《The Tale of the 13th Battalion》Chapter 7 - The Fall


Seeing the change of pace within the army of barbarians. Lester stepped on the energy pedal of the vehicle and with a loud sound akin to a roar sounded inside the engine of the vehicle ,its sudden increase of speed, the tires then made a screeching sound as it drove through the grassland with speed akin to a bullet!

Then with the vehicle leaving scratches on the grassland with its bullet like speed, it jump through the hill and then continued straight to the horde of enemies! With a pull of a lever Millinda who was currently on the top of the machine then started firing at the enemies and as the projectile hit through them, blood spurted one by one and flows of blood flying everywhere made the Barbarians look back and saw a metal object speeding through them! And with a roar all the Overlord Types then charge towards the metal head object!

Seeing the Barbarians heading towards them, Bill then move towards the front and crouched into a sprint position. Looking at the overlords getting closer Bill then sheathed his weapons and then jumped towards the enemies! Bill raised his weapon then aimed at the enemies throats! And with a quick dodge from the overlord type, Bill then sidestepped to the right and leap right through the enemy's flank and brought down his weapon to his neck! Then like a knife to a butter the overlord type barbarian was beheaded with a single swing! Then Bill stepped back and return to his position and started crouching again, as Millinda fired the Turrets upon the normal barbarians and piercing through their body without a single missed! If it was the Millinda of the past then such thing was impossible to do so! But Millinda's current state was calm and accelerated as if her brain was slowing down time for her to aim perfectly! As waiting for any Barbarian to grab them was unacceptable Lester then pushed the engine to its limits as it crashed through the barbarians like pile of twigs!

With the bloody path that the vehicle left as it mow down the barbarians in front of them, two overlords rushed towards the vehicle with the intent of halting it! But Millinda was quick in seeing the two oversize figures and quickly aim at them and pushed the trigger of her turrets and blasted the overlords with extreme precision and open holes within their bodies! Then with a quick pass of ammo by Auburn, Millinda reloaded in extreme speed as Bill covered with his weapon that slices through enemies with a strong force!

Bill right is now is capable of such feat mainly because of the RemoteVernonSuit! With his electrons and brainwaves only controlling a metal framae skeleton, it surpassed the limit and has doubled its power! If the Bill who was in the pod on fortress was fighting at this place, then he wouldn't need at least two to three strikes to penetrate the Overlord type's skin! So using the weapon that is within is hands, Bill then jump off the vehicle and like a mowing machine, carved his way through groups of barbarians like butter!

Halfway through the horde, the machine was now dyed in blood as it cruelly mows down anyone who stood in its path! Lester have not hold back even a single bit and continued forward without hesitation! They need to pass this horde and directly go to the walls and contact their allies about the impending danger! With the sight of of the line of hordes ending. Lester noticed a familiar figure who has turn its back on the machine, squinting his eyes Lester recognized that it was BAR! The Leader of the Barbarians!


Feeling as his heart burns, Lester push the vehicle further with the intent to rammed the leader into death! But the leader of the barbarians shows no intention of turning back! But only slowly raise his left hand with his palm facing towards the vehicle then clench his fist as if he was making a gesture!

Then suddenly! Two shadows burst forth and with their mace like weapons bashed the front tires of the vehicle and twisted their body to add more power to their smash and then stomping forcefully on the ground as their feet burrow deep to hold down the mowing vehicle! Before even Lester can act Millinda and Bill was thrown off to the front and the vehicle was flipped over by the powerful strike and landed into the front of the army along with Bill and Millinda!

Feeling stunned for a while, Lester was then pulled by the Auburn out of the vehicle and then was laid to the ground. Then with a blurry view, Lester watched as Bill and Auburn took a stance in front of the army while Millinda guarded Lester who has still not recovered from being stunned.

With the VernonSuit quickly injecting numbing toxins, Lester recovered and slowly get on his knees and put his weapon in front and aimed at the army of barbarians! Lester was a bit stunned and thought about the words BAR have spoken when he was facing Deva. It seems that vehicles like these were not even the same stature as the one they were hunting on the snowy region from where they come from.

