《Worlds Divided Flara’s Journey》Chapter 12 Worlds United
The chamber shook and Tarot and Adia hung on to each other. The slates illuminated and the pulse of the world was once again. “She did it ! “ Adia shouted , hugging Tarot, he held on to her, but his thoughts and concerns were for Flara. There was a crack of thunder and then they heard it . Tarot and Adia walk outside of the ruins and they were pelted by rain drops. They both stood looking up as the rain drizzled down their faces. Tarot knew the world was changing , because of Flara , but he was worried about her and wanted her here with him. He smiled as Adia danced around in the rain.
Flara felt groggy as she opened her eyes. She squinted as she looked upon the glowing figure hovering above her. “ Flara , thank you for freeing me.” The majestic wolf voice boomed throughout the chamber. Flara sat up looking at Benevolent for the first time. His presence was magnificent, he was much larger than Nova and his blue glow flooded the whole chamber. “ Your courage , your truth, changed the world back to its balance.” Benevolent said, as he lifted her up and pulsed his energy through her. She felt her wounds healing and her broken body repairing. He placed her down, she bowed to him. “No child , you are the one who needs to be honored.” His wispy tentacle raises her up. Flara looked at him. “I still feel the energy in side me.” Flara said clutching her chest . “You are the Balance of the worlds. You will keep the peace the truth. This power will remain inside you always. It is a gift .” There was a strange moan coming from the corner of the room. Flara looked over and saw the ambassador sit up holding his head. Flara ran to his side. She couldn’t believe he was still alive. The ambassador looked at her and began to weep, tears falling down his face , he whispered. “I’m so sorry . “ Flara placed her paw on his shoulder, she felt sorry for him, but she was hurt by his selfishness and the suffering he caused, she helped him up . Benevolent floated over and look down at him .
“There is a dark energy contained underneath this world that was let out by changing the rules. The energy succumbed you and entered into me. Only the pureness of Flara and the negativity of Sinister could heal this world. Her energy of balance . Losing your daughter was tragic, Kenzo, but she brought life to this world, your granddaughter Adia.” Benevolent said , as he wrapped his swirly energy around him, Kenzo felt himself healing . He look up at him with tears in his eyes . “A..dia? “.
“Yes.” Flara interrupted, “ she is fighter , and cares about this world . She was devastated of your selfishness , and the guilt you put on her .” Kenzo lowered his head, “I didn’t want my daughter to die. But she did, no matter what I changed. I was so angry and hurt I didn’t want anyone to lose their child so I didn’t allow the world to have anymore children. I know now it was a terrible mistake.”
“Your action caused both yours and my world not to have children . Most of the males from my world including my father and Tarot were stuck here suffering . “ Flara explained , her thoughts went right to Tarot, he suffered so much.
Benevolent looked at the both of them and said , “Both of you come with me , we need to restore this world .” Flara and Kenzo both nodded their heads . “Flara, I need you to transform to your energy.” Benevolent asked. Flara was unsure about her new form, she smiled awkwardly at Benevolent. He surrounded her with his spirit , “Focus on the energy within .” He placed his translucent paw on her chest over the crescent symbol. Flara felt a pulse and she felt the energy rush through her body . She look down and noticed she was floating and her spirit was white and with a light hue of red. Kenzo looked at her in astonishment. “Let us join the others.” Benevolent said and levitated the compass in to the air. It spun quickly and Flara closed her eyes. In her mind she saw Tarot face and couldn’t wait to see him.
Tarot and Adia both watch the weather change outside of the ruins. The rain stopped and then the sun exploded light , causing them to shield their eyes. The twilight sky turned blue . Adia was smiling and loved the feeling of the warm sun on her fur. “ This is so amazing! “ She laughed excitedly. Tarot smiled, thinking of Flara, then he felt it, her energy. He turn towards the archway
of the ruins and saw her. Her white energy bellowed and swirled. Adia turned and saw her, her eyes widened .
“Flara?” Adia ran up to her , “is that you?”
