《Blood & Paint》Chapter 5: Q: Are We Not Painters? A: No We Are The Mangaka Guild!
“Hey hey, this is Tezuka! If you hear this message then I’m probably not on my phone, feel free to text me if you need anything!”
Rembrandt turned off the call and looked at the time. “2:25 AM huh.” Just as he was about to rest, his phone came buzzing to life and immediately Rembrandt picked it up.
“Sorry, I was just about to go to bed. What’s up, Rem? You in Japan again?” the voice answered on the other side.
“Well yeah, long story short, I got attacked by two different Talent users.” Rembrandt exhaustedly replied.
“Metal related?”
“Why else would I call you, Tezuka?”
“I have my own merits as a detective, Rem! I’m useful in other ways other than being a metal analyzer yanno!” Tezuka cracked up, chuckling to himself. “12 PM, Guildhouse. I’ll be sure to be there; we got no cases here so no worries about that.”
“Thanks, you don’t know how much help you are right now.” Rembrandt softly answered back.
“Don’t mention it, Rem, now I slumber.” Tezuka joked one last time before turning off the call. Rembrandt breathed a sigh of relief, “Some silver lining, thank God.” After washing his face and brushing his teeth, Rembrandt finally tucked himself into his futon and slept.
Early next morning he saw the Gutai kids and Ōi arguing about breakfast as per usual, despite the events of yesterday the group seemed quite lively with cheers all around. “Morning, Rembrandt!” Ōi greeted the still drowsy detective. “Morning to all of you as well,” Rembrandt answered, dragging his sleepy body over to the kitchen to make some coffee. “Just two teaspoons of condensed milk and some black coffee, same old same old.” He quietly said to himself.
“Mr. Rembrandt, you okay?” Jiro worriedly inquired.
‘Sure, yeah. I’m fine . . . I may just need some coffee.”
“What time did you sleep?” Kazuo chimed in.
“He always sleeps late,” Ōi laughed, “every time he’s got a case he sleeps at 2 or 3 in the morning.”
“Just make sure to get enough sleep,” Yuko reassured Rembrandt.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Rembrandt shrugged, stirring his cup of coffee, “Say, where is Saburo?”
“He’s off to the convenience store to grab some Onigiri, he said.” Yuko comments.
“Well, you guys are going to meet some pretty important people today,” Rembrandt states, “I got a friend of mine to help us, maybe some of you know him.”
Jiro’s interest raised, “Who could it be?”
“Well, he’s an old colleague of mine, maybe Ōi knows him. His name is Osamu Tezuka.” Rembrandt proudly answered.
“Isn’t that the manga author that Saburo likes reading?” Kazuo reacted, looking Yuko for answers.
“Oh, it’s Uncle Tezuka!” exclaimed Ōi, “Maybe we’ll meet the rest of the guild as well!”
Despite the horrible events of yesterday the group seems to be in high spirits, with Ōi telling the rest of the Gutai group about Tezuka and his company.
“Yo.” A voice called from the entrance to the living room. A slightly disheveled looking Saburo looked at the rest of the group, he carried two paper bags with groceries in them. He gazed at the chatty group and Rembrandt. Rembrandt waved at Saburo only to get a furious look in return. Saburo went up to the table and placed the bags in front of the rest of the group, “Here’s your shit.” Saburo murmured and walked back to the group’s bedroom.
“What’s up with him?” Rembrandt questioned.
“Usual Saburo,” Jiro responded, “give him some time.”
Just as Jiro finished talking, Saburo burst out of the room and sat down with the rest of the group, still looking rather tired. Sitting down next to Jiro and just placing his head face down onto the table.
“I don’t want to do anything today!” Saburo screamed.
“Well, Rembrandt said-“ Yuko started to talk but abruptly cut short by Saburo.
“I said I don’t want to do anything.” Saburo frowned, still looking rather exhausted
“Well,” Kazuo tried explaining, “we’re going to meet a friend of Rembrandt’s”
“Oh yeah?” Saburo mockingly replied, “Are they going to launch a lion towards themselves again?”
