《Inside Us All are Seraphs》Chapter 10: Echoes of Kin
Al’Corvo woke up, surprised to see sunlight trickling into his apartment. He must have forgotten to close the curtains. Compared to the darkness of the prior day, Al’Corvo had to blink a few times before his eyes finally stopped ‘closing’ (unfocusing to the point of blinding itself) automatically.
Taking care of the various household tasks, of which there were many, Al’Corvo realised that it was already at least noon. Poking his head outside, Al’Corvo was firstly greeted by a light shower that coated his face in freezing water. Then he saw the sun, still hiding behind an overcast sky, directly overhead.
Al’Corvo was distracted when he heard a loud clanking knock on his door. He tried shuffling over to the door before his legs gave in under him. The clanking continued.
“Just a minute! I’ve been in hospital for a few days dickhead!” Al’Corvo yelled, roughly grabbing at nearby furniture in order to pull himself up. The knocking stopped. Al’Corvo heard a chalky whistling noise coming from the balcony outside his door.
When he got his legs working, Al’Corvo finally opened the door to see Al’Shor without his armour. He was wearing simple linen clothes, although he still had a gauntlet on his hand. Rather than waiting for an invitation, Al’Shor immediately walked in, sitting himself on the couch.
“Al’Shor.” Al’Corvo had an icy tone.
“Hi Al’Corvo, heard you were out of the hospital, so I decided to pay a visit.” Al’Shor was cheery as always, and began looking around the apartment with an almost sudden interest. “Oh yeah, by the way you can call me Shor you know. I ‘ave zero clues as to why you lot stick to those… what's the word?”
“Honorifics.” Al’Corvo began subtly grinding his mouth-plates together.
“Yeah, those. Don’t see why you need ‘em in the first place really.”
Al’Corvo took a seat at a nearby desk covered in old tapes and cartridges. “I assume you’re a foreigner then. I suppose they’re not technically important, but it’s more about how familiar you are with the other person. And I am not familiar with you.”
“Well firstly, I was born in Raqmu, though my ma and pa came from Byzantine. Secondly, what do you mean we’re not familiar?” Al’Shor feigned shock.
Al’Corvo sighed, before loudly grinding his mouth-plates. “Well firstly, yes I know you and are okay with talking to you. However. That is only in a professional setting. What I am not okay with,” Al’Corvo moved his chair closer to Al’Shor, “is someone barging into my fucking house a day after I come back from a crippling injury.”
Al’Shor began to speak but Al’Corvo quickly cut him off.
“I am also not okay with you using my name without the honorific. As I’ve said before, you use it, or you don’t fucking say my name at all!” Al’Corvo shouted. “Also, why the fuck didn’t you just call me? I know a Ward like you probably has a phone plugged in, and you should damn-well know that an electrician of all people has a fucking phone! So why, pray-tell, didn’t you just fucking call me?! LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!” Al’Corvo was screaming at this point.
“Roots Al’Corvo, calm down man. I’m sorry.” Al’Shor looked dejected. “I just wanted to see you. You considered how shitty it felt seeing you come out on a stretcher? Besides, I was only going to ask you to come down to the pub with me and two of my friends.”
Al’Corvo had his head downcast. At this point he was feeling the slightest bit of regret. Well, no point backing down now, he thought.
“Just… leave, Shor. Please. I’ve had a rough time if you couldn’t tell. Next time just call yeah?” Al’Corvo sounded precisely as he felt. Tired, hurt and overall like he had just had his arm torn off a day after having his ribs bashed in.
His head was still low when he heard the click of the door shutting. Al’Corvo got up and moved the chair back to the desk it belonged to. Looking at the scattered cartridges, Al’Corvo thought the best thing to do was to bury his head in work.
Sitting down at the desk, Al’Corvo opened a draw to find several tightly wound, but messily arrayed music tapes, without cases. At the foot of the desk were several other tapes, but instead of being properly wound were instead messily tangled together. Al’Corvo set a mental reminder to remove them later. Pulling out one of the smaller pieces of tape, which only had about 4 minutes of audio, Al’Corvo opened another draw and took out a pair of small scissors and some glue. Finally, he pulled forward a small cartridge player from the back of the desk, and popped out the empty cartridge.
