《Weapon Attraction》Chapter 2: It's pronounced Drake and spelled Jrake
I barrelled into a slim body who grabbed hold of my shoulders effectively stopping me in mid fall.
“Please….. Be more careful next time….” A hushed voice muttered out before pushing me off of them, peering upwards I saw I had landed on an appealing looking girl with a cascade of light auburn hair flowing down her waist and piercing emerald eyes. Despite her slim appearance her grip on me had actually left a mark on my shoulders. Ouch. Although I felt like I had seen her before. Her face hadn’t changed expression’s whatsoever even though her voice had sounded a bit surprised. She was wearing a purple long sleeved sweatshirt paired with a pair of light blue jeans above a pair of black knee high boots.
Maybe she was in my tutor classes, eh whatever.
As I slowly walked away from her I found I had stumbled onto some sort of stage of a stadium with a lot of people staring at me from below, I hated it.
Carp carp carp carp. I’m going to die.
I could feel my confidence, wilting.
“Ah Juh-rake. Just in time to introduce yourself!” Echoing through the stadium a booming sound bounced in my ears and left me deaf. Looking up I saw a middle-aged looking woman with the biggest smile I had ever seen of someone looking at me. A silver to light pink bowl cut topped her head accenting her clear blue warming eyes, freckles coating only one side of her cheeks were above the dimple formed by her smile. Overall she had a sturdy looking body and examining her arms I saw she had quite some muscles too.
“Uh it’s actually pronounced Drake. Ms….” Correcting her instinctively before realizing what I had done and apologized immediately after.
These people might be dangerous, I should be careful and I’m a hundred percent sure they can beat me in any kind of fight.
“Don’t worry about it. You can call me Dol.” Waving it off the lady beckoned me to go near her wrapping an arm around my shoulder as soon as I was close enough.
“This is Jrake our newest recruit to Bloodbath, will you all please give an applause to him! And Jrake, please tell us some things about yourself.” Her smile widening at the second as her eyes bore into my skull and my body. I recognized that look, it was a look of examination and testing, seeing if I could withstand this audience. Well, I'll show her.
“As you all know my name is Jrake starting with a 'J'. I don't really know what's going on since I was kidnapped here without my permission.” At this I heard some people whispering 'same' or 'me too's. Allowing me to know I wasn't the only one, thank goodness.
I could get information like this!
“I don't really know what power they're talking about but I presume it has something to do with blood as your agency is literally called Bloodbath. Who named it by the way? It sounds very bloody.” My confidence shot up at the sound of snickering and I urged myself to go on.
“You know what, I'll tell you something about me. I don't know what this place is and would gladly appreciate it if someone would tell me, after all this could be a b-!” Instantly cutting me off the lady next to me shot me daggers, her eyes had miraculously changed from a warm summer blue to a cold winter blue.
“Since you are absolutely so keen about knowing this place, why don't I lead you to your mentor for the first few days here then? The rest of you are dismissed.” Snatching my arm, Dol shoved me down a flight of stairs at the back of the stage before hauling me towards the right of a split path. She led me into a bright pale pink room and there waiting for me was the very one girl I had fallen onto just before.
“Deidamia, this is Jrake, he is your student for now. You'll teach him about how we run things here okay.” The silver to pink-ette cheerfully beamed before hopping away from the room leaving us in an awkward silent.
“Hello, my name is Deidamia Danielle Danzas but you can call me Dei.” She lowered her head letting her auburn hair fall over her pale face before looking back at me expectantly.
What am I supposed to- Ooooh introduction yes okay.
“Um hello my name is Jrake Finley, call me Jrake,” Also lowering my head before glancing back up. “By the way your initials are DDD so… are you related to K*ng De*ede from the Kir*y video games?” I blurted out eyeing her curiously,
“I am not sure what this ‘Kir*y Video game’ is.” Somewhat squinting her eyes, Dei gave me a look as if I was a weirdo. Which I probably was if I looked at myself through her perspective. Empathy.
“You don’t know what video games are!” I nearly bursted, how could someone not know what video games are! Unless they were really old and/or never associated themselves to the internet. But what!
Is this girl living in the stone ages?!
“Of course I know what video games are! I just don’t know what the ‘Kir*y’ video game is,” Deidamia scoffed, her face contorting to one of judgment before shifting back to a neutral state.
Ah so she’s one of those who hide her feelings, cool beans.
“Oh yeah by the way what about my school? Or my family? Oh god Mom and Dad what are they gonna feel!” Panic slowly seeped into my brain.
