".
"It's for her. Thought she might need this for the road ahead. Plus the owner left this one behind, don't have much use for it besides making up the empty space.", the boss merely shrugs it off.
Johan takes the overcoat and wears it fittingly, she always wants to try out new things, and her number one priority is clothes, right next to music, and popstars. Her face shows momentary bliss, "I feel...I feel...rather itchy.", then stops as she scratches her back.
"Oh, those are just the spiders wiggling their way out.", King answers with a straight face. Johan extends her lower lip and nods, before taking it out then ruffles it to remove the insects, then calmly wear it back followed by a relieved sigh, "That's better."
"Anywho, that convoy has 8 trucks total; two trucks on both sides are my men, the other 4 are the refugees at the center." King jerks his thumb at the lined up trucks. "I'll be at the first truck, Alo will follow behind in the second truck, just in case the enemy launches a frontal assault. But Estrada will have to stay at the 7th truck - not because reasons - just in case the Servants will resort to taking potshots, we need you for cover. Another thing, I'm just making this a wild guess here, but nobody is coming out to ambush us. It's too early for them.", King concludes his entire plan in just a few brief sentences and with a cocky smirk.
"Wait, hold up a sec - ", Alo intervenes but suddenly, Kenji arrives behind one of the trucks. "上司、護送隊の準備ができました!(Boss, the convoy is ready to go!)". King gleams at him and fixes the collar of his overcoat. "Awesome! Let's get this party started!". King, Johan and Alo rush to their own respective trucks. The clouds above them gather. It's going to rain soon.
Kenji peeks outside the trucks cover, looking at the lonely city at a distance with the rain further ruins the moment. He sighs and retracts the cover back, sitting down with Johan and Dr. Tanaka, along with several of King's men. Despite the odds of them dying and literally leaving their headquarters unguarded, the men here are rather happy, even cheering each other by telling jokes and drinking beer they tucked in their jackets for days.
Kenji turns to Johan, "レインボーブリッジにいます。これまでのところ、すべてが良好です。(We're now in the Rainbow Bridge. Everything's good, so far.)", he lays his feet on top of his motorcycle's seat with his arms behind his head. Johan, a bit curious about the Rainbow Bridge, including it's etymology, tries to recollect her previous lessons during her exchange student program.
"The Rainbow Bridge (レインボーブリッジ, Reinbō Burijji) is a suspension bridge crossing northern Tokyo Bay between Shibaura Pier and the Odaiba waterfront development in Minato, Tokyo, Japan.
It was built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries,[1][2] with construction starting in 1987 and completed in 1993.[3] The bridge is 798 metres (2,618 ft) long with a main span of 580 metres (1,903 ft).[4] Officially called the "Shuto Expressway No. 11 Daiba Route - Port of Tokyo Connector Bridge,"[5] the name "'Rainbow Bridge" was decided by the public.
The towers supporting the bridge are white in color, designed to harmonize with the skyline of central Tokyo seen from Odaiba. There are lamps placed on the wires supporting the bridge, which are illuminated into three different colors, red, white and green every night using solar energy obtained during the day."
As Johan nods at the information to herself, she glances at a worried Dr. Tanaka, hugging a brown leather suitcase with him.
Johan stares at the doctor, "Why so nervous, doc?". The doctor snaps back to his senses and glances at Johan, staring at him keenly.
The tense on his body eases, "N-Nothing. It's just...what happens when we're out of here?", he gazes outside, peeling the cover using his elbow.
Johan crosses her arms, "I dunno. You can report yourselves to the government, but I doubt they'd be willing to help you out.", She turns to the relaxing Kenji. "I don't know about Kenji."
Tanaka also glances at him. "Kenji is...adamant about it. But if I were to guess, he'll go to his parents in Hokkaido; quiet plains with huge mountains together with the serene cold. He has nowhere else to go besides there.", he ends with a sad tone. Johan already understood what the doctor said. "I guess vagrants are too common nowadays.". She sighs in her head.
But in every action movie involving a bridge, there is an overused trope where the structure gets destroyed which has it's own different (yet typical) reasons. 1.) Not provide any passageway for the protagonist, thus finding an alternative way, while an obligatory ambush is in progress. 2.) To further hasten the pacing of the story, followed by another obligatory ambush or; 3.) to show thrill and "action" hence the tag and no ambush or whatsoever (basically a man vs. environement scenario).