Most of the various music tapes that were around his apartment were actually his own custom edits of various songs he produced. He had two small analogue synthesizers on a nearby, small table. One of them had an attached keyboard, while the other was primarily used for creating sound effects. After recording something on the first synthesizer, he would mess around with the audio by adding sound effects on the second one while playing the original tape back. When he finally had both recorded, he would then physically splice them together with scissors and glue. The process was lengthy to be sure, but it produced interesting results and a unique sound that could only be made by combining two tapes rather than recording the two in tandem. Of course, it also produced ‘interesting’ results, as the clumped tapes at his feet attested to.
Again, the process of creating a single tape took months of work, even discounting the process of writing the song itself. However, that was precisely the reason Al’Corvo did it. In between his jobs, he found that a quiet, time-consuming task took his mind off of the stress. Besides, the other choices he had for leisure weren’t exactly broad either. It was either gambling, drinking, maybe even dueling or more esoteric pursuits.
Banishing outside thoughts, Al’Corvo focused on the music, trying to figure out the best ways to combine the effects and melody together.
Time flew by. Al’Corvo had been hunched over his desk for hours, with fingers constantly stopping and starting the tape he was working on. If his eyes could have had shadows, they would’ve. This was because despite waking up but a few hours earlier, his recent recovery made even simple tasks like pushing buttons and snipping (before subsequently gluing) tapes a herculean effort.
Tiredly looking at the clock above his desk, Al’Corvo realised it was 10 to 9pm.
“It’s getting late,” Al’Corvo’s stomach growled, “should probably eat something. Food if I’m lucky.”
Al’Corvo stumbled over to the kitchen, forgetting to turn the light on. Opening various cupboards and the fridge, all he found were old bully beef tins, hardtack, canned fruit and a single D ration, dated to approximately 1948 B.A (Al’Corvo had heard once that it stood for Before Apocalypse), which made it a whopping 170 years old.
“Great choices as ever,” Al’Corvo mumbled before grabbing some bully beef. While normally meat needed to be grinded up a bit before becoming edible, this particular brand of… what could only be roughly called ‘food’ was finely minced beef suspended in gelatin. The end product was a meaty brick with white chunks suspended in it, which while disgusting, was better than whatever the government put into their ‘nutrient bars’.
Al’Corvo cracked open the oblong-shaped can with a clawed hand, retching at the ghastly scent that emerged from the century-old can, which didn’t even have a label due to its age. Al’Corvo was, at least slightly, annoyed that he didn’t know who to blame for creating such a dreadful product. Usually he sustained himself on canned fruits, old jam and the occasional can of spam if he was unlucky. However due to the however-many days he was in hospital, Al’Corvo hadn’t managed to get any shopping done.
Al’Corvo shoved the bully beef into an old microwave and roughly closed the door, grateful to finally be rid of the rancid meat. The weirdest part about it was how it looked completely fine. Apparently it and the D ration ‘chocolate’ were recovered from a radioactive ruin, so they were heavily marked down. Safe, apparently, but certainly not delicious.
Al’Corvo decided to offset the meat with some of the D ration. Grabbing his sharpest knife and a grinding stone (for the tougher, and more solid foods), Al’Corvo began turning the ration from a brick into something edible. The knife wasn’t quite sharp enough however, as it quickly got stuck half-way through the bar of chocolate. Al’Corvo decided to try and break the rest off with his hands, but even with all four hands the bar wouldn’t break. Al’Corvo got the knife out of the brick and began roughly hacking at the bar, finally managing to break off a small piece of the chocolate bar. Al’Corvo re-wrapped the rest of the D ration and shoved it into his pantry before getting the now-warmed bully beef tin.
Suffice to say that Al’Corvo preferred spam or even the basic pancakes that in all honesty could be considered a war-crime any day over the absolutely disgusting meat. Being a man who wasted nothing however Al’Corvo swallowed the corned beef without vomiting.
Running over to the sink, Al’Corvo washed his mouth out with the slightly rusty water, before grabbing the nearby chunk of chocolate and immediately stifling a scream as his mouth-plates slammed against the brick-like food. Spitting out the chocolate lump, Al’Corvo grasped for the grinding stone with his healing hind-arm, causing another round of cursing, and then slammed the stone onto the bar. After a minute of grinding, the piece of chocolate was still in its original shape, although cracks had formed throughout its structure. Popping the piece into his mouth, Al’Corvo was pleasantly surprised to find that it didn’t taste like absolute shit.
