《BOOK 3: THE REVENGE OF ASMODEUS -- [a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series] VOL 1.3 OTHER-PERTH》Chapter 16: Jane Wilson Goes Underworld [Part 3]
HAJJI CAME-OUT FROM HIS HIDING, that Saturday night. He was dehydrated and stopped by to a Vietnamese convenience-store to-buy bottled water, before proceeding to his ‘mission’ for tonight…
… which was to procure his ‘mother’ a HUMAN SACRIFICE – IN THE EVE of the full blood-moon of the Sphinx.
The Nigerian came out in the dark of the night, to avoid detection by the law – feeling they would ‘not’ catch him too, since he grew his facial hairs long, that changed his recognizable looks from his mug-shot – with the ‘ruse’ like-the-time, when he chopped his long dreadlocks, in favour of his man-bun, which CHANGED HIS APPEARANCE, since the failed zoo-mission.
Hajji was on a lookout too for 2 big dogs, that were ‘hunting’ him – but he was ‘ready’ for them, with his 2 guns – which he carried close-with him.
In the store, his heart skipped-a-beat, when he saw a Jane-look-alike, with dreadlocked blond hair, walking in with her teenaged-boyfriend. It reminded him the-time recently…
… when he had used his Blackmagic powers and TRANSFORMED HIS ‘SOUL’ to the transformation into the black panther – and attacked-the blonde-blind-girl – who later had ‘hurt’ him – with her ‘own’ cursed-powers, when she shot him twice, with fiery-bolts.
But he managed to ‘bite’ her dog – and infected it, with the viral-venom of Popobawa – and the same ‘mad’ alpha-dog, was now…
… coming for him ‘relentlessly’ since…
… for its vengeance…
Hajji stood behind the teenagers at the check-out counter, with his big litre-and-half, bottled water. The teenagers bought snacks, and while the Vietnamese woman was ringing-up on the cash-register – they were talking about going to see the ‘blind-girl’…
… playing a rematch tennis-match… at her Stamford High school.
Being off the online-grid, of ‘not’ owning a cellphone, since running away and hiding – Hajji had NOW INFORMATION OF HIS ‘ENEMY,’ when he would pay a visit to the school, that coming Monday…
… for his ‘OWN’ VENGEANCE, to ‘off’ Jane Wilson…
… permanently, from her existence.
JANE WAS LETHARGIC ALL-EVENING LONG, despite having her nap, after her tennis training that morning, at the John Blake’s Country-club. She tried to study her Science-subject for a coming class-test, after her nap… but failed to keep-focus due to the muscle-sores and mental tiredness, due-to her low fitness-level lately.
She decided to study-fresh tomorrow morning with her Boyyo-guide, ‘after’ a good-Saturday-night sleep.
Her mother called her downstairs for dinner, where she sat with her mother and brother –and enjoyed every bit of the BBQ prawn-shrimps… one of her favourite dishes – which Lola had prepared for them before the house-keeper drove back home.
After feasting her gastronomic pleasure, of her a full, good-meal – Jane limped over, to ask her doctor-mother for some ‘meds,’ for her muscle-soreness relief. Shelley gave a stronger pill for ‘it,’ that…
… would knockout ‘2-B-Girls’…
… because she found her daughter was ‘not’ taking proper-care of herself by resting well, with her ‘busyness’ in activities of school and sports.
The mother saw her B-girl obediently, staggering upstairs, to go to bed. She saw the clock at 9:20 PM – and shook her head in displease, to little-Samuel, who after dinner who had switched onto his ‘The Jungle-Book’ obsession.
She scolded him when he refused to switch the telly off, and go upstairs to sleep, like his sister. When her son argued with her, she rebuked that the boy… was pig-headed, like his ‘father.’ The mother threatened that she would sell-away the television and ‘other’ scary intimidations – if he doesn’t ‘listen’ to her ways – before literally dragging the crying boy, to go to sleep.
Upstairs in his room, was ‘Part 2’ of the mother’s nightmares – of trying to get him sleep. She wanted to be like her FB-friends who read a storybook, to their children to slumber-land – but ‘not’ Samuel, who hated books.
She even bought him a picture-story-book of – The Jungle Book, and-he hated that too – because it was hand-drawn-cartoon ‘not’ real-life-pictures – which the animals were ‘not’ moving like the DVD, that his Dad bought him – after seeing his son’s first obsession long ago…
… for documentaries like Animal-Planet.