As soon as the bridge explodes, Truck 8 falls to the deep end along with King's men in it, it's clear the author went with Reason 2, with the exception of the bombs didn't stop King's convoy and it was delayed by three seconds. THREE. SECONDS.
Alo also feels the impact of the bomb, and immediately gets off the vehicle, cracking his knuckles before transforming into his crystallized gauntlets, then sprinting as fast as he could. "Damn it! I knew this would happen!". he mutters to himself.
But it wasn't just that, Truck 7's back wheels are stuck on the edge, and the damp wheels are making things slippery, one split stop and it's a straight line to hell. Dr. Tanaka grips his briefcase even further and while coughing from the smoke, retreats to the front seat of the truck. On the other hand, Johan and the rest grab push the bikes backward to transfer the weight on the other side. Suddenly, walkman acts up, "[COMMS]KENJI, JOHAN, ARE YOU GUYS ALRIGHT!?", King screamed from the first truck.
Kenji pushes his bike with one hand, while tossing his walkie talkie to Johan. She then presses the "Speak" button. "[COMMS]NO, WE'RE NOT! TRUCK 8'S GONE AND WE'RE NEXT!", she can hear King curse followed by static from the walkie talkie. Kenji and his men keep pushing his bikes, but the former hears something approaching behind them. He looks from the outside to see another convoy. From what he can see, 3 black humvees are driving straight to them. Kenji radios his boss again, "[COMMS]ええと、ボス...別の問題があります。(Uhm, boss...we have another problem.)". Johan also look where Kenji is looking, and considering she's the brain and eyes of Richard's group, it's no surprise her expression falls down like Kenji's.
The unknown convoy can now be seen clearly, but it's symbol is not good. On top of the front humvee's hood is a small figurine that is all too familiar with him. Kenji frantically radios everybody, "[COMMS]マッシャーズはこちらです!そして、彼らは車輪を持っています!- (THE MASHERS ARE HERE! AND THEY HAVE WHEELS! - )". Suddenly, their truck moves by Alo's strength from the front, dragging it instead of lifting.
" [COMMS]- 畜生!急いで!( - DAMN IT! HURRY IT UP!)", King bellows through the comms, with Alo finally dropping his grip on the 7th truck safely. Fortunately, Alo grabs one of the walkie talkies and presses the "Speak" button. "[COMMS]King, it's done. Heading back to my truck!".
King's convoy starts to move again, this time there's been a change of plans. King finally radios to all of his men. "[COMMS]よし、ギャング。新しい計畫。ケンジ、あなたと殘りの人たちは、オーシャン東京ターミナルの外でマッシャーズを阻止します。(Okay, gang. New plan. Kenji, you and the rest will hold off the Mashers outside the Ocean Tokyo terminal. Distract them. But kill them, if possible.)", he paused for a moment, "Johan, Alo. You're with me and the refugees. My men will handle the Mashers.".
SIlence fills the abandoned terminal, large rats scour the hallways of rotting corpses and leftover travelling bags. Though the glass doors and windows are have slight overgrown plants, a mild contrast to the disheveled main city. A rat waltzes around the entrance hallway, looking out the transparent door. However, it's moment is interrupted when 4 trucks drifting to a halt, yet also paving a middle passageway for the other 4 trucks to pass through.
The rat scurries away as soon as the bikers get out from their trucks, bringing their one-handed guns and their corresponding bikes. Kenji loads his Mac-10 with incendiary rounds and brings out a crate that is unknown to the thugs.
Likewise, one of them approaches their second-in-command, "ええと、ケンジ様。クレートとは何ですか?(Uhh, Kenji-sama. What's with the crate?)", Kenji does not respond, and opens the crate to let his fellow riders see. Several of them have looks of bewilderment, while a few have looks of hesitation. "ちょっと待って、それは- (Wait a minute, is that the -)".
Kenji has a devilish grin, as he takes one and looks at his men. "ええ、あなたはそれを正しく推測しました。私はこれらの人食いの嫌いな人に対してこれらを使用するのを待っていました。(Yeah, you guessed it right. I've been waiting to use these against those cannibalist assholes.)" He takes a few of them and hides in his accessible pockets. "自分のためにいくつか取り、私の信號を待ちます。(Take some for yourselves, and wait for my signal.)". The men look at each other and shrug, before grabbing a couple from the crate. Fortunately enough, each of them has gotten two or three of the hidden item.
