《The Juveniles - Segment 2》Chapter 2 - King of the Hill
A young drifter naps in another alleyway, his ordinary motorcycle is used as a comfortable chair, deviated from any noise other than the wind. Based on his outfit, a black shirt with its sleeves torn off, showing his bare arms; ripped jeans and dirty rubber shoes, makes him a recon man but also protects himself with a Mac-10 (Military Armament Corporation Model 10) machine pistol, it's handle at the top left used as a hanger to dangle the gun on the motorcycle handle, waving slowly.
The drifter keeps on napping, thinking about the times his city was not under attack by those lunatic gangs, it ruined his life, but thankfully, his parents weren't in Tokyo but rather in a small village in Hokkaido yet his leader King, who has roughly the same age as he is, wanted to stay his clan and protect this city from the other gangs/clans. Obviously, he has no say in it, but whatever his leader was thinking, the young'un bets to himself that there'll be changes.
His continued rest is disrupted when a sound of thunder erupted out of nowhere. He lazily opens his left eye, looking up. 'Rainy day, huh? Note to self: don't trust weather forecast.', he closed his eye and went back to rest.
Not long after the thunder died down, several cries of screaming enter his ear drums, opening his eyes. 'Of course, a day wouldn't be complete without them fighting each other. Whatever.', then went back to sleeping once more, now annoyed by the screaming.
As he sleeps the screams die down, only to be replaced by a series of loud ringing of the Bonsho bell. Then right there, he gets up from his bike aghast. 'That bell? Did an Apostle die? No, that can't be right. King wouldn't...', he starts to doubt himself, thinking about the bell, followed by the fervor beating of the drums.
'The drums?! Seriously?!', he gets off from his bike and runs up to a wall, he slowly peeks his head out and see a pair of teenagers, running away from something he familiarized; a horde of hooded men armed with knives and daggers. He takes a closer look at one of the teens; the boy, wearing a thick jacket (same jacket as Book 1), has a bluish-purple color seeping in his lower neck. This sets an alarm for the drifter and quickly brings out his pager, radio-ing somebody.
"王様、聞いたことがありますか?(King, have you heard it?)", the drifter spoke.
The pager was static before a voice comes out of the call.
"うん、今そこに向かっています。(Yeah, I'm heading there now.)", the transmission ends, thus the signal is a go. The drfiter gets back on his bike, hops on and drives out to the opposite direction, circling around to avoid being detected and help them at the right time.
Alo and Johan retreat to the bridge, halfway there, dodging large obstacles disarranged and scattered on the streets. Behind them are the hooded men, wanting revenge for their fallen brethren, chasing relentlessly, jumping above cars and scaling buildings in hopes of catching them on both sides,
While they are desperately running, Johan can clearly see the bridge in a certain distance. Just about she has a hopeful outlook, Alo stumbles down, groaning in pain.
Johan went back for him, slinging his arm around her back, "Hang on. We're almost there.". Alo's body is burning inside out like a strong fever he had never felt before, his senses are shutting down, yet his legs fight on. The strange color has already reached his chin, he gasps for air as if something is choking the life out of him. How did it come to this? It was just a small wound.
Once they arrived at the entrance of the bridge, she couldn't believeher eyes. The bridge (with the illusion of the tower and the cable intact), is destroyed, the deck was pretty much non-existent. Only the anchor, the foundation of the bridge's edges are revealed. Beneath it are more cars and rubble buried with a thick fog covering who knows what else.
All is lost, when suddenly, a rusty Yamaha R1 sportsbike leaps from the abyss, below the broken bridge, and swerves to make a wide gap between the chasers and the two teenagers. The motorcycle stops dead in it's tracks, it's headlight focusing on the hooded men, frozen in fright and engine rumbling with such threat.
The bike is decked with sleek markings and Japanese texts even Johan couldn't get it, but what's really important is the unknown driver that protects them; wearing a long red overcoat similiar to Mondo Owada from Danganronpa, except an armored motorcycle driving suit as an inner clothing and a pair of loaded sawed-off shotguns around his waist, together with a small bandolier with shotgun shells.
