《BOOK 2: THE WRATH OF ASMODEUS -- [a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series] VOL 1.2 OTHER-PERTH》Chapter 12: The ‘Senior Citizens’ Challenge


PETER HAD ENJOYED HIS SUCCESSES – of his ‘stage-presences’ of the Heroes’ Award, where that news online was TRENDING ‘ABOVE,’ the ‘terrorist-phone-bombing @Stamford High’ that night.

While, Jane Wilson, who cried herself to sleep…

… the blind-tween felt GUILTY OF BEING ‘CURSED’ ever since the Treeton dairy farm-tragedy – and, its chain-reactions that SNOWBALLED ‘SINCE,’ that endangered mankind in Perth and…

… of Australia of-the whole…

… feeling ‘guilty’ too of her secret-identity, which she hid from her-family and-the public… and yet going ON STAGE JUST NOW for the Heroes’ Award to gain ‘recognition,’ was too much to handle…


… she did use her combined ‘powers’ with her beacons of the Cursed-trio… where-in-unity … they managed to rescue her baby brother, at the zoo…

… but the other events that followed – were-all CURSED WITH ‘bad luck.’

The ‘recent tragic-event’ had affected Jane personally the most, was of the school’s PHONE-BOMBS – where her classmate, Charlotte Thompson was disfigured by the consequential ‘curse’ – when she OPENED THE FILE of the ‘break-up’ PFC-video.

The blind-girl knew the injured girl, description to her by Alicia, as the most beautiful girl in class… but with a mean-attitude. Charlotte had been cruel and nasty towards her in class before when she ‘mistook’ using her SIMY as ‘cheating’ in their examinations, but that was because she was only-protecting ‘WHAT-IS-HERS’ – but if Charlotte ‘knew’ about her 3rd-Eye, it would ‘flip’ her-more – for a handicap BLIND-GIRL TO HAVE ‘superpowers,’ compared to a normal-mortal-person. Blind-Jane was ‘not’ PROUD BY-THAT, NOR of Charlotte deserving the fate, to be disfigured caused by-her ‘curse.’

Jane Wilson decided ‘not’ to use her cursed-powers any more – she called up her BFF, and told her about it…

… instead of celebrating on the cursed-victory, they should ‘visit’ the cursed-casualties ‘more’…

… the blind-Jane wanted Alicia to accompany her tomorrow, after school…

… to the hospital to visit their classmate, Charlotte Thompson who was admitted… a week ago.


PAUL WENT TO THE LIBRARY AFTER TUESDAY’S CLASS lessons – the weather outside was too hot, to go home. He entered the air-conditioned library which was, half-full with senior students, into their-own group-studies.

… he rolled his wheelchair over far, TO A LONG TABLE where Alicia and Jane were seated – he ‘wanted’ to stick-with them in this final school term, and excel in studies, to be the Top 5 in his class.

Paul set up his MacBook and soon he was in the ‘zone,’ with the flow of concentration, for about 10 minutes… until he saw his one-armed twin storming-inside…

… Paul then realized the term-and-condition that, Jane had imposed on Peter – of one-hour study-coaching daily, in the library.

But Peter rambled out…

“Guess what Janey… those ‘newspapers’ out there are getting-too much – since we won the Bravery Award, the papers have-now put us-up-for-CHALLENGE BY SETTING UP a ‘mock-match,’ against some oldies in some country club…”

“Shhh… Peter lower your voice – you’re in a library.”

“That’s why I don’t-come in here – I would prefer ‘we’ study in Macca… same air-con-but with music, and good food too.” Peter whispered aloud, in displeasure.

“There will be too much of ‘distraction’ there… we study here in the library – what was that mock-match, you said earlier?”

“Yeah, the newspapers they are MOCKING-AT US HANDICAPPERS and they-pit us-both against some senior oldies in the-pretext – of SOME-CHARITY EVENT and sorts… and what charity is that…? I do-charity here in school, they say that was ‘AGAINST’ SCHOOL’S RULES – and accuse me of betting-and-gambling…”


… Paul googled-up, to find out a post stating – PERTH’S COUNTRY CLUB was sending an invitation to the “Perth’s famous couple’ – to play some AUSTRALIAN EX-INTERNATIONAL couple mixed doubles…for a charity-match.

Paul interrupted his twin.

“Hey, Peter… what are you talking about?”

Paul read from the screen:

“It says in here – Perth’s country club, in honour of Mayor John Blake… an honorary member… had suggested, ‘Perth’s famous couple’ to play a charity match, with their inhouse celebrities Steve Connery and Amy Bixby, who were ex-internationals in mixed-doubles… and runners-up, in the ’97 Perth Opens – where the goodwill proceeding of the charity-match, would go to various charity organisation…”

Paul stopped-reading and he grilled. “Where on earth, did they say ANYTHING THAT YOU-SAID was handicap bashing…?”

“That’s where you are dumb, Poe – you DON’T READ IN-BETWEEN the lines.”

Alicia voiced-up, in excitement…

“… this is a good thing – Janey, ‘you’ should play.”

“No Chinatown, it is ‘not’ a good thing – this could-go bad 2-ways… whether we beat them or they beat us, in the papers. I have DONE THAT BEFORE – AND IT ‘BACKFIRED at the farm with that Elvis-Captain Australia war-hero – and ‘again’ at the zoo with your hero-dog ‘Piper’ – and-here – this Wong thinks, it is the ‘Right’ thing to do now, but she is Wong.”

… Alicia held the angered Paul’s hand… and Peter smiled – and ‘it’ provoked him more when the twin said…

“Go ahead Poe – hide ‘behind’ your China-doll.”

… blind-Jane saw both her 2 beacons – who were glowing bright intensively in the ‘negativity.’

Her firm voice then spoke, as she pointed at the ‘red-glow’…

“Peter Walker, you-be respectful to my friends here – go on, apologize to them … or else our tennis-deal is off.”

The one-armed student looked up, ‘smirked’ at the Chinese girl and the crippled-twin.

“I’m sorry – Alicia – sorry to you too – Poe… for hurting ‘your’ feelings.”

“Look-at his mug… he is ‘not’ earnest, he is ‘not’ sincere – and, he will bloody do it ‘again.’”

… Paul said-in dissatisfaction and he left the table… with his MacBook left there behind – Alicia chased after his wheelchair.

…Peter shrugged, looked at Jane alone, at the study-table.

“That-cleared the room fast – SO-JANEY, WHAT ARE ‘WE’ studying today?”


JANE AND ALICIA WENT TO THE PERTH’S Children’s Hospital that evening – where the blind girl was admitted-herself, a couple of months ago when struck by lightning back in the Treeton field trip. She and Alicia-both were there now, to visit Charlotte Thompson… their injured classmate, who was admitted a week ago.

They went up-to-the right floor to the rightward. They have to sign in, to a visitor’s log as it was a police-case under ‘investigation.’ The nurse at the Nurse’s Desk was Nurse Eker – middle-aged, mildly obese. ALICIA DID THE TALKING, and she can’t help noticing the-big mole at the tip of the nurse’s nose like Rudolph – it was deeply hypnotising to ‘look’ at it when Nurse Eker spoke – and pointed to the ward-room.