Afterwards, the bikers form a straight horizontal line, awaiting the Road Mashers' move. But, the brutes already got the message, and stops the vehicles, several meters away as if it were a wild west showdown. Then the people in the humvees exit, carrying large blunt weapons, some are basic while others are improvised, one of them looks like Negan's Lucille, a wooden baseball wrapped around with barbed wires. And wouldn't you know it, they fit every description King explained to Johan and Alo yesterday: Hulking bodies (with 12-pack abs) that makes Dwayne "The Rock" Johson look like a pebble, yet in all honesty, they are just a couple of muscular cannibalistic tribesmen. Majority of them are shirtless, but as a sign for their former tribe, they wear human leather and wrapping it around them like shawls.
But one of them isn't shirtless, a man with the same build steps forward to get a good look at Kenji, staring at him on which part he should cleave first. "まあ、まあ、それがキングの小さな忠実な子犬でなければ。(Well, well, if it isn't King's little loyal puppy.)", he pauses for a moment, and the whole gang menacingly moves forward altogether, "私は認めざるを得ませんでした、あなたとあなたのブヨのぼろぼろなしで物事はかなり遅いです。- (I got to admit, things have been pretty slow without you and your ragtag of gnats. - )".
"ムホッド、噓をつくのをやめなさい! (Stop lying, Muhod!)". Kenji retorts back while sketchily glancing at the brand-new vehicles. Rhaka turns to the humvees and chuckles back at Kenji. "これらは何ですか?私たちの新しい友達からの贈り物です。その代わりに、- (What these? Just some gifts from our new friend. In exchange though, - )", aims his weapon; his trusty STOP sign, shaped like a double-edged battle axe. It's crude and rusty state signifies its "usage" and its deteriorating state. Kenji knows that weapon too well, how he uses it to cleave countless of people, the different gangs, and even his own tribesmen.
"-あなたは來て見つけなければならないでしょう。(- you'll have to come and find out.)", Rhaka taunts the Roaring Dragons. And with that, the fight begins. Kenji's bike lets out a roar before rushing towards the tribesmen, with Kenji firing his SMG aimlessly. Then he hears several engines behind him, he didn't need to look back for he already knows the loyalty of this gang. The bikers roar with their engines, firing their small guns too. They managed to knick a few, but the tribesmen's endurance are so high, getting shot with a deadly bullet is equivalent to an airsoft pellet.
However, Rhaka's men huddle up in a circle, with the humvees behind them to block off any movement for the bikers, because if there's one major strength of the Roaring Dragons, it's speed. Removing their bikes as soon as major possible will ensure a win. But they fail to overlook another thing, firepower. Rhaka feels something off about Kenji's group, all of them have curling first accompanied with confident smirks. Then it hit him, he immediately turns back to his men.
"手榴弾!(Grenades!)". Once Rhaka gave the signal, Kenji tosses an M65 grenade along with his men tossing their own but indirectly to maximize the area. Some with keen eyes, roll it under the humvees to prevent anybody from escaping.
As the name indicates, Tokyo Harbor was used to transport valuable (and invaluable) items held in shipping containers to be delivered international. Most of these items were goods, jewelries, clothing, with the occassional illegal ones like drugs and weapons, but Japan, being the most disciplined on their own terms, had already busted some of those operations.
Now the harbor is abandoned for months, its numerous staff vanished during the evacuation of the city, followed by the bombing issued by the Japanese government. The four gangs usually come here to gather some supplies, stored in hidden shipping containers that was meant to be delivered by business companies. Yet this location houses one ship that will save the lives of many, however, it's spot is somewhat vulnerable. First, only one ramp is accessed going to the ship, and second is the shipping crates towering over the ship's entrance. Although, it proves a good defense, it can be a huge asset for the enemies to bombard them with whatever they got.
With the trucks 3, 4, 5 and 6 already at the spot, Alo, Johan and King have begun evacuating the refugees to the cargo ship, but the ones that are former marines, sailors and harbormen were the first ones to check the status of the ship. Alo and King takes care of the bags and supplies while Johan cares for the children and the elderly, guiding them to the ship. King's abruptly walkie-talkie acts up, "王よ、あなたの男は正しいです。この船は完全に無傷です!しかし、燃料タンクは空ですが、ここにはバレルがあります!(King, your man is right. This ship is fully intact! But the fuel tanks is empty, there are barrels here though!)". King puts the box down and replies one of the harbormen inside the ship.
