《The Tale of the 13th Battalion》Epilogue -after-


I fall....the void spit me out and show me a new world i have never seen before.

Despite my Namelessness, i still have the portion of my power it seems

Now then what shall this world offer me?

Then as if the worlds bends for him, The Nameless Meister, halted in the air. Then as if light spread out

into his legs and then like a flash of light. He began flying into a direction

The world was vast, thought the meister who lost his name

then as he flew , there he spotted a barrier.

'I see, the people of this world has their power'

The Meister touched the barrier. Then suddenly flashes of lightning came down after Meister.

Mesiter glance at the lighting and grab it with his hand.

The lightning was caught easily, Meister look at the barrier once more and gathered energy to his feet and leave the magical construct alone.



Then as Meister passed and flew, he look at the ground before him and saw figures of giant sizes and stare at them as they passed through the broken walls of some sort.

Then with a blew of air, Meister once again speed up like a flash of light and move forward.

There he saw a fortress, but this fortress was like a box....a metal box.

The figures on it was nothing like barrier he just passed on about.

But yet he look at it. Then with a pulse, he felt that a consciousness was inside the metal box of a fortress..Then

with a glance he flew forward.

Then he flew slowly and calmly. He reduced his speed for a vague reason. Then he heard a pitiful moan. A moan of despair and suffering.

The Nameless Meister open his eyes and eyes to look for the cry of help.


Then... he found her.. a woman who is bounded in chains. Injuries were scattered around her body. Meister have glance through her and saw that her internal organs and bones have been obliterated. But yet despite that she still lives....

'What a great willpower, Meister admired'

Then he walk towards to the woman and asked her

''Would you like me to help you?''

Then the woman look at Meister and spoke tiredly

''No, but...please, help my comrades. Im begging you''

Meister then asked 'why would you not want to be saved?'

She look at Meister and said with a painful smile

''There are my responsibilities, i am going to die soon. But please save them, i don't know why but i can feel your strong. Even stronger than the enemy i fought. I have no need for revenge, just please save them''

Then, the woman, slowly close her eyes, in resignation to her fate. Like she knew that the man before her would surely save them.

Meister, look at the woman. Then he grasped the chains that hold her. As if was nothing, he rip apart the chains and grabbed the woman carefully.

Then he flew.

He flew towards a hill full of flowers and lay her down.

Then with a flick of a finger. He conjured fire.

Then he spoke.

'Oh Brave warrior, rest now and become a flower within this fields. Even in ashes you are gonna be beautiful'

Then, he flew

He flew

Then he saw.

A horde of warriors. Then he look into them. What was within their hearts were all the same conviction.

That is to protect their people from hunger and death.

He flew even more.

Then with a glance he saw

A broken metallic man, then a red haired man who has his heart smashed. Then he descended, and like the ones before. He flick his finger to conjure a fire.


Then he said

'Now go, be part of the fire. Like your burning spirit and your burning red hair. Depart and rest forever.'

Then the body of the red haired man flew as ashes.

Then the Meister flew

He saw a body. A body of a young lady. Her head has been smashed into pieces. But he walked towards her and flick his finger again to conjure a fire. Then he said

'Young lady, within your spirit i feel the braveness and courage, though with regret of not giving your love stay still in your heart. Go now, and be complete again. And may you rest in peace forever in paradise.'

Then the body flew into ashes, but as if the ashes had life, it flew towards a direction.

Meister followed. He walk and saw.

A man, who have been hit and flew

He saw, as the overbearing foe of the young man walked towards him.

Yet the young man who was injured, crawled.

Then he crawled, without looking back.

The giant figure, raised his weapon .

But a flash of light. flew between them

It was Meister, and with a few stroke of his weapon, the overbearing man shuddered.

The overbearing humanoid who was full of conviction backed off.

He sensed that the man before him was something he can''t touch.

Then he leave.

Meister look at the humanoid and heard the words of the injured young man.

He said 'How unfair' and asked for his name.

The Meister look at him pitifully and said ''Im nameless''

The injured man, laugh.

He then said to Meister

''Please...Just remember The worlds im about to say its about Me and the Tale of the 13th Battalion.''

Meister nodded.

The man smiled and told his tale slowly.

About what happen, and how brave his comrades were

Then he spoke about the beach he wanted to enjoy

Then he talk about their chase

Then he talk about the crash and their goals.

Then...he told of how he has been hit.

Then, he said ''Please take me there.''

Then Meister complied

Then, the young man clicked a something in head, and then as if reporting into the air he clicked again.

Then, the man look at Meister and with a smile, he close his eyes slowly as if he was satisfied.

Meister look at the man. then said

''Oh cowardly man, who fought for comfort. In the change of heart you became something bright. A man who wants to fulfill a duty, now go with the others. You have done your best''

Then the young man turn to ashes, and as if he was waited. The ashes of the young girl who gave Meister the direction join the ashes of the young man and flew together.

Then Meister said ''Go now, and be together''

Then Meister flew up in the air.

Without knowing

Without meaning

Like a shade that protects from the harsh heat

He shall come when needed.

When the day comes when a man or woman calls for him to be their clutches.

He shall come.


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