There was a brief stand-off, before the unknown speedster flips them off (a 'Fuck You' sign), taunting the hooded men to come at them.
The driver stands there motionless, smirking confidently behind his helmet before pressing a what supposed to be an loud, intimidating horn to strike fear into the hearts of his enemies, but was replaced by a...
...La Cucaracha horn.
Whilst the men are getting closer, the driver groans, "くそ(Fuck)", he turns to Johan and takes out an injection from his coat. He tosses it to her, to which the four-eyed archer takes it with quick reflexes in one hand plus in proper grip.
"For your friend.", he turns back to the enemies and drives forward, taking out one of his shotguns and shoots it with discipline, killing two out of 16 of the hooded men squad, and running them over like a rampant horse.
Johan looks at Alo, now unconscious, his cheeks are now, dark purple except for his brain, and injects him at the side of his neck. Though the slight pain of the needle didn't feel anything, the color doesn't continue to press on his entire body, thus successfully healed him, but the problem now lies on dealing with the remaining followers and to find shelter.
As she was about to leave, the young drifter who spotted her and Alo swerves to stop and gets off to assist her. At first she's skeptical but the drifter raises his hands. "It's okay. We help.", with his rough English, Johan nods and carries Alo's body, then delivers it to him, which he tries to get a grip on the brawler's weight.
Johan takes out her bow, "Take him to a safe place. I will help - ", but a bunch of motorcycles with the same normality as the drifter's, arrive from every corner, helping the sportsbike driver to pick off the hooded men who are obviously helpless against the speed of their bikes.
"-Or maybe not.", she holsters her bow and finds a rusted titanium scooter, presumably used by Japanese civies before they evacuated. She gets on the scooter and paddles her left foot to catch up with him, leaving the unknown sportsbiker and King's men to handle the threat, hearing gunshots and explosions behind her back.
The two are neck and neck across the broken road. She approaches to him, "Where are we going?!", she asks while her stamina is exerted on driving the scooter. The drfiter keeps his eyes on the road, look out for anything that moves and other large debris blocking their way.
"Tokyo Tower!", he points to a direction. She looks to where he's pointing to and stares for a good moment, still driving the kick scooter. The first thing she sees with her bespectacled eyes is the tower's gigantic metal plates. It's thick and rusted texture is covering something, but she doesn't know what yet. Next is the lights, they shine bright like a candle in a cloudy morning, seeing it glow made her calm down, reminiscing about the industrious city before this all happened. But looking in a bad perspective, noticing the bright glow at this far distance made her feel unsafe, making the this clan the most vulnerable to attack.
She locks out off the tower and catches up to the young drifter.
Two guards wearing the same outfit as the drifter, notice two vehicles approaching; one motorcyle and a kick scooter. The motorcycle's headlights flickering on and off, sending a signal. The two take heed and head to their respective positions and open the gate for them. The two vehicles pass inside, and immediately close it to prevent intruders. The motorcyle parks into a nearby stand in a large shanty town, surrounding the Tokyo Tower building, FootTown, and the tower itself much like Diamond City from Bethesda's Fallout 4. Johan gets of the kick scooter and is astonished by the shantytown's design; the crude electric wires power makeshift lanterns, providing bright yellow light to the survivors that weren't able to evacuate properly.
Children are carrying food and supplies like food, water and medicine out from the FootTown building, presumably the hub of the clan. She spots some of King's men roaming around the walls of the tower, yet considering the group she encountered were basically ninja cultists, the men had the opportunity to create bunker like structures to protect them from flying bladed projectiles. And lastly an improvised elevator that transports them to the top of the tower, which is the observation area, and other levels that are covered by the giant metal plates she saw earlier, either to house the residents or exclusively for the Roaring Dragons clan.
"Excuse me, ma'am?", the drifter spoke, which Johan shifts to him, "We have to cure him. I know a doctor.", she nods accordingly.
"Sure, ", she grabs Alo off the bike, "lead the way." They head to the FootTown building, searching for the clan's doctor.
Before we go tend Alo's condition, let us see a description from Wikipedia regarding the layout of the FootTown building, its history, what was it like before the current war and how to access the main observatory which is located at the very top.
