《BOOK 3: THE REVENGE OF ASMODEUS -- [a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series] VOL 1.3 OTHER-PERTH》Chapter 5: True Confession Time [Part 2]
CAROLINE KNOCKED THE ROOM DOOR, for Sunday’s dinner-time – waking up Paul from his long-nap. Looking at the digital clock, beside his bed which clicked a digit of 7:02 PM. The darkened room was cold… and he sensed it was still raining outside…
…it also rained on the 1ST MISSION-HIS-3…
…and Paul did get wet with the flu, when he helped Jane to rescue her kidnapped brother, at the zoo. The other 2 missions, when he rescued Jane’s dog, ‘and’ together again with the blind-girl… had- fought Ammut in Perth Great Fire – but both of those were on hot, summer nights.
At midnight ‘tonight’ – 5 hours-later – was his Graylands-mission…
… where he had to do his 4th operation ‘alone’…
… when Jane Wilson, who had teamed up with ‘him’ before, on his other undertakings – had ‘now’ in-disagreement…
… on the ‘choice’ of justice for Alicia…
… anyway…
… Sunday was his lucky day…
… he should step-it-up, to do-it for his beloved Alicia.
A gastronomic waft hit Paul’s Pavlovian-senses when he wheeled himself, out of his room door – after his 6-hour, long nap-on-meds. He squinted from the kitchen lights, and saw his mom prepared their dinner on the stove…
… and Peter was-grumbling… seated in his father’s chair, at the IKEA dinner table.
… Caroline had made a hearty, and healthy vegetable clear-soup with American-Ginseng. Paul poured a bowl of the soup… listening to his annoying twin…
“Come on-Mom, I can’t eat this goo… I want-my meat…”
Caroline was grilling 4 pork-and-beef patty-mix and made burgers… and deep-frying French-fries too for her boys. While the burgers were still grilling… she placed the fries in a bowl, salted it and put the big-bowl on the table, and she saw… both of her hungry sons, hurriedly consuming the hot-chips.
The greedier of the twins then whined...
“Come on-Mom, step-it up… the cows have already been back – now, where are the burgers? Come-on… give it to me, medium-rare.”
“No-you wait, this is ‘pork,’ it should cook-through – or else, you get tummy-ache from some Salmonella-germs.”
“How long more?”
“5 more minutes…” Cried Caroline, while turning the flame-up, on the stove.
“I can’t wait for 5 more minutes, Mom – just nuke-it in the microwave… for holy-cow sake, will ya?”
The mother scoffed… as she put 2 of the half-cooked patties, on a plate and put into the microwave, and dialled 3 minutes. Peter nearby protested…
“You are over-cooking it – it will end-up to be like a meat-biscuit! I want my burgers ‘juicy’ like in Maccas, Mom!”
“You shut-up here, Peter – you don’t know food-science – pork is ‘not’ like beef… it should be cooked through, or else you would bloody-fall sick! Didn’t you learn that ‘science’ in school?”
… Peter mumbled…
“This is total-bullshit… Kakas are brown, whether solid or liquid – and, that’s ‘what’ I learned in school…”
“One more word again – I’ll burn your bloody mouth!”
… Caroline came forward with her hot-spatula, pointing at Peter’s mouth – as he chuckled.
Paul was observing-them both in silence while drinking the vegan soup… while also eating the fries from the bowl. The microwave dinged… Caroline took the meat-patties out and slapped it into butter grilled-buns, at the stove. At the table, Peter snatched the bowl of fries out-of Paul’s reach – he stuffed a mouthful of fries, to annoy his twin.
Caroline served 2-meat-only burgers, without vegetables for Peter… who got busy squirting ketchup, before devouring the chow. A minute later, his mom served Paul, his burgers… with sliced tomatoes, lettuce and grilled onion-rings, and topped with cheese.
The mother sat, and she joined her sons for dinner. She was lecturing about health-science and was Peter kept ridiculing her. The quiet-twin was irked at his blabber-mouth, empty-vessel brother’s noise – challenging Caroline, that he would eat ‘raw’ pork-meat, for a wager.
