《Unwritten - The MMO Experience (Season 1)》=== Chapter 8 [Ashes]


=== Chapter 8 [Ashes]

It was night and moon showed itself once more on the starless sky. I was meditating alone, far from civilization, in a shrine that was just recently erected here. Even from far away, I could feel the ocean breeze gently caressing my face, but my mind somewhere completely different.

Recently I have been wondering about a few things, like how this world is connected with the other, why did Lunar attempt to talk to us, not only in this but the other world as well, and about one more thing...If the words we received are connected to Lunar, what is their meaning? Words that can create existence...

If so, one could have anything their wished—anything they knew and understood would become reality. Having such powers, and yet not being able to prevent the disaster that befallen the earth in ancient times...And yet, not doing anything up until now... No, we don't have a clue if they did nothing at all.

[My reflection... sitting still on lake. Above my head, the Moon.]

The very same Moon and lake where the whirlpool appeared for me and the two girls was before me. I doubted it because it was such a coincidence, because how it perfectly fitted into an image of a dream. But it wasn't my dream alone. Hence why, thanks to my comrades, I have realised it wasn't a fabrication of my mind.

I sit here, praying and waiting for something to happen, something to confirm my doubts once again. If there is a reason behind all of this, if there is one single thing I want to believe in, I choose to trust my own instinct, and it tells me that the answer is within the grasp.

[If I could only... reach out for the Moon.]

Suddenly, something on the surface has changed, as if something was taking shape in the air. The wind was gathering, blowing and whistling with an eerie tone. The space around me, the vision before me, and the darkness behind me, all of them merged into one single entity.

[You must be the one I called?]

As I spoke those words, I already felt her presence. My mind was clear, without perturbations, without noise, without distortions. There was not a single thing in this space that was blemished. The most beautiful, the inmost boundary, the space that was my alone, the world inside my head.

[The way you are, shapeless and without light. Your existence is a mystery to every human,

but your influence is transparent. If there is really a reason why did you choose me and others,

if only a single sign would show us the way from this darkness... I beseech you, come forth to existence.]

Since the ancient times, words had the power to create. Thus with this word, I give birth to you, [Lunar].

Before me, the light bending wind formed a shape that I could recognize instantly. It was truly her, a white haired woman, dressed in a white robe, carrying an egg-shaped moon in her hands, lunula on her chest. She was slightly floating over the lake, without moving, creating tiny ripples on the surface of the Moon’s reflection.

[You are... Lunar? Are you really... her?]

[Yes Wolf, I have been watching children of the earth for a long time and guiding them.]

She spoke in an echoing voice that was both gentle and caring. Her tone harmonized with the wind, touching my ears tenderly, while blowing my hair away. My eyes opened wide, as if suddenly awoken. She was expressionlessly gazing at me, which I returned with mine. Her white eyes shined with the Moon's glow.


[Lunar, I called you because I need your guidance. You gave us these words, Feather,

the one that gives courage. Rain, the talents who are granted by the creator. And yet,

even with brining us closer to the truth, we are clueless to what you want us to do. Please...]

[It is said that words can bring existence into life, and by no mistake it is truly so.

However, the meaning behind the words is not up to us, but up to the humans who live on Earth.

We left your world for that reason, to give you the freedom to create the world you desire.]

And yet, without guidance, humans are lost in the starless night, wandering aimlessly. It is the Moon that shows them the way. The light, the hope, the dream, they are all there.

[Thus, we have no desire to help Earth or the beings living there. That was our conviction up until now.

Because the human technology reached us, we knew our worlds will collide and merge. Both worlds combined,

ours and the world outside are codependent. We can't stay in apathy no longer as that would endanger both of our worlds.]

No longer standing still, her body moved floating to the bank, towards me. With her feet barely visible from under the dress gently tracing the surface, she reached my personal space. I was still kneeling down, with my head raised.

[This is my last gift to you, it is Ashes. It will allow you to understand our message.

With that, you will be able to make the world into what you desire, even at times of great depression.

Sleep, dream, awakening and rebirth, follow that path and you shall be able to content us.]

With perturbed hands, I accepted the miniature Moon she was carrying. Inside of it was a small black-like dust, like the one you would find on a moon. Its meaning yet unknown, but I did not waver, I was given an important task after all. If all this was true then...