Alone on the bed, was the ‘most’ beautiful-girl from their classroom – now, with her eyes bandaged, and her swollen right cheek… with 2nd degree burns, with her blond hair, shaven on the right side.

… the blind-Jane with her dark-glasses softly called out to her…

“Charlotte, it’s me JANE, WITH ALICIA – we came to visit you.”

“Why are you both really ‘here?’” The injured classmate responded. Alicia did the talking…


“Just a SOCIAL VISIT, NOTHING ELSE – where are your friends, Char?”

“My friends will come ‘later.’” Charlotte said, with a defensive tone.

… Alicia figured her ‘clique’ would have visited her FOR THE ‘FIRST’ 3 DAYS, and stopped coming since…

‘… who would visit ‘daily,’ unless she was your BFF?’

The-concerned Jane then spoke. “Are you in pain, Charlotte…?”

The bandaged girl nodded and sobbed. Jane held her hand, as she sat beside her, on her bed. All 3 girls were in silent for 15 seconds, and the injured-girl retracted her hand, from Jane’s clasp…

“I heard you-2 got the Heroes’ Award… how did you 2 MANAGE-TO ‘FOOL’ even the Mayor, to give you that…?”

… Alicia laughed alone at her sarcasm.

“Are-you both, dynamic-duo… part-of the terrorist group, that came to ‘kill’ me in the hospital?”

Now, all 3 of them laughed out.

“No, Charlotte – even Mayor John Blake said, that the terrorist attacks were fake-news.” Jane clarified.

… Alicia then spoke again. “We heard in school, that Bruce Burton, was discharged yesterday, from that ‘other’ hospital.”

… Bruce Burton was Charlotte’s boyfriend – and the Stamford High’s cricket captain, who LOST HIS ‘THUMB,’ in the phone-bomb explosion – when HE INITIATED THE CURSED ‘break up video’ distribution...

The bandaged ‘girlfriend’ replied, in anxiety…

“I hope he ‘don’t come’ in, and visit me here – I ‘look’ totally-messed up. Daddy said I need to go for plastic surgery and for eye-operation before I get back to school for the final term.”

“Yes… you will ‘come’ back, Charlotte.” The blind-girl said, supportive…

… while, placing her dominant-left hand up with her ‘palm,’ centimetres near to Charlotte’s bandaged eyes… ‘examining with her-3rd-eye…

They then spoke like friends, for the next half hour – until the visitors left.

… outside, the-curious Alicia asked…

“Janey-your 3rd-Eye – what you ‘saw?’”

Shaking her head, said softly. “She is blind like me.”

… Alicia choked. “The poor thing…that’s karma…”

“Ali, we must DO THE ‘RIGHT’ THING BY – by, we should be supportive of Charlotte when she goes into the ‘new’ transition later.”


Charlotte Thompson did ‘NOT’ RETURN TO Stamford High-ever again – 6 months later, she was registered to a prestigious blind-school in Perth…

… but blind-Jane-kept in touch…

… and, she visited Charlotte at the ‘new’ school… to give moral support, to her ‘new’ life-phase...


PAUL RETURNED HOME, AFTER THE ARVO-SUN had settled, in the early evening. He rolled his wheelchair over the front door, to turn off the beeping and piercing security-alarm. He turned over to the living room, to turn on the central air-con…

… behold…

… there sat, on his father’s chair – was a red, heinous-looking, horned… one-armed adult-demon…

The terrified Paul, jolted on the seat of his wheelchair – levitated up-fast, in defensive mode … of fight or flight.

“Stand down, ‘Michael’ – I didn’t come here to fight…”

… Paul, still floating, chilled.

It was the 2ND TIME THE ‘SAME’ DEMON had called him Michael – the first, being at the Aurora Australis.

“Paul…” The crippled boy said out.


“I’m Paul.”

“Yes, I know ‘WHO’ YOU-ARE – you are the other half of the Cursed-one – ‘THE GOOD-ONE’ of the Gemini-twin. And, I'm MERCURY, by-the-way…”

… the demon reached out his single arm – while still seated… Paul hesitated in fear, to shake his hand… and mesmerized SEEING THE TATTOOS on the Red-demon’s face were ‘moving.’

“Fear ‘not’ O’ Good-one, I won’t bite – if it’s my looks-that you dread – fear ‘not’ too – for I-was too a handsome God once… whom Romans citizens worshipped in the temple of Olympus. I was a Messenger of the Gods, the Keeper of Boundaries and the bridge, of the upper and lower world, wherein the afterlife realm… I was-a soul carrier.”

After the long line of accolades, Paul ‘trusted’ the tattooed Red-demon… who seemed to be a friendly creature – similar to HellBoy. Paul shook his big-rough hand, which was 4 times the size of his palm.

“It all came to a swift end – when I lost a wager, where I bet my own god-vanity in a card-game with ASMODEUS, AND HE ‘CURSED’ ME into this ugly demon, whom-now you lay your eyes upon…

“Now, I am FORGOTTEN AS-A GOD to man, in your new-world today – but by-the saving grace of the FORTUNE-READING COMMUNITY, where-I… Mercury – being remembered ‘today’ as the ruling planet, to the ZODIAC SIGNS OF Gemini and Virgo.

“I take the role of my ‘new’ vocation seriously – to be a GUARDIAN OF BOTH THE SIGNS of my House. Right now, Good-one… YOUR ‘TWIN’ IS IN DANGER – he is the Chosen-one… of the All-Father-demon Asmodeus.”

“Yes, I KNOW – I HEARD from SeeIn.”

… Paul said in reference to Ms King’s hologram message of the future...

… but that confused the tattooed-faced Red-demon.

“Who IS SEEIN… is he a god…?”

“No, it is a future ‘technology,’ that gave us the ‘omen.’”

The demon laughed, as he nodded with the insight…

“Oh-I-see, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY – it has been the hot-talk in the Underworld-too a lot lately… that it would take control of humanity’s sensitivity in the future.”

“Who-said so, Steve Jobs…? But ‘that’ is true-in a way… I-too can’t live a day, without my iPhone and gadgets – tell me, Mercury, WHO IS ASMODEUS…? ‘What’ is he in the Underworld…?” Paul probed, sitting on his wheelchair.

The Red-demon stood up… from the chair of the late-Solomon – and he briefed…

“Ol’ Asmodeus ‘owns’ the Underworld – every-bloody business – every soul of dead-mortals, old gods, demons and-even angels…

“… he NOW ‘OWNS’ PETER, and made him ‘his’ Chosen-one. I had to intervene, as Peter is a Gemini, a ‘subject’ of my House – but-Asmodeus then PUT A BOUNTY ON my head ever since… and now-every demon out there wants to behead me – for-Asmodeus … who had promised those who ‘succeed’… a reward of the prize-of higher dark powers.”

… Paul was quiet, listening to unknown-secrets from the beyond… from the horses’-mouth, of one of its ‘subjects’ – while Mercury talked more…

“Paul the Good-one, WE ‘NEED’ TO RESCUE Peter’s soul.”