'Located in the base of the tower is a 4-story building known as FootTown. The first floor includes the Aquarium Gallery, a reception hall, the 400-person-capacity "Tower Restaurant", a FamilyMart convenience store and a souvenir shop.[24][25] This floor's main attractions, however, are the three elevators that serve as a direct ride to the Main Observatory.[19] The second floor is primarily a food and shopping area. In addition to the five standalone restaurants, the second floor's food court consists of four restaurants, including a McDonald's and a Pizza-La.[26][27]
FootTown's third and fourth floors house several tourist attractions. The third floor is home to the Guinness World Records Museum Tokyo, a museum that houses life-size figures, photo panels and memorabilia depicting interesting records that have been authenticated by the Guinness Book.[28] The Tokyo Tower Wax Museum, opened in 1970, displays wax figures imported from London where they were made.[29] The figures on display range from pop culture icons such as The Beatles to religious figures such as Jesus Christ. A hologram gallery named the Gallery DeLux, a lounge and a few specialty stores are also located on this floor.[30] Tokyo Tower's Trick Art Gallery is located on the building's fourth and final floor. This gallery displays optical illusions, including paintings and objects that visitors can interact with.[31]
On the roof of the FootTown building is a small amusement park that contains several small rides and hosts live performances for children.[32] On weekends and holidays, visitors can use the roof to access the tower's outside stairwell. At approximately 660 steps, the stairwell is an alternative to the tower's elevators and leads directly to the Main Observatory.[33]'
Now the restaurant has turned into a housing area, floor mats everywhere filled with people that're sick or wounded along with the reception hall, the souvenir shop and the convenience store. The only other essential area in the first floor is the Aquarium Gallery, the cold and soothing atmosphere is good for calming down patients that are in need of operation, while the doctors gather what they can from the building to create splints, bandages and other equipment that fixes the pain. In short, it's a hospital, complete with windows and IV bags.
One of the doctors is Doctor Tanaka, a 35 year-old doctor who had a stable job and a family, before the war started. However, he was at an operation that time, so he didn't had the time to rescue what he cherished the most. Instead of the hooded men's doing, but another unknown group that destoryed their house along with them.
But all that, didn't fazed him at all. He remembered his wife supporting him along the way, that every life he saved warms her heart. Until now, he volunteers to help King and his men to treat as many wounds as possible, not because of personal reasons, but he has faith that King will find a way to save them from danger.
Tanaka, injects a man with anti-tetanus, bleeding on is right shoudler. He slowly extracts the needle out and carefully bandage it, closing the wound. "この用量で十分です。しかし、休憩を取ることをお勧めします。治療はできるだけ早くシステムを循環する必要があります。(This dose is enough. However, it is advisable to take a break. Treatment must cycle through the system as soon as possible.)", he advises one of King's biker men.
" ありがとうございました。(Thank you very much.)", the biker thanked him and grunts in pain while leaving the aquarium.Tanaka sits down and rests, tired early in the morning, as usual. But hears a voice calling out to him.
"田中さん!(Kenji!)", the doctor gets up at the familiar voice. Not long after, the young drifter, now introduced as Kenji and Johan enter the clinic with an unconscious Alo. "賢司!どうしましたか?", the doctor worriedly asks.
"彼は汚染されています。 しかし、キングはプロセスを停止することができました。(He is contaminated. But King was able to stop the process.)", he moves aside for Johan to move forward.
Tanaka observes the brawler's skin, the poison is slowly decreasing but his state is unwell. He sighs, "すぐにテーブルを準備し、ここですばやく広げます (Prepare the table immediately and spread it quickly here.)", as Kenji grabs the table and exactly as the he ordered. The doctor grabs a blue metal box and opens it to another injection and connects it to an IV bag (with a stand) filled with a colorless liquid. He then attaches a ventilator for good measure.
"Is he going to be alright?", she asks the man.
Tanaka merely gives Johan an unclear frown, "His should be fine for today, inside that IV bag is full of antibiotics. Once it's all empty, he should be fine. I hope."
Johan breathes in relief and sits down. "That's good enough. Thank you. ", Kenji and Tanaka sit down on their chairs, all of three of them tired from all the crap they have done.
