《BOOK 3: THE REVENGE OF ASMODEUS -- [a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series] VOL 1.3 OTHER-PERTH》Chapter 18: The Blood-Moon in the Sphinx
LATE-IN THE SUNDAY EVENING, Caroline in her Audi, reached The Walkers House, after her grocery shopping. While-as the electronic main-gate opened, she gazed at the oak-signboard that was hung by the architect late-husband, with the woodcarving…
‘The Walkers House’
The widow smiled to herself and felt ‘proud’ of Solomon had-taken some-ownership to ‘their’ family, when he was alive, more than 2 years ago.
She was ‘feeling’ tired on her Sunday-off-day – while had-a busy day of – church, gardening, hospital-visitation of the Wilsons… and finally grocery shopping of the week… for her boys.
Caroline came with 2 paper grocery-bags, into the front door. She saw Peter came running, and the one-armed son called-out…
“Mom, help-is on the way – I’ll grab you the rest, of the stuff from the car.”
“Okay… don’t drop it.”
While she was stocking-up the fridge, Peter plopped the heavy-bag with canned food on the marbled kitchen-counter, exclaiming-out…
“Hey, Mom-look – I ordered a veggo-pizza for the ‘both’ of us!”
Caroline saw 2 boxes of pizza-delivered sat on the counter, while Peter opened a still-steaming bigger box, to display an eggplant pizza.
“Hey, since you told me this morning that of our-rello, with some related disease-suffered died – as of ‘today,’ I decided to be a vegan too, like you Mom!”
‘Oh-boy… you won’t ‘last’ till tomorrow.’ The mother thought… as she smiled at him…
“I stopped eating meat only 5 years ago – before-that my-diet was the same-like yours too.”
“Oh-I-see… Dad was ‘around’ back then – what did he say, about you going vegan-green?”
“He said nothing – we were ‘not’ in speaking-terms then, just ‘like’ you and Poe are, right now.”
The mother responded with a tiring-sigh… while she was stocking the canned food in the closet.
Peter sulked…
… giving ‘her’ an evil-eye…
Peter set up 2 plates, to have their pizza on the IKEA table – and both mother-son’s attention caught the news on the telly – of the crime-report last night at the Wilson, where the dangerous-criminal Hajji was gun-shot wounded…
“Rah-Rah Janey’s Mom…! She clocked him good – but she should have GONE FOR THE ‘HEAD’… or-else, he will come-back for-the sequel like Thanos, in the Endgames.”
Both the son and inspector-mother laughed… before she replied…
“That’s what I hoped too – now I’m hoping for the next-best-thing, for Hajji to come-out in the ‘open’ to get treatment. My colleagues at the station were joking the other day that, he is using some kind-of voodoo-black magic, to hide for so-long in Perth.”
Peter was quiet a-bit, before saying…
“Which means… you wouldn’t be-coming for my rematch tomorrow, aren’t you, Mom…?”
“I will see, I don’t know what 'crime' tomorrow holds…”
“I will understand-Mom, ‘if’ you don’t come – your ‘priority’ right now, is to go and do your ‘Angie-Dickinson-Policewoman’ job-shift… and you ‘must’ catch this bloody-murder – who had cold-bloody-murdered that poor Maccas’ staff, in the dive-in shooting…or else, it wouldn’t be safe for me to eat there either, right…?”
“Hungry-Jacks… ‘not’ Maccas.” Corrected Caroline.
“Oh, my bad.”
Peter was quiet and in-thoughts…
‘What am I saying? Just SHUT-UP, BEFORE she ‘suspect.’
Peter and his twin had a tacit understanding of ‘what’ should be shared with their inspector-mom, with – while Poe’s were in-hiding his superhero identity – but Peter’s – was even dark and twisted…
… because it involved him KNOWING THE CRIMINAL HAJJI at the zoo-case which his mom was into – in-which, where he had ‘threatened’ the Black-man with his Babolat, but he let him escape from the law-enforcers who came to get him…
… WITH THE ‘BARGAIN’ of Hajji breaking his ‘dark-curse’ – which inflected ‘badly’ on him, since the Treeton-farm field trip.
Even-though… Hajji had FORGOTTEN HIS ‘PROMISE’ – but his mom should ‘not’ be suspicious of the deal made, in-association…
… just like the ‘talking bicycle slip-up he recently made… in the ‘Chinatown-Wong’s case’ – where Poe…
… then ‘HELD-HARD-STEADFAST-on’ – and was since… had ‘not’ been in talking-term…
“Have Poe eaten…?”
