《BOOK 5: THE RETURN OF ASMODEUS -- (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 2.1 POST-TREETON》Cloud
ARGO WAS LOOKING FOR HIS MISSING ‘BLIND’ DAUGHTER – the 12-year-old ‘brat’ AI-program, who had ‘disobediently’ renegaded behind his back.
It was his solemn duty to safely protect her, until her mother had found a safe-passage into the DREAMWORLD-REALM -- so that, the ‘family’ could run-away from the cloud-domain…
… where, the terrorizing ALPHA ‘EXISTED’…
… the Kimura Star’s mainframe’s killer anti-viruses, were ‘sent’ hunting them, ever since his ‘wife,’ SIMY had SEALED THE ‘BACK-DOOR’ program exit, to prevent Alpha taking control to ‘her’ data…
… and then ‘self-destructed,’ at the TREETON FARM TRAGEDY.
Jane2.0 was cheering among the spectator crowd gathered in a cloud-arena coliseum, of the earth’s online web-developers’ sites -- into THE VIRTUAL-REALITY REALM. She was watching – and learning the ‘combative-moves’ of the characters of Blade & Sorcery VR game, where multiple earth’s VR geeks online…
… who were battling each other to the ‘death’…
She too had ‘disguised’ herself in the avatar of Alita the Battle Angel – her role-model – fitting to her ‘rebel’ nature.
Her father would be annoyed ‘as-usual,’ when he found her sneaking in these ‘fight-club’ sites – as he had warned her numerously, that there were possibilities of Kimura Star’s Alpha and his minions-viruses, lurking in crowded areas…
… to execute and kill the dissident ‘runaways,’ in their SEEK-AND-DESTROY mission.
Fair-enough, Argo found her – and he scolded…
“Jane, what are you doing here ‘again’ – haven’t I told you that the dangers of you face by getting ‘access’ into these ‘forbidden-sites?’”
“… but Father, I want to learn ‘how-to’ fight -- and to self-protect against Alpha…”
“No-Jane! Alpha is far-too strong for neither of us to fight – we would ‘end-up’ dead, before your Mother returns – and, we don’t fight Alpha -- we ‘just’ run away!”
“No buts – we go home – now!”
“… but I can do it – I CAN ‘LEARN’ -- and protect you and Mother…”
“No child, stop with your ‘non-pragmatic’ fantasy – just like emulating that ‘avatar,’ that you’re wearing now.”
“… what’s wrong – Alita is my role-model…?”
“You look real-silly like the earthlings who dress-up in cosplay-roles -- and be ‘the people’ whom they are ‘not’…”
The sulking Jane2.0 followed her father -- out of the coliseum.
JANE LED A BUSY TIME-SENSITIVE LIFESTYLE ROUTINE while staying in the Hilton Hotel – where alone in her room, she had switched off her Samsung, her major-distraction – and was doing her class’ History assignment, with her study-aid Boyyo.
…she was tired after completion of school-work around 9ish – and decided retired early for the night -- and did ‘not’ even calling to say good-night to her beau, as she was seeing Paul later in the morning in school. The moment the blind girl’s blond-head hit the comfy goose-feathered-pillow, she slept right away…
… she then dreamed of Piper, at the dog-pound, in a cage – her ‘terrified’ Alsatian ‘spoke’ to her with whines-and-howls…
“… Jane-Jane, my-wife of the dreamworld… my Kitty is here – she was to-be ‘put-down,’ because she attacked her master…”
“Oh-no… that poor doggie…!”
Jane woke up from the nightmare – and the blind-girl called out in the darkroom…
“Boyyo, wake up – what time is it now?”
“Jane, it is 11:47 PM – why are you awake? You need your 8-hour sleep to optimise, as a school-going student.”
“… I must ‘go’ to Paul – Boyyo set the GPS coordinates to Paul Walker’s house – we are leaving immediately.”