A zealot walks up the stairs, leading to a decrepit temple, the normal architecture are vandalized with blood marks and heads of the innocents that fell prey on the hooded men, be it man, woman or child.
The zealot enters a courtyard, several hooded men are lined vertically, holding a staff with a torch attached to it. If a scientist were to analyze this, he/she would deduce its just copper or boric acid being lit aflame.
He continues walking until he enters a large room, filled with candles lighting the same color. There, hiding in the dark behind a vertical wall of thin paper sheets (basically a tassle wall), is a lone woman wearing a dark green robe, sitting down properly on the floor, her face covered with a black veil. Beside her, outside the tassle wall are two muscular guards, carrying large naginata spears and around them are what it seems to be human hearts though there's no blood in it, implying this "accessory" has been made for quite some time.
The zealot kneels down and closes his eyes, bowing to the shrouded lady. "We have lost him, my goddess. 20 Initiates and...1 Apostle.",
The figure didn't spoke for a few seconds. "His death wouldn't have gone in vain. But who killed him?", the shrouded lady is curious to who is the sudden attackers. However, this zealot is nervous and hesitant to share his findings, unlike the others that are keen and confident.
"It...It's hard to tell.", he replied with caution. The two guards slammed their naginata spears on the floor, representing the anger of the shrouded lady. The zealot winced in fear, but remained in position.
"Is it not one of the clans?", she asks again.
The zealot, despite hearing her gentle voice, is feared by the guards. Swallowing his anxiety, he decides to tell the truth, and make it concrete as possible so as to not become one of the guards' necklaces. "Two lost teenagers. One can summon lightning; Real lightning, like the ones we always see in the dark clouds. His immeasurable strength and that power was the cause of our Apostle's death, along with few of our Initiates.", he paused for a moment, so far so good.
"Beside him was a young girl, who's eyes are far superior than any human being. She can sense all of our attacks, even in the shadows, then picks us off one by one with her bow and arrow. However, her quiver is the mystery as I saw it summon more arrows in thin air indefinitely. My goddess, I would never lie to you, never. But losing a quarter of our forces to these two - is just - it's pure fantasy!", he exclaimed with desperation. He haven't had this much terror before since King's group fought them before, which is a long time ago.
The shrouded lady just nods in response. He can't believe it; their goddess accepted the reason. She then pulls something out of her dress and rolls it towards the zealot through the tassle wall. The zealot inspects it carefully at the metal round ball with a small stick coming out of it, with dark green outlines for a recognizable design, but not too much.
"You know what to do with that, yes?", the zealot just smirked with vengeance as a response.
"Ahh, this is one of those missions. As you wish, my goddess.", he gets up on his feet and leaves the large room. Just as he left, a telephone rings beside her. After the third ring, she picks it up and answers the call. The voice couldn't be clear, but the lady smiled a bit. "They're here. As you predicted."
Johan snores soundly in the aquarium when a bunch of people scream, "彼らが帰ってきた!(They are back!)" and, "急げ!彼らを助ける!(Hurry! Help them!). She wakes up, looking at Kenji and Tanaka, both sleeping. She could make up with the translations of all the shouting, but concludes that its trouble. She hustles up and exits the building out on the front door of the FootTown building.
Once Johan turns to the last corner and glances at the open front door, she saw masses of people and children gathering around the sportsbiker that attacked the capture party, with his helmet still on, cracked and battered and his long overcoat, ripped and ruined. His men are injured and in need of dire help, some are bleeding badly, while the others have broken bones, possible due to accidents while riding their fast motorbikes. One of the men yell to contact all the doctors in the aquarium for medical assistance, while the unknown sportsbiker approaches Johan with tenacity.
He stops an inch away from her, letting her hear his heavy breaths, presumably pissed at her. Disregarding that she has the same height as he is, she stand in fear, not knowing what to do; Should she talk first? In front all of these people? Other thoughts plague her head before her savior finally spoke in fluent English.
"Come with me...I hope saving both of you was worth it.", he leaves the people alone, clashing his shoulder against hers with animosity. But she need to continue the mission either way, and followed him to an elevator that leads to the main observatory, the top of the tower.
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