《A Royal Warrior》Chapter Five
Alena and her guard stood in the throne room, her mother and her guard next to them. Her mother had chosen experienced soldiers, two women and on man, all of whom had spent years with her. By comparison, Alena and her three guards looked like little more than children playing soldiers.
King Dyre, however, had no qualms about her choice. He looked them over and gave a brief nod, before diving straight into business. "So, Alena, I need you and your mother to venture to Estrium. Our intentions are peace, but we do not fear war. I have had maps drawn up for you and your mother. It's roughly a three day ride, assuming you ride hard, and it will take you through the plains outside our walls, then a desert, and finally into the forest. There are likely to be tribes throughout the way, so exercise caution. You leave at sunrise." He rose and lifted one hand, five servants rushing forward. "Guards, you will be shown to your rooms. Dismissed."
The servants made quick business of clearing out the guards, Kasara leading Na'ta to Alena's room after a quick curtsy and hug to the King and Queen. King Dyre, Alena, and Queen Cirala all gathered around a map spread out on a table, the King pointing out the best path to take.
Alena eyed the path quickly before speaking, "Father, would you have us wearing dresses for this? I know it's important to present ourselves in the best light, but for such a long journey through desert..." She trailed off, resting two fingers on the wide swatch of desert across the map.
The King chuckled lightly, setting a hand on his daughter's shoulder. "Oh, Alena, of course not. I wouldn't dare put you in a dress for any extended period of time, you wouldn't listen anyway. No, wear your riding gear, but bring formal wear just in case. And, consider bringing your medals," he added with a wink.
Alena's face lit up and she nodded quickly. She did not have the numerous medals her father had earned, but she had a handful for feats of strength and character.
King Dyre smiled at his wife and daughter, crossing his arms over his chest. "Well, Alena, you had best go pack. I had your maids sent to your room, and a seamstress is there too, in case any of Lady Kasara's clothes do not fit well." He kissed the top of her head and nudged her off toward the staircase up to their living floor.
Alena curtsied lightly at the stairs and hurried up to her room, practically throwing herself through the cracked door. She swept Kasara up in a crushing hug, lifting her feet from the ground. Alena held her there for a few moments before letting her go, both of the girls laughing. "Oh, Kasara, my first peace mission!" Alena was giddy with excitement at the prospect of bringing her people allies; she had only ever gone with her father on short expeditions to crush rumors of rebellions and make brief public appearances, but Krin had accompanied them. Granted, he did not have the medals of valor and strength in combat she did, but he had been there nonetheless.
Kasara laughed and waved one hand dismissively. "Oh, Alena, enough about business! Tell me more of this Mulius!" Kasara beckoned one of the maids over, having her help remove her evening dress to try on the riding gear she kept in Alena's closet.
Alena opened the riding bags that lay on her bed, inspecting the large satchels and the smaller pockets sewn on the outsides. Plenty of room for two dresses, extra clothes, shoes, and foods. Walking to her closet to choose her clothes, Alena quickly turned Kasara's question over in her mind. "Well, he's captain of some Youth Soldier squadron Krin has implemented. He seems good. He's fast, and strong. He managed to save my life from an attack by General Revlin, blocked a blow coming down with his shield. I didn't see him before the fight, so I don't know where he was, but he stopped Revlin even before Na'ta. I don't know anything else, but I'm sure you'll find out."
Kasara let out a high peal of laughter, clapping her hands as she strode across Alena's carpet to join her. "Oh, this is good! An upstanding soldier, and he saved you! Wait, Revlin risked an attack on you?" She gave her friend a worried glance before turning back to the closet.
Alena shrugged off Kasara's concern. "I was sparring with some whelpling Revlin called his prodigy. Don't know why he would bother training that one, he was quick enough on his feet but he was practically worthless with a sword. Didn't start fighting until Revlin yelled at him." As she spoke, Alena thumbed through the clothes. She knew her mother would want her to bring at least one sleeved dress, so she pulled out a cream-colored dress with golden embroidery and handed it to one of the maids. After a moment's pause, she said out loud to nobody in particular, "Secure me a sewing kit, please, with thread in the colors of whatever I bring." She also pulled out a plain, satin dark emerald gown that fell off her shoulders and matched her eyes almost exactly. She glanced over at Kasara, who had plucked out a shimmery aqua dress that would fall around her like water, and a soft pink dress with gatherings along the skirt to reveal an even lighter pink layer underneath. "Besides, Revlin has already given his signet to Krin. I do not need to do him any favors."