"それからそれを速くしてください!これでほぼ完了です。 - (Then make it quick! We're almost done here! - )". All of a sudden, a series of explosions has interrupted the evacuation, the rest of the refugees look at the distance to see blurry explosions outside the terminal but they couldn't get a clearer picture.
The brawler though, already figured the situation. "Shit, what a way to start.", he drops what carried and tries to help to the terminal but King stops in front of Alo. "No, continue with the evac. I'll go back and help the - ". A stray kunai flies past King's cheek, and killing a frail old man who was on his way to the refugee boat. Without hesitation, the refugees hastily sprint their way to the ship, screaming their way inside.
The Initiate narrows his eyes at King, but being part of a collected cult, instead of throwing more kunais, he takes out a horn from his robe and blows it as loud as he can. Johan, Alo and King turn to the Initiate's position, now accompanied by several Initiates, along with some Apostles and Bishops carrying katanas, whips, bladed claws, and other slicing weapons that are oiled with poisonous substance. It's clear they are outnumbered 10 to 1. "Them again? Seriously?!", the programmer tilts her head in confusion. King couldn't believe it; a joint fight with the Road Mashers and the Servants? Th-This is imposible! He knows the Road Mashers are too stupid to work with the cultists, and the Servants hate undisciplined savages that eats their way to victory.
Feeling confident about their chances, the Initiates and Apostles jump downward from the towering shipping crates, beginning their assault against King and the other two new lackeys that unexpectedly killed their brothers and sisters. Meanwhile the Bishops, more distance-oriented, throw their knives at the running refugees with careful precision.
As the Initiates grow closer, Alo steps forward in front. "QUICK! GET BEHIND ME!", then casts his electric barrier that deflects incoming projectiles. This time it is much bigger and powerful compared to the one back at the headquarters thanks to his intesive training, then he places both of his hands on the center, sustaining it's duration a new techinque he learned. "DON'T WORRY, I GOT 'EM!", Johan takes out her bow and starts shooting the cultists from the sides with each arrow landing a headshot. As her arrows landed on the enemies' heads, they disappear into binary particles and reappearing back into her quiver instantly.
In a slow-mo sequence, King falls down on the ground, his face speaks utter shock and defeat. He watches two of the most fearsome gangs in Tokyo ruin his entire plan. He sees Kenji and his men in the distance, getting slaughtering the cannibals but not without casualties. Then he glances at Alo and Johan, two strangers that appeared one day and started to help him save these astrayed people. As much as he is skeptical about their agenda, witnessing them protecting the people is good enough for him.
Tanaka rushes to King and tries to shake him out of his trance, "King! King, what's wrong?". King quivers in fear as if he saw his older brother's ghost, staring down upon him, berating his failure of a leader. He trusted King during his final moments, and yet, his death was in vain for he was too reckless to think of the possible outcomes.
"I...I never should've brought you here...", the frightened King replies to the doctor whilst looking him at the eye. He curls his lips inward and stands up, now heading to the 1st truck. From outside, he grabs his motorcycle, fueled but not fit for a big assault such as now. Alo and Johan clearly heard it and exchange glances, before the latter nodding in agreement at him.
Tanaka became confused. "What? Where are you going?!". King ignores the doctor and takes out his dual sawed-off shotguns, holstering it under his overcoat along with some bandoliers full of shotgun slugs.
He loads them up and drags his bike behind Alo, "This is all my fault...". He murmurs it before hopping in and starts the engine, trying to flank to the Servants but quickly places his foot on the front wheels, since his hands are currently in-use. "What happened to the plan?".
King's eyes fixiated at the swarming Servants, closing on their position. "No plan.", he scoffs. "So much for the odds. Now get off before - What are you doing?", King turns to his right and gets off his bike, to see Alo leaving his barrier to fend off the projectiles, Alo powers his left crystal gauntlet to maximum at the same time looking at King's bike, "Making a wild guess.". Then slams his palm on the seat like a table, showering the docks with a bright blue light.
King and the entire refugee group cover their eyes, including the Servants. The intensity is so high, it prompt everybody to back off. Seconds passed, lightning emits through the gauntlets, then jumps onto King's bike, the current courses in and out. The young leader squints his eyes open to see his bike, moving on its own, its as if it was alive. The bike rattles inconsistently, like the classic Frankenstein though it's a vehicle not an abomination.