… Peter’s reverie broke, and he replied – and pointed at the smaller pizza-box…
“No, he’s still sleeping – I ordered-him a pepperoni.”
"... the poor boy -- let him sleep."
... Caroline nodded and saw her one-armed son standing up, and went over and dropped his plate into the washers. He was rubbing his belly, after only eating one slice…
“Mom, I need to go to my room – it’s the eggplant and the cheese nasty-mix – I would rather go-up to fart and stink-up, in my room upstairs…”
Caroline saw him racing upstairs – and noticed her younger son Paul was sleeping since noon since he came back, after overnight staying vigil with his girlfriend. She realized she went to 2 different hospitals on her off-day – where a moments ago…
… she and Ms King visited the Royal Perth Hospital where she met Shelley, whose husband was going through his heart surgery…but she did ‘not’ see the Wilson children, where the mother left them at home.
She did ‘not’ mention to Peter just now – that Jane’s father was going for his operation – although they spoke-of her mother had shot Hajji.
‘Should I wake him up?’
The last time Poe overslept was during the Perth Great Fire – where she woke him up that night… for a family-time dinner – when she cooked Spag-Bog for her boys – where later, that night…
… was when-Alicia was brutally-attacked, by the homeless-man ‘Jim Hatcher.’
‘Poor-Poe has gone through a lot – let him sleep it off…’
Still seated at the IKEA table, Caroline said a short-mental-prayer, for both Alicia Wong and Anthony Wilsons’ health recoveries. Feeling tired herself… she too went upstairs, after she switched off the kitchen lights and the telly.
AFTER TAKING A ‘DUMP’ IN HIS DUNNY – the one-armed Peter swore to himself, that he would never eat a-nasty vegan-pizza, ever in his lifetime. He popped-up some perk-up opioids…
… and went over to ‘focus’ in his business of his PFC-branding, of tomorrow’s rematch.
He was impressed that his ‘minion,’ Jason Lang had done a great job in promoting the event, happening in Stamford High, in Facebook – also, that YouTube viral video posted on the FB Page-of-PFC already have close-to 65K Likes – and Peter hoped that some-sports station ‘would’ send a TV crew…
… like the ‘telecast coverage’ that they did in the recent for the mayor's Challenge Cup.
‘Come-on, bloody bite-the ‘bait’ – when you-suckers ‘had’ swallowed hook, line and sinker, ‘like’ the last time… don’t you bloody want to give the thrill-and-spill to Perthians to see, ‘more’ of their fave ‘blind-school’ playing tennis… with her AI-assist.
‘Maybe they could interview Boyyo later – and ‘he’ will tell them, who had ‘first’ taught Jane how-to-play tennis, in the first-place – its ME – ‘not’ some ex-internationals, in some bloody fancy-rich country-clubbers!’
… he was pissed-mad after earlier reading, some ‘nonsensical’ comments on Facebook – that mentioned the 2 Connery-coaches, ‘had’ taught the blind-girl the game.
“Will you ‘sabo’ me tomorrow, Janey – since you ‘broke-up’ with me….? Well… it doesn’t matter anymore, cos’ I got my ‘own’ Plan-B in place…’
It was HIS COMEBACK VIDEO, of his robotic-arm… that he had tended to ‘leak’ with a fake-account in YouTube, to bring back his glory-years again – AS PETER 2.0…
… and this video of him wearing this mechanical-arm SHOULD BE ‘LAUNCHED’ TONIGHT…
… with hashtags linking to #PFCRematch…
Peter picked up his cellphone – and called his minion – instructing…
“Release the Kraken!”
AFTER HER DAUGHTER’S 4 HOUR NAP, Shelley woke her B-girl for her dinner. She was going to Royal Perth Hospital, where Anthony’s heart surgery which was due in 2 hours.
… Jane told, she wanted to follow her, but her mother told her ‘no’ – because…
… she would ‘not’ know how long the surgery would be, if it went-on overnight – furthermore…
… tomorrow was school-day…
… where she had her ‘big-rematch,’ later that day.
Shelley promised to call her-phone…
… when her father’s surgery was done.
Although it was Sunday, Shelley Wilson had told Lola, to come-over on her day-off – and take care of her children while she was away in the hospital for the evening. And, earlier…
… the housemaid came on a short-notice, and spent the whole afternoon…
… sweeping the broken-window glass, tidying the living room and – dumping the bullet-holed, broke telly at the Garbo outside.