When Lester was about to open his mouth to speak towards the barbarian leader-

BAR KHAN suddenly spoke "Speak no more you fools, i have no need for words towards warriors who hides away on a room for hours . This is a battlefield, it's either you win or you die.'' And with a gesture within his hand, the two shadows rushed in front of their leader and roared like a beast before attacking the group!

Lester swallowed his words after hearing the leader speak, he was right. There were no words needed.Lester clench his teeth and shouted ''Auburn, Bill! Go and fight that one while me and Millinda will take care of the other one!

Hearing Lester's command who casually spoke to them, they only nodded and face the shadow type barbarian in front of them. With hair that touches the ground, bulking muscles and armor that is made from some unknown skin, the enemy in front of them was like a monster from a nightmare..

But.....So what? Thought Bill, there was no need to panic or be afraid, his body is still on the fortress and even if he bonded with the suit or perishes here. There was no need to fear a bit of fear! Auburn was the same! He have turn his mind into cold steel and only have two words on his mind ''Kill'' and "Survive''!

With the duo's wall like conviction, they rushed at the Shadowy Barbarian and with perfect coordination Bill slash at the upper body while Auburn slashed at the lower body! With this the shadow barbarian should have no way of escaping! Or it should but then with a burst of strength that shadowy barbarian disappeared like a true shadow and appeared on top of the two extending its hands towards their heads!

Seeing the hands towards their heads Bill and Auburn raised their weapons and tried to block but despite blocking it in time, they were planted to the ground by the amount of force from the hands of the barbarians and had to roll away from the feet that tries to squash their heads!


But meanwhile on the other side, Lester and Millinda has just started moving, seeing the battle between auburn, bill and the shadowy barbarian. Lester decided to hand over his Drillsting rifle to Millinda and told her to cover him, as he sheathed his blade and carefully gauging the distance then with a sprinting like position dashed at the Barbarian in front of him and made a Downward Slash at the enemy, then when the enemy tried to dodge, Millinda shoot the two Drillstings rifles in her hand and barrage the enemy accurately leaving the shadowy barbarian have no time to attack! Then without letting it take action, Lester gripped his blade tightly and thrust at the enemy right into its thighs! But noticing the sudden movement on the enemy's leg, Lester quickly rolled away from the shadowy barbarian and then shouted at Millinda to open fire!

During the barrage of fire from Millinda, the shadowy barbarian that Auburn and Bill is fighting was currently standing idly. Then Bill throw one of his weapons to Auburn since the the attack shattered his weapon with just one contact! Then without waiting any further the duo charge at the enemy again and then when they were about to collide, the two then loose the strength on theirs legs and slide en slash towards the enemy's thighs!

Then with a deafening roar the shadowy barbarian leap back and slight stumbled! Not waiting for any chances! The Duo pounded on the enemy an in a synchronize movement, slash at the same time towards the enemy's neck and buried them deeply without remorse!

Seeing at the duo defeating the enemy, Lester then moved faster and proceed on incapacitating his enemy while Millinda is suppressing any actions that the shadowy barbarian make! Lester was dodging with a one percent margin and the suppressing fire from the accelerated mind Millinda work perfectly for them! Then with a a perfect hit, Lester was able to slice the Tendon's of the barbarians arms and legs and then with it being slowed down Lester quickly brought up his blade and stab into the enemy's neck! But seeing the blade didn't lodge any further, the barbarian made a quick attempt crush Lester's body! Lester stepped back but seeing the enemy's hand reaching towards him, he instinctively covered his head when suddenly Bill who had finished off the other shadowy barbarian kick the lodged blade further and then using weight, Auburn hugged the blade and completely gouge the enemy's throat!

Defeating the two shadowy barbarian who rushed at them, Lester then collect his mind and said ''Were moving out! We need to reach the walls and alert the nation!'' the three figures nodded in response towards Lester then dashed towards the direction of the nation's walls!


BAR KHAN watched as two of his warriors get killed. He only stared at the fools who started running from what it looks like the location of the nation. BAR then thought. Should he allow them to reach their walls? Or follow them now and kill them?. BAR only watched till they became silhouettes, then with a sigh his eyes turn serious and like predator to a prey chased after them....