“Mercury, from what I know, that my brother would ‘NOT’ HAVE SOLD HIS SOUL… and I believe he is a good Catholic because to ‘goes’ to Church with me and Mom.”

“Bah! Now, ‘WHAT IF’ – HIS SOUL WAS ‘TAKEN’ from him… of him being ‘not’ aware of it consciously?” Scoffed-the Red-demon.

“If that is the case, Mercury – the whole wide-world ‘would’ be possessed, by demons, don’t you think?”

The Red-demon grinned wide when he heard-that – he BEGAN TO ‘LIKE’ the other half of the Chosen-one… who made him ‘think’ outside the-demon-box.

The Good-one would be PERFECT FOR THE ‘MISSION’ – as a co-strategist with his ‘technology’ know-how that the Red-demon ‘lacked’… when they-both set upon ‘into’ the dark Underworld – to RESCUE THE ‘CAPTURED’ SOUL of Peter, from the dark Old-one.

… Paul was aroused from his sleep to the sound, of the alarm-clock to 6:30 AM – and he sat up in his wet adult-diapers… and thought of, what a-weird dream he had…

… he mumbled out…



PETER TOO WOKE UP EARLY IN THE SAME WEDNESDAY morning – he checked the status of his ‘Perth’s famous couple’ which was status quo, since the Heroes’ Award.

But he-sat up… when he saw ‘what’ was trending in Perth…

… a local TV-sport station had jumped into the bandwagon of the country-club – if at all, ‘Perth’s famous couple’ wished to accept the ex-Internationals’ challenge – the TV station would schedule to LIVE-TELECAST charity-match, on its prime-time slot.

This was the ‘KIND’ OF EXPOSURE-PETER had longingly wanted for his ‘Perth’s famous couple’ brand to have – to PREPARE FOR HIS ‘COMEBACK’ in the tennis-world – transition from YouTube to national TV.

He didn’t bother to shower, dressed up-into his school uniform… and left the house earlier than Paul.

… Peter cycled fast to Stamford High, to tell THE ‘GOOD NEWS’ to Janey, who had been avoiding him lately and – even switched off her phone, at will.

Early that morning, were a couple of parked media vans were – at the Stamford High gates. Reporters rushed with TV cameras… to the one-armed tween, on his approaching bike.

“Peter, will YOU BE ACCEPTING the Mayor’s Challenge Cup… and play your ‘Perth’s famous couple’ against the ex-Australian internationals?”

… said the voices…

‘Mayor’s Challenge Cup – is that WHAT-THEY ‘BRAND’ this charity match ‘was’ about, where the Mayor himself was an Honorary Member of the country club?’

Peter was impressed-by the marketing-model…

… he gave a long-pause to the question, as he-grinned wide at the cameras…

Waving his one-palm, ‘inwards’…

“I GET IT – yes, bring IT ON!”


IN-CLASS, PETER THE BACK-BENCHER, noticed that Jane always walked into class with Alicia, a-few seconds before any teacher arrived. Jane was always close to her ‘Chinese-bodyguard’ – who, ‘does’ THE TALKING FOR HER…

… if he were to offend the blind-girl’s BFF – there were-repercussions – of the mixed-pair tennis ‘deal,’ with its T&C being thrown ‘out.’


… there was also, the strict school’s ‘no usage of a cellphone during school hours had been imposed… since the phone-bomb attacks.

… Jane was clearly ‘avoiding’ him, online and offline which-he sensed. The next time he ‘could’ speak to her, it would be at recess break in the canteen, where he would-bump into her. But-then, he needed to amplify the PR OF ‘CHALLENGE-ACCEPTED,’ for his brand ‘Perth’s famous couple’… to his student-fans, who would normally-crowd around him…

… that made the-only ‘time’ for a face-to-face, with Jane was in the ‘library’… where-she tutored him – but whatever he told her by then, would be ‘old-news.’

The school’s bell rang for the recess period, the-hungry students flocked to the canteen, with Jane disappearing among-them in the main hallway. The one-armed boy searched for Jane. He avoided his greeting new-found-fans, by-waving to them – until his ‘YouTube publicist-manager,’ Jason Lang bumped-stop him. And, the senior student sounded excited…

“Peter, MY YOUTUBE ACCOUNT-came online again, after more than one-week suspension – your viral video, now has got a spike of 52K views… and-its growing!”

The one-armed tween punched the air and exclaimed...

“That is great news, Jace! But the greater news is, guess what… I HAD ACCEPTED the Mayor’s-Cup challenge – and it would be telecasted live this Sunday.

“So, Jason, whatever cut I make there on the ‘deal’… I will buy you YouTube ads, to boost your channel, okay?”

Both students high-fived and parted. Peter noticed up ahead, blind-Jane coming out of the girl’s room – and he ran up to her…

“Janey, WE SHOULD-PLAY this Sunday with the ‘old-timers’ in that Mayor’s Challenge Cup – WE NEED THIS… because it would be COVERED ‘LIVE’ ON TV.”

“For what…? Blind people DON’T WATCH TV.”

… Peter was speechless, for a moment, and stared at the cold-blind-girl’s sarcasm.

“You made a hoo-hah yesterday, that playing those seniors were AN ‘INSULT’ TO handicap people and now – you want it – which is which, do you actually ‘want…?’”

“Sorry Janey, I did not get their ‘marketing-model’ till just now – we ‘should’ represent the school, when we TAKE THE CHALLENGE, alright…?”

He saw Alicia and wheelchaired Paul approaching…

“I have to ‘think’ about it.”

She said and joined her friends.

“Don’t-think too long, okay…? This is a charity-match… and ‘needy-people’ are COUNTING ON US, on this one.”

… Peter didn’t get her reply… as she walked away with her friends.


THE AUSTRALIAN WILDLIFE RANGERS who were responsible for the recapture of the black panther for South Perth’s Zoo – were in Narrogin to investigate of a ‘tagged’ dingo of ‘theirs,’ a few days ago.

The dead female-dog was confirmed as ‘755’ – ‘tagged’ 2 years ago… when the animal was a year old. Since then, she was infamously nicknamed as the ‘She-Devil Wolf’ by the fearful sheep-headers… that preyed on their livestock...

… there was until now, it had-been a police-case too – OF A FARMER ‘KILLED’ – during the shooting-dead, of the ferocious-bitch.

It was confirmed that a grey-Alsatian WAS ALSO SEEN ACCOMPANYING the 4-legged she-Devil – and the descriptions ‘fits’ the ‘Perth’s Hero-dog,’ – which also attacked a farmer by gnawed his wrist.

The Rangers were ‘familiar’ with Piper the hero-dog-story – where it was bitten by the black, big wild-cat a couple of months ago, where they recaptured the big-cat, by tranquillizer darts.

Now, the Rangers were IN-SEARCH OF PIPER, who wondered-far away – from Perth… where its blind-master was.


THE MOMENT THE LAST BELL RANG, PETER ran-out at the back-classroom door, with a 6-pack juice-boxes under his arm.