This, however, got Kasara's undivided attention. "He gave Krin his signet? Did he consult his family? His wife is such a sensible woman! She cannot possibly see any logic in that!" Kasara shook her head and tutted lightly. "Although, I suppose the General never has been much for his wife's opinion. She did vanish for a whole year after she lost their baby," she admitted. She pushed the heavy gowns hanging in the closet aside, revealing the various riding outfits. Skipping past the first half, Alena's riding gear, her hands fluttered over the dozen options.
Alena removed her black garb and handed the bundle to a maid, "please send this down to be washed, I would like to bring it for tomorrow. And," she paused as she crossed the room to her oak box for her medals, "please have these polished." She hefted the box and gave it carefully to the stronger of the maids, a stout woman named Jyna who was easily in her forties and had a husband who kept the horses. The women bustled out into the hallway, shutting the door behind themselves. Alena pulled down a dark brown outfit, as well as a medium tan one only slightly darker than her skin. Kasara, however, stuck to the lighter choices; a light tan outfit, an off-white set the color of the birch wood travelers sometimes brought, and only one deep chocolate brown set that had exponentially more padding and warmth.
Alena pulled on a pair of fur-lined, fitted pants on and a plain cloth shirt, finally releasing her almost-black hair from the intricate, though decaying, hairstyle. It came out easily, like a breath held for too long finally being released in a large sigh. She looked over at the piles of clothing on her bed as she ran her fingers through her locks, and Alena turned to Kasara with a smirk. "You should make a quick run to the Castle Smith, there's a pair of surprises for you. Go, I am going to make sure everything is set up for Atir and Mulius. And make sure everything fits soon, we can't keep Syanna to ourselves forever, the boys might need professional help." Alena smiled at the old seamstress. She had tailored all of Alena's clothes her entire life, letting out dresses to account for muscle, and bringing in others to make up for shed fat.
The old woman chuckled and said in a low, raspy voice, "Of course they do, soldiers and fighters know nothing of clothes." She shooed Alena out of the room before turning on Kasara. "Now you, young lady, are growing into a woman. We have to start right now before you go running off."
Alena ducked out of the room laughing and shut the door behind herself. She looked up and down the hall until she spotted a servant hustling down the hall with a large bundle in her arms. Alena started jogging after her and called out, "Hold!" The servant stopped in her tracks as Alena came up beside her. "Do you know where Captain Mulius and Atir are sleeping?"
The servant nodded quickly, her voice small and high-pitched. "Yes, Your Highness. I was just bringing these furs to the Captain, and Mister Atir is roomed two doors down." Shifting her weight and fidgeting as she spoke, the servant was clearly nervous speaking directly to Alena. She kept her eyes down and fiddled with the pile of furs as she spoke, hunching her shoulders as if she could vanish into herself.
Alena studied her for a second, then nodded. "All right, I shall accompany you. Lead the way." When the servant began shuffling forward, Alena asked out of curiosity, "What is your name? I do not recognize you. What do you do here?"
The servant's eyes flashed up to Alena in surprise, then darted back to the floor. The top of her head scarcely reached Alena's chin, and she shrunk into herself even more as she spoke, "Oh, I- I am a cook, Your Highness, my name is Tula. I have worked here all of my fifteen years. My parents had debts, you see, and they did not have money, but they had me and I have skills..."
Alena's eyebrows came together in confusion and anger. "You mean, your parents sold you to the Crown?"
Tula nodded slightly, "Yes, Your Highness. But it is okay! No, more than okay! I am happy and fed and clothed here! There are dens and hovels that buy up young girls to sell out every night. I could have had a much worse life." The girl shuddered at the thought, tucking her chin into the furs as she reached out to open a doorknob. As soon as she moved her arm, though, the bundle toppled to the floor with a dense thud, and Tula dropped just as quickly, scrambling to gather them all.