Her son hated cartoons too – and never watched animations like Tom & Jerry, and the likes…
But her B-girl was the opposite, Jane loved her storybooks – and was a bookworm, when she was in her former school for the blind, where she was busy using her ‘hand’ to reading storybooks – where the mother scolded her before when she caught her blind daughter ‘not’ sleeping but reading in the dark, at one-plus-AM, on school-nights. Under her dark-glasses, her B-girl then had eyebags and always yawned in public, due to lack of a good-night sleep.
After getting her first AI from her uncle – she was into audiobooks and listened to the classic literatures like Alice in Wonderland, and the likes…
Finally, Shelley had put Samuel to sleep, by singing him ‘contemporary’ lullabies – of classic pop and rock-ballads…
… like Stairway to Heaven, and the likes…
The mother had a ‘me-time’…
… in her bedroom with her Huawei, by-surfing on Facebook, drinking her nightcap of a glass of red wine. Her husband was STILL-AWAY ON his business expo-trip and would return tomorrow, and probably he would come to see, his daughter playing tennis on Monday…
… that was HYPED IN PERTH’S social media scenes…
... where ‘their’ blind-daughter was the centre of attraction.
In her Facebook-feed, the photo of Jane’s mixed-double, which she had-posted and promoted had RECEIVED GREAT ATTENTION among friends and strangers with ‘lots’ of likes, comments and shares, wishing her-Jane the best in the court, playing tennis with her AI.
The mother was pleased with her Perth’s ‘SUPERSTAR’ DAUGHTER in her timeline – and she once more ‘paid’ ads online to boost her post-again.
Hardly an hour of sleeping, Samuel woke up to a bad-dream nightmare – of his mother gave away…
… his The Jungle Book DVD to Johnny…
… a boy in their neighbourhood… whom he knew and played with before…
… he then…
… crept silently in the dark, and noticed his mummy was still-up… with the lights-on beneath her bedroom door.
Samuel was still-angry with… his mother – and ‘Johnny’…
… he wanted to CHECK OF HIS ‘PRICED’ POSSESSION, if was there or ‘not’ – but…
… he needed to check ‘IT’ PERSONALLY for himself, downstairs…
In the dark…
… the little-boy, stepped on one step-a-time, holding the bannister into the gloomy living room. He reached the foot of the stairs, and raced in the dark, to the telly…
… and was relieved, that ‘his-preciousss’ was there – instead of-be ‘given’ to Johnny.
Samuel put the TV-REMOTE TO ‘MUTE’ – and there it was the obsessed show…
… he was so mesmerized with – he sat goggle-eyed in front of the big-screen, on the cold-marbled floor.
Behind the curtain, EMERGED HAJJI – putting a friendly face, creeping-up on the Black-boy…
The boy turned his head, to see a familiar face of the ‘past’ – Samuel was excited to see him, and pointed at his ‘show’ on the screen…
“Popobawa coming!”
Hajji had-to shush him…
“Yes, my sweet-Kenyan-boy Jaheem… yes, Popobawa is ‘indeed’ coming – come… let’s go see Popobawa – Monkee-Monkee…”
On her bed…
… Shelley was distracted from her Huawei… when she heard indistinct faint ‘voices’ from downstairs….
… was it Anthony …or was it an intruder…?’
But she did ‘not’ hear the-Mercedes…
… worried, she got off the bed, went to her handbag…
… and pulled out her Glock-34 handgun – to make sure, that is was…
… an intruder and – she needed to ‘protect’ both of her children from any danger…
Quietly, she opened the room-door, and peeked out – her hand trembled, as she raised the heavy-metal piece…
… which she had ‘not’ had a-day of-training, in the gun-range…
‘… hope, it’s ‘not’ Anthony…’
She crept at the top…
… of the stairs – and heard a deep man's voice – which was ‘not’ of Anthony’s. She went midway and stopped… to the glaring lights of the telly, in-mute.
Shelly was lucky that The Jungle Book’s daytime-scene was showing, at that precise moment – and Shelley Wilson peered at the tall black man's silhouette in the luminous…
… and he was crouched… ‘convincing’ her little son in the dark, who was seated on the floor…
“Come-Jaheem – we see Popobawa ‘out’ there…”
“No! Popobawa here, ‘not’ there!”