“Look, I’m sorry” Rembrandt tried apologizing, but the attempt was quickly snuffed by Saburo. “Saying sorry isn’t going to change anything, Rembrandt? You act like seeing someone killing themselves is normal!”
The room was silent, an air of discomfort filled the room.
“Look at Ōi! Do you think she’s okay? She may look fine, but do you think she feels fine?” Saburo angrily commented. Hokusai came into the room which somehow lowered the tension a little.
“Enough. Saburo, you must learn that living as a Talent user isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.” Hokusai remarked, “not that I am telling you to keep quiet, but it’s an unfortunate part of living as one.”
“We’re only loved when somewhat useful to normal people.” Jiro added, “Why else do we keep quiet when we sell our art.”
“Either case, Saburo. We can talk about this later, alright?” Hokusai tried comforting Saburo, “Now, I heard all of you were going to visit Tezuka.”
“That’s the plan, at the very least.” Kazuo answered.
“I assume Rembrandt already called him?”
“Already called the man, Uncle Hokusai.” Rembrandt quietly replied.
“Okay then, make sure to bring the kids back by sundown.” Hokusai reminded Rembrandt, “And please, make sure they’re all safe.”
Rembrandt himself felt an uneasy stare coming directly from Hokusai, a familiar sight during his time training with the old Savant. A look that says, “You’re better than this.” A statement which Rembrandt never liked in the first place.
“We’ll be going now.” Rembrandt softly spoke and signal the rest to come with him.
Ōi shut the door behind her and the group walked to the train station in town. Rembrandt still feeling rather disgruntled by Hokusai’s disdainful look. Saburo seemed worried about Rembrandt for once, getting a glance at Rembrandt’s more emotional side. The rest of the group are in rather high spirits, Ōi excited to meet another one of his father’s apprentice and Kazuo somewhat excitedly talking about Tezuka’s manga series through the entirety of the train ride there.
Stepping out of the train station, the first thing they saw was a man wearing a bartender suit of sorts, smoking a cigarette calmly, leaning against a pole. The man walked up to the group and looked up and down at Rembrandt.
“You’re Rembrandt?” the man asked.
“The one and only.” Rembrandt calmly answered.
“Here to meet Tezuka right?” he asked once more, “if so then come.”
“Hold on a sec,” Rembrandt inquired, “you hadn’t introduced yourself. How am I supposed to trust you?”
“Why else would I know that you’re here to meet Tezuka?” The bartender suit guy retorted.
Rembrandt pulled out his phone and called Tezuka.
“Tezuka, did you ask someone to pick us up?” Rembrandt inquired.
“Very slightly tan guy, wearing bartender suit, looks a bit pissed?” Tezuka asked in return, giggling a little.
“Yea? Who’s that?”
“That’s Shotaro, someone from the Guild. Relax.” Tezuka chuckled, “You worry too much RemRem, chill.”
“Please don’t call me that.” Rembrandt exhaled, “Also let me know earlier next time about this.”
“Yea yea, he’s got my Black Jack you’ll be here in no time.”
The call suddenly stopped, “That kid, I swear to god.” Rembrandt muttered to himself.
“Tezuka told me you’re Shotaro, correct?” Rembrandt groaned a little.
“Yes, let’s get going, shall we?” Shotaro spoke once more, leading them towards a black Eighth Generation Toyota Crown. Rembrandt looked at the kids and told them to get into the car.
After fifteen minutes, the group finally reached their destination. A large house that looks like it was built during the feudal era, at the front door hung a large wooden board with the Japanese letters “漫畫家組合” carved onto it, the sign translates to “Mangaka Guild”. The group stepped out of the car with Shotaro leading them towards the front door. “This way.” Shotaro called out to the group, Meanwhile, Rembrandt stood in awe, “Tezuka really did upgrade, didn’t he,” Rembrandt muttered to himself.
Shotaro guided them to the winding hallways and the different floors of the guild house, they finally reached a room at the end of the hallway, a wooden screen door with the sign “手塚” above it. Shotaro knocked on the door followed by the sound of things falling inside the room.
“Is he okay?” Jiro wondered.
“He doesn’t get many guests; I’ll be taking my leave now,” Shotaro commented, leaving the group by themselves.