Paul ‘had’ paid attention in Mrs Trudy Moore’s Science-class… and knew of maggot-eggs in frozen food that would also enter the body, to hatch with undercooked meat – and the maggot-larvae after hatching would move-up to the brain. Maybe it would ‘not’ be dramatic death – like the Alien-chest-buster…
… but who knows, maybe maggots would ‘nest’ in-his brains, and… would crawl out of Peter’s eyeballs…
The crippled son ate only-one cheeseburger… and excused himself that tomorrow, was a school day. His mother insisted him to finish his other burger, but Paul declined… and told he was full after he drank the 2nd serving of the vegetable soup. While he thanked his mom for cooking… his greedy one-armed twin… snatched-the burger from his plate – and picked off and discarded the cheese-toppings and buns… and ate-the well-done grilled patty.
Paul in the wheelchair retuned-back to the windowless room – locked. And behind-closed-doors… Paul decided to dress-dark in his later mission. He levitated-up and went to wardrobe closet, and picked a fashion to suit-the-mission, keeping in mind of dressing ‘warm,’ while in the –journey up in the cold-skies in flight.
There was this dark-fennel, old-jacket, dusty in the shoulders which he had ‘not’ worn a year, it could go over a couple of t-shirts beneath – ‘not’ forgetting his black turtleneck sweater, to hide his ‘cursed-scar…’
… for mask…?
His Spidey-mask was in the Perth’s police evidence-room…
… eureka…
… he remembered A SKI MASK THAT he bought at the thrifty-shop – after seeing the bald-actor John Statham, who looked cool wearing one… in a Netflix-movie-title, which he can’t remember… but it was a European gang-related crime-mission heist-story…
… where is it?
Paul ruminated a bit, and he then tossed clothing in the closet-drawer – and-alas, found his black balaclavas mask – and ethereally, he floated fast across the room end… where the mirror was, to try on the disguise…
… his K-pop hairstyle was ‘gone’ – since Alicia went into her coma, he had neglected to groom his hair with the hair-products, that he bought at big-discount cuts from MataHari Saloon – gone were his ‘spikes’ – and it was now… dull, flat and mopped – and, that made Paul sad.
He put on the ski-mask… which covered his full-face, and the letterbox-cut where… his staring eyes darting-out, on the mirror – Paul made a vow… with his-girlfriend in mind…
“Justice for-you, my love.”
Since it was school-day tomorrow – it was light-off at sharp-10 PM, at Walkers. His mom knocked on his door… wanted-to check on-his injured hand, Paul in his wheelchair unlocked the door. She placed her palm on his forehead, like a mom-thermometer – and found him ‘warm,’ and asked if he wanted to-take an absent-sickie…
Regrettably, Paul made an an-honest mistake earlier on the dinner-table, by telling her that he was fine, and said that he had stopped taking his antibiotics and painkiller, but wanted to go to school with a ‘clear’ head…
… Caroline scolded him, that both he and his brother who hated medicines and syringes – and, both don’t finish the med’ course, and that’s ‘why’ they don’t heal-up well.
“Show me?”
The-strict, Caroline ‘made’ her hesitant younger-son, to take his meds in front of her… with an open-mouth. She was satisfied-when she saw him swallowing the pills. She ran her fingers, into his mopped hair, and thanked him.
“Okay, my good-son, now-wish your mom, good luck, on her promotion tomorrow morning.”
“Yes-Mom, you deserve it – you will be the-BEST INSPECTOR-DETECTIVE, in all of Perth.”
His mother hugged, and kissed him good-night and left…
… Paul locked the room-door and assessed the ‘situation’ – those meds he just ate, would make-him drowsy later to sleepiness. He had an only-one choice was to force-vomit himself-but felt guilty if he did that too – that meant, of throwing-up his mother’s cooking, into the toilet bowl…
… then-he was IN 2-MINDS WHETHER to go to Graylands… when he heard a loud thunder with heavy rain, outside the Walker’s House…
… or should he be a good-son, and sleep it off on Sunday-night – and go-off ‘hospital-visiting’ tomorrow, on the Monday-night…?
He-had 2 hours, more to ‘kill’ to midnight – before he-decided on the ‘physical-conditions’ – of himself, in order to… carrying out at flight-trip later, in-the bad weather states. Paul remained in his wheelchair and ‘not’ his comfy bed. He took-out his iPad, made last-minute intelligence-preps, of google-searching the Graylands-psych facility – and memorizing prominent, birds-eye-view of landmarks… to get-there, with help of Google-maps.