Meanwhile Johan, didn't even bother to look and just picks off whatever is in front of her view. "THAT'S IT! KEEP IT UP!". Her enhanced perception lets her continue sniping
As the fight rages on, both gangs continue to fight tooth and nail for survival, however both suffer large casualties, a big consequence for both leaders to pitch their entire group. Kenji stops for a moment, after eliminating several tribesmen with his gun and motorcycle alone, sees his troubled men wildly riding their bikes around the brutes like flies to confuse them, good thing all they think is meat. But his eyes shift towards the carcasses of the others with their motorcycles either completely destroyed or intact, presumably this is Rhaka's handiwork. Despite his extremely hostile and stoic behavoir, he is the ONLY less demented in their group.
The young teen turns to Rhaka and drives to the destroyed humvees, grabbing a metal lead pipe with burning oil already coated at the sharp end. He swerves behind the unnoticed Rhaka, who just finished the last biker that fought him, and tries to run him over plus stabbing him in the head for good measure. But just as he was close enough, in a split-second, Rhaka quickly looks behind stomps the front wheel, leaving Kenji's bike dead in its tracks. "マジ?(Seriously?)". Yet Kenji swings the pipe, aiming at his head however Rhaka blocks it with his right hand, letting the sharp edge pierce right through the back of it. It's burning sensation combined with the serrated edges never fazed, the savage merely clicks his tongue in disappointment and swings his axe towards Kenji in a vertical direction. Fortunately, his average figure was able to dodge the swing, but at the cost of his bike, tumbling down on the ground head-first.
Rhaka takes off the stuck lead pipe as if it was a thumbtack and focuses on the young man, inching his way to safety. Kenji stops and slowly turns to him, looking at the towering Rhaka, eagerly gripping his axe for a nice, clean kill, "その一見で、あなたはすでに知っていますね?(By the looks of it, you already know, huh?)". He raises his axe only to be blinded by a bright blue light from the harbor. Unfortunately, his eyes was caught by it. "ARGH! MACHO YANGU!(Swahili for "MY EYES!")", he shields his eyes with his arms, accidentally dropping his axe.
Kenji sees this opportunity to get up, grabbing the axe which was surprisingly light for a deadly weapon then slices Rhaka's gastrocnemius muscles (aka his leg triceps), plus his tendons. It wasn't enough so he strikes Rhaka's thighs to further pin him down since he can't compensate his strength to hold him much longer. Strucked a vein, blood gushes out, splattering on Kenji's clothes and some on his face. Rhaka falls down with a heavy grunt, his chest pressed against the ground. And for good measure, Kenji raises Rhaka's axe and chops off his anticubital forma (located in front of the median cubital vein of your arm.) on both of his arms and just like every victim Rhaka killed, the axe left a nice clean cut. Showing the bones and other insides, Kenji tries to hold his vomit inside and aims the axe on his nape.
The light gradually dissipates, going back to the ordinary grim grey-filled city. The Servants open their eyes to see Alo's barrier dwindling down to sparks. An hood-wearing Apostle raises his steel sickle, "シールドがダウンしています!皆殺しにする!(THE SHIELD IS DOWN! KILL THEM ALL!)". The Initiates, now bolstered, are getting too close for comfort.
"Shit.", it's what Johan said before shaking off the rain droplets off her eyes and hair and pumping up more arrows to the Servants' skulls, pushing her sight and arms to the limit. "GUYS, COULD USE SOME HELP HERE!". Suddenly, she senses several projectiles and nearly dodges them. She turns to the Bishops and focuses her fire at them.
On the other hand, Alo backs off from the bike and turns to King with a resolute expression and wears the Kabuki mask, facing the organized cult all on his own. He charges his gauntlets to full power again. "C'MERE YOU CRAZY FUCKS!", Alo taunts them and smashes the ground, erupting the ground with lightning, electrocuting the poor cultists that come across it. The lightning is so strong, it vaporized their bodies into thin air.
Despite its stunning execution, Johan takes her eyes off and continues to snipe the Intiaties and Bishops above the walls surrounding the harbor. "Show off.", she mutters, hiding a smirk beneath her hair.