Her son argued – and did ‘not’ want to follow the man. Shelley lift-up her Glock. and shouted aloud…
Hajji was surprised by her, and didn’t expect what had hap-next – when the mother shot trice – 2 stray shots hit the television – and the lucky 3rd bullet hit his shoulder. Hajji cried out in pain…
… together with, the shrills of the frightened boy of the deafening bangs…
… the living room was now-dark, minus the TV’s glare – Shelley called out Samuel’s name, when she heard him crying aloud, in the murk.
Injured, Hajji hid in the shadows and pulled out his 2 guns, and he then fired back at the stairway. From his narrow-angle, he did ‘not’ hit her – but Shelley saw the burst of yellow-flames of gunshots…
… coming from the direction of the closed-curtained window…
… the mother then unloaded the entire clip of the Glock – and sounds of shattering glass was heard, in the gloom. Hajji then dashed out of the front door, slamming it close.
… the Nigerian scaled the front-automatic gate, got on his motorcycle and sped off.
The trembling mother hugged her crying son, hearing the crying Samuel – her son stood-up, and then-angrily punched her arm…
… pointing at his broken telly, with bullet holes…
“Mummy you-bad… why you ‘kill’ Popobawa!!? Why…?”
Shelley switched on the house-light – hearing perpetrator had ESCAPED IN A DISTANCE, after failing the 2nd time, to abduct her adopted son.
She looked around at the damages in the living room with the busted telly, holes in the curtains with broken-glassed windows behind – and…
… was shocked at the bullet-holes chipped at the wall behind the staircase…
… which was ‘meant’ to kill her, leaving…
… her children orphaned, without their mummy.
Shelley then called the police, and reported the crime, at the Wilsons.
The mother was surprised that Jane was in deep-sleep, throughout the loud-shooting ordeal – with the strong medication that she had taken – and the mother was glad her ‘blur’ B-girl was ‘not’ there – and get caught in the cross-fire.
She then called her husband who was out of town, and informed ‘what’ had just happened in their house. Anthony who was entertaining some clients at a bar-restaurant was totally shocked … and informed his wife, that he was driving and coming back to Perth, right away.
Shelley saw the Glock handgun in her hand, and was whole-heartedly glad that she bought it – despite the initial protest from Anthony, to take it back to the gun-store…
… the weapon came in handily tonight…
… when she risked her life, in protecting her both innocent children.
UPON REACHING HIS HOTEL, the intoxicated Anthony Wilson told the front desk that he was checking out – and requested a bellhop to be sent to his room in 15 minutes, to carry his travel-baggage and small furniture-samples from the expo, to his Mercedes Benz.
Shelley’s phone call earlier was playing in his head – over and over – with the thought of Hajji returning to his house again, to abduct his son was overwhelming, when Anthony went up to his room, to pack-up…
‘…what if that criminal ‘had’ taken-my boy?’
The massive stress ‘got’ into his-head – and the middle-aged Anthony collapsed in his room floor, clutching tightly to his chest – with a heart attack, and suffered a neuro-stroke too.
The bellhop sent to the room… later-found the hotel-guest of #606…
… had collapsed on the room floor – the staff…
… notified the hotel security, who called-in for the paramedics.
THE AURA AND THE HOLOGRAM WALKED to the entertainment district downtown, to reach the Zodiac Street in the Underworld, where there were 12 zodiac-clubs…
… catering the fancies, of the dead-from earth – when they transcended to their ‘new’ realm… to live-in for eternity.
The blind-aura was feeling weaker by the moment…
“Jane – what’s wrong? You don’t seem to be well.”
“I don’t know, SIMY… I’m feeling ‘really’ sleepy…”
“Stay with me – stay ‘focused,’ Jane – but…
… if you sleep right now, YOU WILL GO BACK TO EARTH, and would not’ get to complete your ‘mission’ – then, it would be ‘tomorrow once’ again-where – you meet your talking-dog who would guide you ‘again,’ back to me at the ‘other-side-loop’… DO YOU WANT to GO TO SLEEP, JANE…?