After sitting down for a few moments to let the whole meal go through his system, Al’Corvo heard a ringing noise coming from his living room. Walking over to the room he found that the noise was his phone going off. It was an older model, based on the few surviving telephone booths that were somehow recovered by the Immunes. This meant that unlike the newer models which could be plugged into any outlet that could support the city-wide telecommunication network, Al’Corvo’s phone was stuck into the wall.
Picking up the dated handset, Al’Corvo accepted the call.
“Hello, Al’Corvo Silksmith here.” Al’Corvo replied with slight trepidation, as he usually only received calls that told him where a malfunction had occurred or that he had (somehow) forgotten to fully file his taxes.
A gruff voice responded, “greetings, this is Al’Born representing the Wards here. Firstly, we require confirmation that you are indeed Al’Corvo Silksmith, either your job ID or social security number will do.”
Al’Corvo, who in his journeyman days had to constantly give out his Worker’s ID, automatically responded, “my Worker’s ID is as follows, ‘1109BD98’.” Al’Corvo made sure to say each number slowly for the benefit of the Ward on the other side.
The following minutes were filled with constant tapping and clacking as the Ward bureaucrat typed away at their decrepit computer. Finally he spoke again.
“Okay Al’Corvo, everything checks out. I am currently calling to inform you that as of today, all workers of the rank conscriptus have been honourably discharged under orders of the praetorian. Now, of course you can rejoin the Wards with the rank evocatus, however that’s going to require a bit of paperwork on your end.”
Al’Corvo pondered for a moment, “say if I were to re-enlist, what would be required of me?”
“Unfortunately I cannot disclose everything since the training will be different for each person due to everyone’s… unique circumstances, however I can tell you that due to certain time constraints you will receive training for seven days at most.” The Ward sounded tired and overworked. They had probably made dozens of calls before ringing up Al’Corvo.
“Do I get any time to think on it?”
“Not really no, again, time constraints.” The Ward was becoming increasingly annoyed.
Al’Corvo whispered, “fuck it, why not,” before saying louder, “sure. When will I should I expect the paperwork?”
“Sometime tomorrow. Have a good night Al’Corvo, good luck in the Wards.” The last line sounded rehearsed and, at this time of night, completely fake.
The phone clicked, and Al’Corvo shuffled his way over to his hammock, before collapsing in a heap onto the springy surface. It would be surprising for others to learn how taxing it was to work on music. It certainly didn’t help Al’Corvo’s dorsal plate, which functioned somewhat as a spine in its more structural aspects.
As Al’Corvo lay on the hammock, he felt pain in his hind-arm begin to flare up again. Bringing the regrown limb up to the soft moonlight that filtered through dirt-stained windows, Al’Corvo really took in the sight of the injury. The once pastel shell had turned into a sickly and pallid blue, and his dexterous fingers had become slightly longer, but much thinner. Overall the limb had become what could only be considered a mockery of what used to be a pristine example of story snatcher dexterity and grace.
Al’Corvo wasn’t one to be caught up in what-ifs or the potential long-term consequences of his actions, but as he stared at his arm, he did have to think, “how much more will I lose?”
As he slept, a single, gentle whisper echoed in the back of his mind, and the word it said was simple.
Perfect World
Dragons. Politics. War. A centuries long battle has dwindled. A delicate ceasefire hangs over the continent. Alter Carlebach vowed to shatter the peace. This first Arc follows Alter and his... activities in his home country, Arseny. Decades of war allowed corruption to take root. Someone has to purge the parasites. Let there be blood.
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Thundering Dragon
A boy who doesn't like authority, or to bow to any man regardless of title. A boy who will do anything to change his cruel fate, to fight for what he believe in! A galaxy in turmoil, and under the threat of an existence they can't comprehend, a galaxy where Hero's rise and fall just as fast. Join this knucklehead as he travels throughout this galaxy!