“Relax! We just told your parents that you’re on a four week school trip that they should know about. And for the school we said that you were on a four week holiday because of family business. This agency has got everything covered.” Dei started at me intensely, hands hovering my shoulder hesitantly.
“That’s good…. But only four weeks? And what is this place?”
“Follow me and I’ll introduce you to this place.” Brushing past me Dei climbed up the stairs and headed to the right pathway of the split path Dol had previously hauled me to the left of. Metallic clanging sounded around us as Dei and I gradually went down…...ANOTHER METAL CORRIDOR!
“Man, this place sure likes metal,” I whispered as we went through a doorway and into a corridor with doors all over it.
“This place is underground and a secret base so I'm pretty sure it's not that unusual,” Dei chided as she stepped into one of the rooms on the corridor. When we went in it was like I had emerged into a whole different world.
Luxurious carpets lined the floor off the light brown room their Royal blue colour giving out the feeling of being in a palace. There were no windows in the room (obviously) and I saw that the walls were just painted over with paint. It was still the same metal underneath. The bed they had given the room was a double bunk bed signalling something bad to me….
I have a roommate.
Both beds were nearly identical, each with the covers、sheets and pillows the same length of at least four supersized hamburgers stacked tightly together. The only difference was the different coloured sheets. The bottom bunk had a clean twilight shaded blanket while the top had a very, very messy blanket hanging off the side indicating someone had slept in it and very messily tried to tidy it like a pig. (No offense to all the pig fans out there) There was a pretty fancy looking desk with intricate carvings by the side topped with a lava lamp the *colour of the triangle that the Nazi’s used to label homosexual people (disgusting homophobics), pink.
Nooo, I have a roommate!
“This will be your bedroom now. At the end of this tour I’ll give you a map of this place, it’s a gadget so that it knows where you are at all times,” The light auburn girl explained, “If you have anything you want to put here put now or I’ll leave you.”
“Someones in a bad mood,” I whispered under my breath before whipping my head around, “So what are you guys? Spies?”
“First of all no we are not spies and second, what did you just say?”
“So what are we?” Dodging the question.
“We are assassins…. well sort of. This place is called Bloodbath. They collect different people that suddenly get skills or as you call it superpowers. Bloodbath also has a business company that runs outside that is what helps us get our money, nobody outside knows about Bloodbath and we want to keep it that way.” Shooting daggers at me Dei walked out of the room beckoning me to follow.
“Okay first, that is a horrible name. And second, what do you mean superpowers or skills?” At that word I waved my hands around in an unnatural way. “I don’t have any skills. I'm just a regular teenager that gives out sarcastic comments. At least I think they are sarcastic.” As we arrived at a four-way path I peeked behind me while digging my hands into my pockets feeling the rough paper texture grazed my hand.
So this is where you disappeared to.
“And that’s all there is, the last place is basically just the gym where everyone trains. Oh yeah, I got a message to tell you to go to Dol’s office. Here’s the map just tap on it to turn it on and off.” Dei delicately placed a microchip like button on my palms before turning on her heels and walking away.
Am I really that annoying? Who am I kidding of course I am, anyways yes the map. Yes.
While I was busy being crazy and talking to myself two things grabbed my shoulders and yanked me backwards. Of course I put the map in my pocket just in time before being pushed in towards another door. Turns out two of the guys that had captured me had been following us and was waiting for the right time to bring me to the office like an escort. How nice of them. It was as if they thought I was a baby.
As we entered the office I realized the office was the only door made out of wood so far that I’ve seen in this ‘secret base’. Pine wood to be exact. The room Dol worked in surprised me Ias I had been expecting a pastel room. But instead it was splattered with a glossy reddish-brown colour, all around the room making it look like a battle was fought here. Underneath I could see some glimpses of a beige colour.
“That’s a nice wall colour you got here.” I anxiously laughed.
“That’s not the original wall design, the beige underneath is the original colour.”
“Oh.” Seemingly satisfied by my answer Dol signalled at the men behind me to leave and gestured to me to sit at the chair that was in front of her desk. Using this time to look around the room I soon realized what she said was right, the lights and decorations lined up with the splatters of dye meaning this room either was made specifically…. Or that was actually blood.
“Have you killed before?”
“People die Jrake, it’s a part of life. Not a really bad thing though, it helps us have sorrow and regret. Allowing us to learn how to release them,” She sighed, “Anyways off topic, here are the things we gathered from examining your blood-”
“My what?”
“And those are…. we have gathered the information that your body has developed a skill of attracting weapons whenever they are thrown or being used to harm someone or thing. This skill can also attract things that might be on their way to harm someone. For example when Erstan threw that piece of paper you attracted it to yourself because if it had hit Jessmin it would have hurt her. But it also says if you use it too much you might have a chance of experiencing slight injuries and headaches. That’s it.” Sliding down the piece of paper down onto the table there spelled in bold letters was ‘Drake’.