Alena settled on her knees and pulled together the furs nearest her, piling them on her lap. When they had all been picked up, she rose and knocked on the door as Tula thanked her continuously. A male servant opened the door, his eyes wide as he admitted Tula and Alena.
Mulius stood with his back to her, pulling a white linen shirt on and fiddling with the fit of it around his waist and chest, far too big around his stomach, and several inches too long.
"Do not worry, our seamstress can fix it for you. She works magic," Alena said, setting the furs on the bed.
Mulius spun around, fists brought up in self-defense. When he realized it was Alena, a furious blush covered his face and he ducked his head, bringing one fist to his chest and planting the other at his side. "I am so sorry Your Highness. I did not know it was you, I swear it."
Alena laughed openly, waving a hand between them. "At ease, Mulius. It is going to be a very long trip if you jump at my voice and walk around saluting me. I did not come to make you leap out of your skin. My seamstress will be coming to your room as soon as she finishes with Kasara, and I suggest you visit the Castle Smith tonight at some time, unless you have a habit of being up long before dawn. Do not worry, our night Smith is amazing and willing to work. He can outfit you with whatever your weapon preference is. You shouldn't need any real armor, but if you'd like a coat of chainmail he can do that too; I am bringing one. If you need anything else, I am down the hall; pull the bell string and a servant can send down a note to see if I am awake. Do you have any questions?"
Mulius gawked at her blankly for a minute, before shaking his head and running his hands down his shirt. "I- um, no, Your Highness." He hesitated for a moment, and at her nod of approval, asked timidly, "Will we be eating before we leave? I know His Majesty the King said we would leave at sunrise, but..."
Alena grinned at him, "Oh, trust me, there is no way he could get me out of this castle without food in my stomach. Is that all?" Mulius nodded, cheeks still pink, and Alena gave a light curtsy. "Well, the, I shall leave you to packing." He raised his fist to salute again as she turned and walked out the door, pulling it shut behind herself. She chuckled lightly to herself, shaking her head as she walked the short distance to Atir's door. She rapped once on the door, and he pulled it open himself. Without a word she strolled past him and he shut it just as simply.
Alena noticed quickly that none of the servants that should have been here to help him were present. "What's wrong, did you scare off the servants already?" Her voice was full of mock seriousness and disappointment, and she clucked lightly like her mother had done hundreds of times to her.
Atir cracked a small smile, flashing crooked teeth and quipped back in his husky, low voice, "I am, apparently, the only person in this little party who doesn't need three people to dress them." When Alena raised on eyebrow and waited, he shrugged and explained simply, "I fit the king's clothes for the most part. A little bigger around, but an easy fix they said." He patted himself on the stomach for emphasis and gave her a wide, genuine smile. "How are you, Alena? It's been two months since we've seen you in the ring. I haven't been able to do any partner fights, you know."
Alena grinned and settled onto his bed, pulling her knees up to her chest. She waited till he had sat next to her and leaned against him before speaking. "I know, I keep trying to get out of here, even just for one round, but Krin is driving me insane. Today was the first time I got out alone all week! I only get to ride Tibere around the yards or down paths with my mother. Do you think she races, Atir? Do you think she rides so fast she has to close her eyes and lean low and trust her mount and her hair is up in the air? Of course not! Not like I think her day-horse could keep up with Tibere anyway." She rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "Father has been understanding, though. He sends me down to the garrisons sometimes, so I can get some of my frustrations out without Krin's head coming off." She giggled at the idea, then shot up straight to look at Atir, who gazed back at her with new worry. "Revlin tried to kill me today, by the way. I was having a training bout with some little whelp he called his prodigy. Athrin. Fast enough, good eyes like Revlin, but small, weak, like he wasn't fully there. Revlin shouted at us and Athrin charged, but I dropped him. Revlin didn't like that. Mulius caught the blade in his shield. It would've lodged straight into my shoulder." Alena shuddered lightly before continuing, "Krin has his support, Atir, and his signet. Pity, really. I can't go see his wife now. Great source of gossip, since the women let her back into society. Took them long enough. I can't blame her for leaving for a year after she lost their child, assuming he didn't just send her away himself."
