《RUSH》Chapter 3 Flea market
Big flea market is on large peninsula in the middle of two rivers, with a lot shops, some of shops on coast have boat deck, so they can use boats like transport or like warehouse. On this bazzar people buying and selling a lot goods suspicious origin. Goods without any certificate, or old goods from Earth and other ex colonies. There is a lot books, jewelers, weapons, old conserved foods, this is paradise for colectionars and folks without enough money.
-Hey pal, can you help me, I need something.-Liam approached one suspicion guy dressed in hood sweatshirt with hands in pocket.
-I have one box, and I have something much better.
-No thanks, I need cigars, I need much more than one box.
-How much you need.
-Ten cartons.
-Wooow, you are damn smoker. Go two blocks strait then on right side, fifth street, on coast eleventh shop box, ask for Hali, he have a lot.
He noticed guy takes radio and call someone when he turned back to him.
-Hali, are you hali?
-Depends, who ask?
-Me. Guy two kilometer away said me that you have cigars.
-I need cigarettes, we will trade in that's for sure, but I need guy who procure to you.
-I don't know what you talkin bout, this is old stock from Earth.
-Come on man, don't be silly, I know Nathan.
-I don't know what you talking about.
-Nathan Callum da Palmiri, man who gave you those things...
In that moment two guys behind Liam´s back put black bag on his head, and bound arms behind back. They dragged him through shop on back door which are connected little deck with boat. They dragged him in underfloor of boat, then put on chair and release head.
-Liam, is that you?
-Hell man, release me.
-Release that man.
-Finally I found you.
-Where have you been whole time?
-Here, mostly, sometimes in elite places, but here I`am safe, I went home last year. Storm coming, come on, lets go on some other place we can relax and talk.
Men in hood sweatshirts went from boat, and release boat from deck, so Nathan sit in pilothouse and sail downstream. Liam sit on forecastle and take a cigar.
-Nathan some music here?
-Sure pal!
"Take me back to my boat on the river
I need to go down, I need to come down
Take me back to my boat on the river
And I won't cry out any more
Time stands still as I gaze in her waters
She eases me down, touching me gently
With the waters that flow past my boat on the river
So I don't cry out anymore
Oh, the river is deep
The river, it touches my life like the waves on the sand
And all roads lead to Tranquility Base
Where the frown on my face disappears, whoa..."
Beautiful large green river returns rememberings on same one on some other place, much more beautiful just cause there ain't markets on coasts, and boats with cargo.
they landed in marine, look like abandoned marine, and sit on motorbike from marine warehouse. They drove it fast toward hills on motorway, trip takes one hour, then turn right from main road to abandoned town. Drove to warehouse on town´s end. Back door of the fence wall opens automatically, and drove in bike to yard, then opens warehouse door and drive in. Behind a batch of scrap and some machines recreation vehicle is parked in.
-Come on in. This is my new home.
-Why is so?
-I'm on watchful every day, this is only place I can relax. Beside winters and storms are unmerciful on this planet, roof of this warehouse is on 23 meters above floor, this is big warehouse, and walls are good isolated, so I can sometimes sit and smoke in front of RV. When im in RV I can listen music loudly, or watch muvie, I bought whole town so I put sensors and cameras all over town. Listen storm come, we hear thunder and wing a little bit, but outside is real hell.
-This place is whole fucked, all planetary system.
-Yeah, first days I believe this is heaven, but you can't believe what law enforcement cunts doing with poor population.
-I know, I was at President of this shits, he told me that's fine what they doing. Shit man he told that they secure all system on that way.
-Screw them.
-You are in danger, if they catch you, they will kill you.
-Screw them. Don't worry. I'm in heed. I bribed those cops, and off course cop´s chiefs. Chief collect old bikes, exponents from the Earth. He had trouble with starter on Kawasaki KZ1000, after that I helped him to overhaul engine. He can't find spark plugs, so I bringed from home. I bought him ZZR1400, he can't forget that. Every month I bring him something or give money. I giving money to every cop, big money like his them pays. I have armed men, 15 them on flea market, I brought pistols and rifles from home . I have dealers on some elite places.
-Course you don't selling only cigarettes and drinks.
-Course, I bringing drugs from home, mdma pils, stp, cocaine, heroin. I don't care for those douchebags, let them die of drugs, they using poor people, I saw holocaust on this streets, they taking away people on some radioactive planet to mining some shits.
