《The Tale of the 13th Battalion》Chapter 5 - The Thread of Hope


Four figures are running on a tight corridor. Namely it was Auburn,Lester,Millinda and Bill. After the order of their captain, they retreat into the armory and supply room. In there they holed and barricaded the door tightly. The armory was the most strongest room in the fortress. Simply because inside the room was a ton of food, ammo and repair parts for their VernonSuits and so they were guarded heavily.

Among the four person inside the room was Lester. Lester right now is the one in control of himself. Auburn and Bill have turn into killing machines because of the Suit's over effect. Millinda was staring blankly at the air, there were almost no trace of light in her eyes. It was the look of utter despair and the look of someone accepting their death.

Lester frowned, the people around him have either been broken or turn cold. Right now they moving on instincts and are people who have only words to describe ''Kill'' and ''Survive''. That was the result and effect of the VernonSuit excreting too much Numbing toxins on their brain. Lester was currently able to think through with sheer willpower alone. He was someone who was scared on overly using the numbing toxin to the highest mark.

Mostly because of the effects that he was briefed with that he was this way, and looking at the humans in front of him has made this belief even more firmer to him. He would only use the toxins when death is unavoidable.

Within the room lies many parts and ammo's for the whole battalion and soldiers that were station on this fortress. With this they can probably fully equipped themselves and have rations worth a month. But yet even with this, the only thing that mattered were the Remote VernonSuit It is a type of Suit made for launching deadly sneak attacks and when destroyed would dispersed and explode! But even with this suit, it will only function if the user would connect his or her brainwaves and transfer the electrons right into the Remote Suit;s Brain and Energy core. With every equipment there were also aftereffects that comes with it, bonding with the Remote VernonSuit might cause effects such as the body being paralyze for a week or the body being put into comatose state if the Suit gets too much damage. Nonetheless it is something that can be piloted by those who are willing to face the after effects of it.

''(It's a great equipment but it is kinda daunting imagining being paralyze or put into comatose.)'' thought Lester. ''(Would anyone even agree on trying these on?)'' as Lester thought and look at the comrades before him and asked.

''Will anyone equip the remote Suit?''

''I will'' said by Bill like its a sure thing to do.

''Are you sure? You do know the after effects of it right?''

''It doesn't matter. Besides all my organs have been twisted and my broken ribs are stabbing my lungs. At this rate i wouldn't last anyway''

Bill thought calmly, when the battle was new, at the time where he got blown away by the Overlord Type Barbarian, he suffered internal damage. Without the VernonSuit excreting numbing toxins and the Suit acting as organs then he would probably have died on the spot.

''So let do me do it. I'm a dead man walking anyway and even with me being bonded to the Suit and fighting on would be a better outcome for me. As long as my body will be lock in here then i have no qualms.''


Lester look at the man before him and said ""Understood, two hours from now i will put your body into the Controller Pod and seal it on the safe on the ground.'' There were no more words to say and Lester walk away to a spot.

He then ransack his mind, looking for calmness to be found. He wanted to rely on himself rather than using more numbing toxins. He was afraid on what's gonna happen next. He look at the ceiling and smiled sadly at the situation they are in now.

(''Well, this is my fault for thinking that a place would be ''safe'' and ''carefree'')

lester have come and join into this battalion in order to have the ''easy'' way to being a veteran. But yet in a lifetime there would be no such thing as an easy route. Life will always find a way to make troubles for you.But for such thing to happen when not even 2 months have gone by....talk about misfortune, Lester thought.

Hours go by as the 4 survivors catch their breath and took a rest. With their ammo's being well stacked and then using the parts in the room, they improvise and layered the VernonSuit with more armor. The current look of the VernonSuit has the form of half the size of a Exodiac Armament. Added layers plus putting on the armor parts that the soldiers wear have made them even more durable than before! Losing speed was not a problem due to the VernonSuits adjustment options when the suit's size is doubled. At the same time Bill has been put into the Remote Pod and was sealed away into the safe under the armory. Then Lester attached armors,weapons and layered protection on top of the suit.

The Remote-VersnonSuit is controlled by the core on the suit that connects with the remote pod. Therefore the performance of the controlled suit is 10 times better than a human wearing a suit! Inside the suit was a metal figure that act as the frame and skeleton of the suit and also the part where the receiver for the brain waves was put on. Looking at the Suit now it was even more taller and near the size of a Exodiac armament!


As the were armed and ready, they would move out and go venture the barbarian filled fortress! The only Goal was to launch successful ambushes on the fortress and assassinate the leader of the invades who they recalled was named BAR. And with opening the door the four slowly walks out and with a flick of the hand sealed the last room that are safe.

Then the operation began. The four stride to the direction of the garage and carefully walk in and observe fpr any prior movements. Within the corridors there were oddly no sign of any barbarians.Thinking that is there chance the four quickly rush into the garage and entered it.

When they look at the garage,the only scene that invited them was the amount blood that was splattered on the floor and walls and broken parts of the VernonSuit. At that place also lies the broken and dismembered Transport machine armed with turrets. Looking at the machine it was obvious that without the skills of a mechanic they won't be able to fix the transport machine.

They look around looking for Deva but they not that naive to think that she would survive. The knew that when she ordered to retreat it was her saying that she would hold back the enemy and will die. Knowing that they didn't stick long and look at the destroyed smoke vent. If it wasn't for the enemy finding the vent then they would probably massacred a number of barbarians with the machine.