“… It’s okay to fall asleep – we can complete your mission tomorrow…”
“No-SIMY… I need to meet… Mother of Virgos ‘now’ … need to ‘rescue’ Peter… he is possessed…” Saying the aura, releasing a series of yawns…
The aura was ‘NOT’ AWARE – the ‘host’ had taken-a strong dose of her meds – which knocked-her-out cold, on earth…
They both reached ClubVirgo with a big-woman bouncer, at front of the entrance-front – the hologram of Shelley read the ‘sign-board,’ and the AI exclaimed-out digital-curses…
“What’s wrong, SIMY?” Asked the blind-aura.
“It says ‘Patrons should be 18 for admission’ – but Jane, you are an-underaged 12-year-old…”
“Oh-no Simy… what should we do…?”
The tall woman-bouncer in tuxedo-attire overheard them – she approached and spoke…
“No worries – you can enter, it’s ladies ‘only’ night tonight – you girls, let your hair down, when in there.” The big-dyke chucked.
They both thanked the bouncer, and entered a mirror-cube portal – that took them to the interior of the establishment…
In the vibrating mirrored cubicle, that was ‘travelling’ – blind-Jane felt nauseous – with a sudden transformation undergoing from ‘inside’ of herself…
… she noticed she was growing taller and bigger – and the dress she wore got tighter and shorter, like her tennis skirt…
“SIMY! WHAT’S HAPPENING to me!!?” Cried the blind-girl.
“I don’t know – Jane, you are somehow, ‘had’ ridiculously GROWING TO BE AN 18-year-old…”
“How is that scientifically possible?”
“This is the Underworld-realm – NOTHING MAKES SCIENTIFIC-SENSE over here.”
“Oh-my-Gawd, I’m-blind… HOW DO I LOOK…?”
“You look ‘more’ like your daddy – with big-sized-boobies… like you Mummy.”
Embarrassed, Jane held her arm across the chest, to cover her grown ample-breasts – and with her other hand, was pulling her dress down to cover her still-growing bottoms.
The portal door opened, the shamed blind-girl ran out, bumping into patrons in the venue, with the hologram calling from the back. The Millennium techno-music was thumping in-its mass-loudness, with thousands of cheerful voices in glee, which-hit at-once at the blind girl's senses –when Jane noticed that her 3rd-eye wasn’t functioning at-all since, she stepped into the Underworld. The pounding bass-vibrations of the music was making her sick.
In a circular stadium… with a huge and towering, marble-Venus real-life statue, that stood-nude at the end of the auditorium… and it was swaying her ‘hips’ to the wild rave-party – happening in the foot of the statue’s feet.
At the background of the statue was the 3D painting of The Birth Of Venus – with ‘moving’ nude with long golden-hair standing on a big scallop shell in the Mediterranean Sea… blown ashore from behind by the winged, god of wind Zephyr, whose arms carried Chloris, the flower nymph… who threw out white roses – with Lady Hora of Spring who stood, waiting at the shore, of the isle of Milos, with a rich red-cloak in her hands, to cover the goddess’ nakedness.
The Shelley-hologram was amazed, marvelled, and mesmerized of the ‘magic’ of artworks, which was coming ‘out-alive’ in the Underworld– where the-art was-tossing roses onto the feet of marbled grooving-to-the-music statue…
… but ‘not’ impressed… of the depravity of patrons on-the dancefloor…
Thousands of naked and scantily dressed young girls were partying wild… like there was no-tomorrow – under the influences of drugs and binged drinking…
… and those were the-souls, of young Virgo-girls who died on earth… and ended up in the Underworld…
… either by their fatal accidents, drug-overdoses, murdered… and suicide.
The AI was disgusted at their untamed and unimaginable behaviours on the dance-floor – acting feral and un-lady-like… of cursing and brawling, among themselves into girl-fights.
Some were too intoxicated in their-senses, and dropped like flies on the floor, vomiting. Angry huge-women club staff picked the fallen ones… and placed a puke-bucket around their neck – and carrying scores of them, before dumping the passed-out girls in the exit-backdoor alley.
“SIMY, what is happening here… I can’t see?”
The AI thought a bit before responding to Jane…
… trying to ‘protect’ the mind…
… of a 12-year-old ‘trapped,’ in a body of 18-year-old…
“Nothing-much daughter, just plenty of girls who-wanna-have-fun dancing and partying – come Jane… let’s go ask the bartender – and-ask if she knows where to find this Mother of Virgo.”
