《The hidden truth》The phone call


A few hours later we landed in Los Angeles and we're checked into a hotel room.

Zane said, "We should get some sleep. We can start looking for the blade in the morning."

Aqua said, "It technically is morning."

Zane rolled his eyes and then said, "You know what I mean."

I said, "I need to make a call first."

Aqua asked, "Who to?"

"My foster parents," I responded. I picked up the phone and dialed Hazel's number.

A few seconds she answered and said, "Hello?"

I said, "Hi Hazel."

She hesitated for a second and then asked, "Ivy, who's phone are you calling on? I don't recognize the number."

"I had to get a new phone," I replied.

She said, "Ok. I just put your on speaker phone so your dad can hear you to."

Jack asked, "How's school going?"

"It's not. I'm not there anymore," I replied

Jack yelled, "What! Why not?"

"I had to leave. I'm not alone though I have a couple friends with me. Listen I should have asked you this when it first happened," I replied

Hazel asked, "Ask us what?"

I hesitated then asked, "Are my real parents alive?"

Jack asked, "Why would you ask us that? You know that your real parents died in a car crash."

I slightly raised my voice and said, "No, I'll I know is what you have told me! People are after me and my friends."

I put the phone on speaker so Zane and Aqua could hear what the said. Hazel said, "So they found you."

I asked, "So it's true?"

Jack said, "Yeah it is."

"Okay, we knew it was but we just wanted you to confirm it, "I replied.


Hazel said, "Ivy, you sound upset just tell us what happened and where you are and we can come get you."

I yelled though the phone, "No! You had years to tell me the truth and that you were working for my parents but instead you hid it from me!"

Jack said, "We were just following your parents orders."

I said, "Yeah well I don't need your help. I don't need your protection. I can take care of this myself besides I have my friends to help me with it to!"

Hazel said, "Ivy..."

I cut her off and said, "Don't look for me. We don't need or want your help. Besides we've made it so no one can track us. Goodbye." With that I hung up.

Aqua looked at me and said, "Are you ok?"

I said, "Yeah I'm fine. Let's just get some rest and go after the blade. We have to end this."

Zane asked, "What happens after we end it?"

I hesitated then said, " I don't know. We try to move on with our lives I guess."

Aqua said, "I'll get rid of the disposable phone." With that she grabbed the phone and left.

"I guess it's a good thing that we bought all of those disposable phones when we got off the plane," Zane replied.

I nodded my head and a few seconds later Aqua came back in. She said, "Ok I got rid of it. We can buy some more clothes and stuff later let's just get some sleep right now." With that we all went to sleep

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