Paul was soon ‘jacked-up’ by on going, of his mission – anyway, it was still his ‘lucky’ Sunday – he-had rescued the Perth’s Hero-dog before, on a Sunday…
… he vowed – he ‘should’ go-tonight – for Alicia…
Outside the Walker House, the rain had just subsided, some-moments ago… before midnight. The air was cooling, and inside his bedroom, Peter had-just finished the episode finale, of a BBC show in Netflix… that he binged-that weekend, and had loads-of good belly-laughs…
… in a show called ‘Good Omens,’ a hilarious caper of an angel and a demon, who came to an agreement as best-friends, to stop the coming of earth’s ‘fated’ Armageddon – and, they-both also became God-fathers to the anti-Christ.
From his bed… Peter’s TV-reveries was distracted – he ‘heard’ of sounds, from the other room – in fact, it-was Poe’s ex-room, upstairs – the corner room…
... which had-the most windows, in the Walker House.
The one-armed-twin ‘heard’ the sound, of one of the windows opening. From his own window, he saw-Paul flying away into the night skies – his cripple legs in his black jeans were flapping like his cape… before taking-off vertically into the clouds above.
‘What’s Poe going ‘out’ AT THIS HOUR, on a school night – will Janey be ‘there’ too – to wherever short-legs is going now to…?’
Halfway through flying, Paul felt extreme cold, and to state, that it was unbearable. The high altitude too brought slight pain in his injured, stitched-up hand. His visions blurred … when he flew into the wet-clouds…
… and if he flew lower, he sometimes was near-hit by tree-top-tips. If he flew even-below than that, it was the bugs-zone – with insects hitting his face, eyes and-entering his mouth.
Visibility too was poor, when flying-above at night, where Paul had to 2nd-guess, in-his recognizing of the prominent landmarks, from his limited-perspective above from the clouds.
But most of all, it was the resistance of the oncoming-winds, where he had to-knife through it like hard-butter… that hampered him in EXCUSE DRIVEN-THOUGHTS, of turning back ‘home’ to the Walkers…
… Paul was still disappointed with blind-Jane… as he-flew solo and alone…
… who didn’t see eye-to-eye in the justice FOR Alicia – where all he-only wanted…
… was to ask Jim Hatcher, his ‘only’ one question…
‘Do you know – Peter Walker?’
HE SAW GRAYLANDS HOSPITAL FACILITY, and descended to the rooftop… of the 5-storied old building. It wasn’t a big edifice, as Paul-had anticipated. When he levitated-above… and did a 360 on the rooftop – but he soon found out, that the rooftop exit door was locked.
He flew down to the next floor – and, it was locked too.
The ski-masked, Paul flew to the 3rd floor – it's door…
… eureka – was opened, and he entered…
… unknown to Paul, a shift-nurse was on her smoke-break, from her routine night-duty…
… who was sitting in the dark corridor, under-the ‘No-Smoking’ signboard – while vaping her coffee-flavoured nicotine, in between-her Facebooking…
From the corner of her blind-spot, the nurse has spotted a movement of the figure in black – an ‘intruder’ had entered the exit-door that she had ‘opened’ for her smoke-break – where she can-also lose her job for that, where staff were restricted from access to go out, in working hours – and the management was a ‘strictly no smoking’ laws.
The-tall 6-footed woman, Nurse Kim Campbell… paced over, and she-entered the exit door – she wanted to take-down, the trespasser by surprise.
The 25-year-old nurse was a bodybuilder and knew Judo and Jujitsu martial arts – which the skills came in handy for her job-application, in dealing with the mentally insane. And, Nurse Kim now was in her 3rd year of employment… and cannot-afford to get-fired.
… Nurse Kim was creeping behind, her clueless-intruder in stealth… and before long, she surprised Paul from the rear, pinned him down – and noticed the person was ‘small,’ puffed-up under multiple layers of clothing… and he was… lying face-down in shock.
Kim then ripped off his mask – déjà vu…
… she knew his ‘familiar’ face – but can’t place ‘who’ it was.