[Lunar, I understand your words and accept them without a doubt in my heart.

You are my Moon, my direction in the darkness, the one thing I will keep howling at during the night.

Thus I make this my commitment, I shall become the person you desire me to me. I will become a Hero.]


Things were happening now faster that anyone could have expected. Wars, politics and financial crises, all of that did not only affected our world, but also by the other one. If one side had difficulties, it caused problems on the other side. In a chain reaction, they both mutually fuelled each other’s affairs.

One of the major political forces attempted to change laws regarding internet distribution in their favour. This wasn't the first time this was happening, thus people protested against diminishing Net Neutrality. That document stated that internet should be a free zone, disallowing for any companies to split it apart.

However, the interest of companies and people was split, and neither wanted to give up. It was a war of ideology, a never ending conflict that could not be solved by anyone. If anything, to cut this Gordian knot, something had to be done. Where exactly was the sword?

[This... we can get used to this after a while right?]

[The town looks beautiful during the night... but the darkness worries me.]

Ever since Lunar appeared in my vision, our world has changed drastically. The Moon blocked the sun, making it eternally a night. This was caused by the fact that recently, in protest of voting against Net Neutrally, several big companies' servers and web pages was taken offline, causing a so called internet blackout.


No longer could you use your search engine of your choice, no longer could you watch videos on your favourite site, no longer could you send e-mails through popular services. The dark times became a reality now. Everyone was struggling through them without the Internet, as if it never was invented in the first place.

[Everywhere I look on the internet it’s the same... I wonder what happened?]

[I dunno, but whatever you do, don't logout! You might never come back again I have heard.]

Walking down the stairs towards the beach, people’s worried voice reached my ears. If there was anything I could do to save them... I thought, remembering my promise.

[Say Wolf... are you free? There is something wrong with this,

is this how it supposed to be now? I feel like you would know if I asked you.]

WRose, who was sitting in seiza on the wooden beach walkway, was looking at me with her petite green eyes. They felt more caring and nearby than before, as if her look directly pierced through me suddenly. I sat down near her, with sluggish movement, and raised my head up to the sky. I was thinking...

[The UI changed since this happened, I'm sure you noticed. There are no longer windows,

damage indications or any additional info. Now you can feel this world for what it is,

for what it should be. There are no boundaries, our worlds merged, and this is where we are now.]

The little girl besides me looked up at my face, covered in the moonlight, trying to read my expression. She was small however, too tiny to be able to see my eyes behind my chin. I wonder what she was thinking about.

[Hey, what do you think will happen? It can't stay like this forever, can it?]

[Whatever happens... happens. I'm gonna just deal with it.]

Before I could notice, a tiny head was placed on my lap. It was WRose, who leaded onto me. Her pink hair stroked against my hand which eventually reached her slightly heated up forehead. Her pulse was moderately increased, her breathing reached my nostrils. It was a pleasant and sweet scent.

[I suppose I should start with saying sorry... From the beginning I did misjudge you Wolf.

I thought that what I do was not getting through you, that I was only making a fool out of myself.

I wanted to change you Wolf, I really thought that was what I needed to do. However...]

At that moment, even her voice sounded more honeyed. Her petite hands opened fully, her little delicate legs curled up ever so slightly. Her warmth overwhelmed my senses slowly, as my eyes started to open wide on their own. A strange feeling filled my chest, one that was different from before.

[Someone once said to me that changing you was the right thing. I no longer think like that.

People need facades because people are different, and so you ought to deal with each person differently.

But also because they are different, they create distance between each another,

the distance they are comfortable with. You are a boy Wolf and I'm a girl... that's all right?]

I nodded in silence. But then something changed, her expression became more vivid, her pupils dilated, her hands reached mine and we both joined them unconsciously.

[It's all okay, right?]


With her lips puckered together, her cheeks flushed and her eyes closed, WRose’s head was slowly rising towards mine. With little hesitation, I felt her intention, and leaned forward. As we came close I closed my eyes as well. In the dark, our hearts touched, her taste filling my mouth—a sweet and innocent nectar. This was the night the flower bloomed.


