《Ghost - A Star Trek Story》Finding a Higher Purpose


Stardate 2406.131 Yiavu (Xindi Primate Female) was working on a deep space mission in a small twelve man non Federation science ship near Brio VII. The vessel she was on was a research and science mission, dedicated to the study of genetics and their effects after the once a century Eugenics war conference. Yiavu had been scanning the asteroids only to find there were Xindi DNA traces. The captain had ordered a team to transport into the asteroid for a closer examination. During the first few moments the team reported no unusual activity. They reported there would be a report given every thirty minutes. Yiavu and the rest of the crew were very interested in what they would find. With silence coming from the communications from the asteroid the crew tried to stay busy with tasks but their anticipation wouldnt be stopped. A half hour later the crew on the ship waited for the captain to order comms to be established. The comm chirped "Science vessel Glavo to Commander Joru" the Vulcan XO with a security background had always been on task and usually early in his dedication to orders and making the captain as informed as possible. It had been thirty one minutes, ten minutes passed the time the captain would have expected anything from his XO. "Hail them again" the captain ordered. No response came from the crew on the asteroid. "Scan their life signs" Yiavu responded to the captain "I still have them all on sensors except Joru, and the comms appears to be responding to their communicators." The captain didnt like it, why were they not responding and where was Joru? Earlier on the asteroid The team of six transported over, Joru was overseeing his team, he ordered section by section scans to start off with. As each member ran through their sectors they reported what they find on a preliminary basis. His primary science officer was running scans for life and reported "I have an unusual intereference signal that is ..." and he froze where he stood. Joru looked at him, he was looking down at the tricorder but his body was not moving. Joru tried to scan him with no readings from his scanner. He tried his comm badge "Joru to Glavo...Joru to Glavo" Joru looked curiously at his tricorder, then his vulcan hearing heard footsteps. "Vulcan, you have made this very difficult with your mental training, No matter, we are more than a match for you" Joru stood alone, standing opposite him were six figures a Caitian male, a Ferengi male, a Freed Borg Cardassian male, a Klingon female, an Aenar female, and an Enaran male. The Caitian walked forward with the Cardassian and Klingon beside him. "You will come with us or we will end one life every minute until you choose to come willingly." The Ferengi places a blade against the neck of the science officer. "I believe you will not make it to him, passing us, before his life is forfeit." The Caitian hands over a device "You will put this on your head, you will strap it on, and finally you will push this button." Joru seeing the needs of his crew vs his one singular need being at odds. He chooses to take the device putting it on and pressing the indicated button. Joru freezes in place getting a psychic shock and tensing his entire body. They take him away leaving the rest. Another team of two to beam over to the asteroid Leaving the captain and Yiavu and two other scientists alone on the ship the captain orders more of his team to investigate. "Sir we are here and our crew are alive but frozen. I can't be sure but they look like they are held in time." Captain Neroo listens to the report then says "Can you get a lock on them Yiavu?" Yiavu scans again "No sir their signals are getting lost in some interference I have not seen before" Neroo asks "Is there a path our shuttle could take even if we have to take multiple trips?" Yiavu responds "Yes but we can take no more than 3 passengers at one time." The captain tells the crew on the asteroid "We will be sending over a shuttle within the hour" The shuttle was launched with Yiavu at the helm it took her twenty minutes to find a path large enough for her shuttle to enter the asteroid and to land successfully. She opened the door and immediately lost control over her body. She was locked in her mind unable to take her eyes off the door, all of her control over her body tried to move but she was unable. She only saw a female Klingon walk in and pick her up, the angle that she was moved indicated she was now over her shoulder. She was set down in a circle around a small stone with the others all in similar positions. Yiavu, could hear "Take care of the data on the ship and their memories, then return here with the database" The shuttle returns to the ship The captain gets to the small shuttle bay and watches it land, the door opens he sees a Cardassian, Aenar, Enaran, and Ferengi step out. "What is the mea...." he couldnt even finish the statement. His mind was altered to not view them in their current state but as his own officers. "Captain, I have returned with our crew and will return to bring the rest to sickbay for analysis" The shuttle appears to leave. The Ferengi and Cardassian go to a console and run a scan with a direct connection to the computer then leave to engineering. The Aenar and Enaran work together over each remaining crewman starting with the Captain. They removed all of the memories of the time since they arrived at the asteroid and implanted memories of finding the fifth Xindi species DNA traces which turned out to be false data. Once they finished the memory and data altering Juco Lamac and Fraaza return to Cr'oa on the asteroid. "We have the entire database of Eugenics from their ship, we have altered their sensors to not show that we even existed. The only thing they will know is their hopes were brought down upon not finding the Xindi -Avian's. Their XO was unfortunately lost in a transporter accident" Under direction of Cr'oa. Teb (Aenar) and Kotu (Enaran) worked over the data to try to alter the crew of six to improve their own abilities. Stardate 2406.159 "Doctor, I understand you are frightened. Our captain has an aura about him." Kotu moved closer to the Terran male. "I assure you, for you to receive these documents and then to perform the experiments with some of our help would benefit us both." The terran wasn't convinced. Doctor Veren responded "Where shall I say I got these documents if it comes up, surely there are very few outside of Starfleet whom are supposed to have such knowledge?"