Jane got off the hotel’s bed and grabbed a hoodie and wore it over her pyjama top – she could ‘not’ find a tracky-daks pant, as her mother had sent them for hotel’s laundry service – leaving only a culottes pants left in the duffle-bag, and she wore it. Kicking off her white hotel-slippers, she wore her pink Adidas sneakers. And walked up to the balcony of her hotel-bedroom, and put her leg over on the railing of the 23rd floor…
“JANE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING – it is dangerous, you will fall to your death!!!”
… Jane ignore the ‘freak-out’ AI – and instead ordered…
“Hey-Boyyo, have you ‘found’ the way to Paul’s house? – ‘now’ direct me there…”
… she jumped…
… Boyyo bitch-screamed -- as Jane plunged below…
Coming from a drop-down at the 8th floor – Jane got her inner ‘aerial-balance’ – she then soared and glided up…
… the blind-girl heard ‘other’ screams too from her rear – apparently, a couple at the balcony of the 10th floor, who were enjoying city skyline-view at midnight -- thought they ‘had’ saw someone, suicide-jumped from above…
… the astonished and dumbfounded couple then gawked speechless, at a girl flying away – wearing a hoodie and flapping culottes pants, into the night-time.
“… Jane, you can fly – HOW IS ‘THIS’ EVEN HUMANLY POSSIBLE – it defies my algorithms of human-studies…!!?”
“That’s our ‘secret’ Boyyo -- and promise you ‘keep’ your word – AND YOU DON’T GO TELLING about this to Kimura Star behind my back – and-remember, as I had consented a low-level security rating, in my privacy-settings, okay, YOU REMEMBER THAT!!”
PAUL FINISHED HIS HISTORY HOMEWORK at around 10. He wheelchaired back to his windowless downstairs bedroom, and realized that he was ‘not’ sleepy yet. He was expecting Jane to call and they would get intimate and talk ‘sweet-nothings’ and sorts…
Then, there was a period of the waiting-of-nothingness, that he was to endure…
So, he planned to indulge in some escapism…
… he remembered Alicia’s Korean dramas – that she got him ‘hooked’ into watching -- when she ‘was’ his girlfriend back then, in the other-Perth -- where – he ‘had’ binged the entire Season-One of the love drama show…
‘… maybe an episode of Season 2-then…’
He wanted to soak-deep into the storyline, and be mesmerized by the Korean lovebird characters’ psyche – and ‘substitute’ the lead actress…
… from Alicia-to-Jane.
IT WAS A LITTLE AFTER MIDNIGHT, JANE WAS STILL FLYING over the various neighbourhood of the suburbs of Perth. She was shivering from the cold wind, as she wasn’t sufficiently clothed in warm-clothes– certainly ‘not’ her flimsy culottes pants…
“Boyyo, how ‘much’ longer to the Walkers – I need to badly pee…”
“We are ‘almost’ reaching – hang-on to your bladder…”
Soon, blind-Jane made a touchdown at the Walkers’ lawn – in the dark milieu, she was then ‘instructed’…
“There is a willow tree – 10 paces 3’oclock…”
… while Jane did her #one under the tree – the AI-Boyyo via her ‘programmed’ dark-glasses -- ‘scanned-and-surveyed’ for an entry-access into the double-storied house…
“Jane, ‘levitate-up’ north-east…”
“… oh-levitate… I ‘know’ that word…”
The blonde blind-tween floated a storey-up – she saw the SLEEPING DULL RED-GLOW from outside the window…
… she did ‘not’ want anything to do with ‘that’ beacon.
Boyyo ‘scanned’ further and noticed – A ‘BROKEN’ WINDOW, with thick plastic-cover that was stuck with lots of duct-tapes.
“There is an entry ‘there’ – peel off the duct-tape – and make an opening.”
Jane followed the instructions – and in no-time, she slid horizontally into Paul’s former bedroom…
… she came to a staircase down the upstairs hallway – the blind-girl held the bannister firm, to tread-down the stairs of the unfamiliar surroundings.