The others Servants' literally watched their fellow followers vanish but charge towards Alo nonetheless, their faith towards their god is unyielding. Alo cracks his knuckles again and starts beating up the cultists. Seven spear-wielding initiates surround the Alo and attack him from all sides, but jumps up and steps on the sticks like what any skilled fighter/martial artist would do, then notices the spears was able to hold his heavyweight because its made of steel. He stifles a chuckles and electrocutes them in return, with his immunity to the element coming in handy. Then 4 Apostles show up along with 30 more Initiates. The 4 Apostles carry their own weapons; katana, nun-chucks, pair of sai daggers, and another metallic spear just like the Initiates.
Looking at the unfair advantage, Alo clicks his tongue, then suddenly has a stupid idea. "I wanna try something...". He inhales deeply, his throat and the entire neck charging his energy similar to his fists.
"彼は再びやっています!彼にチャンスを與えないでください!(HE'S DOING IT AGAIN! DON'T GIVE HIM A CHANCE!)", they all charge at him, but the brute opens his mouth,
"F̷̤͎̔͘U̸͔̥͖̐̍̈̅́ͅC̶͙̀̊̓̅̓K̵͖͈͖̖͔̥̻̽̈͋̀̓ ̶̦̭̲̼̪̘̤̅O̸̥̣̲̯̼̖͊̈́͛̆̋̆̆͝F̷̪̆̍F̷̢̡͔̯͒͛̾̎̑̊͠!̶̤͍̦͈̉"
, his shout lets out an immmense deafening wave against the Servants. Majority of them cover their ears from the wave, the barraging pain of soundwaves are too much for them. The Apostles hold their ground and slowly gang up on Alo, however the former's cry had a special payload; a sound cloud. According to science, the general consensus is that a loud enough sound could cause an air embolism in your lungs, which then travels to your heart and kills you. Alternatively, your lungs might simply burst from the increased air pressure. High-intensity ultrasonic sound (generally anything above 20KHz) can cause physical damage. Alo's is far more superior in every aspect since it's powered by Richard's crystal, and the Initiates that are affected by the wave went batshit crazy, screaming from the top of their lungs until they pass out but some literally got their heads blown to pieces from the inside, blood and parts presumably from the brain gushes out from their ears.
"That's better.", he smiles in his head before turning to the 4 Apostles cornering him. He spots a few Initiates avoiding them and head directly for King.
On the other hand, King is speechless by the bike, standing upright on its own. Not only did that Alo guy fixed all the bike's badly damaged parts but restored it back when all this shit never happened to begin with. Showing the original color of the polished black and glossy bright red frame covering the engine, and the spanking new headlights and those pnuematic wheels. But as he steps forward, the sportsbike's fork (the front area), tilts towards him and revs the engine loud, the headlight automatically turns on and off, like blinking.
"What the - It's alive?! ", he waves his hand casually, with the sportsbike revs its engine with excitement in response. King couldn't believe his eyes, grabbing his own hair from the sheer power being bestowed by Alo's employer. A sentient sportsbike all for him, with a behavior of a dog, which is weird because the moment is similar to every Transformer movie/series, or every story where a character stumbles a living vehicle. King finally goes up to the bike and reluctantly hops on, still no word coming from his mouth. His hands rub against the smooth handlebars. "Oh...my God. - ".
" - DIE, HEATHEN!", a group of Initiates tries to attack King from the side, but the sentient bike spawns twin 4-barreled machine guns from the sideframes, firing at the front most Initiate at point-blank range as what it can really do. The bullet casings spew from the guns are 7.62×51mm NATO, that size larger than a middle finger together with the exceptional fire rate of an MG42 makes this even more overpowered. King watches that body falls down in a second, his mouth left open in awe, then gradually begins to cackle and wheeze uncontrollably. Japan's finest superbike is not only REALLY ALIVE, but ARMED TO THE TEETH?! "YOU GOTTA BE JOKING!", while the other Initiates that are also in horror. King shows a devilish smile, reaching the end of his cheeks, pulling out his dual sawed-off shotguns instead holding the handlebars. This is it, his climax, the point of no return. If he ends up dead at the hands of these brain-dead, fanatic pricks, then at the very least he died fighting and will soon join his brother in heaven, but knowing him, he's already somewhere else more proper than the former. King really did made a good guess.