-Wow you made business. How you doing transaction?
-For this money I buy precious metals, which I sell on the Konran, then I buy stufs. Simple. On Konran businessmen think I own mines. Our space ship is great, has a high carrying capacity.
-Knew it Cnes way! How is at home?
-In our country same, there is new political party but bunch of idiots like old one. People move out every day. On northern west same shit, wars, crisis, I don't know how they have energy for those shits. Northern east trying made empire, other same.
-Some things never change.
-How long can a this storm last?
-Two days minimum, you were lucky when you found me, last storm was last whole week.
-Pals asking where are you, I don't know what I to tell them.
-I don't know either.
-I found job, working in museum in department for restoration on vehicles and weapons. I have money to live somewhere else, but I love those peoples. Sometimes injustice irritate me to limit of nuts when I rather kill someone, then I think to convert money like you and go back to home, but same thing happens shit there, shit here, same way.
-We should come back. First I think this is exciting work living parallel life in two different worlds, like your ancestor done, but I think sometimes that thing irritate me. I always look back, watching if anyone is following me, or think someone will betray me. I´m only safe on this place, because no one know for this town and warehouse.
-Beautiful thing this RV, that thing is big like bus.
-Yeah, six wheeler, drive on all six you can go wherever you want, that thing have off road mode. This is real house.
-I bought Saturn GT650, shit don´t allows me cursing, and one day my neighbor made great thing with software.
-Same shit, I must made changes to do not allow cops can find me.
-I miss our country, our food, our drinks, I miss our river on East Side, Lake on south, our mountain, our pals. I miss to, when we come here I think I will forget Konran, all my eye, after month I start to cry, I lost you, and I do not how to start normally functioning. Every day I remember someone, our parties, old races, my firs race, and after something start choke me in lung so I take drink till I fall down.
-Miss me to. That's why I start with transfers.
-Where is ship?
-If it's not in marina, maybe floating on river.
-What a hell, not your´s, I think on our space ship.
-Just break the monotony, like in old days.
-It was buried, here behind hill.
-You are great joker, I was worried when I saw you are serious. Think you lose spirit.
-I make jokes sometimes here, someone understand, but a lot don´t understand like they got brain washing.
-I thinks it's in food or that shit they smoke, they call them smokes.
-You´re right I bring that shit home, givet some to those two idiots from S street, and after they smoked were subordinate to me.
-You´re bad ass.
-Now I have idiots for dirty jobs.
-I remember when you went to school, first grade secondary, I was your history teacher, you come with welt under eye, that day I met you in school hall, so I went and kick them ass.
-You was shooted on them.
-After I hit first one, second had gun behind back, so I was taken mine, I warned him, after he won't put down I started to shoot under his legs and above head.
-I heard they shook their pants.
-I think, I don't know is good idea to buy our bar.
-Good idea if you work locked, just for our pals, you know how business going this days with those tematic places.
-I'm pissed off when pass in front of bar and hear that stupid music, and when I saw they change interior colour in fancy bullshit I was asked myself is this fag´s world.
-Bloody hipsters, screw them, first one time they came in bars and clubs, then buying and changing everything in cunt shit.
-You want go with me on Xemgin, that's 24 hours flight from this place?
-Maybe I could. My men got supplies for four months, I should take a break.
-Have place there to dig in ship?
-Maybe, but better to go with commercial flight. We will fly in first class.
-Did you find out anything about this ship?
-Little bit, this was series of modular ships, combination war combat and fast transport ship in same time heavily armed and can carry cargo. Most expensive variant of ship that time army had, one missing for ages, no one knows how, than there is Hasey´s report, said there was meteor accident and crew died. Case was closed with that report.
-Hell man, he's walk off with best ship, and everybody believes him, how smart.
-He worked with that ship, armed some rebels with weapons from our planet. He secretly opposed the regime, and made transfers like you, first he armed some scums on motorbikes, after them he suddenly found some tribe, same name like nomads on our planet, Eshira, but oure still living nomad life, those people on Xemgin after they had 15 year war with this system, they disappeared underground. Now they have big town underground.
-Shit man, this is crazy. I can't figure.
-Yeah, we wished life changes, you and me got it crazy.
-Have you got some for weather forecast?
-See when this storm get over.
-Let me see, tomorrow night.
-We should drink something, wanna beer?
-A lot if you got.