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The God Complex
Alon wishes to be remembered—to stamp his existence on this cruel world, to engrave the fact that "he was here" into the very Earth. This is his sole purpose; To be important. For what greater reason is there to exist if not to be remembered? People are special. People aren’t... Your actions in this life define how those left behind remember you. Once you die, you’re reborn and live on, if only for a time; The grander the actions in this life, the longer your second one becomes. Alon knows this better than anyone, and he will live in the minds and hearts of everyone in Krestelen longer than anyone that has come before. Krestelen is a place long forgotten by those outside its walls; known by most as the Cursed City of The Dead, with the Lower Tier of the City being abandoned by the Upper Tiers after an inexplicable Fog blanketed the entire sector thirty-four years ago. This Fog adds those unfortunate enough to be caught within it into the legions of Vacant roaming the empty streets of the city: A creature that has seemingly lost all reasoning and sanity, to wander around the streets crying into the palms of their hands as they beg for help, to be freed from their condition. This is the place that Alon, and the Gang led by his mentor Casian, shall steal the very source of what gives those in power—the rightfully ruling family, the Deramore's—their ability to live in luxury as those below in the Lower Tier struggles to survive. They will forever be cast into the annals of the history of this cursed place—for better, or for worse.
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Cryptic Asunder (Book one)
A life full of joy and tragedy, Vila's story begins with the very person she despises. Thankfully, a man by the name of Sommi rescues her from the clutches of her master. Years go by with her bubble of ignorance to what goes on anywhere else and she lives happily on the outskirts of Kai village. This all changes when she comes home from the market one day to find her little hut ransacked and her hero, Sommi, gone. A man named Vensen haunts her every thought as she travels the country of Aishy and the void itself in search of her father figure. Many strange and horrifying events take place as Vila also encounters revelations of who she is and the family she comes from. None of it makes sense, and yet there is a hidden string of order in it all. -------------------------------------------- Written by Robin Dobi, all rights reserved as of 2010 (c) (first draft) 3rd revision. First book of trilogy/chronicles. Picture was made soley by me! Any and all copies of this story without the author's permission or knowledge is illegal. Those who are bold enough to commit such a crime will be prosecuted! Rated as mature content for language, violence, and dark concepts. 16 years of age and up is the suggested maturity. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
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Thief of Time
[Participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] Book 1: The Legend of Tot Synopsis: Claud Primus, a self-declared master thief, has a simple goal. To live forever. It's a rather easy task, for miraculous objects called lifestones are able to extend one's lifespan. These lifestones are best found in the treasuries of nobles, lovely resorts that Claud pays a visit to every so often. Unfortunately, one of those nightly visits go awry, and Claud is forced to escape with just a single lifestone and a box in hand. Normally, that's when things die down. The guards yawn, the gates close, and the night continues. But this time, the night isn't that forgiving. A dozen schemes result in the murder of someone important, and with a convenient scapegoat — Claud — at hand, it doesn't take long for him to be framed as a heinous criminal, wanted for the indirect murder of someone high up...and it just gets worse from there. Book 2: The Moon Lords' Rise Synopsis: As ordered chaos sweeps across Licencia, Claud leaves for Julan Barony, intent on making some profits there. Accompanied by the erstwhile heiress of Julan, a fellow member of the Moon Lords, the two plot against the barony's wealth...as well as a promise to bring about its downfall. Meanwhile, back home, the Moon Lords have busied themselves with digesting their gains. Eyes, however, are beginning to turn to this proverbial fish in a small pond. The fishermen are coming. When they cast their hook, what will Dia and the others do? Book 3: Murders under the Moons Synopsis: In the sleepy town of Nachtville, where Claud and Lily are forced to stop at, a set of nasty murders occurs. Victims scream out in fright, before a spear falls from the sky to end their suffering. Cowed and cautious, the master thief and his partner slink in the shadows, their objective that of home... A new task, however, has fallen on Dia. With a trusty helper at her side, she has to set off towards Nachtville itself, to solve the mystery Claud had abandoned. Faced with an enemy whose sole skillset is geared towards killing, how will they succeed? And what dark secrets will they find? Book 4: In the Dark of the Moons Synopsis: The year has ended. The four months of the full moons will soon be followed by two