《The Forgotten Portal》Pretty much the end


So Tatarus and Ouranus rose. Then Gaia and so on. Four attacks.

After the first attack, Nico started dating this Aphrodite girl called Avery. (OC) So this went on for about three months and Nico never talked to Aurora anymore. Aurora finally managed to get him to the cliff (They always used to talk there and watched the sunrise etc.) but he only talked about Avery. Aurora got into a fight with Nico and ended up running away into the woods for two weeks until Nico brought her into camp because of the second attack.

Second attack.

The ten defeated Ouranus and Tatarus. Aurora used this dangerous metal she called Black Ice. She warned evryone not to touch it. So with the help of Nico, she managed to open a portal to Tatarus big enough for the physical form of Tatarus. (?) Before Aurora could close the portal, Tatarus managed to grab her leg and to avoid getting pulled in, she grabbed the mount of Black Ice before her. But in the end she cut of the Black Ice and they all went to Tatarus. o.0

So the nine went to the House of Hades. Meanwhile...

Aurora met up with Damesan and Bob. (Yes they survived.) Told them she kept her promise and shit. Found Achlys for the hundreth time for the Black Mist. Got out with the help of Nyx but got hurt along the way. (What? She's favoured by a lot of Gods)

Back to the nine

The Doors of Death opened and there was Aurora. She was smiling slightly, there was sword woung around her waist which she was pressing with her hand and there was a bloody gash on her head. She tossed them a silver sword to them as they battling a couple of werewolves. When they were done, they helped Aurora sit up. Her eyes.... they were always more broken than Nico's but they looked like broken glass ready to shatter any moment. They carried her back to camp where things were calm for a while.

After the third attack

Aurora had gotten sick of her life. Whenever there was a monster attack, everyone expected her to fight it off. Everyone didn't see her as a camper, they saw her as a hero. They felt safe as long as she was around. Even Moana. Everyone thought she was some sort of killing machine. Ever since Nico started dating Avery, he became extroverted and popular. He became boastful and proud of himself. It was the last straw when Nico forgot her name and the secret song and everyone forgot her birthday. EVERYONE

Aurora disappeared for eight years, sending everyone into a frenzy. A few campers were lost as no one really bothered to train since Aurora was still there. Six years after Aurora disappeared, a girl was found sleeping in the middle of camp. She was claimed by Apollo. She told them that her mother had died, atleast thats what she thought. Ever since she was a baby, she was raised in a cave with modern stuff. Her step-mother would tell about the Gods and that they were all misunderstood. She described her mother would always wear a black hoodie, shorts and combat boots. She always had this medallion around her neck and she seemed to be bipolar. She said her mother had black hair and really pale skin. But when the nine asked about her eye colour, the girl said she couldn't remember. That was a huge bummer because that piece of information would confirm if it was Aurora.


Will took her to her cabin and everyone left but the nine stayed.

M: Percy, this is her.

P: And her eye colour?

A: Aurora likes to play games, test our faith. This is the piece of information she would hide. We need to believe she

will come back then she will show herself.

E: *nods*

So there was a war and things weren't looking too good without Aurora. The Apollo campers were running around with medical supplies. The Ares campers were getting worn out. The Hephetaus and the Athena cabin were running out of traps. Jason and the Poseidon kids were struggling to hold the storm. Piper's charmspeak wasn't working. They were basicaly doomed.

Aurora saved their asses, naturaly. When the battle was over, an arrow flew into Aurora's waist. The arrow was poisoned. Aurora fell to the ground and Nico ran to her. She was then in his arms while he sang the secret song. Her eyes closed.

You shall die in your special one's arms.

Aurora woke in the infirmary. She spent the next few days catching up with the others. So Nico and Avery had a son, who was now six. She spent almost all her magic curing the wounded. Just then, Nico burst into the infirmary with his son in his arms. He was wincing in pain. His son was dying. Nico begged Aurora to cure him. Aurora tried to tell him she needed a little more time to regain her strengh but he wanted nothing of it. So she cured him. He ran out to tell everyone the good news.

Aurora fell to the ground, she could feel life seeping out of her. She could feel Thanatos coming a hundred miles away. She had ten minutes the most. Nico came back in to thank her but found her on the ground. The floor was decorated with frost. He rushed to her, tears falling from his eyes. Sing. She whispered. So he did. She passed when he finished. She had always wanted to die as she was depressed but she seemed to wish for a few more minutes of life before her eyes closed.