He ran over to the library to-book a long table before it got crowded, with the hot weather.

Already over-10 senior students were-there, when he-entered… used his stump-arm to open, the library-door. Peter chose a the-long table at the far end, for the ‘meeting’ – and unpacked the juice boxes. He was drinking kiwi-juice from one, while he waited…

Checking updates on his phone, as he looked at students coming in. In-awhile-more, more students came in – then, walked in were Jane and Alicia, with the crippled-Paul behind…

… Peter waved his single arm frantically and called out. Everyone in the library looked up…

“Janey, over here!”

Blind-Jane, Alicia and Paul cringed… when they saw at the rear, Peter waving at them. They squirmed, as they went forward to him, with peering eyes all staring and whispering of – ‘Perth’s famous couple.’

All 3 of them shushed Peter, before sitting…

“Okay-okay – here are some drinks, it’s so hot out there. Drink it… it’s on me.”

Unwrapping the drink for Jane, and offering her, he then said…

“The stakes are high, JANEY WE ‘HAVE’ to play this.”

… Jane drank her pineapple-juice… and remarked and ragged him…

“Look, Peter, I agreed-to be your doubles partner for the school’s knockouts-trials only – so what is this Mayor’s Piss-Cup…?”

… Alicia laughed aloud, for an audible-level of a library. Paul and Jane then giggled, while nervous Peter-grinned in anxiety.

He said…

“Come on, an opportunity just fell on ‘our-side’ of the court here – we should capitalize in it, and THAT IS ‘GOOD’ FOR OUR ‘Perth’s Famous couple’ brand.”

“CORRECTION – YOUR ‘Perth’s famous couple’ brand, NOT MINE.”

“Come on, Janey, cut me some slack here, please… even whatever I’m ‘to’ you these days – ex-boyfriend…? pariah-dog? PLEASE DO ‘THIS’ FOR ME…?”

“No… this is ‘not’ the deal.”

Everyone at the table, saw Peter breaking down in tears – playing the ‘victim’… an emotion-hijack at-play…

“Please-Janey, please…”

“You have ‘used’ me – and, since-then – I have-lost my privacy and patience-with ‘you.’”

They all heard more of his sobs.

The blind-girl then asked Alicia.

“Ali, do you think I should play?”

“Yeah, that what I said yesterday… it’s a ‘good’ thing – but the ‘cry-baby-boy’ here, diss me … saying, that it was a bad-wong-idea.”

… Peter looked up at the Chinese girl, with ‘regrets.’ Next, Jane asked…

“How about you, Paul?”

“I agree-with Alicia, you should play – in this charity-game.”

Turning her head, Jane firmly spoke to Peter.

“Peter-look here, YOU STUBBORNLY FOUGHT with-my friends yesterday. Now, you are ‘begging’ to-them today – now ‘SINCERELY APOLOGIZE’ TO THEM, before I change my mind to play this Sunday.”

He looked up and apologized to the couple.

“Okay-Champ, what is your game-plan here?”

… Jane asked, and saw Peter clearing his throat with a sniffle. “This is-Wednesday today – we are left with ‘only’ 3 days, we train hard...”

… Alicia responded fast. “Seriously, in this scorching sun, Janey? It would make your-freckles spread bad.”

“But…we can ‘only’ train, during school hours…”

Peter said back. They saw Jane removing her AI dark-glasses and replacing with a normal Oakley sunnies. The blind-girl also removed her Boyyo head-set too – SHE PUSHED ‘BOTH’ the items, across the table, towards the ‘red-glow.’

“Peter-here, you go ‘teach’ Boyyo how-to-play tennis for 2 hours, when I am here in the library… for during the next 3 days.”

“You ARE ‘NOT’ COMING to the court with me?”

No, you-teach Boyyo – and ON MATCH-DAY… ‘depends’ on how you teach ‘him,’ is ‘how’ I will perform on Sunday.”

“How-what…? Why ‘not’ use your 3rd-Eye? We are in a tight corner, with ‘time.’ What I mean is, why not-to eat with 2-forks? I got one-arm, I know that when I’m eating, that using 2 forks will clank the plate, like a xylophone, and the peas-jump up…”

… he was ‘confusing’ everyone with his nonsensical analogy…

“No Peter, I will ‘not’ use my 3rd-Eye ability-ever again… because that is ‘cheating’. Furthermore, I will be on TV playing tennis to the viewers, WHO WOULD BE WONDERING on ‘how the bloody hell is this blind-bat’ playing tennis…?’ But, with ‘Boyyo’ I can fool that this ‘blind-bat’ is-using technology instead of – what you call the supernatural 3rd-Eye-assist?’”

“Is this Boyyo tech, any good than SIMY…?”

“You-tell me? It depends on how-you ‘teach him’ – so Champ… can-you coach?”

… in-hesitation, Peter nodded slowly to her. Jane cupped her right-ear.

“Yes…? Louder… this ‘blind-bat’ can’t hear you.”


“Okay Peter, come back, 2 hours from now. And, by the way… it is-a million-dollar tech – in other words, don’t break it!”

… they saw Peter marching to the library door with Boyyo, before exiting out. The 3 of them laughed ‘hard-softly’ at the table.

The 3 of them preamble a ‘faking’ act, and – it worked…


… Jane had told Alicia and Paul earlier, that a reporter had CORNERED HER DOCTOR-MOTHER yesterday-evening, when she was waiting for her after school, in her Mazda…

… the reporter asked when Jane approached the car. “Dr Wilson, would you daughter be playing in the ‘Mayor’s Challenge Cup’ this Sunday?”

Dr Wilson looked at her B-girl, in hesitation… before the blind-girl said... “No, I don’t think so…”

The annoyed doctor-mother turned, to the reporter...

“Jane Wilson-WOULD PLAY for this ‘good’ cause charity-event – its high time my daughter does her civic duty, for this city – and be a good-daughter, and, a noble daughter of the-citizen!”


PAUL RETURN HOME – he went through his routine, ‘kill-the-alarm, switch-on-the-A/C’ – and, he did that on his wheelchair – but he was-in a deja vu …

The RED-DEMON WAS BACK sitting on his father’s favourite, armchair… and greeting him by gesturing a welcome-peace sign, with his single arm.

“I’m I dreaming, am I ‘not?’ I feel ‘real,’ like I’m dreaming… I’m always coming back from school, in my uniform – and I find you, Mercury?”

… Mercury chuckled and nodded.

“You notice there was a ‘loop’ there.”

“You mean to say… each time I meet you, I will be in my uniform?”

Mercury nodded again, and adding…

“That is the ‘SETUP’ OF DREAMS, from-then on, you don’t know where-you going ‘to,’ and… where you were-coming ‘from’…

“But listen here, Good Paul… for where we will be going ‘soon,’ is further up the realms – a REALM IN A DREAM-IN-DREAM – to where the gods ‘are.’”

“Wow!” The crippled boy exclaimed.

“Yes-Paul-wow… but ARE YOU MISSION ‘ready?’”

