《Adrift To Stranger Land》Arms Of Predator
Few minutes pass and the new classmates arrive, some are good looking and others are well and average noble blood, the set up of rules of class managing is mixed type one, this does not follow the usual tradition of classroom level standard on the other school whereas the first classroom will always have the highest ranking students and geniuses, while the last classroom have the weakest and poorest performing students.
The mixing of students of both geniuses and average nobles point is more about cooperation and mutual exchange, where the genius students must aid the average noble students to become more proper and efficient students in order for the Evergreen Academy to develop elite Battle Sage graduates, a wise move and good one differs themselves from other Academy, Institute and schools.
The students find their respective seat and start to have a conversation with the other fellow classmate who they met and greet on the examination back in their homeland, Neil remain quiet and silently reading some textbook he bought from Snow Peak Island, its all about energy flow of Runic Magic in human body and its performance develop in each energy power rankings, few taken notice of his quiet atmosphere, and can’t help to admire is adorable silent beauty, they even thought he was really a girl.
“Greetings classmate, may I join your seat?”
A sweet voice coming from his side, everyone is very quiet all of the sudden as if any single object may fall to the ground and everyone will hear it clearly due to deep silence, Neil is busy reading his book and doesn’t pay attention to his surrounding unless he will react if there is a killing intent or strange energy reservoir, he remained deadpanned at the noble figure and continue reading, looks like the sweet mellow voice was coming from one members of Elite Strars, one of the goddess beauty, Iris herself.
“Ahh, I see, sorry for disturbing your diligent study, please excuse myself”
Everyone remain quiet as Iris just sit at the side of Neil and they was totally shocked in this development, to be able to ignore the member of Elite Stars, who well known in high society due to their family background and connections, surely this quiet and cute lady that ignoring their goddess surely have a very high background and not joking about her status, her appearance surely not an ordinary noble, her mysteriousness is not someone should cross or rather provoked.
Iris stares at Neil well focused studying, his eyes are quiet in deep trance and attractive, such beauty that almost matches hers, Iris was so sure that this mysterious student background was not simple, for now she will observe Neil and find a way to have a conversation in order to known the silent student’s identity, maybe this student become her closest ally and best friend.
Iris appearance is a lovely lady with a monocle, her violet colored matured eyes are very charming, her purple colored braided hair are resting at her right side shoulder down to her ample chest, female students uniform is style in long dress with a short lovely coat with twin edge below the part of the coat, edges reaches to the back of the knees, her appearance are truly outstanding that every classmates she is with now in this classroom can’t help to take a few glances of her beauty and shape.
Except for Neil, he is just, just quiet as usual no single glances or move to view his seat mate in class, suddenly their new classmate arrives along with their adviser, the new girl is really beautiful and attractive, her fiery spiky ash colored long hair and phoenix eyes are truly standing out, added by her proud demeanor and overbearing character, her body shape are match the sexiness that Iris have, so two hot goddesses will be the star of this classroom, one is member of Elite Stars and the other is a new fiery and blazing gem of classroom.
The adviser seems a normal noble one with a trance of knowledge can be seen in his eyes, his magnanimous figure gives the impressions of knowledgeable and guidance to every student that he was in charge, the fiery beauty start to walk in the middle of the class and found an empty spot nearby to the seat of Neil and Iris, talk about playful fate, upon seeing the empty spot, the fiery lady smiles as she take the seat and look back at the two.
Iris felt an irk of displeasure for the new classmate that she wishes that this girl arrives on wrong class section while Neil finishes his reading and focus his eyes on their new adviser in class, just like what he did to Iris, he ignore the fiery beauty as if she is nonexistent, this caught the attention of the new student and felt a bit of displeased for the Neil's behavior.
The adviser introduced himself, named Joseph Zhukov and he then discussed the rules of the institute and also its regulations, then he order for the students present to introduce themselves in order to known others and them, one by one introduces themselves, their family background and other identification stuff, few minutes pass, the fiery girl introduces herself.
“Listen up! All eyes on me, for I am the second eldest daughter of great Stormweaver family, Helena Rosa Stormweaver, and you, puny one, how dare you to ignore my majestic presence!”
