《Powerful》Chad's Words Were Useful For Once?


“I can read your mind, so there’s nothing you can hide from me,” said Madame Myalo. “This won’t hurt at all, so just stay relaxed.” Sahara nodded and closed her eyes. Images of her playing with Ella as a toddler flashed in front of her, and soon Phila joined the memories. There was always a faceless person taking care of her, which Sahara assumed was her father. Sahara watched as she and her sisters aged, until they were finally at the school. Images of Dian introducing them to Oma and the Divas swirled around her mind, and soon the rest of the group was introduced. Suddenly, she saw Chad. You’ll need to work on your forcefields if you want to stop me.

Sahara tried with all her might to force a mental forcefield around her as Madame Myalo slumped backwards. The memories stopped flowing.

“I don’t know what happened there,” said Madame Myalo, dazed. “Please, relax and let me sift through your memories.” Sahara once again placed a mental block over herself as Madame Myalo grew frustrated.

“Kali, take this one back to the cell,” she told Professor Kali. “She doesn’t have any useful information. But first wipe her memory of her little resistance group.”

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