Thinking no further, the four jumped and grabbed at the broken smoke vent and made their way outside. When they have made their way out, they surveyed and found no trace of the barbarians in front of the fortress!

Then look at the back and found footprints that leads to their nation. Then as if struck by lightning Lester punch the wall at his side!

"'(Of course! Of course they would! Why would they wait for 4 humans that have tucked away in a room and their leaders killed? Obviously they would move along to their target and prioritize it! Even if we do chase them they can always use their numbers to delay us and go in for the kill!)

Lester grimaced! The Barbarians were more logical than them and it frustrates him! Lester naively think that they would capture the fortress and make a base out of it! But no in the end they were only ransacking the fortress to gather goods and supply! The most logical thing that they would do would raise Siege camps near the Nation and then secure it till they get more troops! Judging by the size of the group, it was only few! As if they were the forward group as they secure the spots to wait for the larger group to come!

Lester fell back on his butt and said ""They are gone, we failed.....damn it!''. Lester should be happy that there we no enemies but the reality that going home right now was impossible! Even if they stay here they would face more barbarians that are probably double the size of the first barbarians!

"'What the hell are gonna do now?'' said Lester in a depressed tone.

He look blankly at the direction which his nation is in. He have been taken down a notch at this moment and was lost.

Everyone was feeling the same way, Millinda only stood there as Auburn and the RMTEVernonSuit standing on the edge of the fortress walls. The silence crept in to them, when suddenly a sound of footsteps awaken them. As if he was possessed Auburn jump and twisted his body and pointed his weapon to the unknown figure.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"" as the figure fell on his butt and hugged his head in fear.

Lester look at the figure and glance at the jumpsuit his wearing. Judging by his badge it seems he is a mechanic.

Then with a glare Lester asked. ""Are you a mechanic? I thought all of you cowards have fled?''

'Hiiiiii! Please lower your weapon first! Please i beg of you'' as the Mechanic beg cowardly

''Hmph! Then tell me your name and rank!'' Lester snorted in irritation.

''M-my name is Kevin, I'm the the third head mechanic!''

"Third Head mechanic?''

''Uh Yes! Im the head mechanic that supervises transportation and weapons!''

""Speak then, why are you here!'' glared Lester

"Uh, yes'' as Kevin nodded and continued ""When the attacks were starting the Mechanics were readying the transport machines when they thought that the fortress was overwhelmed...But during the boarding they tied me and locked me into the tools closet. I only got out after loosening the ropes on my hands and when i heard battle then footsteps which i deduce that should be from a VernonSuit i decided to track you guys and guessed that you must ave jump out into the smoke vents because the marks on its side that belongs to the VernonSuit hands.'' ask Kevin hurriedly explain.

Lester look at Keven then glance at the rope marks on his hands and appeased Auburn to step back. Then with Lester took a sigh of relief then ask ""So, ''Head Mechanic'' do you have anything to help us from this situation"' asked Lester on a desperate tone.

Kevin was a bit offended by the rude remark but shrug it off and said "I do, umm you see that transport machine on the garage right? I can fix it to the point it can move, but i can't do anything about it...Also i probably can adjust the drill turrets that was not activated to defend the fortress..''

"'Drill turrets?'' Lester asked

"Yes Drill turrets, the fortress has drill turrets installed when situation like these were to happen. But without any know how and with mechanics running away, there would be noway for it to be activated. And doing such thing like activating the turrets is an easy task for a Head Mechanic like me''

Lester listened to the man named Kevin as he said his words that have no trace of lie at all and said ''Good, please activate the defense turret and after your done please fix the transport machine''

Kevin nodded and decided to head back to the control boxes while the battalion escorted Kevin. After the switch boxes were activated , large shadows popped out of the fortress and tons of turrets were now sticking on the walls. Lester then thought that if they had known this,they would have at least defended the fortress and maybe pushed back the barbarians. But nonetheless it was too late for that now.

The group of five then walked back into the garage and at least made use of the water hose to drain the blood away and in order for Kevin to do his thing.

Then Bill stayed on guard for Kevin as Lester,Millinda and Auburn head back tot the supplies and armory room to gather the parts Kevin needed.

The three didn't talk nor try to say anything, after all they can only rely on themselves and the effects of the VernoSuit have made them not much of a talker.


Hours have gone pass. At the garage four of the remaining people have been staring blankly at the air while Kevin, focuses on fixing the transport machines. Because at this moment after Kevin is done they have decided that they would catch up to the hordes of barbarian and warn their nation of the horde.

After all it is their job to protect their nation. Lester right no was acting as the quasi leader of the battalion. Auburn refused the responsibility along with Bill and Millinda. Lester only accepted it because he was left with no choice.

Then Lester took of on his own and walk in the top of the fortress walls in pretense of guarding. There he gloomily look at the sky and reflected on what happen. It was a disaster, and all he did was support his comrades while he stays back covering them. And because of that Chief and Deva died, Auburn and Millinda is half broken and Bill have bonded with RMTEVernonsuit because of the damage on his body.

Lester sat down and glance a the grounds and gave a big sigh. In the time Kevin would done his repairs, they would have to go on a suicide run. This sight would be the last thing he would remember if he perishes...And so Lester glanced at the sky and prayed for any thread of hope he can find..

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