《Fox With System》Helping A Human Village


[Day 4]

I wake up to see that Ava is awake and looking at me. I get up and I pick her up.

"Ava do you know of a nearby village?" I asked.

"Yes there is a small human village in this forest." said Ava and I think they might not be friendly to monsters.

"Ava are the humans in the village friendly to monsters?" I asked.

"Yes, there friendly as long as you don't attack them." said Ava.

"Ok tell me where to go." I said and we walk out of the cave, Ava tells me what direction to go and after a few hours, we can see the village. The village is modern and doesn't have that many houses. We go into the [Human Village] and I see people walking around. There are shops here and one shop catches my eye.

The shop that catches my eye sells cultivating items like pills. I walk into the [Shop] and I look at how much the items are, they are very expensive and they are only 1 to 3 tier items. I can buy two 2 tier pills because they are each 10 silver coins. I have 30 copper coins and 20 silver coins.

When I was looking at the pills, a hand touched me. I look at the person who touched me and I see a human woman, she is very short like a loli, her face is cute and her hair is blonde.

"Hello, my name is Emma and im the owner of this store. I see that you're looking at the pills and I know they're expensive so I will give you a fifth tier pill for free with you can do something for me." said the woman.

"There are no fifth tier pills." I said, and Emma shows me a small chest. She opened the chest and I see a pill.


Inspect? I thought when looking at the pill.


Tier 5 Body Strengthening Pill


"What do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Monsters have been stealing from this town and everyone would be grateful with you kill them." said Emma.

"So everyone in this village wants the monsters that take from this village dead?" I asked.

"Yes." said Emma.

"I will need more than just a pill." I said.

"I will gather the people in the middle of the village." said Emma, and she leaves, I go to the middle of the [Humam Village] and after awhile everyone in the village is here. There are only 50 humans here in this village. I see Emma walk over to me after she asks what they will give me for killing the monsters.

"We will make you our leader of this village and you will get some money from each of us, and the fifth tier pill." said Emma.

"My name is Lucas and this lizard im holding is Ava, as you can see we are not human, im a fox, and Ava is a poisonous black lizard queen, What I'm trying to say is we will kill the monsters that took from your village!" I said to the villagers.

"They are a group of five monsters, they live in a cave north of here." said Emma. Me and Ava leave the human village and we go north. After awhile we see a cave that has lots of items in it. There are noises coming from the cave and I can tell that there are five monsters that are walking on two feet inside the cave. I put Ava on the ground and we walk into the cave, the cave is large and when we walk far into the cave, we see 3 [Goblins] and 2 [Hobgoblins].


"Where did you get all this stuff?" I asked and the [Goblins] and [Hobgoblins] turn around to see me and Ava.

"We stole it, now get out or die." said one of the [Hobgoblins].

"Ava you know what to do." I said and Ava uses poison gas, but one of the [Goblins] uses a skill called wind breath, it makes a small wind come out of the [Goblins] mouth and blows the poison gas at us. The poison gas doesn't affect Ava, but it affects me. Ava bites one of her legs and I drink some of her blood.

[You can now buy the skill at the System Store]

[Poison cured]

Ava's bite quickly heals.

"Ava stand back." I said, and Ava stands behind me. I use the skill a fireball shoots out of my mouth and killed the [Goblin] that used the skill wind breath.

"You will pay for that." said one of the [Hobgoblins]

"You stole from the human village so you will die." I said, and it has been over 5 seconds so I can use fireball again. One of the [Hobgoblins] runs at me so I use the skill . The [Hobgoblin] dodged the attack.

"Ava now." I said and Ava jumps in front of the [Hobgoblin] and she used poison gas. The [Hobgoblin] breathes in the poison gas and died. I then use on the other [Hobgoblin]. The [Hobgoblin] died and there are only 2 [Goblins] left.

"Ava you take the one on the left, I will take the one on the right." I said and we run towards the [Goblins]. I use and Ava uses poison gas. The [Goblins] are now died. I use on the two dead [Hobgoblins] and I turn them into Essence. I then turn the 3 dead [Goblins] into System Points.

[Obtained: 12 System Points]

[Obtained: 13 System Points]

[Obtained: 11 System Points]

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