… Paul nodded, to the Red-demon – who then ‘tested’ him.

“What is your mission, WHAT DO YOU RECALL in our last meet – spit-it out then!!?”

“You are Mercury… a Roman-god… and Asmodeus cursed you and… and you are the house-planet ruler for Gemini… I can’t remember… anything, beyond ‘that?’”

“What ABOUT THE CHOSEN-ONE? You remember that…?”

“… huh-yea… Peter, yes, he… is the Chosen-one…”

“Why ‘IS’ PETER THE Chosen-one?”

“Because, because his soul, is ‘taken’…”

“Why ‘IS’ PETER’S SOUL ‘taken?’”

“Because… because – I can’t remember…”

“That is THE ‘KEY’ PART of our mission… and you don’t remember…? Think hard, Good-one – because where you are going ‘to,’ requires you to REMEMBER ‘DETAILS’ – so that you are ‘prepared’, WHEN YOU WAKE UP tomorrow…

“Now, think hard, Paul – WHY WAS YOUR twin, Peter’s soul ‘taken?’”

“Seriously… Mercury – I don’t remember…”

“Okay remember this, Paul – Old-man Asmodeus WILL WALK THE EARTH ‘again’ –through-Peter-with-Peter-in-Peter!”

Paul was terrified and shivered.

“The Evil-one himself, ‘is’ coming here....?”

“Yes, we have to go to the Underworld, to get Peter’s soul back – to ‘prevent’ the Old-man from coming – DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW?”

“… but…Mercury, I’m scared.” Paul gasped.

“I don’t deny, it is INDEED A SCARY PLACE – ‘but’ you must go there, to rescue your twin – do you think, YOU ‘CAN’ DO THAT for him?”

… Paul slowly nodded – for he is his brother’s ‘keeper.’

“But-first… we have to GO THERE, AND FIND VENUS – who is the Mother of Virgos – she will ‘have’ information and the ANSWERS, WE NEED.”

“Who is she – is she your girlfriend?”

“Used to ‘be’ – now, she is a slut!”

… he was taken aback, with the ‘strong’ language, was used by the Red-demon…

… Paul was aroused from his sleep to the sound, of the alarm-clock to 6:30 AM…

… and, he sat up in his wet adult-diapers… and thought of, what the weird, continuing-dream he had since-yesterday...

He mumbled out…


He wrote ‘what’ he remembered… with a pen into his notebook.


AFTER THURSDAY’S CLASSES, IN THE LIBRARY were Jane, Alicia and Paul – studying and revising and doing their homework, at the long-table. The one-armed-Peter walked in the library door and headed to the table. Peter-sat beside Janey…

… she was wearing an Oakley – her Boyyo headset and AI visual-glasses – were on the table. He spoke-softly...

“Hey, how are you. Dear…?”

Jane looked up at the ‘pink-glow,’ beside her. Paul on the wheelchair too felt, a spike in ‘good’ lovey-dovey emotions…

… Jane removed an ear-bud...

“Oh-Peter, you are ‘here’ for-Boyyo, and IT IS-HERE… in front of you.” The blind-girl coldly said, before going back, touchscreen-ing her voice-activated tablet.

… Peter scoffed and stood up, picked up-Boyyo, and he left. Jane and Paul, both were sweating from their ‘scars.’


PAUL RETURN HOME – he went through his routine, ‘kill-the-alarm, switch-on-the-A/C’ – and, he did that on his wheelchair, and he was in a deja vu again …

The RED-DEMON WAS BACK, sitting on his father’s favourite, armchair, and greeting him by a gesture.

“Oh-my-God! It is happening again!” Paul was laughing with his ‘eyes-closed’ – Mercury joined in-and chucked.

“You saw – the ‘loop…?’”

“Yes, I’m wearing my uniform…”

“Okay let’s jump into the ‘mission’ – WHAT DO YOU RECALL O’ Good-one since we last met?”

“Asmodeus had ‘taken’… Peter’s soul… we must get ‘it’ back, before… the Evil-one walks the earth…”

“Very good, Good-one – WHAT-NEXT?”

“We must both-go… and search… for-this woman, with answers…”

“Excellent Paul! You recalled well, now you must learn on your own to ‘remember’ it, during your waking hours – you must try, IT IS AN ‘ADVANTAGE’ to know so.”

“Yes, I ‘must’ remember… now, how are we going… to the Underworld, Mercury…? Do you snap your fingers like Thanos?”

The Red-demon was confused.

“What? Do you mean Thanatos…? But he is Greek – and, I’m Roman – I don’t snap fingers – but I click my tongue like this!”

The clicking sound echoed, in Sensurround, in the room – Paul felt a sudden surge of anxiety and hopelessness when he was slipping into the darkness. He felt HE HAD SUDDENLY switched ‘location’…

… and was now in his dark, windowless bedroom, still sitting on his wheelchair – with his ‘eyes-shut-looking’ terrified AHEAD – AT HIS BED – with ‘himself’ asleep in his adult diapers…

… Paul was in, an ‘OUT-OF-BODY-EXPERIENCE’ state…

“I’m gonna die… I’m gonna die…” Paul pissed himself, in his uniform shorts.

“No, you are ‘not’… get a ‘grip’ of yourself!”

… Mercury slapped him, and Paul was semi-conscious again.

“What happened…?” The cripple with his ‘eyes-shut’ responded in daze…

“You were SLIPPING INTO ‘DEEP-SLEEP’– remember this… the next time you get ‘lost’ over there – just listen to the clicks of my tongue, and FOLLOW THE ‘SOUND…’”

Eyes-shut, Paul nodded… to the Red-demon…

“Now, I’m going to give you detailed instructions… on HOW TO ‘SURVIVE’ in the dangerous Underworld, when we get there – where you will be easily ‘lost’ or any other given possibilities of losing your own damn soul, to demonic-possession, And, there is also a chance you will be trapped over there, if some of Asmodeus demons kill me, for the bounty on my head. Do you UNDERSTAND ‘ME’ – AND ‘OUR’ DANGEROUS MISSION, Good-Paul?”

Eyes-shut and breathing easy, Paul nodded to the Red-demon again.

“I want you to TAKE MY INSTRUCTIONS ‘SERIOUSLY,’ Gemini – because we would be embarking on a search-and-rescue mission ‘out’ there, okay? Firstly, I want you to ACKNOWLEDGE ME… AND ‘ONLY’ TO ME, even though I may ‘look’ the way I’m – but I’m the ‘good guy’ here…

“… who is helping my Geminis – and helping ‘you,’ TO HELP PETER – is that clear…?”

Eyes-shut, Paul nodded… to the Red-demon once again.

“Over in the Underworld, it is A REALM OF ‘TEMPTATIONS’ over there – don’t get distracted in your earthly desires like… where there will be some beautiful demons in the ‘bodies’ of naked women, would be tempting you to ‘separate,’ from me. Or, some other demons luring you to ‘gamble’ your soul… for extreme wealth and riches – and you must REFUSE, ‘ALL’ THAT OF THOSE temptations too.