Running, that was the only thing that is the main focus of Lester's group. They run with extreme speed to the point of exhausting all the waters and nutrients inside their VernonSuits. Bill was much better and have carried their weapons. Lester was focus, only a bit more and they will reach the nation's walls and alert them towards the incoming barbarians.

Lester at this moment, felt something wrong. All the bells in his mind rang. Then he turn his head back and was about to ask Bill when suddenly a flash of shadow appears behind Bill and ripped apart the Remote Suit;s left hand effortlessly.

''You all are gonna die here'' as the hoarse voice was heard

Lester's body chilled. There was no way they can defeat someone like him


Bill with his left hand ripped away, didn't stumble. Nor didn't he scream. After all, this was not his body. His body was tuck away inside a pod on the border's fortress. Right now the core and his brainwaves were there. Then with a pause, he grabbed the weapons on his body and throw them all at the his comrades.

Seeing the weapons being thrown, his comrades didn't dawdle and hurriedly picked up their weapons. When Auburn was about to turn on the enemy. Bill stop him with his palm and ''Go, i'll buy us time'' with a monotone voice.

Auburn, only stared. Then, he turn his back on Bill.





Bill look at the three ask they run. Then turn his body in front of the predator that hunts them.

''I will be your opponent.'' said Bill.

BAR didn't answer and just disappeared up to the air and use his weapon and smash up above Bill's head.

Bill swayed his body and and took a stance and hurriedly kick with his leg.

Seeing the kick, BAR sidestep a bit and swing his weapon at Bill.

Bill crouched, but the weapon was fast enough to graze the the chest part of the suit.

Seeing the Suit grazed, BAR hurriedly step forward and launch a wide swing.

The attack before hitting, Bill used his weapon to block .

.....But it was meaningless. The weapon did block the enemy's hammer like blade.

It was broken apart.

The Barbarian in front of Bill, then kick at his chest.

Receiving the impact, Bill flew into the ground.

Bill then tried to get up.

But another impact hit through his Suit's chest.

Bill tried rolling

But it was meaningless.

The barbarian leader stepped on Bill. And open his mouth.

''How stale, beating up an object that is controlled by someone far away disgust's me.''

Then as the words part from the leader's mouth.

Bill saw another swing come at him and pulverized the energy core within the Suit.

Then everything went black as the sound of footsteps disappeared to give chase.







Lester was running, he felt shivers when the clash of metal ended. Bill was probably incapacitated. Clenching his fist, Lester even took a faster pace, he run with his might. All the numbing toxins within his suit has been injected to him, but yet somehow he still holds on to his mind. ''Is the suit malfunctioning'' thought Lester. He shrugged it off, and just ran.

But a wild gush of wind was heard behind his back. Lester didn't dare to turn. He was afraid? Yes he is afraid. But he needs to know the distance between the predator on him. So he turn his head back.

Yet, the only thing that greeted him was the scene of Auburn being caught and smashed cruelly into ground.

''Hiiiiiiiiii!'' as Lester shrieked .

BAR look coldly at his prey and said ''I am done playing, it's time for all of you to die. I can't let you near your walls.''

BAR, like a shadow flashed towards Lester, having his wits overcome. Lester stumbled and luckily dodge the weapon.

Before BAR can raise weapon again, Millinda fire her weapon with extreme accuracy.

BAR only swing his weapon and all of the projectiles shot at him was blocked.

Millinda draws her blade and charge at BAR.

Seeing this, Lester just ran away.

He know that staying there would be suicidal. So he ran.

He ran and blocked his ears from the screeching agony that sounded behind him.

Then a sight welcomed him. It was the nation's walls. Lester ran even faster. He was near!

And only a few steps away he would be able to call for help! With the distance of the electron receiver he can contact the emergency line and call for help!

4 steps ! 3 steps! and 2 steps!

And 1!

Then Lester hurriedly use his receiver!

But yet a hand grabbed him.

And like a ball to a bat.

Was hit and thrown back into distance like a battered ball....

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