It was turning hell over this side as well, I thought as soon as the night fallen. It's strange how much you appreciate your friends only after you lose your contact with them. Due to this blackout, only alternative channels on the internet were working, but no one uses IRC any more.

That's what I thought when I logged there. To my surprise, it was strangely packed with a lot of people I knew. I was glad to hear they were okay as well. We talked about things concerning about our times. It was obvious that everyone feared the worst, but they also had hope that things will change again.

I was also told that whatever I did I mustn't logout, or something happens. That is fine, I have nothing else to do anyway. However I also heard that things changed in the game, and they did. It was eternal night now, the UI disappeared and most of all Teleport Stones no longer worked.

[Hey, do you know what happened here? I'm kinda confused.]

I asked a random passer-by. I was lucky that I logout in Maremoda, it's always full of people.

[It's the blackout man... it's here too! But don't worry... they will fix it eventually.]

The man was clearly uneasy, wobbling aimlessly down the street. He might have been drunk.

[Hey, Darku, nice to see you made here.]

Suddenly, a familiar face shook my hand before I could notice. It was Xyl, though I dunno what was he doing here. Normally he’s in his castle place, doing guild stuff.

[Hey Xyl, I'm happy to see you here as well. Those are interesting times, right?]

[They sure are, let me buy you a drink and we can talk.]

We sat down in the nearby club. They had alcohol drinks that tasted lightly like that, but due the Synapse restrictions it was not allowed for liquids to taste like liquor. We talked about a few things, mainly our recent adventures. I kept whatever Wolf said a secret.

[I was quite busy with the War. People were always complaining that is my job to fix problems,

yet they knew that they caused problems themselves. I'm sure you know it was a joyride for me,

but in the end nothing actually happened. The war went to a stalemate after the blackout.]

[Well, I only had to deal with a rogue party once—the war didn't really do anything to Maremoda.

I'm glad though that people are no longer fighting, even temporarily. War isn't a good thing,

it makes people think that they are in right, that you can be enemies and still be friends.]

[You can't? I mean I don't talk with G1 every day, but we are still friends I think.

In any case, how about you? I heard you got that letter, though G1 said not to tell you...]

So Gee told him about the letter? Or maybe he did find out it somehow... whatever that was, if Xyl would have asked, I would have told him, so it's fine. This is again about my ex huh?

[Well I am happy and unhappy that she did message me after all this time. If you were me,

what would you do? I feel like if I went back to her side, we would to return to how we were and that would be it.]

[You are not far from what I would say actually. She is definitely a person that can be difficult.

Nevertheless, do you believe she became a person who overcame her old habits? Maybe that question...

could be directed at you too as well? If you know for sure you can change, I don't see a problem, do you?]

If she really have changed, then that's good for her. But that's still just a possibility. I can't be sure about how much I have changed myself even. I still listen to the same songs, read the same books, watch the same films and hang out with the same friends... what have changed? Some people like to say that we live in two twenties with our minds stuck in nineties.

[There is no problem, I am simply afraid that's all. I actually haven't replied yet,

and it's been a long time. I thought she would be sending me multiple messages after some time,

but this wasn't the case. Therefore I probably have to say she learned to be patient right?]

[Something like that, patience is a thing you grow into naturally. Without it,

you can't actually apprentice things you went through. For example, when I watch old films,

I compare how I was back then to how I’m now. The difference itself shows how change is not instantaneous.]

By that he meant that even if in the past there are things you regret doing, things that you now see differently, a change is not something you do overnight. Even if I played this game chained to nostalgia, there are new things I have learned about myself.

[Saying so, you know, I thought that the only reason to fill my loss was to find another girlfriend.

But a little while ago together with my party I went on a vacation, and I had to suffer the parity.

It was sad, but I learned that I wasn't the only one that didn't have a solution for their relationship.]

Thus, even if Titania made me hear that on purpose, I learned that something can't be fixed. Sure, you can search for an answer or you can escape from confrontations, but in the end I learned something. People aren't perfect and they have flaws that can't be fixed—those can only be suppressed by others. That's why people connect, not only due nostalgia but also to escape the gravity of themselves.

We took a sip, me and Xyl, and continued our conversation. Eventually I got tipsy, I think, and started talking about less joyful topics.