“But don’t be afraid, Paul – as, dangerous as ‘those’ evil demons are… they COULD ‘NOT’ HARM AN ‘IN-BETWEENER,’ like you – just pray to whatever God you believe in, for protection – and to RESIST TEMPTATIONS, and you be ‘safe.’

“Are ‘you’ ready, Good-one…?”

Eyes shut, Paul sighed deep… and nodded…

“Remember Paul, take instructions ‘ONLY’ FROM ME – and follow my lead, okay? Now, take my hand.”

…Paul took the one-armed hideous, demon’s hand – instantly, he felt light-headed by the O.B.E. state-he was in…

… where he ‘saw’ below his feet, was the ‘mirror’ city of Perth. And, with his eyes-shut-close… he kept soared away into the abyss, with the Red-demon, dragging him into…

… soon, his cripple feet felt a ‘touch-down’…

… Paul opened his eyes wide and ‘saw’ only darkness – he realized he was ‘alone’ and – Mercury was ‘not’ there, holding his hand.

He felt like floating down a stairwell, and feared the phantom-last-step… which would-trip him over to fall. Paul had a panic attack… as he ‘floated’ in the void of black darkness…

… Paul began to call for the Mercury.

“Mercury! Mercury, where are you? Don’t leave me here… I’m scared – Mom…”

No one came…

… Paul floated ahead, into the silence of the dark – seeing nothing but blackness – before, he heard a faint sound… of random tongue-clicks at a distant…

… he followed the echoes like a ‘beacon,’ and before long… he found the Red-demon waiting for him at a door.

“Where is this place? It is so frightening dark in here, it’s like ‘something unseen’ is coming to grab me!”

“O’ Good-one… that ‘was’ the realm of the ‘Blind-Ones.’

… Paul thought of the blind-Jane Wilson…

Mercury then said…

“Now, welcome to THE 4TH DIMENSION – of a dream-in-a-dream – where gods and demons live…”

The Red-demon opened the door… when a gush-of bright lights and-blaring sounds, exploded into, that-swallowed the darkness…

Paul heard-first, the sounds-of carnival… of the Underworld.


PETER WALKED AWAY ANGRY AND HUMILIATED, as he slammed the library door, at everyone inside. This was the 2nd day, he was using the AI tech, Boyyo – of his 3 days of forcing himself to ‘coach’ it, of how-to-play tennis to an artificial intelligence…

… instead of that ‘blind-school,’ who-the-one ‘should’ be, joining him for training.

And, in after-the next 2 hours, he has to return Boyyo to ‘its’ rightful master – who ‘was’ his ‘ex-girlfriend.’

The one-armed boy walked along the corridor, of the west-wing where the gym was… and he cursed within himself until he had reached-the outdoor tennis-courts were. Paul set up the Spitfire ball-machine…

… for every ball, the one-armed tween hit was then accompanied with a SELF-ARGUMENT he had, on the topic of ‘its’ AI-master – PETER-REMINDED BOYYO, that he was the ‘one’ who taught the ‘blind-bat’ how to play tennis, in the first place.

On the first day of using the artificial intelligence device, he drummed-into the AI of the role-of Jane, as his tennis pair – because he needed the blind girl’s dominant ‘LEFT-ARM’ to cover, for-he ‘lacked.’

… Peter even gave Boyyo ‘homework’ – of researching tennis-playing styles on YouTube, particularly his idol, the south-paw, John McEnroe.


... Peter was impressed with the technology that could learn ‘smart and fast’– with self-correcting algorithm-calculation, of self-mode to ‘its’ self-precision.

He hoped that this smart-feature would be thenceforth incorporated to the earpiece of HIS ‘ROBOTIC-ARM,’ which he should be getting in less than 3 months, from now. By-then, Peter would ‘not’ need anyone to dictate him – while he pursued towards his big-dreams of ‘the-Big-Boys,’ by going to the Academy, in Sydney.

That was what THE AMBITIOUS BIG-DREAM… even his dead-late father would ‘want’ him to have that…

… Go, Gemini Go!

… Boyyo listened, to the one-armed tween’s woos and woes ‘bitchings’ – in fully digital-attention, with both sympathy and compassion. Boyyo responded, in-between Peter’s telling his-miseries…

“I feel you, bro… I feel you…”


PAUL RETURNED HOME – he went through his routine, ‘kill-the-alarm, switch-on-the-A/C’ – and, he did that on his wheelchair, and he ‘was’ in a deja vu again …

But his father’s CHAIR WAS EMPTY – the red-demon was ‘not’ there.

… Paul was ‘fooled’ by it – when Mercury switched-OFF THE LIGHTS, in the living room...

… Paul exclaimed. “What the f-…”

Everything went from the bright-early afternoon’s bright lights – into full-darkness.

This time around, Paul did ‘not’ panic, in the murk.

… he knew the routine – and levitated off his wheelchair vertically-forward. Seconds later, the sounds of tongue-clicks echoed. PAUL’S ASTRAL-AURA then levitated horizontally towards the echoes – swimming through the void-of streams of Middle-eastern chants, with ‘voices’ calling out to him…

“… O’ Good-one… turn ‘left’ and follow my voice…”

… Paul was aware… that it-WAS’ NOT’ MERCURY’S voice…

…he floated to the sound of clicking echoes instead… and he found the Red-demon at the door, smiling-wide…

“Glad you made it-on your-own, O’ Good-one…”

Mercury opened the portal door – again, bright lights and rich sounds imploded, into the dark abyss…

… Paul was totally-in bewilderment when he entered the ‘other’ nocturnal world… of bright lights in a carnival…

It was a wonderland with a huge-red circus tent that-Paul had ever-seen, with rolling, red-search-lights lighting the venue… and flashing-up into-the dark skies above, Hundreds of ‘hypnotized’ crowds were attracted towards the blaring sounds. Fireworks lit the firmament – and the carousel and the Ferris wheel were running crazy-fast…

“Hey, Gemini… don’t get ‘distracted!’”

… Mercury ‘warned’ the levitating Paul.

“Now… follow me, and stay close.”

… Paul followed the horned-Red-demon… and FROM HIS POV – Mercury walking ahead moved like a video-character… in a virtual-reality video-game.

The cripple-tween then got ‘distracted,’ by a score of young laughing children of-his age, running towards them – they were naughty and swearing-cuss words. So were the older teens, of boys and girls behind the young ones – in puerile behaviour… like the Donovan brothers.

… Paul looked over his shoulder, of the the-young crowd heading fast to the ‘Red-carnival,’ and he got ‘further’ distracted when he gazed up…


… a flying baby elephant was soaring and swooping… like the ones of his childhood memories. Paul practically stopped, gawking the skies in awe…

… Mercury looked back, and realized Paul was ‘not’ behind him – but instead, 5 bounty-hunting demons, had stalked and followed him. The Red-demon drew his flaming sword…

Behind, Paul then saw a bunch of tempting-RED BALLOONS IN STRINGS, heading towards the flow of the crowd, going towards the funfair. He wanted a balloon… and ‘followed’ the crowd-to the voice...