Helena Rosa introduces herself as she then shifted her eyes on Neil, while the young man doesn’t pay attention and all to the introduction of the students, Helena Rosa’s bold declaration of her noble family shocks the whole class, her family is well known in Runic Flame and lightning art magics and being powerful and well known in Void wars because of their series of triumph of monster slaying, they also have connection power to the Scarlet Family as they stood in most powerful families in Star Coral City, as to why they are very bold and shameless is because they have a powerful Battle Sage back up from Zelecia Family head, the infamous “Crimson Chaos” Cynthia Scarlet.
“Lady Helena Rosa, please calm down, we have a rules and regulations to obeyed, remember?”
Adviser Zhukov warns, Helena Rosa pouts and sit on her seat and still staring at Neil with fuming hatred, this puny one really get her nerves, does this ignorant fool knows how high and mighty is her family? Perhaps sooner she can punish this one and make fun of this mysterious student cute and adorable face, just she wait when that opportunity strikes at her hand, Helena Rosa grins and planning something, Iris notice it and she already feel the sinister plotting of Helena Rosa.
Students next to Helena Rosa's lineup seatmates are starting to introduce themselves one by one until it reaches Iris and Neil, Iris readies herself to impress all fellow classmates and Neil who remain quiet, this is it, she can feel it that the mysterious student will notice her presence and will talk to her, right now one last student needed to introduce himself to be finished and the time will come for Iris to take her spotlight
“Everyone, some of you are already known who I am, but it is must to be done, For I am Iris Luna La Flora, My La Flora family is also well known on power in industry of agricultural business and have a business ties and support of Scarlet Family, It was my greatest pleasure to be with you here, let’s study and train together, Missy your turn~”
Iris finishes her introduction, and her lovely eyes lock onto the last but not the least Neil, Neil smiled back at her and stood, everyone is ready to know the identity of the young and little one, to see which family the mysterious student does belong and to see how powerful her family background, Helena Rosa and Iris become erratic to configured the identity of the young one.
“My name is Neil Simmons, for starters, apologies to my quiet nature, nothing special about me, it’s a pleasure to be with you all in our school days, good luck and also good morning”
Simplistic as always, Neil wants to finish his introduction without any delay or adding some of his achievements or whatnot, he just sat on his chair and smile at everyone, Iris was dumbfounded for him to break his own ice of silence, Helena Rosa was suddenly take aback on Neil's sudden change of attitude feedback, the remaining students become dumbstruck on his honesty and lovely smile.
“Since everyone has already introduce themselves, our lessons begins here, no sleeping, no talking or illicit activities, or else,,,” Zhukov begins as his eyed scan all of the students that he will handed on the end of school year. “I don’t need to tell you the consequence of our rules and regulations inside the academy”
“Yes teacher!” all the student said in unison.
The lessons begins as the sir Zhukov tackled about the differences of Elemental affinity and Soul Augmentation Battle Sage, everyone is taking notes of what he written on the board, Neil diligently listen to the lesson, lesson after lesson is been lectured and tackled, advices and guide is been given, proving the academy is willing to nurture the student to reach their peak of understanding, few hours pass as the afternoon arrives, the class is over.
Neil smiled as he exit the class room and continue his way to the library, within a span of few minutes thanks to the map given by the dorm staff, he arrive on the library despite the vastness of school property and buildings, in there, he goes to the librarian to get a permit to read, the studying inside the library has a time limit based on energy power ranking, Newbie-Class rank goes for 2 hours, Intermediate-Class for 3 hours, High-Class for 5 hours, Fighter Level for 10 hours and finally General Level can study there unlimited.
He get his permission and even the librarian was surprised that he really resemblance the younger age years of Legendary Battle Sage “Crimson Chaos”, which everyone admired and looked up, the librarian was totally happy for this development, when he tell to Neil about the lost son of the legend, it really fickle the curiosity of Neil, he then waived good luck to Neil and the young one move to his destination, the weaponry arts section for special reason, reaching for shelves while using ladders and then begin to open the books that he needed.