They both reached a long-bar that was overcrowded with Virgo-girls ordering their drinks. The seated ones at the bar-high stools, were kissing passionately onto each other. One drunk soul wearing a tiny-shorts was passed-out sitting… while urinating on herself.
The burly-butch behind bar-counter, with tattoos of pink reversed-hearts teardrops, in both her cheeks, asked Jane…
“What’s your ‘poison’ honey?”
The Shelley-hologram intervened…
“No drinks… and-whatsoever for her – she’s underaged.”
The blind-girl grinned…
“Yes, 18 on the outside, but 12 in-inside…. but Ma’am, I want to ask you – where can I find the Mother of Virgos?”
The bartender called out to the girls gathered in front…
“Go fetch Do-Re-Mi... tell them that, the ‘in-betweener’ is-in the house ... finally...”
A few excited girls ran with her instruction, while the rest of the Virgos were surrounding Jane as they were in bliss, in the presences of a celebrity-visitor. One gleeful girl said-out…
“It’s the Cursed-blind-Virgo from the earth, visiting us ... how-awesome!”
“Is she really blind? I have a brother-Eric on earth now, who is blind too, who ‘sends’ me his-regards whenever he ‘thinks’ of me.” Said another drunken lass.
“Cheers! She is going to be ‘our’ saviour!”
“Hail, Jane the Virgin!”
The inebriated girls gathered chorused aloud, lifting their glasses. Some kissed and hugged her.
“Jane, your reputation precedes you – you are EVEN WELL-KNOWN in the Underworld too!”
The blind-girl was tongue-tied… and she grinned wide, blushing.
Behind her were scores of girls coming-up, and accompanying the ‘triplets’ known everywhere as Do-Re-Mi – whose real names were Dora, Reita and Mira…
… who were identically dressed in black bikers’ garb, with emblems of ‘REBEL VIRGOS’ behind their jacket, which the 3 wore.
“Come O’ Blind-one ... we will take you to ‘Mother.’” Said their leader, Dora.
Outside the ClubVirgo…
… were 3 super-bikes of the gang Rebel-Virgos. When they went to the vehicles, they were confronted by a rival biker gang of the Neo-Nazi kind. 2 notorious male demon-members, hipster-teens who were serial date-rapists – that-were covered with horrific facial tattoos, huge bull-nose rings and Mohawk-cut haired…
… and-were drunk – with their quarter-booze bottles.
And, the Nazis stopped them…
“Where you all go with the ‘fresh’ meat, Virgos?” Asked Dinuuk.
“It’s an in-betweener, a genuine-rare to find breed…! Where did get such fine creature here, in the Underworld…?”
The leader Morku corrected his partner-in-crime and was trying to touch Jane.
Dora pulled the blind-girl behind her – and instantly all 3 of the Rebel-Virgos triplets flipped out their switchblades, to protect their priced ‘visitor.’
“’ Not’ today ... take a hike, Morku... I know ‘what’ you bloody-2 have-been up to, by preying on the weaker my Virgo-sisters – by raping and disfiguring them!”
“Hey-I’m not talking to you Virgo-bitches – but to your ‘friend’ over there – hey, sweetie, wanna party with us – we got the good ‘stuff’ to-get high and you will regret it, if you don’t come – and we are itching too, had we ‘not’ an in-betweener in a long time.”
“I’m WARNING you! BACK-OFF MORKU!” Dora shouted.
“Bah! Why can’t we ‘not’ – ‘not’ all Virgos are virgins!” Morku smashed the booze bottle down.
Blind-Jane spoke-up, out of the sudden…
“Excuse-me, I’m a virgin…”
Both the demons laughed in disbelief… at the voluptuous-figured Jane...
“Yeah, right…”
SIMY looked across the street – and a big-bird was coming out from The Taurus Club…
“Why did… the peacock crossing the road…?”
“Bloody-shit – ITS ARGUS…!”
Both the gangs dispersed when the surveillance peacock fanned its feathers – of 1000-eyes looking and monitoring… from its plume-feathers…
... LOOKING OUT for any disturbance and danger – in The Kingdom of Underworld. It will notify to the army-guards if it spotted ‘trouble’ in the streets.
The Rebel-Virgos got on their motorbikes, with Jane… and they sped off…
… with hologram SIMY transforming into a yellow orb…
… and it flew above them.
“WHERE WERE YOU BLOODY ‘HIDING?’ PERTH IS DANGER, with the coming of the Evil-one!”
