《Stop While You're Still Beautiful》1. Is it Fate or Maybe Even Destiny


The hunks of twisted metal rose above the water, towering over railing overlooking the ocean. They were just far enough away to not be threatening, the only bothersome were the creaks and groans escaping from the wrecks as the waves lapped at their sides. The waves were hungry for just another bite, but you could still see some remnants of the once great ships. Here and there a bow dared to stick out of the waves, it's great guns still trained high in the air. Each of the great warships had been reduced to a dull rusty brown, with some peaks of their former glory gasping for air as the rust slowly consumed everything in its path. These lumbering giants stood out from the cold winter sky, the kind of sky that looks like its ready to burst and dump snow on anyone unfortunate enough to be trapped outside.

"These Wrecks are Left Untouched as a Reminder of the Sacrifices Made in the name of Humanity."

These words dominated the top of the plaque that had wedged itself in between two rungs from the fence that separated the park from the ocean. Flanked on either side by tower viewers standing tall at attention. Benches were scattered about here and there for some much support as well. You could read off all the names, Invincible, Endeavour, Glory, Odin, but that got old after a while. Then you could get a close up of one of the gulls squawking away and count them up until you were sure you got them all, but that grew old after a while too. Every day the wooden pier rumbled as more and more feet made the noisy journey to the end of the pier, eager to get a look. But something that never grew old to watch was the people that made their way to edge of the pier to see the great scars that refused to be consumed and forgotten. There were always some characters here, most importantly some main ones.

There he sat, looking out at the wrecks with his hand glued to the side of his chin. The windows of the building not far off in the distance began to flicker and light up one at a time. The wind gently howled as it returned to the sea. There's something about that sea air that can send a shiver down the most hot-blooded person, but still, he sat, his hand still glued to right side of his face, the only thing glued to his left side was a few black hairs that had escaped from the left side of his plain black beanie. It was just about time to pack it up, as dinner waits for no man. Some like it hot, scratch that who doesn't like their food hot? Pizza is the only food up for debate here, so Colin was ready to release the brakes and take one giant leap for all of mankind.


Ah yes, there was the unmistakable sound of someone running down the pier, this was a popular running route, not that it would impact Colin, he wasn't much of a runner you see. So who would be running by today, a seasoned vet? Someone out of their element who finally decided to try running in order to "get back in shape" on a snap decision and now regrets trusting their slightly protruding gut? This right here is what adventure is all about.

Ok, this was not what he was expecting. This girl was not dressed for running. Her oversized teal sweatshirt hung slightly over her black skirt which naturally blended in with her black leggings. The white high tops that finished off the look did everything but scream "I love running."


She bounded towards the railing with a huge grin on her face, which was soon smushed into the tower viewer. She scanned out to the sea with the last remaining daylight slowly fading before she locked on a target. Her soles rose in the air as she cackled with glee, whispering between breaths, " I have you now."

She hopped down from the tower viewer on one graceful motion and extended her arm out towards the hunks of metal, her pointer finger outstretched with her thumb high to the sky. What is this the creation of madness?

Without lifting his hand from his face Colin spoke," What are you pretending to shoot the gulls out there or something? Aren't you a little old for that kind of thing?"

She spun around, and the hood fell down in that moment, revealing short shoulder length red hair and a pair of very focused hazel eyes.

Colin raised his hands, " Watch where you're pointing that thing will you." he said with a smug grin plastered over his face.

She lowered her hand with a small grin starting from the left side of her face to the right," How could this be? How could I have not noticed?" She pondered the question for a second before speaking again, " That was a close one." She let out a long sigh.

"Well anyways can you do me a favor and just get out of her boy, I've got some important business to attend to." She huffed out while turning back towards the water.

Now this struck a nerve, Colin had made this spot his own during the day, but it seems like during the night this place had another patron. " I'll think I'll watch actually," Colin said as he crossed arms, exposing the red pressure marks by his elbows. He had been sitting here for quite a while, what was a few more minutes.

She spun around again, " My name is Moira, Moira Greyvale. Remember it kid because if you're gonna stick around you're gonna see some serious shit. Just make sure you're sitting down for this."

Colin undid the brakes and slowly made his way towards the edge of the pier. The lights began to flicker on one by one as he made his way across the wooden planks. But it wasn't the familiar thump of feet. It was wheels. Colin let get of the outer grip of his wheelchair and said, "Don't worry sister sitting is my specialty." He gestured towards the unbuckled seat belt that hung down from the side of the seat. " I can buckle my seatbelt too if this isn't enough."

The lights of the building off in the distance extended from just the windows to the exterior, lighting the words " Northern Hope Rehabilitation Network" in large proud letters on the side of the building.

Moira bit her lip for a second and a big smile painted itself on her face. " Alright funny guy, you see that seagull out there?" She pointed far of in the distance. Colin squinted his eyes and strained and strained but the light wasn't enough.

" I can't see anything out there. How about that one over there?" he pointed at one of the birds that was perched a few meters away on the fence.

Moira let out a chuckle. " This will be too easy," She lifted her right arm once again, closed her left eye taking aim. The tip of her tongue stuck out from the corner of her mouth for a brief second. A bright blue sparkle erupted from the tip of her finger and jettisoned itself at the unsuspecting gull at a breakneck speed. The second it made contact it burrowed its way right through and kept going out to see lighting up the darkened sky. For a brief second, at just the right angle you could have seen the sun setting right through the clean hole that had now presented itself. The gull defeated let out an obnoxious last word before keeling over and falling into the drink with a satisfying Ker-plunk.


