《Love with Danger in the Purple: Being Beloved by the Hardhearted Avenger》C20. Lucky Survivors


At that time, people who didn’t have time to escape from the shopping mall lay on the ground in fear. Two robbers were in charge of the hostages. Ding and Sun learned from the robbers’ conversation that they wanted to threaten the police outside with the hostages in order to retreat from the mall.

The robbers thought they could get out of the danger. But when they robbed the jewelry store, a group of police rushed in and fought fiercely with the robbers and three of them were right near Ding Manman and Sun Ling’er.

At that time, afraid of being shot, Ding Manman and Sun Ling'er were too scared to make a noise. In the firefight, a robber was shot by a bullet and fell right in front of them. Sun Ling'er was on the verge of screaming out for she had never seen such a bloody scene before.

Fortunately, Ding Manman quickly covered her mouth with her hand and stopped her. At that time the police were outside and the robbers were in the jewelry store. If the robbers found them, they would be sure to become hostages. And then it might bode ill.

Therefore, Sun Ling’er is very grateful to Ding Manman after the survival. If Ding Manman hadn’t reacted that fast, they might have died in the mall today. Ding Manman just smiles slightly, but her shaking hands still reveal her panic at the moment.

“Brother...” Just as Sun Ling'er is sighing with emotions that she is still alive, Zhong Shaoting appears, followed by Song Chen. As soon as Sun Ling'er sees her brother, she is frozen by the fact that he comes so fast.

Damn! She finds herself in trouble for the reason that she took Sister Manman out without his permission as well as the danger she has got her into. Sun Ling'er feels that it is the end of her, and her brother must be out of rage.


When Sun Ling'er is ready for Zhong Shaoting's angry scolding, he says, "It's time to go back." Zhong Shaoting just glances at Sun Ling’er and finds that she is unharmed. Then he turns his eyes to Ding Manman next to her. When Ding Manman hears Sun Ling’er call brother, her body stiffens for a split of second. Instead of looking up, she just stares at the cup in her hand.

He hasn't seen her for several days. Seeing her again, he feels it hard to express himself. She looks paler than she was. It is obvious that she is over-frightened, which can be seen from her trembling hands. Zhong Shaoting suddenly desires to hold her tight and gives her some comfort.

When the idea comes into his mind, Zhong Shaoting at once feels a little ridiculous. Why should she get his comfort? But when he sees Ding Manman trying to stand up feebly, Zhong Shaoting subconsciously takes hold of her and scoops her up in his arms.

Ding Manman is taken aback. When she looks up, she sees Zhong Shaoting's perfect side face. Her body is so close to his chest that she can feel his strong heartbeat, which makes her flustered heart calm down for some unknowable reason.

Sun Ling'er is shocked by her brother's unexpected gentleness. The shocked expression is rather funny. Song Chen and Sun Ling'er watch them two leave first.

Sun Ling'er says unbelievably, "Is this my brother?" He's totally different from what he had been before. When she first approached Sister Manman, he even flew into a rage. At that time, her brother was very harsh to sister Manman, but now he takes Manman in his arms. The relationship between them has had a sharp U-turn in such a short time.

"Yes, this is your brother. But Miss Sun, it’s time to go. Or my boss will get impatient." If the girl was someone else, maybe Song Chen might be surprised. Since it is Ding Manman, it is nothing surprising. After all, she's the only person in the world who can sweep his boss off his feet.


"You carry me!" Sun Ling'er suddenly says, and stretches out her arms directly indicating that ‘I am waiting for you to carry me’. A sneer appears on the corners of Song Chen’s mouth.

"Miss Sun, it seems that you are not injured." He means that if you are intact, why don't you walk by yourself? He is the assistant to the boss, not her nanny.

"No, I am not injured. But the situation just now was so terrible that my legs are too weak out of fear to carry me." Sun Ling'er says frankly. She is not a little embarrassed to say that her legs are powerless with fear.

Song Chen admires her for that. It is the first time for him to see a girl who is so confident about her cowardice. At last, Song Chen has no choice but to take Sun Ling'er in his arms and walks outside. Sun Ling'er steers herself to hold Song Chen's neck and leans closely to Song Chen's body, which makes Song Chen stiffen a little subconsciously.

"Miss Sun..." Song Chen feels that he has been taken advantage of. She just asked me to carry her, but now why does her whole body lean so close to him?

"I can't help it. I've been scared terribly. Now I have no strength at all, so I can only lean on you. I'm sure you don't mind." Sun Ling'er is smiling like the sunshine, and then she continues her leaning on Song Chen. Song Chen just wants to say ‘I mind’ loudly.

When Zhong Shaoting carefully puts Ding Manman on the back seat of the car, she still feels unbelievable. It is as strange and weird as the situation in which a man who has abused you badly in the past becomes extremely friendly to you one day.

Zhong Shaoting doesn’t think that much. When he sees the blanket has fallen off Ding Manman, he immediately takes off his coat and covers her with it. Then he naturally sits next to her.

Ding Manman is very confused about Zhong Shaoting's over-tender behavior. Especially when he puts his coat over her, she has more doubts. However, her fear is slowly disappearing. Maybe the scene in the mall was so terrible that she is still scared.

The moment Sun Ling'er gets into the car, she sees his brother put his coat on Ding Manman and she is stunned again. Then watching them two look out of the window with their backs to each other, she comes up with a wonderful idea in her mind.

"Brother, why did you come here so quickly? You went to a meeting today, didn’t you? I remember that the site of the meeting is far from here. Or you were worried about Sister Maman and followed us to protect us? It seems that Sister Maman is particularly important for you."

Sun Ling'er looks at them from one to the other with laughing eyes. She knows that her brother never cares about others, let alone carrying someone and covering her with his coat. The reason why he did this is that the person is particularly important for him.

Thinking about the way in which her brother and Sister Maman get along, Sun Ling'er believes that it won’t work in the long run, so she comes up with the idea to give them some help. But when these words are uttered, no one speaks in the car to answer her, making the atmosphere for a while unbearably awkward.

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