Kotu laughed and gave a sinister smile "Why dear doctor, if anyone questions you on the origin of this, you would tell the truth of course. We wouldn't expect anything less." Still doubting the Enaran, the Terran took the PADD off the table and looked over the data.

"Strength modification, Intelligence modification, speed, mind manipulation.... Mind manipulation!" he tossed the PADD to the table and jumped back. Teb was behind him and touched him on the shoulder. Her soothing voice whispered "You won't even feel a thing, I promise that I and my companion will be gentle."

"Wh.. wh... what I am supposed to do with him?" he pointed at Joru, their Vulcan prisoner. He was unconscious and had been for weeks. The crew had traveled hundred's of light years to the remote planet of Cerakus V. With his Vulcan training he was able to resist longer than any of them had expected. However, they knew they needed a test and taking a citizen of the Federation from within Federation space was a sure way to get noticed. None of them wished for this. Kotu galliantly stood up with his robe wavering about him. "This is where you come in. Your previous knowledge for augmentation, and the research we have acquired for you should be an excellent start."

They turned to see Cr'oa, the Caitian captain with his large broad shoulders. Much larger than most Caitians, he would almost pass for a Kzinti, the larger and more ferocious version of a Caitian. His silver mane was pure and unblemished by other markings. He stepped forward not making a sound. His footsteps were so silent Docter Veren wondered if he was a hologram. He soon found out how real he was. Cr'oa lifted his hands and flashed his claws out barely centimeters from Doctor Veren's face. Veren stood still, too petrified to move. One of Cr'oa's hands reached for Veren's face and adjusted his chin to the side. A surprisingly melodic voice spoke "Doctor, you have morals, and some immorals, both of which I need you to have." he moved over to Joru lying on the table, defenseless and unconscious. "You want our research and we need you to experiment with the augmentation on others before we allow you to give us the serum. We will bring you test subjects, don't worry about where or how they get to you, they won't talk to you directly."

Veren tore himself from where he stood and spoke aloud and weakly. "If I do not do as you ask, you are going to kill me aren't you?" he watched the Caitian trying to understand how dangerous this has gotten.

Cr'oa placed a single claw at the throat of the Vulcan, he slit a line on the neck and watched as blood started to come out very slowly. "Doctor, you think you have a choice in this matter?" he hissed at the doctor who then shook in fear "When Kotu spoke earlier about you telling the truth, he wasn't wrong. You will speak the truth because he will give it to you" he let that sink in. Teb came over and placed a cloth over the Vulcan's neck. "The truth is, we were never here" Fraaza and Lamac grabbed Veran and dragged him to a chair. Veren barely fought them as he was too weak to do anything about it. Kotu came closer and placed a hand on the man's head. This was a platonic gesture, he could do this from across the room, but the enjoyment of watching the fear in his victim's eyes before he gave them a new history pleased him. "Don't worry about the truth, we have taken measures to give all indications that there is no foul play. IF someone comes asking questions, you are so far away from anyone the likelihood is so remote, also, you are an excellent scapegoat after your tirade over the Eugeneics war debates at the conference this year." The six of them left the planet after having transformed Doctor Veren's memories into what he thinks are facts. They gave the man a month and instructions that the Vulcan man he had in his room was diagnosed with Pa’nar Syndrome, only by keeping him in a stasis pod designed to give false readings would they be able to keep him alive. The fact that it is a degenerative disease and one that would be disgraceful if he was found out having it was why he chose this far out and away from his own people to wait out the cure.

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