[But even so Xyl, there is another problem people are facing. All this pep talk and changing is good on paper,

but realistically, I am still single and there is no way I’m going to find another girlfriend now. I’m in my thirties,

and the world doesn’t seem to be gentle with simply living. I still have the student debt to pay off, bills to pay,

minor inconveniences here and there, and all this while trying to enjoy the ride and forget that I’m even here.]

I’m sorry Xyl, I know I say too much sometimes, that I get too invasive. It’s just how I am I guess?

[You don’t see the reason to do fun stuff huh? How about MMOs? You were definitely a different person back then.]

[What good are MMOs for? Waste of time if you think about it...]

[Well you learn how to commutate efficiently with others by listening to and making raid calls.

You learn how to play your role to become most beneficial for other people in the party.

You eventually learn how to be assertive and form groups for dungeons by yourself...]

[That sounds like child that didn’t do well in school and had to learn how to socialise online.

I’m sorry, this doesn’t really convince me. Tell me why MMOs aren’t just a mistake.]

That was a tough one for him it seems, he had to think for a while, and then empty his drink entirely. But then, he gathered his thoughts and made his speech.

[Some people say you should learn from your mistakes, although the same people also make the same mistakes multiple times.

You can trust me that there is no immediate benefit from thinking about it too much. Instead please consider another way.

Think that instead of “blunder” you had a past experience, unpleasant but what can you do? If you ponder only on how not to err again,

you will potentially block and miss out on a new perspective that can be beneficial for you in a different way. One misstep leads to another step.]

[W... what? I will keep that in mind.]

I don’t know what he actually meant by that, but he crafted his words carefully. Certainly I have been thinking that lately “It’s a huge waste of time for me”, “Spending my time in this wonderful world is meaningless”. But overall, I wouldn’t be here if there was nothing to learn from, nothing I could improve from. This alone...

[Take your time Darku, I really don’t mind those kind of talks either.]

[Right...give me some time then.]

[Also, by the way, the real reason why I came here is that my streaming site is down,

not because I took vacation from running the guild. Take care Darku, and keep strong.]

And then Xyl brohugged me.. I actually really needed that. Thanks old friend.


After that I found myself walking down the narrow street again. Through the open window, players—or rather the people of this world—were looking curiously, checking what happened outside. With their faces worried, they sought confront from each other, but they also knew nothing could be done.

My path was illuminated by the wall lamps, on my right the ocean and to my left a stone wall. Below me there was a faint light coming out of the half opened door. Curiously, I wanted to look inside, but the door opened on its own. Four people came out of it, Titania, WRose, Pina and Hina.

[Hey, are you sure that's all we need? I can ask around if people have equipment.]

[Then do you know what are you looking for Titania? It's better for you just to carry.]

It was due the server rules now that items didn't fit into the inventory, you had to carry them in hands, just like in older VR games. Looking at them, they had some kind of musical equipment, instruments, amplifiers and boxes.

I decided to jump down to greet them. I didn't want to tail Titania for the third time now...

[Hey guys, you don't mind if I join you all?

I see you could use someone for help,

so just let me know what I must do.]

[Sure, you can take this box, though I still need to get something from a certain shop.

I will be with you guys shortly, so just set everything up in the meantime okay?]

The rest nodded and Hina handed me over her box. I felt that something heavy was inside. It took some time but we arrived at the pier, which was our destination. That time I learned...

[So Darku, we are trying to hold a concert for the people of this world, that's why we need all of this.

Additionally, because we have very few people, I would like you to help as well. We need to setup the stage,

instruments and sound. I can probably do that, but then there is also the case of gathering people here...]

[Right, I can gather some people. You can leave that to me!]

[Thanks Tania. Okay, we need to start with assembling the stage here,

the parts should be inside the box... well they are smaller than I thought.]

Picking one tiny piece after another, we slowly got the idea of how this thing supposed to be assembled. It was like solving a miniature jigsaw puzzle. However, after the pieces placed in the world, they grow in size, forming the thing you want to build.

Eventually we finished it. The stage itself was a blue wooden platform with a bandshell that was actually made from a giant shell. It looked pretty, with simple marine colours. In the meanwhile, the girls were talking among themselves.