It was a mountain of books and a normal person will take a months to finish those reading, not to tell there are so special inscription words and symbols that are hard to calibrated by a mere Newbie-Class stage, but for Neil, this is nothing, thanks for his awakening Null Ascension ability, he got a tremendous knowledge despite his low energy power, with so much knowledge he accumulated from awakening, he easily understand different language codex uses on certain Runic Magic guides.
But still to read those big piled of books for two hours time limit is nearly impossible to finish, but for Neil, he has a plan, he is not reading them to memorize the whole sword arts, rather he is making his own weaponry arts by understanding the main practicing and understanding guidelines of skill, formulation of execution and profound output energy to materialize the skill of the said books, he will make a various skill moves and Runic magic arts from scratches and concepts that he will accumulated from studying the books and combine it with his past memories of various form of anime and game characters skills and their magic arsenal power.
The plan was set, time passing by, Neil, sweating but very happy, he managed to finish all books information data gathering with one minute left, he then place back the book to their respective place using his tremendous speed, piled it back to their respective places, and suddenly he heard the permit ticket ringing, this ticket is a magic tool of runic functions, it will ring if the time is up based on runic programming that the elders and expert input on it and being handled by the librarian.
All the information Neil accumulated to his brain is well in tack and stored, he is ready to test the blade works he made by his own, not relying to any expert or elders of the academy who is well fluent in sword arts to teach him, but rather he made his own by studying it and imagine its works on field, added by the body enhancing techniques he learned from his Null magic and he also made a concepts skills from it but more upgraded version.
The learning experience from his Null Ascension and past memories is truly helpful, many Battle Sage is relying on the teachings of their elders and gift left from experts, but Neil is different one, he want his own build techniques, a skills born from his knowledge and experienced, he want to be prepared at all times, just to be ensure of the path of goal to come back home, he will pursue this path of fate, this is his way, after a check out from library, he moved to his respective dorm and begin his writing records on what he learned.
Based from the mountain of weaponry techniques and runic arts book coming from ancient to present day made by the experts of different timelines, because of difference in language that the elders and teachers cannot easily comprehend, it was being stored and compiled by the Evergreen Academy and left to cover with dust, Neil filtered the strength, speed, power, precision, coordination, input and output of runic arts needed of every weaponry skills and techniques he made based on cultivation rank and runic magic cost.
This is what he come up with, “Book of Razor Edge”, a weaponry skill book, with well precise concepts, structures and materialization, this skill can be more deadly and cruel when Neil added it with “Null Ascension – Enhancement”, the weapon that Neil to wild with this skill arts are become more deadly due to amplification of “Cleave” and “Shock Wave”, ignoring the defenses to land a massive blow.
The “Book of Illusory Blades” is allowing Neil to perform range attack by summoning spectral blades of different sizes based on his energy power and imaginary will, creating a range projectile to shoot from distance and also use those spectral weaponry to shield him from various attacks and ambushing assaults, with a proper mastery of control and coordination, this skill art can be deadly if being ignored.
The “Book of Death Dance” is a skill book focuses on defensive combat, performing deflect, parrying and counter any attacks with precise and coordinated movement on time, its also perfect for Neil’s “Null Ascension – Reinforcement” capabilities if he is pushed to the corner and caught himself in dire situations, this book's skill arts are also quiet a depth to evasion and dodging techniques and tactics.
Although Neil can evoke these skills at will, he did not proceed to do it, he believes no matter how many his skills or how fancy and amazing it was, it was useless and easy to destroy in front of a lone skill that is been mastered by the wielder, so he need to master every skill and pushed himself to manage his combo at will, he must tampered every skill and honed it to the finest edge to develop a destructive and unavoidable attacks he might perform.
It was night when he finish the division pages of the books, tomorrow he will need to practice it on the training grounds of the academy and see how strong it was and what flaw is need to taken notice as possible, also that night he was visited by Iceberg sisters and they have a happy family dinner, each of them are having shared their stories while eating at the dine hall of school with other high profile student figures as the numerous admirers and fans of each people are watching them outside of the dine hall like superstars.
“How's your first day of school Lil' Neil?” Faye ask as she interlocked her fingers and rested her chin on it while looking at Neil’s decent eating manner.