-Never changes. Let's go outside, mean in front RV, I have some blunts.
-I can't figure one thing,why those suckers needed that kind ships, same time transport and warrior ship?
-Couse that kind of ship doesn´t need escort. Those ships have blasters and nuclear rockets against squadron.
-Nukes, fuck it, last year I mistaken itinerer on Konran, and I flight on two jet fighters, I dont know above which country, Fajsal fuckers perhaps, they shooted on me with guns, I warned with blasters, but there come more fighters, so I thinked on to launch rocket.
-You coulda made nuke catastrophe. One rocket is for squadron of spaceships, not for airplanes, it will be like shooting with 120 mm mortar on kid toys, disaster.
-Fuck war, and war tech. Why just they didn't say hello?
-Human beings in general have destructive instinct, history learn us if we have one peaceful period about 70 years, next 6 to 15 years we have war. That was on Earth, that was on Konran, on Mars and other colonies that was after 150 years, and here those fuckers are lucks they don´t know for war, but for poor people this is hell. Simple governing people become full of welfare and luxury life, enter in them some devil and compel them to make bloodshed.
-You was great professor, I never asked you, why you left work in the school?
-When war was over, you know I was demobilized and I come back to school, everything was fine, you remember, but ten years after ruling party taking school administration, and first thing they done is reduction of salary. Thoghtful smart, when we teachers leave schools they can made bunch of idiots and they got own slavery for free. I went in auto mechanic workshop, old job from student days and I had three times bigger salary.
-Everything was great first years, If everybody lost some friends or family.
-Yeah, folks full of enthusiasm, companies work again normally, our bar is full of people every day, friday and saturday night we drinked up dvo tons of beer. Music was better, girls was normal. Evrybody was smiled.
-I can't figure what's wrong after.
-While we was worked honestly, fuckers from parties make pay managers of companies to become member of party. They destroyed companies with excuse this things needs modernisation, in fact they destroy to buy for cheap, couse companyies in our country was in state properity. After they buy company they fired workers, sell inventory in scrap and make some other shit like discoteque or something useless for the general good of people. You know other things what happened after.
-Yeah, nowadays police and mafia same thing in our country.
-We are guilty for everything, we let them go, nobody had complaint for those criminals they have everything they want, and normal guy have no bread to eat, that's all our fault, mine, yours, our neighbour`s, everybody is guilty. Remember when they tear down Rockabilly without permission, we are all deprecated, but no one done nothing to stop thiat urbicid.
-Rockabilly was great old club, I had great time there. Concerts were great there. Listen song:
˝Everywhere is freaks and hairys
Dykes and fairies
Tell me where is sanity?
Tax the rich, feed the poor
Till there are no, rich no more
I'd love to change the world
But I don't know what to do
So I'll leave it up to you-ooo-ooo
Population, keeps on breedin'
Nation bleedin', still more feedin'
Life is funny, skies are sunny
Bees made honey, who needs money?
I'd love to change the world
But I don't know what to do
So I'll leave it up to you-ooo-ooo
Oh, yeah!
World pollution, there's no solution
Institution, electrocution
Just black and white, rich or poor
Them and us, stop the war
I'd love to change the world
But I don't know what to do
So I'll leave it up to you."
-I heard that thing first time in old bar, old good Rock Palace, I was in fourth grade, friday night, you was drunk sitting in corner laughed with friends, I don't know why. I drinked up to, sited with my girlfriend abd two pals. I heard this song and I can´t figure, why this world is great. After my graduation I went on faculty and I saw why: " I'd love to change the world, But I don't know what to do..."
-˝So I'll leave it up to you...˝-I was think I can change it with my honest work, with my fight, but we are not that class who make decisions.
-Do you know what is new disgusting thing at home?
-What man?
-Some girls take tattooed.
-Shit man!
-They look like retired truck drivers.
-First time I saw that, I was think I gonna puke.
-Shit man, what's happened with young people in our country.
-Idiots have wrong idols.
-Yeah, silly music without sense, idiotic tabloids, expensive prostitutes they call starlets, fag singers, young people does not reading books even newspaper, and what we got, we and our friends must run away from country on work.
-When I tell you this, will not make you happy.
-They shut down museums and theatres.
-What a fuck?
-They said doesn't need things which does not bring money.
-What about tourists?
-Fuck them, they are only in transit, we have nothing to make interesting for tourists to stay in our town. Just fraudsters have goodness from tourism. They made lodgings for the night.