Shelley even told Lola ‘NOT’ TO MENTION to her blind-daughter of the shootings, that had transpired last night… when Hajji came ‘again’ to kidnap her brother but failed…
… as it would ‘upset’ Jane’s PEACE-OF-MIND – and that-then…
… would affect her performance, of her coming rematch in school.
The blind-girl came downstairs… and was greeted by Lola, in the kitchen…
“Jane, I brought some fried pancit-canton noodles, that I cooked at my house – I will reheat it in the microwave.”
“Thank you, Lola – noodles would be great… I’m really hungry.”
Her mother brought her crying baby-brother, who sounded really-agitated and angry when they reached the kitchen. Shelley put the kid on the high-stool and left. In tears, Samuel was complaining to his blind-sister…
“Jane, Mom-bad-girl! Mommy shoot Popobawa-BANG-BANG-BANG – now, telly broken – no telly, no Jungle Book!”
The sister was confused…
“Lola… what is Sam fussing about?” And the Filipina fibbed…
“Ignore him… he is just cranky after his nap – he will be fine after I fix him-his milk-bottle.”
Shelley came downstairs dressed-up, to go to the hospital – and her son saw her, and was pleaded…
“Mummy-where-go…? I want follow…”
“No! Mummy-go-work – you stay-put, with your sister at home!”
Blind-Jane heard the Mazda leaving, with Samuel wailing-agro – she quickly ate her dinner, and ‘escaped’ to her bedroom… before she got a migraine.
She held tightly onto her baton-walking stick, sat at the edge of her Queen-sized bed – and cried-devo, thinking of her sick father in the hospital. Devastated… she was now ‘guilty,’ and she blamed herself, that Anthony had a stroke.
She had lost whomever she loved when evil had ‘cursed’ her – now…
… the latest casualty was her beloved father.
She was angry with Peter, for be the cause… of ‘welcoming’ this evil – into her life, since Treeton – that had been consuming ‘everything’ dear-to her, to its-now breaking-point. The blind-tween got off her bed…
… and swung her baton around – kicking high in her tracky-daks pants, doing the basic martial arts movements, taught by her BFF…
Blind-Jane visualized a mocking Peter, at her face…
… she struck her baton, at ‘him.’
Blind-Jane visualized BlackStar, shooting a fiery-tanno, at her face…
… she did a back-flip somersault, to avoid ‘it.’
Blind-Jane visualized a laughing Old-man Asmodeus, at her face…
… she knee-kicked ‘low-below-the-belt,’ at ‘him.’
CRIPPLED-PAUL WAS FULL-BLADDER, AFTER HIS 12 HOUR NAP – and he was ‘not’ wearing his diapers. He couldn’t take it… and would ‘wet’ his shorts. From his dark, windowless room – he saw the kitchen-light, from gap below-bedroom door, was dark.
Paul fast sprung-up from his bed, sped-levitated to the door to open it – to rush into the dark outside… to the common bathroom to ‘release’ himself – and was ‘relieved’ as he trickled, that his mother was ‘not’ there… to see him fly.
His neck was sore, after last night’s overnight staying with Alicia, where he slept ‘wrong’ in his wheelchair – that resulted in a nagging neck-ache. In the dark, he painlessly-as-possible, turned his neck to see the kitchen-clock, at 11:11 PM.
He did ‘not’ want-to turn the kitchen lights on.
Paul stomach rumbled, with his 12 hour-fasting-hunger pangs since the brunch Rueben sandwich at the deli – that he could eat-whatever a Red-demon ‘would’ gobble-and-devour…
… he was then blissed – to find ‘human-food’ on the kitchen-counter… in the form of pizza-in-the-box…
He was thrilled that it was a single-person, portioned pizza-box – it was ‘bigger’ than half-of full pizza, which he ‘usually’ had shared with his twin – well, it was 20% more serving – he ‘knows-this’… as he had done the gastronomical Math before.
At the IKEA table, he sat and gorger – the pepperoni-pizza although was cold… it didn’t matter – he had eaten ‘colder’ ones before, of leftovers pizzas from the fridge.
While eating his last piece, Paul looked outside the kitchen window, at the full moon in the dark skies…
… and thought of across-the globe, somewhere in Sphinx would-be the blood-moon soon, where later the evil-one would wear his ‘twin’s’ body like a diaper…
… and walk-and-piss-and-take-dumps in Perth… with mass-wider destructions.
In the dark… he recalled his ‘every’ nocturnal mission which he made before. And-now… he sighed deeply, as he felt down ‘useless’ and ‘helpless’ – when dawn came in a few hours-times, it was…
… when Disastrous-Monday would-be…
‘Where are you Mercury – the end-game is near?’