The cripple-Paul was still in fear of shock-state… where he thought ‘that’ a security guard was now, on top of him. And, soon he will be detained and sent to the police station to be processed, by his mother… on her first day of promotion… as Inspector-Detective…
But he can always electrocute this ‘person,’ as he did before… with the last-guard – who he had encountered the ‘Gurkha-Gee’… during the rescue the Hero-dog mission…
“Oh-my-Good-Lord, are you Paul Walker…?” Exclaimed-Kim, who-let him go.
“Do you ‘know’ me… oh-my-god, I’m screwed…?”
The frightened tween replied as he looked at the ‘big-muscled’ medical uniformed-woman…
Of course, the child-in-the nurse had known him – as part of a ‘member’ of Perth’s very-own version of Enid Blyton’s ‘Famous 5’ – where a bunch of tweens, of Peter, Paul, Jane, Alicia and the dog, Piper – as they ‘all’ went to rescue Jane’s kidnapped brother, in the zoo.
Since then, Kim Campbell was-drawn by news on social media, where the renowned group had inspired ‘positive’ news in Perth…with ‘PFC’ and ‘Hero-dog’ offerings – other than the rest of daily news reading of depressing natural-disasters and economic inflation news, which were ‘downers.’
Then came the ‘big-bad-sad-news’ where the ‘Perth’s famous couple’ video – was ‘hacked’ by radicals and made into a phone-bomb virus that terrorised Perth a bit. Kim Campbell has a friend too – whose-niece, also went to the same school as the ‘Famous 5’ – Stamford High, where the tragic bombing began…
… next came the positive news back-again, trended in the city – where ‘PFC’ playing tennis live-on the telly in the Mayor’s Cup, and finding of the ‘Hero-dog,’ that wandered away from Perth. A week later, it WAS ‘sad-news’ once again, when-during the Perth Great Fire, a lesser-famous member, Alicia was attacked – brutally, by an insane-drug addict…
… and the poor-girl went into a coma…
… and the PERPETRATOR WAS NOW in ‘here,’ locked inside Graylands, mental institute.
Both on the floor, Nurse Kim looked hard, at the unmasked Paul, with suspicion…
“Where is your wheelchair?”
Paul was tongue-tied. Nurse Kim accused him, as she saw him ‘walking’ earlier, outside.
“How did you get here? If you are Paul Walker, as I know – who is and was a-cripple, and he rode on a wheelchair… just like Peter Walker, who has one-arm… but how did you get here, unless you got over here, by hijacking a food-delivery drone? Unless you are ‘not’ Paul Walker all-together, or are you…? Or, someone who is leading a double life – who can walk, but deceive others like-me and others, by pretending to be a cripple – I’m calling security!”
The nervous, Paul felt his well-guarded secret-identity was ‘now’ being exposed – and-only Alicia and Ms King knew that he-COULD LEVITATE AND FLY – but now… here was someone-outside the cabal…
… asking for verification and ‘threatening’ him too.
In a Netflix scenario, he would have to ‘knock-off’ the nurse – but he does ‘not’ want that option, to ‘kill’ her, although he had the powers to ‘do’ so. Therefore, as an alternative, into this situation needed-her to GAIN HIS ‘TRUST’ – and to do that, he should tell the ‘truth,’ by revealing-his own cursed superpowers. He hoped and prayed that his actions – would ‘not’ have any repercussions later.
Although they both have ‘not’ been formally introduced – HE SAW THE NURSE’S name, printed on her uniform…
“Ms Campbell… I-am indeed Paul Walker, and couple of months ago, I was struck by-this lightning and-since then, I’m cursed with some superpower abnormality – and even scarred by it.” Paul exposed it by pulling down his turtleneck, to show the diamond-shaped scar at his throat, to the nurse.
“What superpowers – prove it…!!?”
The cripple-boy sighed under his breath… before levitating himself, almost to the height of the hallways’ ceiling. From-below, Kim Campbell looked up-in horror of his human-abnormalities… seeing-his cripple legs, hanging loose from his upper-body.
“Not being a ‘show-off’ – I can even ‘do’ this.”
Paul still floating in the air and zapped a metal trash-can at the door, which he had entered. It was knocked down, dented and smoking, with a dark singe-mark. He descended to the floor when he saw the ‘conviction’ of believing him, in her eyes…
… but he did ‘not’ anticipate, the QnA…
“Paul, do… Peter and Jane ‘too’ have superpowers?”