The door slowly creaked open, a young man with short black hair and fox-like eyes poked his head out of the door. “Hey all, come in. Just . . . don’t mind the mess.” The kids looked bewildered at the situation while Rembrandt is trying his best to hold back his laughter. The group entered a train wreck of a room, documents were laid out all over the floor, and multiple boxes of papers stacked on top of one another. Knick knacks were all over the table and the place is just generally in disarray.
“You never change huh, Tezuka.” Rembrandt quietly laughed.
“You don’t look a second older, RemRem. How do you keep that pale skin of yours?” Tezuka answered. The two of them laughed at their jokes and hugged one another.
“So, kids, this is mangaka and Talent user, Osamu Tezuka.” Rembrandt introduced the man.
“I almost forgot yeah; the name is Osamu Tezuka. Just call me Tezuka or whatever.” Tezuka added.
“Nice to meet you again, Uncle Tezuka!” Ōi shouts, running up to him and hugging him.
“So, you guys are from the Gutai group? Nice to meet all of you.” Tezuka greeted the group with a beaming smile. “Don’t mind this hellhole, I was just err . . . cleaning up.”
“Where’s Uncle Shichima?” Ōi wondered, “He’s usually in your office.”
“The guy is busy, he told me he was going to sell truffles while it’s out of season, high prices and all.” Tezuka giggled. “That bastard is crafty I tell ya. Anyway, what are you here for?”
“Needle, remember?” Rembrandt spoke while pulling out the needle from his pocket.
“Oh yeah, needle. Got it.”
Tezuka ran behind his desk and pulled out his stylus, asking the rest of the group to come huddle near him. “RemRem, gimme the needle.” Rembrandt handed Tezuka the needle and Tezuka give the group a little smirk. “Watch this, Astro Boy!” Tezuka declared touching the needle using his stylus.
“Okay now give it five minutes.” Tezuka laughed.
Jiro nudged Saburo, “Hey, you’re not gonna get his autograph?”
“What?! Why, what for, I don’t need it.” Saburo angrily replied.
Kazuo held Saburo’s shoulder, “I’ll get it for ya, gimme the manga.” Saburo took one of the manga tankobons in his bag and handed it to Kazuo.
“Tezuka-sensei, Saburo right there is a massive fan of your work, can you sign this for him?” Kazuo asked in a rather relaxed tone.
“Sure? Why not! Where is he?” Tezuka asked Kazuo.
Kazuo pointed at Saburo who is currently hiding behind Jiro. “Just c’mere, I won’t bite yanno.” Tezuka giggled.
Saburo walked near Tezuka’s desk, “Yeah, sorry Tezuka-sensei. I . . . I really like your works but at the same time I’m afraid of saying something wrong an-“
“Relax my guy, if you need anything you can always ask me.” Tezuka cheerfully answered, “Here’s my signature, drew ya too as a bonus.” Saburo was giggling like a little kid, happily hugging his manga and stuffing it into his bag. “Don’t put yourself without merit, Saburo was it? I heard that name a few weeks ago at a small auction, your paper sculptures are interesting too yanno.”
“No problem, sensei.” Saburo smiled a little for once, a rare sight from a figure like him. Tezuka then looked over to the stylus, “Yeah, it’s not really much of a surprise, it’s not true metal it’s a conceptual item.”
“Conceptual item?” Yuko wondered.
“It’s a classification for items created by Talents instead of natural materials.” Rembrandt explains, “like how my mannequins aren’t made of ‘real’ plastics so to speak.”
Yuko nodded, “So someone was watching us while we were at the building?”
“By the look of things, that’s probably how it went.” Ōi chimed in.
“That sort of settles the case doesn’t it? We need to find a Talent user that uses needles.” Jiro asked Rembrandt.
“I guess, I’ll probably contact my higher up about this.” Rembrandt added, “I’ll do it tonight.”
“I can drive you guys back to Hokusai’s place if you need it, it’s been a while since I took Black Jack out for a spin.” Tezuka smirked.
“Why not?” Saburo answered happily.
“Well, alright then. Let me grab my stuff and we can go.” Tezuka have the group a thumbs up and left the room.
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