“Same back then, but my classmates,,, ahh, they are such lively folks during lessons, I’m trying to adapt to their atmosphere “ Neil replied as he took a bite of his stake.
“I see, perhaps because you are use to be alone, I can relate to that” Faye said with a little gloomy, Neil notice it and already understand her situation, being the first student of this academy that wielding a super rare elemental affinity of ice, surely she will have a no progress without Lily White’s guidance.
“Speaking of which, how's the situation of Miss Lily White? “ Leah speak while about to drink her apple juice.
“She will visit to the academy tomorrow, she will need an entry pass and pass the books to Big sister Faye, no need to worry that much, she can handle herself” Neil answered as he eat his buttered potato mush.
“Speaking of which, Master is become well known around the academy due to her appearance out of thin air” Faye said with raising eyebrows, she was quiet amazed on how the news and gossips spread like a wild fire in a spam of hours.
“Yup, your master is quiet the figure, everyone is very jealous of your standings, even my classmates are asking me where did you find her” Leah shrugged as she remember back in her class when the guys and girls are flocking at her and asking about the whereabouts of the goddess of snow.
“Some of them are also asking me about my connections to your family and milady, I saw many guys chasing Florence on the spot as Ace is hiding at the three to avoid being caught and interrogated by the chasing folks”
Neil added as he take a sip of mix berry juice as he look with sighing face, he saw the two being making a marathon while being chased by the angry and envious admirers of the Faye, Leah and Lily White from his class window, making him to feel pity for the two, such a lively folks, hope they can survive even for tomorrow.
“Did you hear about the numerous clubs open for new members, they are also on high alert for us, luckily no one has ever approached us for a meantime” Leah said as take a bite from the well firm fried flesh of chicken with sweet chilly sauce.
“Yup Lil' Sis, I saw a strange chart at the bulletin board in main hall about the famous beauties spotted on school by the Newspaper Club” Faye spoke with concern tone as she shifted her eyes on Neil. “Master was on first place, on second place is Princess Wilhelmina Newcastle “
“Me and big sister tied up on third place, on fourth is the student council president” Leah join in as she wiped her mouth with clean cloth. “Fifth is lady Samantha Le Fantasia, also on seventh place is quiet exemption for one,,,”
“For one? To whom who get the seventh place?” Neil ask with curious tone, his voice was heard by nearby noble like figures as they shifted his eyes on him, Neil notice their few glances and giving Neil an in secured feeling till he finally realize it. “Don’t tell me,,,”
“Yes, its you,,, they made an exemption of male to join the seventh place for you undeniable cuddlesome femine cuteness” Faye cut in with a joyful smile, few noble like figures gives a thumbs up in approved.
“At sixth place, I believe it was three students, your classmate Iris Luna La Flora and Helena Rosa Stormweaver and the other student from another section Chelsea Reign heart” Leah said as she look at Neil's dumbstruck face like he was hit by a lighting.
“Why?” Neil spat one lone word in disbelief.
“It’s the Newspaper club, what else is there to expect beside the Pervy editor” Leah answered while she made a face palm.
“Ok, OK I get it, but still that was quiet ridiculous” Neil's displeased tone of voice as he put his hands on his face in embarrassment. “I think I will have a messed up tomorrow”
“Now, now, Lil' Neil, don’t be so overacting for such thing, at least someone has acknowledged your precious existence, be happy now, right smile, smile” Faye cheered up the dispirited Neil, Neil just let go a sighing face.
The three did enjoy their family dinner as the three finished their ordered meal, sooner they waived a good bye to each other and separate their ways to their respective dorms, Neil instruct Lily White via connected conscious to publish a book of Ice arts for Faye's education progress, the latter obeyed and start making a book of Ice art magic that accommodate to Faye's energy power rank level and comprehension.
Passing the school grounds when Neil saw a familiar figures, sneaking from bushes, his eyes widen when he had a clearly image of the bunch on the meadow, it was Helana Rosa and the student council president Fate Rosa, both sisters in blood, at their side is members of student council, looks like there is occurring tension of the two Stormweaver sisters.