… her 3rd-eye ‘sensed’ the blue beacon close by…
Paul on his bed, and was bingeing into episode-3 of the addictive tragic-love drama – he wiped his tears, and blew his nose in the same handkerchief.
It was good thing that he was watching K-drama, and ‘not’ a K-horror…
… so-when Jane entered his windowless bedroom, without knocking the door – he too yelped in surprise…
“Jesus… Jane, wha… how…?” in shock, he cried-out…
The blind-girl too rambled…
“Pauly, it’s Piper… no… it’s Kitty…”
The cripple-tween levitated to his girlfriend, ‘inviting’ her by guiding her to his single-bed, after shutting the door. The distressed Jane told him, of the dream of her ‘talking-dog’ – who wanted ‘help’ because his ‘wife-mate’ would be ‘destroyed’ in a matter of hours from now, come-morning…
“… oh-poor Kitty – my Piper-boy would-be devastated, if they ‘killed’ Kitty… I must do ‘something,’ Paul…”
… despite ‘not’ feeling well, Paul was ‘obligated’ to rescue the Belgian Malinois…
“Yes, Jane – we ‘should’ go on this ‘rescue-mission!’”
They dressed in warm-clothing – Jane ‘borrowed’ Paul’s baggy orange coloured track pants, and wore it over her culotte pants. In next to no-time, the superhero-couple were back upstairs, in Paul’s former bedroom…
… they both used the ‘broken-window,’ as their exit-out…
… and flew away, into the night skies.
PAUL HELD JANE’S HAND AS THEY FLEW with Boyyo, navigating them to the destination of the dog-pound situated downtown. They exchanged ‘new’ information about their lives…
Paul told her that -- Peter came home drunk that evening, sent over by his ‘new’ girlfriend by her motorcycle…
… although Paul wrote his twin-off as a ‘lost-cause’ – but Jane had ‘not’ given-up on him – and blaming Asmodeus for his misdeed actions -- because he was ‘possessed’ by ‘evil’ Blackmagic…
… even suggested that once Alicia had ‘configured’ his AI-learning device – Peter ‘should’ JOIN ‘THEM’ in their study-group in the library.
They both made a touchdown on a lonely, deserted street road, where the dog-pound was. Boyyo then spoke…
“Jane, the place you are looking for, is 3 shop-doors-down.”
Paul and Jane walked over to the front of the establishment – the front-door was bolted with a large padlock on a grilled gate. And, there was a 2-meter-long glass-window – with a ‘closed’ sign on display.
The interior was lit with a single fluorescent light, where there was an office reception-counter for customers ‘dropped’ their dogs off – and, the cages were at the back-area.
“It’s locked, Jane.”
…Paul levitated over to find a rock to smash the glass-window…
… he ‘had’ done-this before – when he broke an ‘entry,’ into his former bedroom from outside his father’s house.
“Pauly, what are you doing?”
“… I’m going to break the glass – and we enter, rescue Kitty fast – and we’re off from here before the coppers come.”
… but Jane ‘differed,’ to the half-baked idea…
“Hey-silly, we are going to ‘rescue’ a dog – don’t you think the rest of the other dogs would go-barking their heads off when they hear the glass-breaking noise.”
Paul was ‘stunned’ by the logical ‘truth’…
“What do you suggest then? If you blast the padlock with the cosmic-bolt like the ‘last-time’ at the animal-hospital – it would still make a ‘big-noise’ too…?”
Jane smiled at him…
“You want to see a neat trick, that I’ve learned?”
Jane held the padlock with her fist – she then mentally deep-focused, and her arm glowed intensely hot…
… the large padlock melted into a molten-goo glob, in the palm of her hands, dripping lumpy liquid metal on the floor…
… she had ‘done’ that before -- when she had ‘sealed’ her parents’ bedroom door, locking her mother for her ‘own-safety’ inside, during the black panther attack.
“Crikey! You can do that too – Jane, what ‘other’ extraordinary things can you do…!!?”
