《Ghost - A Star Trek Story》Breakthrough


StarDate 2406.192

Mirgo awakens with an awful headache. He sits up and grabs the back of his head. He can still feel a pain from the injection. As looks looks around the room it is not the same one he was in before. It looked like his home on Ferengenar. His dining room table filled with business transaction PADD's were piling up and a small Ferengi woman he recognized as his wife. "Weg, how did I end up here?"

She barely acknowledged his presence, she waned her hands and told him "I've been so busy trying to keep up with your booming business I would have to of been paid to notice your comings and goings"

He was sure he was on his ship, but seeing as he is in his own home. The shelves were piled with nicknacks from all over the galaxy. A snow globe from Earth, a Vulcan Tal'al necklace made of fake vokaya. a Vidiian Facemask made with three different faces, a tribal torch from Nirak, and a miniature statue of a man slumped over with a large bird like creature on his shoulder. The bird had its razorsharp feathers embedded in the mans skull. "Is my ship here?"

Weg spills the pile of PADD's trying to move them. "Can you clean up your mess instead of trying to make more by finding the ship that is docked right outside." She bends down on all fours gathering the PADD's. He leaves her to the mess.

The door opens and he finds that it is still raining. It might even be the same storm as when he left. It was said that the last storm was going to last for twelve weeks. He enters his code to the ship and gets to the cockpit, a secret button behind the waste extraction unit was popped. The pilot seat shifted and moved up, below it was a small box previously hidden. Mirgo opened his ears listening for Weg or anyone else. The coast is clear he thought to himself.


The box had a trigger on the side of the pilot seat which was unseen with the chair material and the box itself had a second unseen button on the front of it. That was the decoy and the hidden button on the side was the true key to get into his private vault. He pressed the button on the box then the chair then the box again skipping the one on the front of the box. It opened up to reveal a small cache of jewels, some deeds from the Chernash system and the Troudd system, both of which were between the Ferengi and Kzinti Alliance territory.

A noise can be heard from the entrance of the ship. Mirgo slams the chair and it returns to it original position. Weg enters the room followed by Fraaza. Weg introduces "This is Fraaza, he says he has a deal of a lifetime and it would be unwise not to hear him out. He even paid the entry fee for triple the normal amount, he told me just had to see you. I couldn't refuse"

Fraaza looked around the ship, "This is some ship, you must of have some good luck to get a beauty like this"

Mirgo not exactly happy with Weg but if the man paid three times over, who was he to argue at this point. "The Great Material Continuum has been good to me" he licked his teeth wondering what kind of deal he would be getting an opportunity to receive.

Fraaza was wearing a basic brown and green vest with brown pants. In his hand was a small device the size of a tricorder. He held it out to Mirgo "I will trade you this for your ship."

He eyed the device and thought better of it, "why would I trade my ship for such an insignificant thing?"


Fraaza said "this is your life, or at least your chance to keep it, the device for your life and your ship, seems like a good deal."

Mirgo turned toward Fraaza, still not knowing who this man was or what he wanted. This deal was not going to happen, as far as Mirgo was concerned, the deal was done and Fraaza was about to leave. he kicked the console and a disruptor popped out, Mirgo grabbed it and pointed it at Fraaza. "I believe your negotiating skills need work, I do not intend to give my ship or my life"

Fraaza moved closer and Mirgo backed up, raising the disruptor. "I will shoot."

Fraaza kept moving close as Mirgo kept gettign further away from him "I know, and it might hurt or it might not, but I won't find out, will I?" his tone sounded like it was more of a question to him than a statement.

Mirgo backed himself into a wall, Fraaza was getting closer, he had no choice. He pulled the trigger which sent a jolt of electricity through him and the weapon making his body convulse and paralyzed. Where Mirgo was standing was now a hole in what appeared to be a holodeck wall. Teb and Kotu materialized and Mirgo could hear them talking "I think it works we should check his real ship to be sure"

Mirgo lay still nearing unconsciousness. Watching the door open as they left the room. Mirgo was so kind to allow them use of his own personal holodeck to trick him. His vision faded and he tried to get up but his body was not responding. As his eyes closed he heard the outer door open and the sound of rain.

Wind blew right into the door that opened up. Fraaza, Teb and Kotu held their garments tight against them as they crossed the platform to the ship. They entered the code to get in and the door opened up. It was a small ship but as a single pilot and a spare seat for one other the size was perfectly normal for Mirgo’s needs.

Fraaza hit the button behind the waste extraction unit and as they saw in the simulation the pilot seat moved and raised up. There was indeed a small box which Fraaza recognized. He searched for the button on the pilot seat and hit that leaving the button on the box alone. As they suspected the box was filled with gems and the more important paperwork. The deeds to land in the Chernash system and Troudd system. Neither were very inviting so visitors were going to be severely limited. Perfect for a crew who did not wish to ever be found.

"Kotu, can you check on our newest member. He seems to have the ability to move his limbs now.” Kotu looked at Teb curiously "You can read him?” She covered her mouth poorly hiding a smile that told him everything he needed to know, They had broken through the Ferengi. Step one complete.

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