《24 The Conspiracy》Act 1: The Assassination Attempt 1.5


Paul is in his department and he is talking with his chief technician.

Jack drives in a car.

5:53:06 5:53:07 5:53:08 5:53:09 5:53:10 5:53:11

George Mason is in Gail's office and he is working. with his computer. Johnny sits in his station and looks at Chloe little suspiciously.

Jack's car

Jack drives the car and turns right onto Park street. His cell phone rings and he answers: "Yes, Chloe?"

Split Screen: Jack is driving a car and Chloe sits at the computer.

"I was able to decipher more information related to this address," says Chloe. "A man named Lucas Collins lives there."

"You know more about him?" Jack asks.

"Yes, I checked, and it is written that he is a businessman and he had done some deals with the army."

"What deals?"

"I don't know, but six months ago he was arrested on suspicion of helping terrorists, he was released after several days because there was not enough evidence to hold him" says Chloe as Jack parks his car near house number 12 and gets out of it.

Jack goes to the door and says: "I got to the house so I have to hang up."

"Okay, be careful Jack."

"Bye," says Jack and hangs up.

He knocks on the door and after a few seconds someone asks him: "Who are you?"

"My name is Jack Bauer and I'm a federal agent," Jack replies.

The door opens and a woman with long black hair stands in the doorway and says "Hey, what do you want?"

"I came regarding Lucas Collins," says Jack.

"What about him? Have he done something?" Asks the woman.

"Probably so," Jack says as he entered the house. "He is here at home?"

"No, he left half an hour ago for a business meeting."

"That's what he told you, surely he does something else."

"How do you know he isn't doing business," the woman says irritably.

"Not the kind of business you're thinking about them."


"What do you mean?"

"Do you know that a year and a half ago he was arrested because he helped terrorists," Jack says.

"You're making this up," says the woman. "I know him and he's my friend for almost a year. I know he will not cooperate with terrorists."

"Yes, so why his name and address were on the card that in which we found that today will be an attempt to assassinate Senator David Palmer."

"Wait a minute, or my God. It can be true what you're saying," says the woman in a shock. "He very hates David and once he told me he wants that he will killed him, but I thought he had not really meant it."

"Okay, so you know where he is?" Jack asks.

"No, he almost never say where he is going when he does business."

"Is there any way to find him?"

"Um, if he left his laptop at home then probably yes" the woman says.

"Where is his computer?"

"In his room," the woman l says and she and Jack are going to Lucas's room.

"He always records his transactions on the computer," says the woman. "Once I looked on his laptop and saw there was a strange and suspicious transaction. I asked him about this business meeting and he told me some excuse. I thought it was just something."

They come into the room and the woman opens a drawer which has a laptop. She takes the computer and puts it on the table. She opens the computer and turned it on. Jack sits down and the computer screen says "Enter Password".

"You know what is the password?" Jack asks.

"Two weeks ago I saw him put the password, then I think so," says the woman.

She writes the password, and says: "I hope he did not change it."

She presses Enter and the screen says "Welcome". The computer enters its main screen.


5:56:42, 5:56:43, 5:56:44, 5:56:45


Johnny goes to Chloe's station and asks her: "What are you working on?"

"It's none of your business" says Chloe.

"Maybe it's none of my business, but you works under the command of Tony, so he should know what you are doing."

"I'm doing something for Jack, okay ?!" Chloe says.

"What are you doing for him?" Asks Johnny.

"That's classified, Jack wanted to keep it a secret."

"You're not supposed to keep it confidential from Tony, you are working for him and he needs to know about it," says Johnny and walks toward Tony.

He speaks several seconds with Tony and meanwhile Chloe continues to work.

Tony and Johnny walk toward Chloe and Tony asks her: "What are you working on?"

"Jack asked me to do something."

"And what is it?" Asks Tony and that instant his phone rings.

He answers and says: "Hey, Jack."

split-screen Jack looks at the computer screen that shows the folder of the meetings of Lucas and Tony talk to him on the phone.

"Hey, Tony," says Jack. "Listen, I checked a lead and found a computer of a businessman who apparently works with the terrorists that want to assassinate Senator David Palmer."

"How do you know he is connected to the assassination attempt?" Tony asks.

"I have no time now to explain."

"And Chloe worked with you on this issue?"

"Yes, now it says in his computer that he will have a business meeting at six o'clock at Wayne street number 28," says Jack and gets up from the chair.

"You need a password to access the information on this meeting so I want to bring someone here to take this computer to CTU" Jack says as he walks toward the exits of the house.

"Okay, I will send someone," says Tony.

"I'm driving now to Wayne street, and I want that you will organize a strike team that will come there."

"I will arrange the team right now," says Tony.

"good," says Jack and hangs up.

Jack approaches the woman and says: "In a few more minutes someone will come from CTU and will take the laptop, then stay here for now."

"Okay," replied the girl.

"I have to go now."

The girl closed the door and Jack walks towards his car.

Parking lot outside the building where is Paul's department

5:58:40, 5:58:41, 5:58:42, 5:58:43

Paul goes outside the building and walks toward his car. His phone rings and he answers: "Hello, who is this?"

"Paul, this is the first and last time I will tell you not to mess in things that you don't know in what you are getting into," a Scrambled voice says. "You're going to stop investigating and trying to find more information regarding the assassination attempt. If you don't stop doing so, you will be responsible for the consequences that will happen to you, and trust me, you will regret it all your life."

"Wait ..." says Paul.

The call disconnects and Paul's face become terrified.

Paul is standing next to his car with his face terrified. The sun begins to shine. Jack is driving his car In CTU Tony briefs the assault team.

About sixty miles from San Francisco

The two pretend scientists and John stand outside the Van. The two scientists have exchanged their clothes a moment ago and John puts on a black shirt. They walk toward a blue Audi R 8. Steve takes his phone out of his pocket and calls.

"yes?"a voice replies on the other side.

"We're up to schedule, now we are changing cars and we will get to Los Angeles in five hours."


Steve hangs up and puts his phone in his pocket. Steve, John, and the third man get in the car and Steve starts the car. They begin to go on the road when the sun is shining in front of them.

5:59:57, 5:59:58, 5:59:59, 6:00:00...

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