“Balloon… lovely balloon…come-get your balloon…”

… Mercury slew the last of the bounty-hunter creatures… and searched for Paul… who was ‘missing’ in the crowd.

… Paul reached the rear-of the balloon-man, in funny-clothes, and asked him…

“Sir, can I have a balloon…?”

“… Certainly, you may, o’ good-one – but it comes with a price…”

The grinning demon-clown said, baring a mouthful of sharp teeth. Paul was shocked… when he reached out, as he received his red-balloon…


… the demon-clown fled the spot… when he saw a Red-demon was running towards him, with a flaming sword.

“I brought you out here for a damn-bloody MISSION – ‘NOT’ FOR sightseeing!”

The massive-built Mercury grabbed his hand… and dragged levitating Paul-along… with his-red balloon in a string…

… they were going away from the hypnotic Red-carnival…

... into Asmodeus Town.


The street was empty, with-houses apart. And, they stepped into a dark crack-house – and the addict-demons over there were using dangerous drugs. Paul stayed close to Mercury… who led them-both into the narrow hallway.

The levitating tween saw a blue 6-armed demon, in-multitasking mode – while it used 3 needle syringes, to shoot-up heroin, into-its other arms.

They both exited by the backdoor of the crack-house – there was a path leading to a massive and tall, circular stadium-like building… that was silhouetted by the moon.

At the building’s basement… hordes of demons were gambling ‘small-time’ – by shooting crap, and playing 3-card-Monte. There was lots of noise were up-ahead into the belly of the basement – where horrifying demons along with bad-men and tattooed women, were cheering and gambling… in a caged match section.

In the circular cage, was a 4-armed giant creature, fighting a SMALLER SIZED GREY WEREWOLF – and the fight… was brutal and bloody…

The terrified Paul, in his school uniform… followed the Red-demon, through a tunnel…

… Mercury and Paul went to the other side of the tunnel – and behold both exited into, a circular stadium, OF MULTI-STOREYED OF CASINOS – which was contemporary and-yet modern, lit with neon-lights. spiral-walkways led-up into upper-tiers of the casino… where ‘souls’ were bought and sold.

Mercury led the way ahead on a spiral walkway, while the levitating-Paul tailed from behind … holding on to his red balloon, and gawking…

The Red-demon was looking over at, the hoard of a thousand demons below, who were gambling in scores of roulette wheels and poker tables. On the other end, were slot-machines, played by gambling, older-middle-aged women and female demons.

… Mercury was ON A ‘LOOK-OUT’ for the posse of bounty hunters, who want a reward for his ‘head.’

He looked behind him to notice Paul had ‘stalled’… distracted by a big-screen, playing an animation of a CUTE, FLUFFY KITTEN, in a casino-advertisement. Mercury barked at him.

“Oii, Paul!!! Keep-up… DON’T STRAY!!!”

… Paul floated fast to be on the side, of the annoyed Red-demon…

“WHAT IS WRONG with you? You are so ‘easily’ tempted by useless shenanigans and monkeyshines OF ‘TECHNOLOGY…!’

“Stay FOCUS AND GET SERIOUS, by following my ‘orders’ – to keep both of us ‘alive’ – and ‘always’ remember your mission! And ALSO… LOSE THAT bloody balloon!”

“No-no-way… it is myy-balloon…”

They-both walked all the way up to the 3rd tier… where the rich ghoul-demons, who were less scary-looking, stared at Paul as they-scoffed. An old droopy-eyed demon said…

“Why is this ‘in-betweener’ here…? Is he ‘invited?’”

His ‘wife’ replied…

“This is what we get, with-the ‘nuisance’ of technology – that it teaches ‘mortals’ to trespass into ‘our-private-space,’ – it’s about time somebody NEEDS TO COMPLAIN this to the Master…”

… Mercury looked at his-back… Paul the ‘in-betweener’ was beside him… in the crowded hall of gambling old-gods, demons, and men.

“Stay close, Good-one… we need to get to the other-side of-over there – to the elevator – and we are going to see Venus.”

“She is your ex-girlfriend… who have ‘the’ answers…” Paul chorused hypnotically.

… Mercury made his way to the centre of the casino… where it was the busiest. Paul looked up at the neon:

‘The Royale Asmodeus Casino’

There were wealthy, ‘invited-mortal-Asian-men,’ by the Master as ‘IN-BETWEENERS’– who were wearing tuxedos accompanied by the stunning-looking, demonic mistresses – who were accompanying the ‘Asian-in-betweeners’ playing along-side with local-demons, on high-stake roulette tables. Above them were other flashing neon messages… of ‘Bitcoin and Alipay,’ accepted here...

Both the ‘spies’ have to tight-squeeze themselves with the gawking crowd at the ‘playing’ tables – with Paul, who doesn’t want to lose his red balloon, pleading to ‘them’ with his ‘excuse-me.’

“I SENSE Michael is around here somewhere, and we MUST AVOID HIM at ‘all’ cost.”

“Why should I avoid St. Michael? HE IS MY Guardian-Angel…”

“You go pray-worship him, ALL YOU WANT ON ‘EARTH’ – but we are on a mission ‘over here’, and he-will interfere – because I’m hoarding you, the ‘in-betweener.’

“Mercury, I don’t understand…”

“Paul, STOP ASKING DUMB QUESTIONS in which the answers, you ‘won’t’ remember again in the morning – I say, YOU LISTEN AND YOU ‘OBEY’ – I say, you don’t ‘think’ of Michael, COZ’ HE-WILL-KNOW – if-you do ‘just’ that…!

“… it’s because his ‘tracking’ senses are sharper than ‘any’ of the hell-hounds – can you please ‘DO’ THAT FOR ME, O’ Good-one…?”


“Thank you.”

But, for Paul, it was like saying… ‘don't-see-the-pink-elephant-theory,’ – the ‘monkey-brain’ of Paul, ‘BEGAN’ LOOKING OUT, for his Guardian Angel in the crowd.

They both were 3 of a quarter-way walking through the horde-crowd gathered, from the back-hall elevator. At a nearby poker-table, St. Michael folded his cards – HE SENSED a Christian ‘in-betweener’ presence, in the crowd.

The winged angel left the table, to ‘search.’

He was the Guardian-ANGEL WHO PROTECTED ‘wandering mortals’… who entered realms, of dangerous demons – who could potentially ‘harm’ those trespassers’ souls...

The angel-saw his nemesis, MERCURY – LEADING PAUL by snaking through the crowd. He spread his mighty wings – and flew over to them.

“Mercury, where are you going with that boy…? HE IS A CATHOLIC… hand-him to me!”

The Red-demon leapt-high to the flying angel – and grabbed the-right wing… with his single hand. They both came down crashing on the floor…

“Run! Run… to the elevator, Paul – run!”

… Paul froze, recalling WHAT ALICIA SAID, that-he ‘had’ St. Michael’s bird-man wings…

“RUN… you slow-dreaming imbecilic!!!”

