《Powerful》More About Shifters


“You mean I can take any form I want?” asked Phila, fully revived. Her hair was pink with curiosity. “No matter the size?”

“There are size limitations,” said Professor Kali, taking a sip from his coffee. “You wouldn’t want to stretch yourself out too much.” It had been 3 hours since Phila was reverted; she had made a faster recovery than Professor Kali expected.

“Besides the side limitations, what’s the catch?” said Phila. “All powers have their weaknesses.”

“The catch is anytime you get an injury that threatens your life, you revert into your original form, the green goop. You are really vulnerable during this time, which will allow your enemies to capture/kill you,” said Professor Kali.

“But why didn’t I revert in the training room? I got killed twice!” exclaimed Phila.

“You’re forgetting you weren’t in any real danger. The suit just stimulated the pain, but you weren’t in any actual pain,” said Professor Kali. “Now why don’t you meet up with your friends, they’ve been worried sick about you. They came last hour to check up on you, and I expect they’d be coming sometime around now.”

“You just want to get rid of me,” said Phila, joking as she left the hospital wing.

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