“No… it’s ‘ONLY’ ME – who was cursed and marked, by the ‘lightning.’”
He did ‘not’ want-to expose the other Cursed-trio, for the blunder of his ‘mistake’ – and was caught, for-his negligence.
“Why are you here – does it have to do with Jim Hatcher…who is here…?”
Paul nodded…
“Are you here… to ‘kill’ him?”
“No-no-no… why should I do that, as Father Brown-told me in church… that I will be condemned to hell if I did – the #6 of the 10 Commandments – which is cold-blooded murder. So, I’m here… just want to ask Hatcher ‘one’ question, Ms Campbell – that’s all – and could you help me, and take me to him?”
“What question?”
“Sorry, it is ‘personal’ and I cannot-tell you… but it’s an important question… which is a sum-of part, of the bigger picture that I’m solving but – but Ms Campbell, I can sum-it-up for you that… if I don’t get ‘this’ answer from Jim Hatcher by tonight, I would ‘not’ get justice and the-real ‘truth’ for my-girlfriend Alicia…”
“But Paul, he-is insane – what answers can you get from a schizo, who hears different voices in his head, like a-broken radio-frequency station…? Will he tell you your-truth when he is ‘not’ even-in control of his ‘sick’ mind?”
The bodybuilder nurse placed her tattooed hand up, with a finger-twist… pointing to her own temple.
“You should think about it, Paul… if that was worth-it for-you, getting captured ‘again?’”
“I can handle myself – please, let me ‘try’ talking-to Hatcher, Ms Campbell or – I would be failing-Alicia if I don’t get the truth from him… and my girlfriend would be there, lying in the hospital in a coma, would be in vain, ‘without’ justice too… please-nurse, help me please…”
Paul begged to the adult… who was quiet for a serious-moment… as she decided…
“I’ll help you if you promise ‘not’ to kill him – nor, hurt any staff, coz… they are my friends. And, Jim Hatcher… is currently in the 2nd floor, a floor-below from here.”
Kim Campbell elaborated to Paul, that she-worked on this 3rd floor, which was the non-severe mental unit – but the 2nd floor was where the dangerous, hardcore-mental patients were held.
That was also where, the security monitor room was, and had also a nurses’ station, it was an all-male staff floor – and, since it was Sunday…
… they were operating on a skeleton crew.
Nurse Kim suggested – that he took Hatcher to the rooftop later, and ‘question’ him over there. She gave the access-code of #129 – that can-open ‘every’ single door, in the key-pads of Graylands facility…
… so now… Paul-needed to exit by the east-wing staircase and ‘wait’ for her, while in the meantime – she got Hatcher’s cell-room number, that was written on the white-board, in the nurses’ station.
Paul thanked the nurse.
“Alicia and I, Paul Walker – thank you, Ms Campbell.”
Kim shook his hand while responding, with nervous laughter…
“You did ‘not’ hear from me, all-this – in case you… get ‘caught,’ don’t rat me. okay? I need this job, I got bills to pay…”
Paul nodded and chuckled…
“Vice-versa – please don’t say, you ‘saw’ me too, to your-FB friends – you know… Perth-is small – my mom will find-out from the word-of-mouth – she is a pretty-damn-good inspector-detective.”
Kim saw the tween, glided ethereal, as he went along to the east-wing stairwell – it creeped her a bit even-though, she worked in a mental-hospital with captured-serial-killers. The nurse turned and hurried to the west-wing exit… to also reach the 2nd floor…
… where she would NEEDED-TO DISTRACT Guard Eddie, in the security surveillance-room – for 10 minutes and, GET HATCHER’S CELL-NUMBER at nurses’ station.
In his ski-mask, Paul soared below at the stairs, accessed the 2nd floor door by keying in #129. When the door opened, he heard indistinct noises inside, from a particular-cell #206, way-past midnight…
… knowing that he was supposed to wait for the Nurse Kim, but out of curiosity, Paul opened the letterbox-panel on the door. A young, mental patient rush-up… yelled at him, through the gap…
“Where are my bloody-meds? I’m scared to go to sleep – my-pillow, my blanket, are-all ‘talking’ at me… even my bloody foot-thongs too! Please I want my medicine…”
The panicky-Paul, instantly closed the panel-gap and waited outside – as the inmate from #206, was still making his loud-kick and tantrum-fuss, in his locked confined-abode.