Alena went on like this for several minutes, babbling on and on while Atir sat beside her and listened, intently watching the way her face changed each time she changed subjects like switchbacks up a mountain. Finally, Alena shook her head and laughed. "Ancestors damn it, Atir! I was supposed to be at the smithy by now! I need to sharpen my blade. If you want, you can come with me; he can get you set up with a weapon." When Atir nodded, the pair rose and Alena led the way out of the room and down the hall.
- In Serial264 Chapters
Summary – Level 1: Delve is an isekai litrpg that follows an average guy who just happened to wake up in a forest one day. He wasn’t summoned to defeat the demon lord or to save the world or anything like that, at least as far as he can tell. The only creature there to greet him was a regular old squirrel. Soon enough, he meets other people, only to discover that he can’t speak the language, and that not everybody immediately trusts random pajama-wearing strangers they met in the middle of the wilderness. Things generally go downhill from there, at least until the blue boxes start appearing. Delve is a story about finding your way in a new, strange, and dangerous world. It’s about avoiding death, figuring out what the heck is going on, and trying to make some friends along the way. It’s not about getting home, so much as finding a new one. Did I mention that there will be math? Summary – Level 2: Okay, but what are you in for, really? Well, this story is supposed to be realistic, or at least, as realistic as a fantasy litrpg can be. The main character doesn’t instantly become an all-powerful god and murder-hobo his way across the universe. Delve is, at its heart, a progression fantasy, but that progression is meant to feel earned. The numbers in this story actually mean something. Everything is calculated, and if you find a rounding error, I expect you to tell me about it. That said, if math isn’t your cup of tea, there is plenty more that the story has to offer. Characters are meant to feel real, and progression isn’t only about personal power; it’s also about allies, connections, and above all, knowledge. Figuring out how the system works is a significant theme. ... What, you want more details? Okay, fine, but this is going to get a bit spoiler-y. Are you sure? Yes! Really sure? I mean, this summary is practically half as long as the first chap– Now! Okay, okay! The main character becomes a magic user, but he takes a route that is not very popular in adventurer culture, namely that of a support. There is a full magic system with various spells, skills, and abilities, but our MC decides that aura magic is the way to go, and that the only stat worth investing in is mana regeneration. Most people at the Adventurer’s Guild think that this makes him a bit of a dumbass, but he’s playing the long game. We’ll see how that works out for him, won’t we? Because of his build, the MC levels up fast, at least compared to normal people. There are no cheats, though, and he is limited in other ways. There are some clear and pretty obvious downsides to his build. That’s what makes it fun, no? Morals? Our MC has them. Again, we’ll see how that works out for him. Realism, remember? Would you be okay with killing someone and looting their body? I sure hope not. POV? The focus is on the main character, but there will be occasional varying perspectives from people around him, or involved in the events related to the main plot. It isn’t going to jump all over the place. Tech is standard medieval stasis. No smartphones, but the MC does have a technical background. Computers and their programming might be involved. There might even be a bit of uplifting down the road, who knows? Anyway, it isn’t the focus. He isn’t going to invent the gun in chapter 1 and change the face of warfare. Romance is not a major focus. Friendships are more the name of the game, though there will be some characters in romantic relationships. There is exploration, though not as much of the geographical nature as you might expect. It is more about exploration of the system and the culture. The pace is slow and detailed, sometimes verging on slice-of-life. The action is meant to be realistic and grounded in the numbers, and it is intended to have meaning beyond simply punching things until they stop moving. The general tone of the story is grey, and some parts can get quite dark. People die. Sometimes, people with names, but not anywhere near GoT level. There is plenty of light, too, though, to balance the darkness. The world is dangerous, but overcoming that danger is why we’re all here, isn’t it? Anyway, if you’ve made it this far through the summary, you clearly like words. I hope you enjoy the story! Cover by Miha Brumec Summary Updated: 2020-06-14
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