months of the new moons. Duke Istrel's ascension is around the corner. Amidst this political upheaval, Count Nightfall, Licencia's strongest defender, has been called away. The Moon Lords' largest task yet — to protect Licencia in the absence of its ruler — has begun. And yet, trouble is unrelenting. A distinguished personage, one that Claud fears, has been found dead in the county, his brains dug out and his body disemboweled. The inquisitors of the White Church have been dispatched to investigate and apprehend the murderer...as well as the person behind this puppet. Tormented by a call to fight, Claud directs his eyes out of the city, looking for the puppetmaster. Skulking in the shadows, the master thief will soon confront his greatest foe yet. A foe just like him. Book 5: Moonlit Tides and Darkened Seas Synopsis: A new era has begun. For the privileged, the sands of time dribble away for every passing moment, counting down to the arrival of a entity of mythical proportions. The night now harbours shadows and fog, and operatives of the Moons and the Dark clash in shadow. Claud, as usual, is investigating a spate of nasty disappearances in the city, but little does he know what these disappearances truly mean. And yet, a tide is coming. When it finally breaks, what will he do? Book 6: Secrets in Shadow Synopsis: The person behind a strike that would enter the annals of history flees his home, bringing with him the person closest to his heart into a new land and into a new world. Having left Istrel for the first time in his life, the two of them attempt to settle down in foreign lands, only to be caught in the middle of hostilities between two mighty powers grappling for dominion. Yet, none of that has anything to do with him. Following his desires, Claud eventually makes his way to the fabled Celestia Ruins, a fragment of another world. Bearing witness to truths he cannot yet comprehend, he returns from his exploration, a small break away from the machinations of destiny. One thing, however, is for certain. Destiny will not wait for him. Book 7: Reddest Rage Synopsis: Destiny churns on, heedless of mortal machinations, and Claud watches as the battlegrounds between the Moons and the Dark are drawn up. With the forces of the great Dark occupying Lostfon, Claud comes to a startling realisation — that he may have very well be a murderer of heinous proportions. Grappling with that realisation, he struggles to prepare for his Second Tutorial... Back in Istrel, Dia finds herself confronted with a perennial truth. Even in a time of writhing destiny, the machinations between nobles never cease to end — and unfortunately for her, the group once known as the Moon Lords are forced into dealing with a petty squabble between two counts. What they didn't account for, however, was the startling discovery they would soon make... And the shadow of the Red God's Holy Son behind it all. Book 8: Darkness Descends Synopsis: Nightmares haunt the horizon as Claud sinks and awakens from a seeming dream. What was once illusory begins to play out before him, in a way he cannot imagine. Dia, forced to wield arms, begins and ends a battle that opens her eyes to the vast dangers that lurk in this sundered world. Under the banner of humanity and divinity, she beholds the silent, forgotten protectors of Orb...but there is no forgetting the battle between the divinities. The Dark descends, the Moons writhe, and the horns of war blow once more. But this is not their battle. Not yet. Book 9: Moons Muster Synopsis: As more and more events fall into place, Claud finds himself desperate. Not for himself, but for the person who has turned into his world. Armed with the knowledge of a certain future, he approaches the only person that could possibly help him in his time of need, trading information for a promise of help. With that as solace, he returns to the grim task of understanding and seeking, revisiting an ancient, shattered fragment of another world...unleashing changes that he never knew was possible. Back in Istrel, Dia and the others must now navigate around a familiar spirit, who seeks to investigate the death of his master's Bearer. With them as prime suspects, the Seekers of Life must move carefully...but the Coloured Gods are not the only divinities eyeing them closely. The Moons, bristling from repeated defeats, are looking for new recruits, and the Seekers of Life are prime cannon fodder. Above all, destiny marches on, the unfeeling clock a warning to all. The Trial of Aeons will soon arrive. Book 10: Destiny Divine Synopsis: ??? Release frequency: one every few days or something, I guess. (This work is also being serialised on Webnovel under the name Revile as a trial run)
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My Life in Ruins ; Poetry
Doesn't go in a specific order so feel free to skip around my favorite writing, (by me)All rights reserved Possibly triggering and deeply traumatic subjectsSelf harm, suicidal thoughts/idealization, mental illness, growing up to fast, and eating disordersYoung author struggling to survive If you like please vote, comment, save to your library, or share <>"All alone, whether you like it or not, alone is something you'll be quite a lot." - Dr. Seuss
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