Kim saw her friendly, and obese Guard Eddie… in the monitor room, with his feet-up the desk… reading a dark-Batman DC-comic-book with the grinning Joker on the cover…
... multiple CCTVs’ monitor feeds, in front of him. He then made a ‘stale’ joke…
“Hey Lady Breanne, what are you doing in Westeros?”
For 8 years, and 8 seasons later… of the G.O.T TV series, and even after the show got cancelled… with a finale-that ‘sucked’ – Nurse Kim Campbell was still-kept STUCK WITH THAT nickname… after the character Breanne of Tarth… for the similarity in physiques.
Kim responded that she was ‘bored’ and came-down to chat with him – but first she needed, to go to the-washroom to tinkle. Fat-Eddie laughed and told her gossips-of-the-shift – that Nurse Dave was legless…
… as he came to his Sunday nightshift-work, after celebrating his boy’s birthday – so sloshed, that he clocked-in using someone else's card. Nurse Dave had slept in the nurses’ room, since he came to work and had ‘not’ gone on his med-rounds – Fat-Eddie too concluded, that give Dave a ‘break’ – those locked-up loonies, were ‘not’ going anywhere… especially #206 who was shouting-in the hallway.
The towering nurse ‘pretended’ to be amused, as she walked out of the guard-room. She saw Paul at the dark hallway, and hand-signal him to wait – and she headed to nurses’ station-room. Male-nurse Dave out-cold, snoring – ABOVE HIM WAS THE WHITEBOARD, Jim Hatcher was in cell #211.
… Kim sneaked back, and came and pointed the cell-room #211, and watched the tween key-in on the keypad – THE DOOR OPENED…
….and she reminded him again, to take Hatcher to the rooftop…
… Hearing whispers, Jimbo woke up, from his drug withdrawal…
“Oii, Big-Beautiful-Woman nurse – give me more Methadone for my joint-pains, will ya?”
“He’s noisy – please, take him fast to the roof.” Nurse Kim said to Paul… and, hurried off.
“Hey where you going, BBW? What about my meds?”
The masked Paul entered the cell.
“Who you? Why you wear a mask…?”
“I don’t know, I’m confused here myself – where is my talking Kitt…? I need-my Kitt to give me some answers!”
Paul didn’t know ‘why’ Jim Hatcher had called his bicycle Kitt – because the YouTube 'algorithm' feeds, of his and Peter differed…
… from their ‘subjects’ of pop-culture ‘references and searches’…
… Paul had ‘not’ heard nor seen the trailer…
… of the 80s TV show, of the ‘talking’ car… The Night Rider…
… but Paul played along…
“Hatcher, calm down, no worries – I FOUND ‘YOUR’ KITT – follow-me mate, I’ll take you to 'talking' Kitt, yea…”
“Really, you would…? Who you? Did HARRY POTTER SEND you?”
“… err-who… who is Harry-Porter…?”
“He is my drug-dealer. Harry is a good-hearted guy – he gave me free ‘smack’ whenever I got him, customers.”
“Yes… yes-Harry Porter sent me… to get you. He is-waiting up in the rooftop, with the talking Kitt.”
“Really, Harry sent you? Is he’s going to spring-me outta here…? The hospital food here sucks, nothing like the free prison-food… which is way-better – but nothing at-all-like compared, to my Leonora-sister Mary Lee’s pot-roast, it’s the best. Thank you, mate – what name do I call you masked-Ranger… my-friend of Harry Potter…?”
“… huh… err-you can call me #2, Hatcher.”
“You-too can call-me Jimbo – Hatcher… is my father’s name.”
… Paul managed to ‘trick’ the derange-minded addict… to follow him, to leave his cell.
Nurse Kim was back in the guard-room and – was distract-with chatting with Eddie. She sat away from the monitor screens so that the obese guard would ‘face’ her… and distracting, from his work. While into their gossiping, the nurse was eyeing the rooftop monitor, hoping to see Paul and Hatcher to-be up, instead of remaining on the 2nd floor because…
… anytime now, Guard Norris would come to do his round-inspection… and clocking-in at ‘that’ floor.