At the gates of Nirvana…
… the infuriated Paul’s aura questioned the Red-demon who had been M.I.A. since their Ammut-Ammit mission. The cripple’s ‘mistrust’ had annoyed the horned-Mercury…
“Bah! You can’t bloody summon me like some Abrahamic genie-in-a-bottle – that’s ‘not’ how it works! And, yes… I had been hiding from the Old-man’s soldiers and bounty-hunters – but-boy, I have gotten us some sweet-Intel to work on, to screw-up Asmo’s grand-bloody plans!”
“… huh? What Intel…?”
“The Blood of Peter, your twin – I know ‘where’ it is – so, are you coming, O Good-one?”
The friendly-neighbourhood-of-realms horned-demon… ‘chant’ a spell– placed the palm of his clawed hand… onto the Paul’s aura’s forehead…
… they were then instantly transported to Egypt.
THE 3 MOTORCYCLES’ HEADLIGHTS BEAMED INTO the dark forest of Central Park of the Underworld – which was AKA the Devil’s Playground. From up above…
… SIMY-in-an-orb form flew and was shadowing the Rebel-Virgos taking blind-Jane – into some unchartered terrains, where the AI also night-visioned… some crawling-beings tailing the bikes, from a distance…
… SIMY saw ahead of the white-neon glowing Cube of Apollo, deep in the forest, and ‘she’ sped ahead… before the bikes. She turned into Shelley-hologram upon reaching the magical-portal, and waited a moment, for the Rebel-Virgos’ arrival… in their vehicles, with Jane.
The AI ‘thought’ her-visual-algorithm had ‘malfunctioned,’ when seeing 4 18-year-old-‘Janes’ getting off the bikes – and then-used her ‘unscientific-logics’ to decipher, that the realm’s Rebel-Virgos biker-gang were ALSO SHAPE-SHIFTER – and had ruse the identity of Jane, for-protection of their precious ‘asset’…
And, before long, except for the 3rd Jane – the rest on the walking girls morphed-back into Do-Re-Mi…
The leader Dora spoke to the blind-girl…
“Mother is ‘not’ here... and she’s had been on-the-run, and escaped the Underworld ... because Asmodeus is-after her, for helping the Red-demon, Mercury...”
Jane interrupted her…
“…oh-yes, I ‘know’ Mercury…
“… he helped us-before, to put-out the Great Perth Fire caused by Ammut and her monster Ammit and we defeated them both too – and since then… Mercury ‘had’ disappeared… do you know ‘where’ he’s at, Sister-Dora – coz’ Paul is desperately finding for him…?”
“No, we don’t know where the Red-demon is, and we don’t even know where ‘our-own’ Mother-Venus is-at too... but she left a ‘doppelganger’ of herself... to meet you inside...
“... please Sister-Jane, Argus had ‘spotted’ us ... and would before-long, Asmodeus will know ‘you’ are here in-his realm... and the Evil-one will come to get you too...
“...just take Mother’s good instructions... and ‘we’ leave fast, okay...?”
The 3 Rebel-Virgos, a-blind-girl… and the hologram entered the portal Cube...
On the ‘other side’…
… was a rich and lush greenery jungle of bright colourful flowers, plump hanging-fruits and animals of wild and tame, living in harmony. The Virgos saw Venus playing with her ‘children’ – who were thousands of babies of all skin colours. The toddlers have wings …
… and they were flying around playful, in the lively garden.
Dora pointed at the hologram, and instructed…
“’ You’ stay here with my sisters ... MOTHER’S MESSAGES are for the Blind-one ‘only.’”
SIMY watched Dora taking Jane by her hand to the nude Goddess Venus, who was now singing an ancient, joyful Roman-song – and was dancing to the tune, where an orchestral-section of babies… were playing, their tiny harps and flutes.
“Where is this place?”
“This is the ‘Garden of Eden’... the birth-place of the ‘first’ man and woman.”
“Who are those ‘flying’ babies?”
“They are still-birth babies whom Mother had-adopted when they died in lower earth-realm... now this place is also called the ‘Garden of Cupids,’ replied Reita.
“Mother too ‘loans’ her babies out once a year, to that Abrahamic-saint... during ‘Lovers-Day’ on earth,” Mira added.
The AI saw Mother Venus had stopped singing– and was approaching the 2 teenagers, with hordes of babies following behind her.