Moana ran in, feeling her twin-like connection with Aurora gone. She saw Aurora's body in Nico's arms and collapsed on the spot. For some reason, Aurora's body dissolved in snow. Moana grew depressed and locked herself in the Hecate cabin unless she wanted to eat. Nico's eyes had it's broken look again. He started pretending like Aurora did so many years ago, he pretended to be happy for his family. The ten were never the same again. Everyone mourned the death of Aurora, except Drew, Avery and Peter. (Nico's son)

Hades allowed Aurora to go back up without having to be reborn. No God objected as they all favoured Aurora. o.0 So she went back to the living world much to the entire camp's suprise. Things went well for about two months but then history repeated itself. Aurora, torn and heartbroken developed a condition called Heartbreak (Stress Cardiomapathy). Not the emotional kind of heartbreak but it was a actual condition. Only the most miserable of demigods had it, this condition was life threatening. Aurora had seizures frequently whenever she felt sad. She would always tell the others it was fine and dead people like her always had it. Eventually she died. (again)


Hades was outraged but he was held back by Aurora. She said she should have told them something and it wasn't their fault. So the nine survived another near-death experience without knowing it. They marched into the Underworld, demanding Aurora back. Of course, Hades refused. The nine tried everything from charmspeak to dualing, nothing worked. They expected Aurora to say something, but she just stood in the corner, a crown of pink flowers on her head.

Aurora then took her portal powers to the next level and started going to different dimensions. She went to Valhalla, reborn as Magnus's half-sister. Frey and the Frost Giantess's daughter. She went to the Brooklynn House as a mysterious girl who followed ALL the paths. She made lots of friends and now her schedule was packed.

Fourth attack

About six months later, all four of the major villains rose together. Gaia and Tatarus raised Kronos and the worst of monsters. Ouranos created storms no God could control. Kronos Made time go faster in certain places, making many things die.

They grouped up together in an everlasting plain of rocks. They had captured EVERYONE IN THE NINE WORLDS. Aurora was kept in a cage of red sand and chained with emotional chains. Everyone else was tied with chains of darkness. In the end, Aurora saved their asses just like old times. ToT

She did what only Gods could do. Her life flashed in front of everyone.

They saw her being cursed by Khione and the Fates. Hades and Persephone stood in the corner, a black force field surrounded the room. Hecate was crying, being held back by Zeus and Poseidon. Hestia was protesting, but of course no one listened. Apollo and Artemis stood in the back looking guilty. The baby fell to the ground, Hades caught her. He whispered to her.

I give you my blessing. You will be as beautiful and Hera, as kind as Hestia and as talented as Apollo. You will be the most powerful demigod in all of history.

They saw her getting tortured by her father, he forced her into wearing dresses. He made her smile whenever they went out. He forced her to be polite. Not a single mistake was to be made.

They saw that she secretly crept out every night to give food to the begger by the nearest lamp post. In return, he thought her sign language. They saw her running to the lampost one night, only to find the beggar dying.

The lampost was broken two days ago. I have a grandson. His name is H-E-A-R-T-H-S-T-O-N-E. Find him. Let him know I'm sorry. It's my fault he was born deaf. He should be living in Alfeim. He signed

They saw her father hit Moana. In outrage, Aurora grabbed the nearest sword, which was next to her, and swung it at her father's head. He fell to the ground, dead. She saw Thanatos swoop in and collect his soul. They made eye contact for a brief moment. Death flashed Aurora a smile and flew off.

They saw the twins collect all the money they could find and made a run for it. The twins were soon lead to a secret Island by Hecate. They saw Hecate telling her that she had to hide her emotions to hide her curse. So she did. Frost spead from time to time but Aurora melted it with Greek fire.

It wasn't long before Aurora found out she could collect the misery of people around her and create it into a kind of metal. She decided to call it Black Ice. She soon found out if anyone other than her touched the ice, their happiness would be taken from them. She hid it in an abandoned corner of the Underworld. But more and more people came into the Underworld and Aurora moved the Black ice into Tatarus.

They saw Hecate and her during the titan war. Hecate told her the Gods were evil people and that she should help take down Olympus but instead of trying to break the force field. Aurora strenghened it. They saw her going to Elysium to tell Luke and Ethan about it. She told Charlie and Silena that they were all treated as heroes. The next war came and went. Aurora watching every single moment of it.

In the end, they found out that Aurora didn't have severe depression. She had multiple personality disorder.She called them:

Reasurance, the one that came to her when she was sad to calm her.

Depression, the one that thought life was hopeless and the one that understood everything.

Fangirl, the one the always did cartwheels and fangirls over everything.

And Knowledge, the one that knows everything,

The vision ended. And Aurora gave everyone one last reasuring smile before she burst into pure light.

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