“Big sis, give me one more chance! I'll prove my worth to our family” Helena Rosa spoke with eyes of determination, as she face the intimidating figure of her big sister.
“You are a mistake to our family, yet you dare to prove your worth? Among the losers that I’ve encountered in our family, you are the biggest dead weight that our family produced, go back home, my family doesn’t need a weakling like you!” Fate Rosa spoke with intimidating and pressuring words and insults as she look down with contempt on her little sister.
“No! I will not held down our family, I will grow strong! Give me a time to reac-“ Helena Rosa respond quickly but cut by Fate Rosa as a blunt pole lunge to her stomach and blow her away in few distance from Fate Rosa.
“Insolence! My family give you a time and even nurtured you to their best abilities, yet you failed them to exceed, let alone reach their expectations, you product of failure” Fate Rosa thundering voice echoed as she approach the in pain Helena Rosa, as the young girl trying to stood up and face her big sister.
“A weakling like you can become a Phoenix?” Fate Rosa said in cold tone as she grab the head of Helena Rose. “A mere pipe dream Helena, you fool think you can just do what you want because of our family backing?”
“And arrogant scoundrel you are!” Fate Rosa outburst with rage and hatred can be seen, Helena Rosa face turned pale ashen like her hair on such painful words that her big sister spat at her. “Let see if you can rise without family backing, you will realize how weak and pathetic you are”
Fate Rosa is about to throw her sister when she heard a footsteps coming towards their direction, the silhouette appeared and the Stormweaver sisters already recognize the new face coming towards them, Fate Rosa freed Helena Rosa from her hands as he face the familiar individual.
“Never thought I’ll gonna walk to this cliché scene again” Neil spoken as his soft voice is clearly heard by the student council members present. “Some family issues, not my thing, but the girl has a spirit, her will is truly admirable”
“She is, totally rascal if I may added, if you’ll please, leave and forget what you saw tonight, this is our problem” Fate Rosa stated as she look at the very poor condition of her little sister without giving a damn about her.
“As much as I hate to walk on time in this scenario, it probably unforgettable, I think she have enough what it takes, please let her go for now, to take reflection in her actions, hurting more of her will loose her pride and will, on much worse case, her sanity” Neil replied as he approach face to face the student council president with a sharp straight eyes.
The surroundings become tense as the wind blows grew strong, every member of the student council and even Helena Rosa witness the powerful stand off of her big sister and her most hateful classmate, she, along with the others felt the murderous aura of both two that is quiet suffocating, everyone was awe in such bravery that Neil shown in front of Fate Rosa, to think some young and Newbie-Class student dare to stop their student council president, just what is her identity?
“Such bravado, I can see her in you, the eyes of the great Battle Sage, a blood lust that even I cannot comprehend and achieve” Fate Rosa chuckled as she crossed her arms and let her ample and full chest rest on it. “Consider yourself lucky, little sister, a hero is arrive to rescue a poor damsel in distress, but be warned, once you fail our expectations, better not to shown you pathetic face to be stepped by me”
“Big sister,,, tsk, just you wait” Helena Luna speak in weakened voice as she tried to stood up while shaking.
“I’m waiting, prove yourself with your full determination, when you reach the desired level my family want, I will acknowledged your achievements” Fate Rosa rebuttal as she turn her back from the two and walk away with cold contempt, the other student council members follows her. “Young one, take care of my idiot little sister, I’m counting on you”
“I already do what I can, whatever happens next it is up to y-“ Neil said as he look on the frail condition of Helena Rosa.
“I know bastard! I don’t need your concern! I can do-“ Helena burst as she tried to walk but the pain gets her and about to fell when Neil catch her in time. “Mongrel! Let me go!”
“You pathetic of an excuse, let’s go to the clinic, I will be labeled as heartless by some judgmental people who left you grumping on walk” Neil reasoned as he then princess carried Helena Rosa to the corridor to their destination. “Before I forgot, your sister is right, you can’t grow if you keep relying on your parents, challenge yourself maybe you can achieve something that you will proud of”
“Tsk, to be seen by such a mongrel like you in this humiliating state” Helena Rosa pout as she look at the face of Neil.