MERCURY WAS RACING IN THE DESERT SANDS, WHILE PAUL’S AURA was flying close behind him – the oriental Fu-dogs which both were guarding their master’s tower, with Blood of Peter hidden…
… were running at the opposite direction – to attack the invading intruders.
The limping bigger male-dog ran behind its mate – the-dog came with vengeance, because Mercury had injured him at the previous battle, a day ago.
The Red-demon anticipated from afar, the hell-hounds would-be attacks and-strategized – he shouted a warning call to the tween…
“OII-Good-one! You fly high – because those dogs spit venom, to paralyse their victims!”
“What about you…?”
“Don’t worry about me – I can ‘self-heal’… but – ‘not’ you-you WILL DIE…!”
Paul recalled him fighting the recent Ammit, in the forest-fires…
… Mercury was fatally-injured by the raging monster, but he survived – and healed-by regenerating, his punctured wounds.
… the hell-hounds reached them…
… and both canine beasts went for the Red-demon, who ran-on foot. He defended himself by hacking-hard at their snouts, with his flaming blade. Paul provided back-up and he electro-blasted them, from above…
… soon the one injured-eyed bitch spat a jet-stream of green-venom – the flying-cripple evaded… by flying-high.
On-below ground, Mercury battled the bigger biting male-dog… that dove, straight at him – the Red-demon eluded instantly by-hit the ground, while stab-and-impale its belly-from below. The creature was in pain but was relentless, as still kept-on attacking with near-miss bites – although with…
… its gut-intestines was hanging-loose, dragging in the sands… when it attacked...
… Paul dove below, avoiding the female’s poison, shooting-high in the air. He kept electrocuting the hell-beast… but the Fu-bitch could withstand the shocks… and it recovered fast.
Mercury somersaulted to dodge the gapping huge-jaws and landed on the mystical animal’s back – he stabbed his sword right-through, the base of its neck…
… killing Male-dog – which-fell, biting the sand.
After seeing… its fallen-and-dead mate, the one-eyed bitch ran-away – towards the Dark-tower, to protect its’ Master’s ‘asset’ – MERCURY-SAW THAT – and notice also that ‘the-foolish’ Paul, who was pursuing it…
He shouted warning…
“OII! TURN BACK! Don’t go after it… and DO SOMETHING stupid…! Your ‘powers’ cannot kill it…!”
Paul double-back as… a ‘team-player-who-listened’ – but he was traumatised. when he gazed at the near horizon… he hollered…
But… it was too late…
… Red-Mercury was JUMPED-SURPRISE FROM THE BACK, by 2 bat-winged-gorillas, which pinned the ally-demon… as they gorge-bit onto his shoulder and his neck… Paul stared helpless, at his ‘fallen’ partner…
… Paul panicked seeing more of a score of flying gorillas, in the near-horizon – they were strong and looking-brutal – and way-too-many of them – the most number, he has battled… was ‘only’ a winged-bull at the Aurora Australis, at the zoo…
‘If-this is Asmodeus’ Army – I’M DEAD…?’
Paul gawked further, seeing above someone, who controlled the army of menacing gorillas – he saw an old-hag in a Rhino flowing-cloak and a smaller-demonic man, also with batwings. The aura looked far beyond them, at the sunset…
… the ‘half-blood-moon’ was rising… at the Sphinx horizon.
“HEY-KID… some help OVER HERE!!!”
The blur and dazed crippled-tween saw more gorillas – were piling-up like… a rugby-game onto his demon-partner and pounding-on him. From above, Paul shot his electro blaster at a dozen of the beasts’ bodies, BUT THEY RECOVERED FAST… Paul then had a ruse…
‘Go for their heads – ‘not’ their bodies!’
Paul did an aerial 360 – shooting every apes in-the-head, to ‘stunt-daze’ them a bit – for giving a-big opportunity for Mercury, who could then – claw-back-up from below the scum-pile, to get out fighting – and strategize his next-battle of the end-game, of defeating the Old-man…
But since the Archangel St. Michael had opened the hex gate-of-entry to the Dark-tower – the AFRICANS ‘TOO’ HAD INVADED-IN – with BlackStar and her minion Popobawa, with his army of flying gorillas…
…. who had trespassed the realm…
… the Africans decided to attack the Dark-tower…
… for their personal interest – to get the Blood of Peter… for themselves, during the ECLIPSE OF THE SUN…
… happening ‘now’ at the ‘SAME’ TIME… IN THE dark African-continent…
… where it would affect the All-father’s ‘senses’…
… TO BE WEAKER, FOR A LITTLE MORE than 30 minutes.
