《The Great Unknown》3: Instruction(2/2)


Advers winced from the sunlight as he opened his eyes, blinded by the sudden change of the contrasting light and dark. However, in replace for that, he immediately noticed the intriguing difference between seeing through his eyes and seeing through his mind. He felt, in a way, as if he gained another form of visual discernment.

As quickly as he relished the feeling, he turned his attention on his left hand. Blinking once before he assessed that the card-reader-sized white paper is what he thought of it to be. The letters. They were shelved orderly and perpendicular to his finger, and, in a way, it somewhat reminded him of how dominoes looked like after they stacked atop each other. Its domino-shelving method had the first tile nearest to his knuckles as the starting point that set off a chain reaction to how it looked like right now.

Gently resting to the foggy paper as if submerged in a translucent and milky liquid, he could completely distinguish that its ethereal paleness is even eclipsing the sheer delicateness of the four-cornered paper that it lolled. It undeniably and unexpectedly was a satisfying spectacle that somehow eased the residual rigidness of his body that he didn't know.

He counted them by eyes as he shuffled, changing to a better position to rest his stiff legs. He found that there were actually six of them, and he made it sure by counting it thrice. There were no significant markings that may help to distinguish what each of them was. Much better to say that it was plain as white to its teeth.

With nothing else to inspect, he stiffly took the first letter closer to his wrist with his right hand, creating an unworldly phenomenon when its dimension visibly expanded. At the same time, he also noticed the sudden increase of light that coated it in an annular pattern, an oddity that drew Advers to gaze at it with detail.


When the light came to a still, a smooth, apparition-like sheet of white paper, about the size of an index card, came to view. But then, the light that encased the letter immediately coalesced on the center, forming a ball of soft light that adeptly shook itself off his arm with an unseen force, flying instantly towards his head unimpededly. Which, in turn, he had only managed to blink a surprised stare and a jolt of evasion when it already happened.

But before he could muse the gravity of what that light could truly mean, he noticed the paper that lost its luster slowly solidified itself. Apprehensively, he watched as silver lines started to border it with a complex pattern that one would be pleased to look at. Similar in a way a person would find it gratifying to gaze a tribal tattoo etched on a person's body. Though, these patterns reeked of better skewness than what the norms had.

When it completed its transfiguration, Advers pulled off his stare from the patterns towards the words hazily forming at the center. Just then, he could feel soothing warmness gather over towards his eyes, allowing him the ability to see the paragraph without difficulty. He guessed, quite easily, that the light was possibly for this instance.


Instruction Letter(2/2)

[Reading Mode]


Without him doing anything at all, the paper started to take another shape. It first started by splitting apart vertically in the middle, with smoothness and precision that paved a space until the gap between them is about the length of the whole paper.

Then, it formed a translucent flat sphere in the middle. Words gradually formed under the guidance of flowing silver light from the papers, fascinating to the extent that Advers could see the thread of lights coming from both centers of the papers literally knitting the words into life.



Dear Advers,

You see, it was not of my intention to sent you to your demise. It was but a test(?), confirmation(?) to see just how you'd be like in a circumstance you've never been through before. And you reading this letter is the whole of all my genuine truthfulness coming to existence. You get it now don't you? Anyway, the material proof of my words is below.

Bark of the Redtree(2/3)

Description: Mends those that burn to ash. Very slow-acting nature magic.

See that? I even have given you a bark preemptively!

Well, back on the topic, I'll be giving you the briefest discussion about the letter. I hope you do what you must for the rest.

(1)Instruction Letter(1/2)


(2)Dreamscape Letter

The letter basically contains the logs of what has occurred during your dreams. Do not expect anything of the sort like a holographic reality to be played, just simply imagine the letter as a journal by itself. Simple, but the data in there might come handy.

(3)Dreamscape Rewards Letter

As its name suggests, it contains the rewards accordingly to what you have accomplished in the realm. Just that, see the rest for yourself.

(4)Dreamscape Equipment Letter

The letter itself contains the weapons and clothing you have used when you traversed the Dreamscape.

(5)System Activation Letter

Now this one is interesting, this letter contains what shall aid you on this apocalypse, the rest is for you to know.

(6)Class Letter

Ah! Finally. It is for you to know, none I can help you with.

That's pretty much it. Very simple right? Well then, I bid you farewell, it will be a long time before you hear from me again.

Thrive with what you can but be the best of yourself. Good luck!

P.S.(I) Oh! If you're just wondering, no matter what you think, I'll always come first. The order does not matter.

P.S.(II) And lastly, please, get less agitated. Expect the unexpected, always.

Yours Truly,

The Guide


Advers read the wall of text that fit snugly on the sphere. Though some of it looked like useless at best, he kind of understood the gist of what it tried to imply to him. He stared over to his gashed arm for a minute before he let out a helpless sigh. There was a foreboding premonition building inside him that things would soon get rough and quite dangerous. And the implication of the letter that warranted him to do things independently, no matter how useless and carefree it seemed to be, was something he must greatly note. He didn't know yet for what purpose, but he was sure that it won't be long before he understands the gravity of the playful context.

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