- In Serial41 Chapters
Long Island
Long Island was not the first virtual reality game or to say a VRMMORPG. Not the one which changed the world and became a legend. No, it was made when there were lots (quite a few) of virtual reality games already on the market. Each game had its own unique AI feature, its own unique adventure, promising everyone a chance to become King, if not a God. In such a time Long Island was made. Just a little different, just a little unique. A normal guy was starting his own adventure, in life and in game.Note - Adding a cover made by someone I connected through wattpad: @DameCarnelian. Just a warning, it is not an accurate representation. The ship is not Raka's ship so avoid any confusion in that regard.
8 167 - In Serial22 Chapters
On a gritty and magical world of snow. A planet of fairy tales warring against reality. The planet called Elissa Moon is filled with neon lights and the overbearing cruelty of the Mastals. It's the struggle of the wolf-like creatures known as Shasis, whose mystical childhood fairy tales stand between Elissa Moon and it's collapse into despair. It's the story of: A female con artist and her Shasi companion.A man who lost his wifeA duchess who is fighting for her people with the guidance of her Shasi.There's the question of neon love - love that is fake like neon, but shines a light when you need it. Join three strangers as they struggle to overcome their situation, themselves, and find their place on the frozen planet. Only the fairy tales they were read as children unites them against the Mastals. The hope of Elissa Moon rests in the last remaining noble, a duchess, who hold its secret close to her heart - a secret fleet of war ships. A story of love and trust lost in secrets. At times, things aren't as they seem. Not everyone accepts reality and not everyone believes in fairy tales.
8 168 - In Serial10 Chapters
Storm on the Horizon
When stars fall from the sky and monsters roam the streets, who can hope to save the royal city of Farone? ~~~~~ Llain, an apprentice blacksmith who feels adrift in the hustle of a big city; Kalia, an eager initiate of Izael's temple seeking her destiny in the form of a prayer; and Lavinia, trained from a young age to be her master's knife in the dark, find themselves thrust into danger as their seemingly disparate lives intertwine to rectify the mistakes of the past. But as they chase the stars on a quest to find meaning, their own history threatens to undo everything they love.
8 106 - In Serial31 Chapters
The Conqueror's Black Book
Here in this world of Viceria, there was a ceremony called summoning. It was a link to a spirit world, a place that exerted huge influence in Viceria In a small village near the outskirts of a massive forest which housed a young boy with his family. The boy, Zephyr Reinhardt, had a reckless and active personality which was overwhelming the normal villagers. He had three brothers, the silent, young Ralph, and the polite, kind older brother Hardin. Last was his oldest brother who left the village at a young age to make a name for himself. Follow Zephyr as he finally awakens to his blessing and finally sees the massive world as he goes to the Capital of Liandry for school, explores rifts and adventure to lost Relics. Witness as Zephyr seeks to maintain balance in the outside world, as well as his own. "Who wants to challenge me and my, ahem, black book?" "..." "..." "..."
8 240 - In Serial7 Chapters
M.M.O (Massive Multiverse Online)
An earth shatering revelation befalls human kind. The multiverse is real. And they would like you to join their newest, state of the art multy reality videogame. Are you willing to play the game to end all games? (Only the most recent chapter comments will be valid) This is a choose your own adventure kind of story, but I'll be writing out the choices step by step. I am not one of the most faithfull writers, so it may take some time between chapters. And the length of each chapter will vary depending on the choices and outcomes. Honestly, the space between each chapter may vary until I get a handel of things. At minimum, I'll always wait a day to let the votes tricle in. Note: While I will have poles, I hope people can voice what options I dont put out for some reason that seam apropriate. Or just generally talk in the comment section
8 199 - In Serial16 Chapters
The Weaver's Burden (HIATUS)
Weavers... this lot has been synonymous with freaks at best, and devil worshipers at worst, since they were first found. Thankfully, they make up a negligible number of people, but they can still be incredibly dangerous. Oftentimes, they wind up killing themselves or others when their ability to perform magic begins to manifest, acting as a sort of natural culling process for weavers. However, this was well before the Republic of Sidia realized that the ability to manipulate reality can be reigned in, controlled. So if you had the chance to turn something dangerous into a weapon, why wouldn't you? This is what fate awaits a young man named Emmet. After his weaving manifests and blood is on his hands, he is given a choice: the gallows, or the Esphell Monastery. What awaits Emmet at the monastery? What is this magic, and how can he control it? What happens to weaver's once they are properly trained? And most importantly, will he survive long enough to have these questions answered?
8 123