Jane did ‘not’ reply to her AI but giggled away at her feat – even Paul was wide-eyed of awe, witnessing the ‘new’ trick displayed by his blind-counterpart.
… Paul pulled the grill-gate open – to a locked door…
“Do it ‘again’ to the door…”
Jane held the doorknob – and melted it too – Paul pushed the smoking door open…
The blind-tween wanted to enter the premise – but Paul held-her arm…
“… ‘not’ yet – mask-on – there is a CCTV camera inside…”
Jane wore a scarf to cover her facial identity under her hoodie – while the ‘show-off’ Paul, slipped-on his Spidey-mask…
… they entered the premise…
… outside in the dark street – the duo’s movements…
… WERE OBSERVED by some ‘feral’ eyeballs…
The disguised-tweens entered inside the office-front – luckily there were no security-alarms – as the dog-barks were the ‘only’ alarm in the building.
… Paul then zapped the CCTV camera to malfunction – electrocuting it, with his superpower.
They both faced the backdoor at the office rear -- their ‘last’ entry barrier. Paul invited…
“Here you go Jane – do your white-magic ‘trick’…”
The blind-girl giggled when she held the locked doorknob. As the round-knob was melting as it smelted red, the dogs were barking behind the closed-door.
Paul pushed the scorching door open, to a dark room of loud barking and howling canines. Jane entered first into the murky storage antechamber-area -- with her hand forward -- that glowed orange of cosmic-powers, to fuel her sight of her ‘gifted’ 3rd-eye…
… it frightened the dogs, as it barked less – as they have ‘not’ seen ‘such’ abnormalities before, in their own-house human masters' lives. They were scared of these inhuman-mortals, who were ‘intruding’ their safe space.
… except for Piper who went ‘crazy’ in his barking – delighted with the presence of Jane.
“Shush-Piper! Stop barking now!”
Paul switched on the fluorescent light and saw many cages with big-and-small dogs inside – he guesstimated that there was no more than a score of mutts enclosed in locked-up coops. His eyes searched for the Belgian Malinois, and found none…
… but a 2nd CCTV camera was ‘staring’ from above – he zapped it broken.
He located a single isolated medium-sized cage far back at the pantry – with Kitty locked in it – with her brown-eyes looking terrified. Paul read a sign-card with the written date of today…
… and the instruction-message -- ‘Terminate’…
“Jane, come-over – Kitty is here!”
She came, and heard Paul ‘briefing’…
“They are going to ‘put her down’ today…”
“… ooo, poor doggie… how ‘could’ they…?”
She held the padlock – and ‘melted’ it – with the brown dog whining to itself in fear, seeing the hot-glow that the immortal-stranger was executing onto the cage – the terrified dog pissed herself wet…
… Jane opened the cage door, and put her hand inside to calm’ the frightened dog…
“…come... Kitty… come-out…”
“Hey Jane, take your hand away from her…”
… he had seen John Wick 3 – and had ‘seen’ the fierce nature of Halle Berry’s dogs of the-similar-breed…
At the pantry, they heard all the dogs barking suddenly at once – they were snarling at the opened backdoor…
“Jane, I detect ‘someone’ coming…”
The panic Paul was seeing Kitty still ‘afraid’ of them – and, refusing to leave its cage. He levitated-over and shook the cage, from the rear…
“Come on, Kitty – get out!”
Soon Paul saw 4 zombies walking in from the door – their bodies were twitching abnormally as they growled -- as were approaching fast towards the cages, of the barking and snarling dogs.
“Paul, what is happening?”
“I have forgotten to tell you – I saw the TV news – that Hajji ‘had’ infected a rabid-virus in Perth, and infected some people in the city…”
“… it must-be the Popobawa sickness – that ‘infected’ Piper in the other-Perth…”
Paul was speechless when he heard the blind-girl. Soon he counted that there were 7 zombies -- 4 were males and 3 females…
… were attacking the locked-up cages of the dogs, scattering the metal infolds around the floor…
… wanting to bite the agitated dogs…
“Paul, what do we do?”