-Damn right.
Two days past and storm is over. Liam and Nathan take commercial flight to Xemgin. Liam was tormented by the thought of explaining about mess with his present in their´s world:
"What to said, Aaiki is good friend Larisa to, and Old Is they are all Ok, but maybe best for all is to I tell them truth, there are great pals, they show me something noone should know.
-what are you thinking about?
-How the expland wholle this, how we come here.
-We can´t change things, if people believed you, tell them the truth.
-First I have to take my car back.
-Where is your car?
-In Law Enforcement´s station backyard.
-I hate that place.
-I'm not happy either.
Sargent come out in front station and make silly welcome for Liam, sycophancy like standard, talk like old friend. Liam takes his car, so they can continue trip.
-Wouu man, this is most expencive car in this system, fucked!
-I bought them on those silly planet where I lose you.
-Sorry, I sited in wrong train.
-I know.
-I went on wrong ship.
-This place is fucking wrong for us.
-Hold on, we're going on motorway. How much powerful is your car at home, Hawkline?
-3.2 liter, 6 cylinder in line, turbo gasoline engine, 360 Horsepower, that is 264 Kilowatts. 294 Nm torque. Full time four wheel drive.
-How fast you driven?
-Not over 310 Km/h.
-Look at this bastard.
-o...Men...that thing have enormous torque...slow down man, hey, there is cops, slow down,... Liam, that's not good, you are 200 over speed limit... Liam...aaaa!!!
-What say now?
-That thing is fucking crazy, 500 Km/h that is jet fighter.
-This is full time four wheel drive on some other way. This have 650 Kilowatts. Electricity is miracle, but I can't figure this thing have renewable source of energy, driving and don't need charger. They change some plates under car, perhaps some kind battery.
-That is energy element which produce energy, with this car you can supply whole neighborhood with electricity.
-Where we going now?
-To caffe bar in center to find Aaiki and Larissa, perhaps they sitting there.
-Wanna some music?
-Tell something, if you have nothing on mind you can tell date.
-Perhaps to tell some historical date, and to be from Earth.
-You read my thoughts.
-Do not think I know you. Date 1968. Earth play random:
˝"There must be some kind of way out of here,"
Said the joker to the thief,
"There's too much confusion.
I can't get no relief.
Businessmen – they drink my wine,
Plowmen dig my earth.
None will level on the line,
Nobody of it is worth.
"No reason to get excited,"
The thief – he kindly spoke,
"There are many here among us
Who feel that life is but a joke.
But you and I – we've been through that.
And this is not our fate.
So let us not talk falsely now.
The hour's getting late.
All along the watchtower
Princes kept the view
While all the women came and went.
Barefoot servants too.
Outside in the cold distance
A wildcat did growl.
Two riders were approaching,
And the wind began to howl, hey.
All along the watchtower
All along the watchtower..."
Very elegant coffee bar with stylish designs woody portal in green windows are toned in green to to protect guests of looks of walkers from streets. Interior with wooden armchairs and big tables. That kind of place is suitable for long chats, small company love to walk down the street to this place and enjoy in ambient.
-Glad to see you folks, this is my friend Nathan.
-Nice to meet you. Liam you have some crazy things to expand.
-Yeah, We will have long talk, this is not time and place to talk about.
-We have crazy life last decade, this will be hystori class.
-Come on, do not kidding?
-Liam is always serious, except when make jerk of me.
-You are not only one, he make jerks of us to.
-Don't play victim. Precisely, when I see you in some funny situation, I can´t resist.
-Yea, Yea!
-Our sector is free this week, we don't work, some delegation coming. Wanna go with us on mountain? We are going tonight.
-We will come day after tomorrow, we have some business here.
-You'll get drunk tonight, perhaps?
-Who jerking off whom now?
-Don't play victim.
-Don't take my tricks.
-Some kinda sensitive when someone take of your joke.
-Know, me to.
-Every day is like that with them.
-I know Liam for long time, whole life, he always found victim for own tricks.
-Wonder how he sitting here without Earth Rock?
-I just love your company without music. Ok! stop kidding now, we have to go.
-See ya day after tomorrow.
-Don't let someone arrest you.
-That's history. Bye.
-Wait...! Damn he already pay bills for all us. Again. But how he think to come on mountain, with sky ship or something?
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