Flara smiled and nodded then floated to Tarot. He looked up at her with so much love . She bent down towards him and her normal form came partially out and she caressed his face and kissed him. Adia watched as Benevolent and the ambassador came through the archway . She felt confused, seeing her grandfather standing next to Benevolent. Tears formed in her eyes and she ran to her grandfather and stopped quick. She just stared at him . Kenzo bowed his head, “I’m so sorry, my sweet Adia, I didn’t know you would suffer so much. All because of me.” He cried and started to weep . Adia hugged him and cried, “I thought you were dead.” She hugged him tight , feeling his arms embraced her.
Flara looked at Benevolent, “Are we ready to do this?” She asked shifting back to her energy form. Benevolent answered, “ Not quite yet.” Before he could finished a red mist floated in the air and transformed into Nova . The group gazed upon her beauty. Nova energy flowed through everyone, they all felt her love and compassion. “ Flara , You sacrificed so much. Benevolent and I honor you for this. We can heal this world but not without you. You are the balance. Our worlds can become one now. “. Nova said as she and Benevolent floated over to Flara connecting all their energy, making an explosion of white light. They flew up into the air as one and floated over the lands , beams of light shining over the villagers, their homes and the lands. Tarot , Adia and Kenzo watched as the crumbled village became whole again. The lands became lush green meadows and water burst out waterfalls on the mountain side filling lakes and streams. The villagers cried out as the light shined over them. Their memories of suffering ended. They embraced each other and rejoiced. Flara felt her purpose and smiled down on the villagers. When it was complete, they join the group at the ruins. Flara transformed back and ran into Tarot arms. He held her tight, being consumed by her love. Nova and Benevolent hovered over them . “We both want to thank you, Flara and Tarot, for your sacrifices and your love, you both brought the balance and once again there in in peace in the world.” Benevolent voiced boomed with content. He turned to Adia, “Adia you are a fighter and you care for this world and the citizens. I know you to try to give them hope. Your heart is good even with all the sacrifices you made.” Adia bowed her head for respect. Finally, he looked at Kenzo. “Kenzo with your selfishness and fear I will have to strip away your title of ambassador. “ Kenzo nodded his head with agreement . Benevolent placed his powerful paw over the crest that was on his arm. The energy dissolved it away. “Oh and one last thing, Benevolent mention , “Adia , you will be the new ambassador, Kenzo, you will guide her, with my help of course. Kenzo and Adia looked up at him at the same time and then each other. Adia felt electricity on her arm and the emblem of the ambassador crest appeared. She looked at Tarot and Flara with a big smile on her face. They all embraced each other. They looked over the horizon and notice the world of Love and Nurture getting closer. The merging was starting.
Flara and Tarot watched for the first time that all the creatures were able to cross over now that the worlds combined as one . Flara sat on Tarot’s lap , he hugged her from behind feeling her extended pregnant belly. Flara placed her hands on Tarots. Every once in a while, they kissed each other as they were watching creatures cross over. “ Do you think any of them remember?” Asked Flara. “No, I don’t and I think it’s for the better. There will still be death, but nothing compared to what it was. No one should have to remember that.” They looked on each other with empty eyes. No one else would remember but Adia, Flara and Tarot. They knew about the loss. He hugged her closer and kissed her and nuzzled her neck.
They saw couples cross over with small bundles nestled in the female arms. It warmed both Flara’s and Tarot’s hearts . “Do you think our child will be alright?” Flara asked. Tarot kissed her on the cheek. “ Of course, I feel him or her kicking .” This made Flara smile a big warm smile and she pulled Tarot closer to her. They saw Adia running towards them with a big smile on her face. “How’s the baby! “ Adia squealed, feeling Flaras belly. “Nova says everything seems healthy so far. How are things in your land?” Flara asked giving her a hug. “ Benevolent and Grandfather keep me on my toes, they are a lot of fun. We make sure we rule the land with truth and justice. I want to inspire to be like Dilos because he was a great father figure to me and heard he was a great leader.“ This made both Flara and Tarot smile at each other.
The three of them watched as more creatures flowed in, and peace knowing that the rules were written with justice and truth . They all had worked together to bring the worlds to a place of harmony. There was peace among the creatures and happiness. The three sat there and took it all in. They felt years of disharmony wash away. Nova and Benevolent appeared behind them and watched with them. They felt that this was a time of peace and rest, for the worlds and them . They knew that more trials will come in the the future but right now, in this moment everything was perfect. Flara, Tarot, and Adia put their hands around each other. The new world was now at peace.
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