[Right... this reminds me that this place is still Maremoda...

I wish things weren’t this obvious... but I can live with it.]

[Hey Pina are you okay? I should be okay with finishing this up on my own.]

[Yea... you told me you were a sound expert or something...]

[It is true, in the past I got interested in music videos on the internet. I was in school back then,

so I had time to look into how they were made. Soon after, I ended up making my first video.

I used voice synthesisers to create vocal, and at first it didn't sound okay, but after a few tries...]

So WRose was a music producer before huh? I wonder what kind of songs she made. However, due the blackout now I don't think I could listen to them now. It's kinda sad to admit that...

[It's fine... I don't know much about making music either...

I would have loved to listen to your songs though... but it's impossible now.]

[Don't say that Pina, I should still have some of my songs recorded on my hard drive.

I'm not sure how I would send them to you... but we can play them here right?]

[Right... this will be our concert after all.]

The girls were right, not all was lost yet. We can still be connected through other methods—main channels aren't the only ones. The same can go for people, even if they can’t fully understand each other, if there’s at least one thing that connects them together, they can relate to one another. That's a wonderful thing.

[Yes... but I don't know how do I feel about singing in front of the crowd...

I mean I never had the opportunity to do this, so I'm a little bit discouraged.]

[Of course... Rose take your time... people living here say piano piano...

it means step by step, take it slow and steady... I believe in you so...]

You should believe in yourself too. Even if you can't change overnight, you shouldn't give up. Even if there are no imminent effects, you shouldn't just look at the surface of things. If you truly believe that something can change, even a sliver of hope, like in my case, it can happen.

[Alight, I will try at least. Thank you guys for being here,

we are done with the setup. the only thing remaining is…]

[You can do it girl… right?]

In that moment, Pina took WRose by her hand, looking at her, and then me with an expression that sought confirmation. I think she never learned I'm actually a guy, but besides that I decided to raise my hand with a cheer. The Priest girl, albeit a little embarrassed, smiled back at us with her hand clenched around the tiny shaman girl’s.

[I’m going to give my best! Also I think we are done here,

the only thing remaining is to gather people for the concert.]

[Sure thing WRose, I’m going to help Titania, take care.]

I said, while leaving the two girls alone.


A little while ago, a certain little girl was walking alone along the beach. Her petite bare feet, that left footprints in the ground, got stuck with tiny bits of sand. As the waves came and go, those bits of sand were washed away by the current.

[This... feels great. I never knew the beach was this beautiful at night.]

It was indeed dark outside, but not as dark as one might think. Thanks to the moonlight, she saw where she was going. She wouldn't trip on a rock or a shell, her steps were made firm. With water washing the bits between her teensy toes, she looked at the city that was in the distance.

It was illuminated with many lights, many points of interests you could visit. All of them somehow created this construction of complex pathways and narrow hallways. In a maze like that, you would get lost if your hand wasn't held by someone. Reminiscing, the little girl touched her wrist.

[Hey Rosie, going on for walk? You are pretty far from the city, so you should be careful.

I dunno if AIs still can protect you here, so I came instead. This are some dark times...]

Even the tall bold girl thought that, distressed by the terrible occurrence that happened.

[I'm fine Tania, I am just taking a walk. But say...

now that you came, want to tag along? I would be glad.]

The shorter girl, who was wearing her swimsuit, dropped a curtsey, inviting the other girl for a walk. The taller one, who spotted her friend’s outfit beforehand, also came wearing her own bathing suit. Thus the two girls, equipped properly for the beach, enjoyed their little stroll through the coast line hand in hand.

Her friend was closer to the ocean water, because she was taller, and the shorter girl was on the other side, further away from the waves. In this situation, the waves broke before they reach the sun hat wearing girl.

[Hey, why the sad face? Maybe you want a piggyback or something?]

The blond girl joked, trying to commence a conversation between the two. The petite one smiled and ran in front of the taller one, reaching out for both of her hands.

[Ehehe~ How about a princess carry? I wouldn't mind if you were my prince, Tania.]

The tiny girl recoiled the joke with her own. Both girls giggled a little, and stopped walking for a second. Their eyes reflected the light from the Moon.