… the AI had gone through the entire building floor, but ‘she’ could ‘not’ find an exit-door out…
… of Asmodeus’ Royale Grand-Palace Hotel.
Every corner the pinhead-sized orb went into, was a dead-end with many palace demon-guards – where it was ‘NOT’ POSSIBLE for blind-Jane to maneuverer for her escape – especially given the fact, her cursed-gift ‘superpowers’ DO ‘NOT’ WORK in the Underworld.
The blind-girl would then be recaptured and possibly ‘tortured’ – if Asmodeus did ‘not’ get TO ‘TASTE’ his last of his 666 brides…
… before he walked on earth… in a matter of a few hours later.
The minute-tiny SIMY went back to the ‘source,’ following bride #69-of the-countdown…
… into the honeymoon suite… while the groom-Asmodeus respired, and was taking a wine-break…
The King of Djinn was generous with his wedding-wine… and that led his bodyguards and door-guards to be half-drunk themselves – in their noisy celebration-moods with belly dancers entertainment…
… in the farewell celebration of their Master-groom… in his conquest later to walk on earth again, after hundreds of years.
Before the Evil-one proceeded to honeymooning his bride #69 – Asmodeus had-whispered to the Head-handmaid giving an ‘order,’ where the faithful servant obeyed – and she-went… to the corner of the antechamber…
… to ‘touch’ a secret panel, which opened a hidden door to the basement…
… SIMY perching in the chandelier-lighting… saw ‘that,’ and flew down…
… to follow the handmaid, secretly out-of-sight, from behind her – to a flight of stone steps in the dark…
The yellow speck of light…
… followed the one-eyed handmaid, into the belly of the basement, which was the dungeon – where SIMY heard the voices of the Virgo-sisters screaming, in pain and fear.
The only surviving Virgos were only Dora and Reita who were tied hanging, from a high vertical beam – the head-executioner Argovva the Butcher was barking at them…
“Talk now or else pay-the-price, with your pathetic lives – WHERE ARE THE TRAITORS Mercury and Venus ‘now’ at!!?”
Both the bruised-faced Virgo-rebels did ‘not’ tell him – which angered him more – and he roared out…
“Fine – HAVE IT ‘YOUR’ WAY – and you-suffer!!!”
Argovva wielded his long-machete across at Reita’s arms – it was a clean-hew-chop – the girl dropped on the floor below… with her severed wrists ‘still’ tied to the hanging ropes. Dora the eldest sister hollered to cried out… seeing her bleeding younger sibling…
… ‘without’ her hands.
The butcher took the passed-out Reina-up, by clenching her hair with his hand, dragging her – to the large table with a wooden chopping-board, and put the limbless girl’s head on it – while raising the bloodied machete…
… pointing at Dora…
“NOOO!!!” Shrilled Dora out…
The machete struck the board – the bloodied head rolled… and dropped on the dirty-floor.
“NOOO… you bastard, I WILL KILL YOU for this…” Swore the elder-Virgo…
The one-eyed Head handmaid came to the butcher – SIMY who had followed her looked shaken at the haired-cranium that was detached from the body. The AI cried digital-tears…
“Argovva! The Master sent me, to LOOK ON THE PROGRESS – have the bitches talked…? He is eager for the quick-news, of where the traitors are now before He walks the earth-realm.”
“I’m WORKING ON IT, wench…!”
“Be fast, you-incompetent fool – HIS PATIENCE IS WEARING THIN – before He executes His ‘own’ Head-executioner’s head – for-mediocre results given…!” The handmaid left.
The pissed-off, burly butcher tossed the machete… that struck-and-stuck on the wall – after the handmaid left the torture-room. The enraged demon came menacingly-up to the vertically tied-up last-surviving Virgo – cried-out profanities in mad-frustrations at her face, before using her…
… as a punching bag…
… Dora had several cracked ribs and passed-out…
“I will make-sure – YOU WILL TALK next!!!”
He too left the dungeon to go to the back – SIMY followed him…
… Argovva opened a heavy-backdoor and went outside, to light-up a cheroot. The AI peeked outside – and saw the back-alley street of Asmodeus Town
It was ‘what’ SIMY was looking for – a ‘perfect’ escape route, for blind-Jane…
… ‘she’ rushed up back-inside… and followed-up the stone-steps – back-to-the honeymoon-suite to strategize...
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