《Blood & Paint》Chapter 8: House of Wolves


"Why did you stop me, Akasegawa," Yoshitoshi muttered off. Yoshitoshi was escorted away by a fellow member of the House of Wolves, Genpei Akasegawa.

Genpei is a rather tall man, wearing an all-white business suit and a pair of glasses, his white hair is kept well and short. He is often seen with a book in hand scribbling down things.

"It's either I pick you up or you possibly die, being reckless doesn't help anyone," Genpei replied, mainly putting his attention to a book he's reading. "But I was ready to kill him!" Yoshitoshi complained once more, Genpei just looked at Yoshitoshi, somewhere between disappointed and furious. "Yoshi, you know what's going to happen if the boss finds out," Genpei commented and closed his book, "We are just bricks in a wall, it's best to not step out of line. Even that you've stepped beyond the line several times."

"You're a buzzkill, Akasegawa. Fuck off." Yoshitoshi slapped Genpei's back, only turning Genpei more furious. Genpei extended his hand, reaching towards Yoshitoshi's face.

“Fuck are you going to do, Akasegawa? You don't have the guts.” Yoshitoshi taunted Genpei. Genpei winced then put his hand back in his suit's pocket. "You're right. I don't find violence as a hobby." The two of them got into Genpei's car, "We're gonna have a long talk with the rest of the execs, Yoshi."

"I don't need your yapping, I could have killed them!" Yoshitoshi threw a small tantrum, looking rather annoyed. "Akasegawa you can stop disturbing me when I'm doing my job." Genpei forced Yoshitoshi into his car, clearly exhausted from this single ordeal. Muttering under his breath. Genpei finally got in the driver's seat, sighed a little then started up the car. Over the radio, Steely Dan's "Peg" slowly starts playing on the radio. Yoshitoshi's expression turned even sourer. "Akasegawa, can't you play better songs?" Genpei ignored Yoshitoshi's request and started driving away. “The other executives want to talk, Yoshi. You brought this upon yourself.”

“Is this a coup?” Yoshitoshi looked even angrier. "We're not planning to throw you out," Genpei exhaled, "we just need to talk."

"About?!" Yoshitoshi shouted.

"You'll know." Genpei calmly replied. The car tires skidded and the two drove away, driving through streets lined with neon signs. Yoshitoshi looked out the window, seemingly unfazed by the beauty of the Osaka nightscape.


“Where are we going?” Yoshitoshi sighed.

“Headquarters. Like I said.” Genpei sternly replied, seemingly not caring at all.

“Is the boss gonna be there?” Yoshitoshi continued to groan.

“Hopefully not, as much as I hate you, I don't need you to face him.” Genpei continued, still rather in a sour mood.

After a few long minutes, the two reached the Dōtonbori area. An area under the rule of the House of Wolves. Genpei parked his car in one of the narrow alleys hidden away from the main roads. Yoshitoshi and Genpei stepped out to the crowded streets of Dōtonbori.

“What are you doing?” Yoshitoshi lightly tapped Genpei's shoulder.

"I want to get some food first, it's near our base." Genpei gently replied.

The two continued to pass through hundreds of people passing by, a nightscape not too unfamiliar to the two of them. A woman suddenly bumped by Yoshitoshi. Yoshitoshi was ready to retaliate when he realizes his wrist is restrained by leaves, he tries to wriggle out of it when Genpei turns his head.

“Ah, she's here.” Genpei remarked.

Genpei then dragged Yoshitoshi along with him, following the woman through corners and dark alleys, the bright neon signs lit the way through the tiny paths, twisting and turning like a labyrinth. Eventually ending up at a sukiyaki shop. The woman was sitting down next to both an old man wearing a suit with an eyepatch and a man about her age with messy hair and glasses. "We're back." Genpei greeted the three of them. Yoshitoshi turned his head away, "Oi, Yoshida. Can you release my wrists?"

"Sit down, Yoshitoshi. Before I turn you into a flower vase." Yoshida replied, giggling with a sadistic smile upon her face. The young man slapped Genpei's back, "Hey ho, Genpei! Hope catching Yoshi wasn't much work."

"Just relax Shigechi," Genpei lightly scratched his cheeks, "I get used to it."

Genpei exhaled, "Sorry it took a while Yoshida, Shigeru, and Chū."

"Ah, don't worry, Genpei." Shigeru replied, "Mr. Chū treated the three of us with some decent food."

"Now that the five of us are here," Chū stood up, "I have a few words for Yoshitoshi here."

"What the hell did I do?!" Yoshitoshi growled.