THEY WERE GOING UP, FLOOR BY FLOOR, KEYING #129… to open doors, to get on top of the rooftop. Paul led the way to the 4th floor, and was listening to the slow-moving Jimbo behind, who was slowing down… busy and mindlessly, nattering his nonsense…
“I promised that good-friend… I made at the mess-hall over here, Donny Shilling, I promise him ‘some’ answers… when I bloody get it from Kitt, who always has the bloody right answers – #2, do you know Donny Shilling?”
“No, I don’t.”
“Oh-boy-oh-boy… you must meet him, #2 – he is a true and pure genius. He was locked up in this bloody place for the wrong reasons – because of there is a conspiracy theory behind Graylands… where they are locking up genius and intelligent folks in here, so that stupid people will get to run Straya.
“Donny made blueprints of some great inventions, but Elon Musk stole them… and bloody locked him up here? He should burn in hell, like that ‘boy’ who stole from the DeLorean owner.”
“Elon Musk…? Wow!”
“Yes, Elon Musk is a shapeshifter too – and he tricked Donny by shifting into a woman named Elanor Musket – and ‘she’ seduced and robbed poor-Don, and now he is locked-up here. But I promised him that I get bloody answers from Kitt… to expose that-Musk, is the thief.”
Paul did ‘not’ respond – and that made Jimbo pissed-mad.
“You don’t believe me, do-you, #2? Here is the proof?”
Jimbo put his hand into the crotch of his pants… and pulled out a folded paper, from his underwear. He held it to Paul’s face… who backed away.
“See here, and believe me – this is the last of the blueprint-copy, proof of existence – made by the genius Donny Shilling-himself – which he entrusted it to me for my safe-keeping, from that conman Musk… who would steal the idea, and be the first to invent it!”
It was a drawing of a rocket – kindergarten-ish…
Guard Norris came up to the 2nd floor, from the first-level – using the west-wing stairwell. He was a quiet and moody-man who does ‘not’ talk much to anyone, and kept busy in working his rounds, clocking his check-points. Guard Eddie in the open-door guard-room, acknowledged him, but-got no response – and once Norris walked east in the hallway, Fat-Eddie then badmouthed to Nurse Kim, seated-in with him…. of Norris ‘being’ proud and egoistic attitude staff.
The alarmed, Guard Norris came running back and ‘literally’ spoke-out slapdash…
“Cell #211 is empty… the door is open – the patient has escaped… sound the alarm!”
Guard Eddie saw the monitor screens – and saw an ‘intruder’ and patient named Jim Hatcher on the rooftop. The fat guard pressed the alarm button – and then hurried with Norris, to run-up to the rooftop.
Nurse Kim dreaded – as Paul had ‘not’ locked-back the cell-door when he left with Hatcher. The moment the 2 guards ran off, Kim needed to get a ‘distraction’ to buy Paul ‘time’ – and most importantly, to cover her own ‘track’…
… the nurse ‘did’ that by keying in Code #130 in the keyboard of security-computer – to automatically RELEASE EVERY PATIENT INMATE on the floor….
… Kim also deleted her digital presence video-footage…
… before she hurried back to her ward…
… on the 3rd floor.
It was drizzling on the rooftop, the moment they got there…
“Where is Kitt, its ‘not’ here? Were you shitting me, #2!!?” Shouted the disappointed Jimbo…
“… c-calm down, Jimbo, Harry Porter told to wait here, for the drone-delivery of that bicycle-Kitt – and we now wait…”
… the hooded-Paul said – as he secretly zapped… and disabled one of the CCTV cameras, outside the exit door.
“… is it ‘not’ Elon Musk’s drone, is-it…? We can’t be careful.”
It was THE PERFECT MOMENT, to ask him… about Alicia’s bike…
“Now tell me Jimbo ‘where’ did you get your talking-bicycle? … who gave it to you? Was it FROM PETER WALKER…? Do you ‘know’ Peter Walker?”
It surprised Jimbo, who went…
“Who the bloody hell is Peter Walker?”
“Don’t-bloody lie to me – you ‘must’ know Peter Walker!”
