《Adventures in the Land of Amerikan》Chapter Four: The Adventure Begins


Cecila awoke next to the dying embers of last night's fire. She briefly wonders when she fell asleep. She could barely hear the soft footsteps distancing themselves from her with each thud. She sits upright, while rubbing her eyes'.

The footsteps seem to belong to the man she has just must - yet, has changed her life so much.

"Where are you going?" She asks him, while stretching her arms'.

"No idea. Just, going."

"Without me?" She squeaks, slightly hurt.

"Well, yeah."

"You can't leave me! I have nowhere to go."

"Not my problem."

"You can't be so heartless as to leave a girl in alone in the Wild Lands, to die."

"Heartless? Girl I saved your life and wasted eight days of my life looking after you."

"Wait! Eight days..?"

"Yup. What, did you think you were only unconscious for a couple hours? I fused a Muttons arm to where your arm should have been, that took over a day alone. Then of course your body needed time to recover. I was actually impressed you woke up so early, I was expecting at least twelve days."

"Right... I don't think I ever thanked you for that - even though my arm is now a hideous abomination and I will forever be shunned by Oomen kind..."

"Not much of a thank but I'll take it... You're welcome Cecila, now, goodbye forever."

"Please take me with you!"

"Nah." Grigory replied, while walking away.

"Why not?"

"You'll just slow me down."

"Slow you down? I'll have you know I was the top of my class. My instructor said he hasn't seen someone with as much potential as me since the great Lord Ross himself!"

"Okay first, I have no idea who that is. Second, I saw you fight, so if you're one of the best, I seriously wonder how the Oomens aren't extinct yet."

"That's because we're the Gods' chosen. And don't underestimate me, I was just having a bad day; they surprised us. I bet I can use that spear in your hands' better than you can, boy."


Grigory lets out a sigh at Celcila's childish behavior and excuses, but he must admit, he is curious to see how that arm he worked so hard on, works in a fight.

Faster than her eye's could see, a sharp metal rod attempts to piece her chest. Her body barely manages to react and twists to the side. Before Cecila could find her bearings, a hand grasps her neck and slams her down to the ground, air explodes out of mouth.

Cecila swings her fists widely in a desperate attempt to somehow vanquish her foe. Her hands' are effortless deflected by the assailants hand that isn't crushing her windpipe.

"Sloppy, very sloppy. But... I've seen worse." Said Grigory, as he stands over her with a sight condescending grin.

"You just caught me off guard..." She protests.

"Like that's an excuse. You think monsters in the Wild Lands are going to challenge you to an honourable duel or something?"


"Good. Well, you going to lay there all day? Daylight's burning."

"Cecila gets up off the ground. Her face is slightly flushed with embarrassment. She now stands face to face with Grigory.

Even though she has spent hours talking to Grigory, this is the first time she has actually seen his face.

Sharp pale gray eyes, broad shoulders, a wide jaw, blond stubble on top of his head, and very pale skin. He is definitely younger than the nineteen year old Cecila - about sixteen. He's also a little taller than her 5'7" frame.

"Where are your horns?" She asks.

"My What?"

"Your horns. You know, those pointy things that grow on Ymdi's heads'."

Grigory suddenly started laughing uncontrollably. It's slightly uncomfortable for Cecila to watch this mysterious being of great power giggling like a little girl.

"What do teach you where you live? Do all Oomens think this?" He asked through his laughter.

"Well yeah." Her cheeks now once again flushing red.

Grigory was laughing for such a long time, Cecila embarrassment faded and went to equip all of her gear.

"You ready to go now or do you still feel like laughing like a little girl?"

"Oh, er, yes... Let's go." He replied, embarrassment evident in his voice.

Then began walking together out of the building that housed the beginning of Celcia's new life.

As they arrive outside the building, Grigory turns to Celcila -

"Hear take this." He said while giving her his spear.

"Thanks. I was actually thinking about asking, but I didn't want to overstep our... Whatever this is."

"Good thinking."

"So, where we goin'?"

"No idea. I've just being heading west and kind of seeing what happens."

"Sounds good to me. Let's go!"

"I guess the adventure of Mind Boy and Arm Girl begins." He grins.


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