"Just shut up and listen, Yoshi." Shigeru snapped back. Chū looked deep into Yoshitoshi's eyes and held Yoshitoshi's left palm. "Yoshitoshi, I know that you're supposed to handle these types of things, especially after one of your closest comrades had passed."


"Yeah and? You want me to stop?!" Yoshitoshi challenges Chū. Chū slowly shook his head, he showed three fingers. "I'll give you three chances Yoshitoshi, three chances to not talk back." Chū put his fingers down and tightened his grip on Yoshitoshi's palm, "If you run out of chances, I will split your arm apart using my Talent." Chū calmly stated and continued his talk. “We cannot afford to be seen, leaking shipment dates is also beyond proper conduct.”

"My sword from Kumamoto was supposed to arrive today!" Shigeru groaned, "I paid a lot for that you know!"

"It's not only Shigeru here, Yoshitoshi. Your squabble at the port also made me lose my shipment." Chū sounded more furious now.

"How did you know I had a fight, you guys weren't there," Yoshitoshi asked. Yoshida cleared her throat and pointed to Genpei who was busy writing down something in his book. "Oi, Yoshi. This isn't a matter of being petty, but we can't afford to lose more cargo." Shigeru comments, "also, your fight was incredibly not subtle."

"That fucker killed my brother, Shigeru. Am I not supposed to deal with him?" Yoshitoshi retaliated. "Is Shigechi really mad, Yoshida?" Genpei asked, watching his three friends fight. Yoshida continued drinking her glass of tea. "Shigeru is pretty pissed about his delivery being canceled." Yoshida giggled a little, "Mr. Curator never really let go of his previous job." Genpei chuckled a little, "Well, Shigechi is always like that isn't he."

"Yoshitoshi, I think this is more than enough talk, do you understand what we're talking about here?" Chū asked him one more time.

"Don't be too reckless, I know." Yoshitoshi finally backed down. Chū stared angrily at Yoshitoshi, he finally released his grip on Yoshitoshi's arm and pulled a handkerchief from his pocket. "I'd assume that you understood what I was saying."

"Now that the three of you are finished with arguing, can we actually eat?" Yoshida tilted her head and commented, "All you boys only know how to quarrel."

"Yeah, you guys are lucky this Yakiniku shop is twenty-four hours." Genpei added, "let's just eat already."

"Old man, you can go to eat. I'm still gonna need to talk." Shigeru smirked and lit up a cigarette from his pocket, "sometimes you need to understand being weak, Yoshitoshi." Shigeru placed his palm on Yoshitoshi's shoulder, a bright flash ignited and slowly Yoshitoshi's skin began to sag, years seemed to pass for him while Shigeru silently watched. Yoshitoshi begged for Shigeru to stop which led to Shigeru lifting his hand from Yoshitoshi's shoulder. Yoshitoshi's one fit body turned to that of an old man, he fell to the floor and could only support his body with his elbows, Yoshitoshi was barely able to stand up, Shigeru looked down at him and grinned, "I don't need your silly weapons to hurt people." Shigeru crouched down near Yoshitoshi's left arm, he held it up akin to a model skeleton. Shigeru took a good look at the hand, the veins and the sagging skin makes Yoshitoshi look like a completely different person. "You're gonna repay me, Yoshitoshi." Shigeru gripped his arm tightly, a crack can be heard which sends Yoshitoshi screaming. "Shigeru, please be reasonable!" Yoshitoshi begged, Shigeru stood up and looked at Yoshitoshi coldly replying, "That was a hundred thousand yen you lost, I'll make sure your hospital bill will be equally as expensive." Shigeru then stepped on Yoshitoshi's right leg, repeatedly until an audible crack can be heard which made Yoshitoshi scream even louder. Shigeru then turned his head to Genpei. "I'll revert him to his original age, let's take him to the hospital."

"Was all that really necessary, Shigechi?" Genpei asks. "What? Getting him to the hospital? He may be a bitch but his division really is our main line of defense." Shigeru calmly answers, Genpei sighed, "No. I mean the 'breaking his arm and leg' part."

"Chū, Yoshida. I'll go and meet you back at HQ. Tell the boss that Yoshi got into an accident." Shigure spoke while entering Genpei's car and slowly took off to the nearby hospital. Chū replied with a thumbs up while Yoshida continued to eat her yakiniku. After the two left Yoshida finally finished eating, she turned her head to Chū, "Shigeru really is scary huh?" Chū lit up a cigarette, "He's still a museum curator first and foremost, I don't think he's ever considered himself a member of the Mafia."

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