… the nervy blind-Jane was meeting The Mother of Virgos for the ‘first’ time, as she was wanting to make a good-first-time impression, which her doctor-mother had drummed into her – that being ‘polite’ only was ‘not’ enough – her ‘appearances’ too counted…
… but it was ‘not’ working for the current ‘girl’s dress’ which she had outgrown and was wearing now – which was also tight and short, as she had grown taller – and the self- conscious blind-girl was in a dilemma when she pulled the skirt down to cover her mooning-bottoms, but her bosoms were jumping-out from the top.
“Mother, this is my Sister-Jane.” Dora introduced.
The delighted Mother of Virgos, hugged Jane tightly… and kissed her cheeks.
“O my daughter... I have so-wanting to meet you... and here you are, finally.”
The blind-girl responded the hug – but cringed, by discovering that Venus was naked. Next came, the flying babies hugging and kissing the blind-girl too – which reminded her of Samuel, her baby brother.
Jane wished her 3rd-eye superpowers would ‘have’ worked in the Underworld – but sadly it doesn’t – coz’ Paul had mentioned that she was the most beautiful woman in the universe, whom he had met himself before in his ‘own’ astral-adventures.
“The King of Djinn is now preparing himself for HIS 2ND COMING ‘TOMORROW’... but tonight is his wedding-rituals WITH HIS NEW-BRIDES, where he would satisfy his lust and after honeymoon copulation...
“... that would give-instant birth of his new-generals sons – where the strongest ‘one’ would then succeed his throne, here in the Underworld, when he is ‘gone.’
“The All-Father has the AURA-SOUL OF THE CHOSEN-ONE Peter’s locked-up, in the dungeon-basement of his penthouse – where he would use the ‘vessel’ to walk on earth tomorrow when the blood-moon sets in Egypt.
“My daughter, GO TO PAUL AND MERCURY – they both are now in Egypt – where the Blood of Peter is hidden – and ‘only’ you possess the destined-power to DESTROY THE BLOOD-VIAL – and to set Peter’s soul ‘free,’ from the clutches of the Evil-one.
“Please DON’T GET CAUGHT in the Underworld... and I’ll pray to Apollo for your safety.”
Venus then instructed Dora…
“Please take your Blind-sister to Echo Tunnel, where A PORTAL AWAITS her, to take her to the Land of the Pharos... please my daughters, these are dangerous times... be safe out there, all of you...!”
All of them stepped out of the Cube of Apollo, and Venus navigated her magical-portal that blasted into the night skies, from the forest of Central Park of the Underworld. Blind-Jane got on Dora’s motorcycle, as the Rebel-Virgos were heading to Echo Tunnel…
SIMY turned-back into the orb…
… and flew ahead.
The 3 super-bikes sped on the dark path of the woods, with the yellow-lighted sphere leading them, up-above.
SIMY saw some disturbance ahead – the small-sized reptile creatures were fleeing from some menacing ‘predators’ that approached – and the AI zoomed ahead…
… to see ‘who’ was coming…
The AI was horrified when ‘she’ saw the-coming of an army of Sagittarius-demon horsemen … wielding spiked-clubs in their hands, galloping fast and fanning-up to cordon the forest ahead…
…. to trap Jane and the Virgos. SIMY wished she was built-up in defence-weapons mode – that would laser enemies on the ground, like an aerial drone – but too bad, she-was ‘not.’
… SIMY double-back a U-ie to warn the coming teenagers, who was heading to the ensnare…
“Jane, turn back! The Army is coming!”
But the horsemen were the 2nd wave…
… earlier, when peacock of Argus reported that there was a breach – by the Blind-one of the Cursed-trio – into the Underworld in Zodiac-Town – and…
… one of the smart-general of Asmodeus-army had DEPLOYED A SMALL GROUP of militias ahead first…
… for reconnoitring – and set the ‘traps.’
The girls on their bike panicked, after hearing SIMY’s warning cries – but kept on ahead into the danger-zone – they were thrown off high from their bikes, crashing on the cord-cables, stretched-long and tied-onto 2 trees as-barrier. When the Virgos hit the ground, hiding demon-militia came out in the open, with war-cries… to capture their confused preys.