Moira had a wrinkled brow and a disappointed look on her face" Ok uh, that was just supposed to stun him for a second or two, but if anything can be learned from this its that I'm just too good at this sort of thing and that's why the spell was so powerful." The triumph smile returned as she worked her way through her choice of words. After seeing this spectacle Colin's eyes turned back to the plaque between the rails. The important part of plaque in this situation was the second set of writing, not the boldface at the top. In memory of all those who gave their lives in driving back the Magic Union. And now there was a young witch in front of Colin. Fight or flight? Which to pick. If only he has a choice right now. What was he going to do run over her foot? This girl had just blown a hole through a seagull. She seemed pretty cool with it. Cool was the M.O. right now. Visualize it. Just like that cool almost winter air. Deep breath. Just play it cool.

" I didn't think they were any witches left in the city, ya know after that whole war thing in all?"

" Oh we're out there but with the magic and all its pretty hard to find them, ya know? Not all of them are as clever as me." She said as the smell of extra, extra crispy gull hung in the air.

" But it's not all fun and games," she continued, " You have to keep an eye out for the investigators, those guys are a real stick in the mud." she droned on before her eyes lit up again. " Hey you've stuck around for a while, most people just run away and I gotta hit them with the old reliable, the memory zapper. I promise I'm really good at that one-"

Well, it's not like I can run away thought Colin. And how fitting she's good at the spell you need when you mess up. This should be good.

" But anyways since you're here, I have a question for you. Why are you here?"

Why was Colin there? At that moment? What had happened to him? Most people don't just fall out of the womb attached to the chair. That must be what's he wanted to know. Its what is always on their minds. But not all are as blunt like her. Moira Greyvale, with the candlestick, in the study.

Colin laughed as he spoke, " You see I must be the luckiest unlucky person alive, I won't be stuck to this seat forever, just for a while. I've got something called GBS, Guillain Barre Syndrome. One day I'll be able to walk and all that again." Colin paused, " But that day's not coming anytime soon."

Moira looked down at Colin so that their eyes met.

" Never heard of it." With a shrug of her shoulders. " Sounds like a pretty crappy roll of the dice though, that's something I know about."

Moira turned to look back at the setting sun. "Being a witch sucks major ass," Her foot lazily lurched forward nudging a rock off the pier.

" I just feel I've got a big cage around me, it's also pushing, pounding. I'm just stuck here with else to go, it's just me and my dad against the world. They'll never stop looking for us." Moira stood back up tall and delivered, " But they'll take me. It doesn't matter if I don't fit it with wizards or the working man, Pops and I will be fine."

Hm. Figured all the magic users with some sense would have gotten out of dodge after the end of the war. Granted, there wasn't much to go back too for either side. She wasn't wrong though, after the war ended, all sorts of wizards, witches, and magical beings had been hunted. Oil and water. They don't call this place the Last City just for kicks.

"Sounds like we both got dealt some crappy hands huh?" Colin Proposed.

Moira swung back around, her skirt matching her swift motion. " Why don't we team up? I'm in the market for a partner in crime around here. I need someone watching my back you never know when someone's gonna discover you or one of those pesky investigators is gonna turn up. How does the title." Moira leaned in closer," dark knight sound to you?"

Now this was rich. Comedy gold. Colin a knight. A dark one? Just like chocolate?

Colin gestured towards his chair, " Well I've already got my noble steed, she comes with a nice seat cushion too."

Moira laughed and said, " Don't worry I'll talk to my dad about it he's like the best wizard I know-" probably the only one too, thought Colin. " We'll come up with a spell and get you back on your feet, as long as you're with me."

Ah so now she's sweetening the pot. Colin's hand flew back to his cheek. This was quite the proposition. It was all before him, all that time sitting. Waiting. Watching. It was getting awfully old. He glanced back at Moira who had a big smile on her face, hands clasped together. She seemed normal enough, and if she could really use her magic to help him out. Colin thought back to the crispy gull at the bottom of the ocean. Ok maybe not her magic specifically but it sounds like this other guy had a head to go with his shoulders. It couldn't hurt.

" Alright I'll try this out just for a day." said Colin as he raised his hand with just one lonely finger. Moira jumped in the air. " YESSS" " I love transformation magic. Don't worry I'll bippity boppity boo you up some badass armor." Moira ran over and rested her hand back on Colin's shoulder.

" Woah Woah Woah what the hell was that." said Colin as he felt an odd tingling run down his shoulder.

Moira waved her hand, dismissing Colin's outburst " Don't sweat it I'll be back tomorrow once I shake down pops for some info on this kind of spell. Oh and that? Let's just say I wouldn't say anything about our meeting here or you'll be in a little trouble." She stopped walking and put her hand up with one finger extended, and with a very matter of fact look on her face said," A lady can never be too careful." as if she was repeating it from memory.

Did this bitch just curse me? I mean I get it and all if they find her they'll probably kill her, but come on. As long as she holds up her side of the deal I'll let her do whatever the hell she wants to. Thought Colin.

" Be back here tomorrow or else!!!" yelled Moira as she zoomed past the wooden path.

THUMP THUMP thump thump. And just like that, she was gone.

Colin sat there for a few seconds. Before looking at the time. Dinner was going to be cold tonight.

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