[Hey, no matter what happens Rosie, you will always have me, you will always have Wolf,

so don’t worry okay? If anything happens there are people that are going to protect you.]

[Yes I know that, even if things aren’t as bright now, I still believe in Wolf and others.

You should too Tania, trust your boyfriend. I know it might be hard but he’s a nice guy right?]

[Yea sure, I don’t mind him, but I was also thinking about Darku. He seems pretty nice,

but I don’t really double date now. I mean he’s definitely fun to tease and play with, ehehe~]

[I... I see. But you treat him like a plaything though, so I don’t think he’s interested...]

Saying those words the petite girl faced towards her friend and pulled closer. They joined hands, resting their tender fingers in each other’s palms, looking at one another fair eyes. With their pupils dilated, their legs buried deeper into the sand, suddenly big wave splashed them thoroughly from feet to head.

[Ahaha... this actually feels nice. We should take a dip, how about that Rosie?]

[Sure, just hold on, I’m going to put my hair down.]

The smaller girl nodded, removed her hat and unbraided her hair. With the waves swaying them gently, their bodies became submerged into the water. Their arms enfolding each other, their heads above the surface, and despite their size difference, the two friends, alone against the ocean, became a buoy for one another.

[Say, what was the reason you decided to stay with Wolf? Did you feel sorry for him?

I know you guys had some serious affair between the two, but you seem to have recoiled quickly.]

At first the petite girl hid her demure mouth below the surface, before gathering breath, surfacing, and facing upwards towards her friend. With serious eyes, she decided to share the truth she believed in.

[Well first of all sorry for the affair I caused back then Titania, I was in the wrong.

As for Wolf, he’s really that kind of a guy right? I don't mind him but I can also say that...

Well he is special for me. It is hard to describe, as for I would have to explain something first...

But I know I can trust him, I want to believe in him. It's because I feel like...]

While her friend was patiently waiting, giving her time and space to do so, the pink haired girl gathered her thoughts again before vocalizing these words.

[Because Wolf makes me feel like a woman, even if he's crude and speaks little,

even if he's centred around things only he likes and understand, I can forgive him that.

As long as he is beside me, as long he is there, I feel even the impossible is possible.

Even if it's just a dream, even if it's just a fairy tale, Wolf won't stop being my prince.]

With their flapping legs their slim feet rubbing against each other, unconsciously, they both snuggled warmly. Their trembling bodies warmed each other in the cold water. But the two girls also connected in one more way, their minds that were on the same wavelength.

[Hey Rosie, I will be frank, I also have a dream, a dream of becoming a hero.

A cool hero that charges to battle, who can do something normal people can't.

Naturally, because of that I was interested in Wolf, but if you say so... Yea sorry.

I kinda feel sorry for my own boyfriend—because I understood he can't make me happy.]

And so, joined their thoughts together, their untangled hairs interweaved, floating on the surface. It was a magical scene, like if they were two mermaids said their goodbyes before returning to their home, returning to their respective fable. The time to go back was now, time to leave the place of mind.


[Say... are you okay? Can you really do this?]

[Don't worry Pina, I think Titania can handle the drums when she comes back.

I mean you just have to pretend that you are playing an instrument,

and the music should be playing on by itself. It's my first time too so...]

The girl, once again in the present, was getting ready for an important concert. It was her first in fact, and it would be performed in VR. Even if she wanted do a live, she was forced to use the equipment she was given, which required her to use playback.

[Yes, if we connect each audio line to a single instrument, it should harmonize with the rest.

That way it will sound natural, if everything syncs that is. Honestly, that's my worst worry.]

[Then don't worry... we have to be strong...

That's what my sister told me... Every time.]

The little cat girl, who tried to cheer her friend up, but instead somehow got a little bit down herself as well. Noticing so, the white wearing girl walked next to her, touching her shoulder gently with her delicate hand.

[Hey, if there is something on your mind... I want to hear it.]

Even though little shaken, the little kitten girl gazed at the other one, looking to calm herself. Receiving a nod, she sat down on the drummer’s chair and slowly began her explanation in a whisper.

[You see... My sister always tries to cheer me up. She pets me, and says things like “you’re strong”.

Up until now there was no reason I would have said this but... since we became friends...]