… Paul saw the one-armed Mercury on top of Michael… wrestling him and swiping punches. In fear… Paul bolted ahead to the elevator was…

He pressed the-button outside – the elevator DOOR OPENED with-a ding. The panicky, Paul rushed inside… searched frantically for the floor-buttons panel, inside the lift… but found ‘none.’

The crippled-tween saw a bleeding Mercury, rush into the cabin, with the angel on pursuing. The Red-demon touched the wall, and instantly the hidden-panel of buttons ‘appeared’ – Mercury rammed his index finger on the button ‘6’ – and the door speed-shut close, at once.

They heard the raging Archangel pounding outside, yelling out…

“The Christian is MINE! HAND HIM-over to me!”

… Paul was aroused from his sleep to the sound, of the alarm-clock to 6:30 AM…

And, he sat up in his wet adult-diapers and THOUGHT OF, WHAT the weird, continuing dream he had…

He mumbled out…




… he was with Jane and Alicia… sitting across the table, with whispering girl-gossips. But Paul was far, in thoughts – trying to-piece out, the continuing, weird adventure DREAMS-IN-DREAM ‘NOTES,’ that he had gathered when he woke up, remembering bits of info from every night…

He was distracted by Jane saying, she had put a ‘SECRET,’ AUDIO-RECORD mode in Boyyo… and the blind-girl relistened to it later, as a podcast – and-she ‘heard’… Peter was displeased, in his spontaneous interaction with Boyyo – THAT JANE’S T&C was harsh – and was ‘punishing’ him.

All 3 of them agreed that he ‘deserved’ to be punished… as a ‘needy-psychic-vampire’ who got what HE WANTED-ON ‘OTHERS’ EXPENSE…

… the blind-girl had the most to lose – and she missed, her Piper and SIMY ever since, her association with THE CURSED-ONE.

… Peter walked into the library door, his gear all-sweaty, after his outdoor tennis training – he ‘returned’ Boyyo to its master. The one-armed boy sat, closest to the A/C… and spread the library’s newspaper, on the table… with headlines:



… Peter bragged with a monologue…

“Wow Janey, have you seen this? We have been challenged by every young and old citizen of Perth-city, WHO THOUGHT THAT HANDICAPPERS – were some ‘pushover-and-butt-of-their-joke-people. This newspaper went on supporting this ‘crap,’ by pitching this insult, by pitting that 2 ex-international against 2 handicappers for a 2nd round…

“… when we ‘had’ already-first humiliated and annihilated ‘their’ bloody able-bodied pair, Doug and Zoe before, in our viral video.

“No disrespect-here to any Australian, senior, ex-tennis-players here – but don’t ‘you-too’ disrespect and segregate the new-breed of handicap players… whom the ‘system’ thinks, they should only QUALIFY US ONLY in Paralympic tourneys and ‘not’ – in the-normal ‘world-class’ platform.

“Since they brought the battle to our doorstep, I’m more prepared ‘this’ time around… and I did a SWOT analysis – to GAIN ACCESS INFO of our senior opponents’ threats, towards our P.F.C. brand, in this Mayor’s Cup.

“So, I dug up the online background ‘search’ of both Steve Connery and Amy Bixby, who were teens back in the 90s… when they first paired and started out their heydays...

“… today, Steve is now-49 and Amy, 46 – and, since their glory-days back then… they both had-married and retired – and ‘work’ for the county-club, as inhouse coaches-cum-players. They are THE ‘DARLINGS’ of this club…

“… and even won some low, country-club titles for their ‘masters.’

“… Janey, here comes THE ‘GOOD’ PART – their weaknesses are their strings of injuries, both Mr & Mrs – where the husband had dislocated his hip before, and knee injury problems. While the-old Missus too has a tennis elbow, shoulder and ligament injuries problems.

“And, our game-plan would be on this Sunday, that WE SHOULD CAPITALIZE in ‘these findings,’ AND WE TEAR THEM APART, WHILE WE WEAR THEM OUT, in the court – ‘wear and tear’ … you get me?”

The irritated blind-girl spoke out…

“Hey Peter, I don’t give a ‘damn’ about this MUD-RAKING INFORMATION, which you had gathered in YOUR WASTED-SPARE-TIME – I just want to have ‘fun’ this Sunday… and play my heart’s pleasure-out… and NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS – while I ‘participate’ in this Charity-event of Perth.”

“’ Correction’ Janey… CHARITY-MATCH…”

… Peter hissed, and continued… pointing at the newspaper…

“It says so in the title, ‘MAYOR’S CHALLENGE CUP’ which means – this is a ‘one-off’ challenge of those-OLDIES VERSUS THE HANDICAPPED… ‘Perth’s Famous Couple’”

His twin, Paul laughed out, responding…

“You have a ‘talent’ mate… you have a funny ‘way’ when you think-of, these minor-and mundane-things… and ADD YOUR ‘OWN-TWIST,’ to sensationalize it.”

“What you mean by ‘mundane’…?” Peter scoffed and got defensive…

… Paul replied in sarcasm. “Yes, I get ‘it,’ mate – you ‘READ’ EVERYTHING in-between the lines…”

‘Piss-off – short legs.’

… Peter gave him the evil-look… and turned his attention to blind-Jane…

“So-Janey, it’s Friday today, and tomorrow IS THE-LAST DAY, Saturday. HOW ABOUT ME, picking you-up tomorrow, and WORK ON YOUR ‘FITNESS’ to be match-ready for our Sunday-cup? A ‘last day’ prep… so-HOW ABOUT IT, JANEY?”

“No, I don’t think so – and I’m confident that I’m fit ‘enough’ to play – I rather rest the Saturday… and catch-up on what ‘YOU’ TAUGHT BOYYO, for the past 3 days.”

… Peter scoffed…

“What…? Bludger! You think by hooking up with your AI toy… and lazing around, ‘is’ the HARD-WORK – THAT ‘CAN’ WIN you this bloody-trophy…?”

“TO ME, IT IS ‘NOT’ ‘all’ about winning… but it is about-pure participation and to have fun … at the Charity-event this Sunday, Peter.”

… Peter scoffed even more… mumbling…

“… if this is the mediocre attitude to your life… then it’s ‘GOOD’ LUCK TO YOU – but me… once I get my robotic arm, from your uncle – and that is a new-game-level for me… and Janey – that is WHEN YOU AND I… we ‘part’ ways – and, I’m ‘out’ of-y’ all lives.”

The irate Peter left the long-table – Jane, Paul and Alicia heard the library door, slammed really hard.

… the crippled-Paul sighed deep seeing his egoistic-twin leave the library…

… with ‘regret’ thoughts of… his ‘first’ initiated bad luck that he had committed… by of SUBMITTING TO JANE’S UNCLE JACK – his ‘conceptual’ DRAWINGS OF THE ROBOTIC arm.

Now, in-3 months later…

… when that ARM ‘WOULD’ ARRIVE – it would ‘then’ open another can of worms…

… to a ‘new’ set of cursed-problems.

In the meantime, …

‘… enjoy your current, set of problems.’

people are reading<BOOK 2: THE WRATH OF ASMODEUS -- [a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series] VOL 1.2 OTHER-PERTH>
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