《I remember the time》Chapter 1: Field Day is time where demons gather


Before reading this I reccomend listening to starting up some lofi or whatever.

I remember the time I stabbed myself with a pencil. I know, "How in jesus did you do that?!". The answer to that my dear Watson is......I'm clumsy.

I was in the 5th grade and I had made a best friend, his name was Will. We had bonded over a Godzilla figure that was in the classroom. At the time I was really into DBZ, Kaijuu, and stuff, mainly because I had no friends and it pushed me through the day knowing that Goku was protecting Earth.

But I digress; me and Will had been friends for a while and I finally thought today was the day I would tell him that he's the most fun person I know. That day was interrupted by something else; Field Day.

Field Day is the day where every last demon spawn is it be unleashed upon the holy warriors in a desolate land.............all the kids go outside to play in a nearby park. Field Day is actually the best day of the year mainly because that's when the ELA teachers throw it back on some preschoolers and when the math teacher can finally dunk on some little midgets.

So my class had walked outside in single order fashion, if your american you might know what this is.

We walked to the nearest park which was like a across the street cause its a school zone and it would save the city money instead of putting up 4 signs that say "Careful, School (Hell) zone ahead" when they can just put 2 that say "Caution, children (demons) at play ahead".

We got to the park and we were all just standing there and watching the beauty which is a drug trade spot. The beauty astonished us and blew our little minds, if we had any.


So we all got to playin and stuff when me and Will decide to have a cart wheel battle.

OH, "Whats a cartwheel battle?" you say. Well if your from Marion county Indiana then you know what it is but for all you euros I'll explain. A cart wheel battle is a supreme art of body to eye functions that decides the fate of two nations and its peoples.......it's actually just 2 or more kids ramming into each other while doing cart wheels and whoever says they wanna stop loses.

Back to the story.

Me and Will are cartwheeling when out of nowhere some pansy starts screeching bloody murder. The teachers stop throwing it back on the children and the math teachers stops dunking to run other to the little squealer.

The ask her whats wrong and all she does is point at me. I get it, you've never seen a black kid that looks like the blob fish. I soon realize what the situation is when Will starts screaming and running in a circle screaming, "OH MY GOD THE HAND!!" and I thought he could structure sentences, jokes on me.

So I look down at my hand and saw a massacre scene but on my little baby hands. I'm not gonna lie I looked like some anime character ya know, bloody hands from destroying his best friend.....in a cart wheel battles.....Imma continue the story

The teachers rushed the other kids back to school cause they didn't want the paramedics to show up and see an illegal ring of children getting twerked on and 1 math teacher dunking on kids and was laughing.

I got Field Day canceled for the rest of the year.

Later on me and Will figured out some one had brought a pencil outside and it fell in the grass. I must've cartwheeled right on top of it into my hand. I couldn't sue anyone cause who the hell brings a pencil outside to a park on Field Day!?

Thats the end of my "I remember the time" #1 of this week.

I hope you guys liked it and so you know every last bit of that was true except for the twerking teachers.....the dunking math teacher was too real..........

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