[Yes, you can trust me Pina, I will keep it a secret.]

In a way, the cat ear wearing girl showed a particular face, as if she related to the other girl. Perhaps she did, perhaps she knew that girl's secret too? If so, that only brought them closer.

[She says and does all those things... because I had an unfortunate accident. It happen a long time ago,

I got into a car accident and lost control of my legs. Ever since... doctors say there is a only small chance...

And my sister wants to believe in that as well... That's why she always wants to cheer me up.]

[I'm... sorry to hear that Pina. Is there something I could do for you?]

[Well... for starters we could just be friends... My sister is crazy about this,

that's why she asked me to become a mermaid. Doctors say that stimulator can help...

but I hate to say it to her... being a mermaid reminds me that my legs don't move...

My lower limbs become like a sack I have to drag around...That's why I hate it...]

Both girls instantly hugged each other, realising how much both had in common. Even though the cat girl shared her story, the musician girl was the more crying one. They deeply embraced each other for the moment, and then returning to the present...

[Hey guys I brought the outfits. This is going to be just like that one scene from that show, right?

So, how did the preparations went Rose? Is everything okay? I can try to bring in more stuff.]

It was unclear if the fox girl, who was carried a box filled with various costumes, had noticed what just occurred there a moment ago. On top of that, she made the topic clear, thus the two girls who were hugging released each other and stood up, gathering near the fox girl.

[Those are really nice Hina, you sure know where to get this stuff.

However... did you figure out who wears what? I mean this bunnysuit...]

[Yea that scene had a bunnysuit for some reason, but don't worry.

The size should fit anyone because it’s an item. Convenient, isn't it?]

At first both of the girls who were looking at the costume had a mixed expression, but then the cat girl spoke.

[Okay… I’m going to do it for you Rose…

I’m used to it… as a shrine maiden to Lunar…]

[Pina… Thanks!]

Before the pink haired girl could properly thank her friend for the gesture, someone came from outside of the stage.

[Hey, are you guys ready? I and Daki gathered everyone we could,

it will be a blast! Hey, if there’s any way I could still help you guys...]

[How about you take that seat over there? You just need pretend playing them.]

[Sure, just leave it to me! I will be drumming in no time!]

[Then here, this is your share. Change into this and good luck!]

And with that, the four of the girls were getting dressed for the concert. Conveniently, when they brought the clothes close to their torso, a screen appeared. After they were done, their bodies now donned the outfits prepared for their special concert. They were ready.

[Pina I... I’m sorry!]

[Okay... this is fine... this is for you Rose...]

Many people have gathered at the beach, many familiar faces, as well as the dear faces. As the curtain opened, the cat girl, who took the bullet for the flower girl, was in the middle as the singer. By her side, her sister with the bass and her friend with a guitar, behind them all, a blond girl on drums.

[Heeyy! We are live now! Do you guys hear us well?]

The fox girl, with a loud voice, raised the crowd’s hands and made them cheer. They were ready as well for what was about to happen during this so far silent night.

[Because we choose so... because we have hope we can share with other...

When things are bad... you should remember that friends are people...

They also have problems and they also have secrets… just like yourself.]

[That's why you should connect with other people, ya know?

I might be just a girl that smashes her head against the wall,

but I don't do it for my sake. As a hero of justice I’m there for everyone.]

[We all had bad times and our good times, but we always had each other.

When there is a second person there for you, you are not alone.

This is why you too should give you all. To make others smile is to smile yourself.]

[People have their own dreams and rarely do they carry the same exact one.

But knowing so, isn't it better to share them? Not knowing what others think,

you might just hurt them. Thus, everyone! Let's all share our dreams after we share ours!]

The cat girl, the tall knight girl, the fox girl and finally the flower girl, all of them respectively said their lines which fired up the crowd wildly. Now was their time, their narrative, their world which was created by their own hands.

[Let's go!]

Strum-strum... the guitar played a nostalgic intro melody, recognized instantly by everyone.

Bang-bang... the loud percussion sound made the crowd move, their hands in the air waving.

La-la-la... And then the lyrics joined, everyone singed in unison all through the never-ending night.

    people are reading<Unwritten - The MMO Experience (Season 1)>
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