“.....It’s spelled with a ‘J’ in the start instead of a ‘D’.” I pointed at the misspelling, “I suppose you wouldn’t know that since your name starts with a D.”
“What was that?”
“Anyways, I was given the information that today the government didn’t let poverty in?” My blood boiled as soon as she said that.
Why would she talk about that?
“I was there you know? I saw it myself, the protest. Homeless people everywhere signs and the police with their shields. I think one of the police hit an innocent child too,” Dol shook her head pitifully. “Of course I didn’t really want to see it so I left immediately but it was so horrible.”
Why didn’t she help them then? Is she too old? She certainly looks old with that silver coloured hair.
“Well let’s see then.” Suddenly Dol’s arm shot out and threw an object at the door. Except, it never touched the door. It boomeranged straight at me bouncing off my head and onto my lap, rolling to a stop I found out it was a small polished ball.
“What’d you do that for?”
“As I thought,” She mused, “Your skill is powered by your anger. Not a good thing, we’ll have to work on that. You can go now by the way.” Whilst she wrote down some things on the piece of paper I swivelled around in my spinny chair and practically leapt out of the room. My freedom was short lived as the moment I had left the room two identical looking men clutched onto my shoulders and marched me towards another place, the gyms.
“Hey uh, do you guys take constructive criticism for the way you guys escort people?” Ignoring me (rude), we walked into an actual looking gym with different training equipment and bright light burning into my eyes. There were three people standing in the middle, one that looked over enthusiastic, one that was looking at me with displeasure and one that I recognized. Dei!
Meanwhile in another place right then,
“Mam’? Should I put him in the training?” The light of the sun shone across the man’s glasses as he clutched at the leather notebook he had in his hands. The aloof atmosphere that was present in the room before seemed to dim instantly. A woman gently brushed her hand against her chin thoughtfully, head in hand.
“No. He's too focused on himself to realize what we're doing. He won't require the training,” The woman confidently grinned a malicious thought crossing her mind.
“He’s with those people huh? I guess he’s gonna be fine then. You may leave.” Shooing the man outside of her office. The woman propped up her feet onto her polished desk, head on hand. Brushing her black hair away from her pale face the woman thought of one thing, her goal is finally coming soon. And soon it will happen.
“This is your group.” And without another word the men shoved me towards them and I fell towards Dei.
How reminiscence.
Releasing a strange noise, I held up my hands grabbing her shoulders just in time.
“Hi again, I hate this!” I willed myself to be cheerful at Dei seeing she was quite angry now, before turning back to my normal mood.
“Hi! You must be Juh-rake!” The energetic looking girl with a messy bounced towards me, due to her short stature she was standing on her tiptoes and looking directly at my eyes allowing me to see through her round glasses and look at her scarred face and large different coloured eyes. One a mesmerizing brown and the other a light green. She had on an oversized t-shirt filled with splatters of unknown liquids.
Kinda looks like pee.
I could see that she had long saggy beige trousers on also with splatters of unknown liquid. Peeking through the trousers, I could just see some red sports shoes.
“It’s pronounced Drake. And please don’t be too close to me or you might get shorter than you already are.” As we backed away from each other I bumped into another person this time the body was quite tall, at least *180 centimeters.
Turning around to apologise I came face to neck with a very thick neck.
Impressive… Does that mean he can swallow two times the things I can swallow?
He was donning a menacing glare with his brown eyes. Curly brown hair fell over his eyes slightly. Square jaws tightly set. The white short sleeved hoodie he wore allowed me to see his threateningly huge arms. He had on pure yellow marine shorts and a pair of ebony black Nikes.
“You think you’re so high and mighty for being new?” He glared at me, “Well, I’ll have you know on our next mission we are stalking a person so you better stay quiet and stay out of my magnificent way or else you’ll mess things up!”
“Did you just say ‘magnificent way’?” He furrowed his eyebrows.
“Whatever, what’s your power anyways I bet mine is more awesome than yours.” I swore the lights all had shone on him.
Is that his super- skill? I’m pretty sure it’s not.
“Shut it Liamon we have to go on our mission now whether or not Jrake is prepared,” Dei stated, ruining Liamon’s moment.
“Hold up mission? Now?” Whipping my head towards Dei as my jaws dropped.
“Yeah, our mission is to spy on this man.” Dei opened up her jacket and took out a picture of an innocent looking old man.
“Are you kidding me? And you say we aren’t spies.”
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