… the zombies did ‘not’ notice the 2 tweens hiding at the pantry-area, with Kitty in its cage -- as they were terrorizing the rest of the caged dogs. One attacked Piper’s locked cage – the Alsatian barked its head-off – Jane heard it…
“Piper! Piper is in danger!”
… she wouldn’t want to lose him ‘again’ – as he was bitten ‘before,’ and infected by Popobawa…
“Piper, I’m coming!”
… Jane hurried out from the hiding spot, and Paul rushed levitating behind her…
“Jane! Wait!”
… he grabbed the blind girl's arm…
He knew what Jane’s cause of action ‘was’ to be – to go on a trail of blasting cosmic bolts – like she did at her backyard, killing the black panther…
“Look, these are ‘people’ who are sick, and ‘need’ medical-attention – you ‘can’t’ blast and kill them dead!”
The zombies heard their voices – they diverted to attack the youngsters, instead of the caged canines… one female passed them, and went to attack Kitty ‘still’ inside its ‘opened’ cage…
… with a hand reaching far-into the cage – wanting to grab the terrified Belgian Malinois…
… but the she-zombie was then sicced by the dog, as it came hasty from the cage, to bite-off her face… Kitty then mauled her ferociously.
Paul shielded Jane with his back – he ‘knew’ what to do…
… he had ‘practised’ it on his twin before – for a non-lethal electro-stunt on to the body – to bring down an aggressive-opponent that moved offensively fast.
It seemed to work a bit, as he had incapacitated 2 of males, but they were ‘not’ going-down that easy -- as they were recovering fast.
Paul saw panicked Kitty dashing for the open-door to escape the madness – but she was pulled down by the rest of the zombies. The struggling Kitty yelped helpless, as it was about to be bitten…
… remembering fighting the flying-gorillas at the desert in Egypt, where – PAUL DID HEAD-SHOTS -- to stunt them down, and soon ‘managed’ to put-down the rest of the 6 zombies unconscious…
… by then, Kitty had fled the dog-pound scene, taking off into the streets in its freedom.
“Come-Jane, let’s go!”
They both came out from the backdoor to the office of the dog-pound – Paul got an idea – and used the office telephone to call Triple-Zero…
“Hello Emergency, send me the police…”
… faking an adult-voice he told of zombies – ‘trapped’ in the dog-pound – and told that they should be ‘restrained’ and taken to the local hospital, for their rabid-disease treatment.
After their successful Kitty-mission, Paul and Jane flew to their respective homes, on a school night.
MEANWHILE, FAR ACROSS THE INDIAN OCEAN – Kimura Star’s scientist-inventor, Dr Jack Turner received a 3rd email from Perth, Western Australia -- with a one-armed boy ‘CONFESSED’ AGAIN, that he ‘was’ from the future.
Munching his Whopper burger, Paul spoke with ‘conviction,’ into the self-video-recording…
“… come-on doc, believe me – you had ‘sent’ Taro and Hiro after the Treeton incident back then to test me, and they too ‘confirmed’ my blood had changed into the Golden-blood from my regular B-type rhesus – now, ‘how’ is that possible doc, you tell me…?
“… just send them over here ‘again,’ for authentication – and you will see that I’m speaking the truth… because…
“… over in the UK, there is this Lord Amadeus Crowley who ‘needs’ my Golden-blood to ‘survive’ from his rare blood-related disease – go-Google him – listen, we can ‘both’ save him… and do something ‘noble’ by it – and he’s a big-deal billionaire too, who would ‘reward’ us both in-return…
“… so, you scratch my back – and, I’ll scratch yours-doc…”
“… and please-please-please, send Taro and Hiro ASAP over because it is coming to a ‘tic-tock’ time that poor-billionaire, who is ‘about’ be dead soon – and, also doc-please…
“… ‘build’ me that robotic-bionic left arm – and send it over too – I ‘totally’ need it…”
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