“Every person sometimes committed a mistake to grew more and develop, they learn from their flaws and become more aware of their fate in future, your bad luck and struggles will bear a good fruit with right patience and understanding” Neil taught Helena Rosa as he continue to walk and stare at the nightly skies, Helena Rosa become silent on Neil's words of wisdom for a moment when she realize his intent.
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A woman wakes up in a forest, naked, alone, and injured. She has nothing but a strange, black dagger and mysterious, floating, blue boxes to aid her. Can she find food and water? Survive the deadly animals? Escape the forest? Learn about the life-altering magic the boxes provide her? She has to use her wits, her knowledge, and maths to do so. But first, baby steps. She doesn't even understand the language, yet. If you see any maths mistakes or strange story decisions, leave a comment and I will either fix it or consider changing it. This is also, essentially, a first draft. That means I will edit older chapters and nothing is final, including numbers. Any major changes are listed in the changelog below each chapter. Since this is a first draft, the start is noticably bad and inconsistent compared to the more recent chapters so you will have to endure that to get to the good stuff. Rewritten version of Ortus (Old Version)
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DogZ (Complete)
First, Spring's favorite hu-man left for somewhere and didn't return, then his pack leader met an accident and died, leaving him alone in a pack on the cusp of splitting away. He’s alone and angry and goes to sleep one night, wishing for them to come back so he could play and run and bask in the sun. A miracle happens and his pack leader comes back to life! Or does he?
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SYNCH : the contract formation
In a near but distant future, an era of superpower and magic. Five young people, Iris, Anck, Alice, Brian and Steve were born different, without powers, but one day they inadvertently form contract with the gods and receive immense powers. In a world where only the strongest are recognized, follow their adventure as they try to finalize the contract and discover the secrets behind their existence. I will post everyday even during weekends either at 8:30 am GMT or 5:30 pm GMT. At least until we make it to chapter 50. Each chapter will be between 500 and 1000 words. Thank you for your read and don’t forget to give me a feedback it will help me better myself?
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Parallels are a constant in life. Our friends' lives often run parallel to ours; we share similar experiences or tastes- perhaps even both. Sometimes, however, opposites attract- and our lives run perpendicular. In that case, we are not attracted by similarities; rather, we are attracted to the differences in others. So, what happens when two parallels are broken apart? What might happen to them? Are they forever doomed to run alongside each other, never seeing one another, never meeting? Or, perhaps, might they be spun about? Could these lines that formerly ran alongside one another meet? Could they possibly be set perpendicular? Any feedback is welcome, so long as it is constructive. Also, you may not use any characters, ideas, places, or what have you that I present here without my explicit permission. A note: This is a story which I began over a year ago, but never got around to finishing- it feels about time to really get it going. Now, there are a couple of things about the story, and myself, that need to be said. First and foremost, there's a slow start, but by the third-fourth chapter things should be speeding up a bit. Secondly, in regards to release speed and/or word count per chapter, I make no promises- my schedule is fairly random, and in regards to word count, I will cut off any chapter at any point that feels appropriate to me- that may include cliffhangers, if necessary. I'm not trying to reach a specific word count, I am trying to create a cohesive story, with pseudo-appropriate chapter breaks. This means I will also not rush a half-baked release for the sake of getting a release out. Thirdly, I will make any edits, anywhere in the story and at any time, that strike me as necessary- typically being wording and/or formatting changes, but I may also decide to change major plot points- in that case I would put a notification in the next chapter released. Finally, and most importantly, I am a Christian; this story is intended to at least moderately reflect those values. So, if you particularly dislike any of these things, feel free to look elsewhere, and don't let the door hit you on the way out. God bless, friends.
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Monsters of unknown origin populate this fantasy world. Unlike other beings, they have the ability to steal the strengths and traits of those they consume, growing stronger every battle they stand victorious. With a power that many envy, a Scypede -- a monster with the form of a dark centipede with razor sharp scythes -- stood above the rest. Guided by a sadistic Demon, and fueled by hellbent curiosity, it will forge its own destiny, facing all its consequences with it. ___Also in webnovel
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