It confused and agitated the basket-case meth-addict, who… then got mad…
“Why you are wearing a bloody mask!!? Is Harry Potter trying to steal my Kitt – and be another Elon bloody-Musk? Are you a masked-secret double-agent… working for both them!!?”
He came forward to attack the levitating Paul, punching the bandaged hand – the cripple superhero yelped, with reflect-action, he zapped the charging Jimbo, and floored him down, who-both was in pain.
… Paul too dropped down, when he was ‘attacked’ from behind…
In confusion, Paul looked up from the wet floor – and in bewilderment, he gazed at the presence OF JANE WILSON – and blind-girl was LOOKING DOWN – at the blue-glow at her feet… and pointing at Jimbo…
“PAUL… what are you doing? Are you trying to kill him for ‘YOUR’ VENGEANCE!!?”
“No, I was only questioning him, Jane… but he attacked me – I had to hurt him in self-defence… see… he is ‘not’ dead… see…”
Paul pointed at Jimbo, as-he rose to his feet, pulled off his ski-mask.
“PAUL, WHAT YOU ARE DOING is so-wrong… and you should STOP IT – for Alicia’s sake – please STOP IT!”
The dazed Jimbo regained consciousness, and from the wet floor, of the rooftop – and saw a young girl and boy, both arguing. He heard the unmasked tween quarrelling back…
“I’M SO CLOSE to getting my ‘answers’ out of him – LET ME AT IT – if ‘not’ – I can’t get a 2nd chance with HIM AGAIN.”
“NO!” Cried, Jane.
Jimbo saw the girl lunged forward at the Paul… grabbed his jacket, and they went-off the rooftop. In Jimbo’s crazy-bafflement, seeing they fast flew-away to horizon. Jimbo got on his feet… stood at the ledge and gawked in amazement…
… Guards Norris and Eddie came out, from the door on the rooftop – they saw patient Jim Hatcher standing-at the roof edge…
“OII! GET AWAY from there!”
… Jimbo looked back from his shoulder, at the approaching Graylands security guards, running at him – he then pointed at the dark, drizzly horizon.
“Did you see that, THEY ‘FLEW…?’”
Both the security guards approached him gingerly… as they cajoled the rapt mental patient, who was laughing in delight.
“…I can do that too, fly to Leonora in time… to eat Mary Lee’s pot-roast, coz’ the bloody hospital food here sucks – see you fellers, I’ll send you an a-dollar postcard from Leonora…”
To the guards’ horror…
… Jimbo leapt – and fell to his death.
Chaos broke in Graylands, when 18-wild, mental-patients of the 2nd floor… stepped out their enclosure.
Jim Hatcher was ‘not’ the only one, who died that day…
… as the mob entered the cell of noisy patient #206…
… and bashed him into a pulp, for disturbing the peace and their sleep.
And, the drunk-on-duty, Nurse Dave had slept through-out…
… the entire ordeal of the breakout.
I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace
Suddenly appearing in a different world, it looks like I got caught up in a Hero Summoning. And of course, I’m not the Hero, but it’s another guy……and while being very cautious and scared of the cliche of the cliche-like development, I was thrown into the maelstrom of war……or not. The Demon Lord? It was defeated a thousand years ago. Hero? He’s just the main actor in a festival. Nobles? They’re kindly taking care of us. The Demon Race? They have good relationships with Humans. Wars? It’s already 800 years since the last one. Monsters? The Guild and Order of Knight are taking care of them. Return to Earth? It is eventually No-Risk. What I’m planning after being caught up into this? I’m gonna enjoy the life in a different world as much as I want to, go on a cultural exchange and sightseeing, and after experiencing the festival that is only held once every ten years……I shall go home safely. The other world was――at Peace. A kind world where the three races, the Spirit World’s Magical Races, the Celestial World’s Divine Races, the Mortal World’s Human Races, they are kind neighbors to each other, with everyone living a peaceful and fulfilling life. But although I wished to peacefully spend a year before my return, for some reason, the heavyweights of this world keeps gathering around me, and……Thank you for reading I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace novel @ ReadWebNovels.netRead Daily Updated Light Novel, Web Novel, Chinese Novel, Japanese And Korean Novel Online.
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Charmed By A King ~Trollex x Reader~
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