At the pathway trail, Dora grabbed blind-Jane’s hand… and they ran left into the dark woods. Her sisters too ran on-foot at the right-side of the forest… separating from their leader-sister, fleeing away from the chasing demons...
The Virgos ran into the arms of a 2nd danger – where hiding demon with net… who-came out and hurling the mesh over, at the frightened girls.
Hovering above…
… SIMY LOOKED HELPLESS – where she was a refugee in the Underworld … and if she was ‘seen’ helping the Virgos, she would be hunted too…
Discreetly, the ‘outsider’ AI ‘shrunk’ to-size of-an-atom…
…and followed the captured Jane.
Soon all the 4 Virgos were bound-tied – where…
…. only Dora had put up a fight – to defend and protect the ‘asset,’ but was knocked-out cold easily, by a clubbed demon.
All the bound and gagged girls were transported, on the army of Sagittarius horsebacks…
… back to their-master demon’s domain, who was in the middle of his honeymooning rituals…
… with his horde of young-brides in his penthouse – of The Royale Grand Palace-Hotel, in Asmodeus Town.
Born for the Apocalypse [LITRPG]
The apocalypse arrived without warning— First Contact? Check. Eldritch horrors? Yup. Magical Powers? Of course. Welcome to a new, twisted world where the only remaining law was that of the jungle— where the weak perish and the strong prosper. Not all were fit or able to survive in the new world, but for Jack Fletcher, Doomsday Prepper, it turned out to be simple. After all, he was born for this. Updates: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday Time: 11 am EST [Eastern Standard Time, Timezone: USA].
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School-life & Swordfights: A Clubs and Stubs Tale
Warning: Clubs and Stubs contains strong language and situations throughout that may not be suitable for younger readers. "This story takes place in a fantasy world with a modernish setting. It mainly follows four students of Hardires High School who are members of one of the greatest Team Arena Squads in the history of gladiatorial school athletics. Already two-time high-school world champions, they have entered their fourth and final year of high school in hopes of capturing a third straight world championship—something that no other school on the continent has accomplished. As they prepare for an upcoming match with a rival school, it becomes evident that keeping their two-and-a-half-year winning streak alive will be tougher than expected. As both personal and external problems abound for the student-gladiators, can they manage to keep it together under the constant pressure of being the perfect fighting unit? A blend of action, drama, adventure, and humor collide in this brand-new series!" Thanks so much for checking out my story! This is the first time that I've released any of my work to a public space so any feedback, be it positive or negative (but please be respectful if so) would be greatly appreciated. I'm hoping that this story is only the beginning of a long-running series of short stories set in the Clubs and Stubs universe. Temporary Book Cover Design by David Watson The release schedule is rather tentative, but the goal is to release a chapter every 2-4 days. I want to make sure that every scene is the best it can be before it’s released, so it may take a bit longer especially if it's a longer chapter. However, no chapter should take more than a week to be released. Each scene varies in length, but are usually between 1,000 to 2,000 words.
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One Punch Man : The New Saitama
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Glasgow This is the story of an otaku who one day woke up as the One Punch Man, Saitama. But how is he gonna live now that he's in a different world, filled with heroes and monsters. He's just an otaku !!! One thing is sure, this world will change now that a calm and cold man replaced the best hero. *********** Warning: This story start a few months before canon. Some characters will be OOC. This is an altered version of One Punch Man where Blast isn't a hero of the association and the Monster association hasn't been created yet. I will write a chapter per day, but this may change as i will write more the more votes and reviews there are.
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Hidden Adversary
"Hidden Adversary" is a story of a world of heroes and monsters hidden in the deep shadow of the earth. Various species of such beings that have not been found,waiting for its time to destroy mankind take back what is theirs. People all over the world have witnessed people with special abilities and share it through the media of social networking site "Utube" and "Popbook". Nobody believed the existence of such beings and the people that were caught on camera some claimed hoax and some claimed it true who knows? until monsters,devils,mysterious creatures slowly appearing in the world tormenting the existence of humans not until a 15 year old boy named Takoshi Kouno with other humans with special abilities appeared at the surface of the earth.
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My shitty isekai adventure
What if you get a system by an accident?What if you don't RTFM?What if you select maximum difficulty?What if your helper is almost as miserable as yourself?This and more...
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Kaiju Paradise Roleplay (Ended Sept 19)
This roleplay is finally finished.Thank you for roleplaying with me, I really appreciate it ❤
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