《Lancelot Deep Impact》Lancelot Deep Impact Chapter 05 The Rhino Path


After a time of walking, I saw how the traces of the truck had joined a highway, so I decided to accelerate my step.

It was curious to see the trees covered with snow, because before the end of the world, had never snowed in these places, but the trees only lay frozen there without complaining or withering.

After a lot of running, At this point I started to gasp, so I noticed that in the Ki reader, he said that half the bar of stamina was spent, then when I reached the next half of the half, of the stamina bar, I stopped at a gas station where there was an abandoned vehicle.

I stopped with the thought that maybe I could repair the vehicle and use it to move faster.

But there was no luck since he was without his battery and the gas in his tank had already was drained it.

When I look at the workshop it had its doors intact and its door open. So I would not have to struggle my entrance.

Upon entering I found a cemetery of tools, which I decided to bury inside my dimensional back pack.

Also Inside the workshop were several lockers, they had oil cans and spare parts that I also save inside my back pack.

From there, I passed to the office where there were old newspapers that were soaked and swollen due to the roof leaks. On an aluminum shelf was a cash register and some books.

I held one of them in my hands to look with what appeared the following message in a window semi transparent blue in front of me that surprised me and said:

"General Mechanics Manual Level 1, you want to learn it YES or NO "

Out of curiosity press YES with what I learned at once and very easy and fast ways to repair light vehicles.

The new knowledge lit a smile on my face, having discovered that I could learn things by means of a manual. Immediately I picked up another book but no new manuals appeared.

So I decided that as soon as I could, I would visit a library or anywhere I could find books or manuals to learn new skills.


I Looking at the cash register was open so when looking inside I found some euros to save me for when I met Leon Hu again.

Three hundred meters down the street, I found a house burning, in the middle of a meadow, I wondered why it would be on fire, but since I did not see anyone needing help, I went my way.

A little farther I found billboards that announce the city Cronos was 20 kilometers but the sun was beginning to hide so I decided to rest here until tomorrow.

I climbed a huge tree, so I dig a small cave inside it and I lay down to sleep ..........

The next day.... I felt very hot around so I woke up, then it was when I heard the murmur of the forest enter my ears, this surprised me a lot because before you could only hear the sound of the wind.

I left my little cave and I could see that there was no snow anywhere, so I look at the sky, but something strange happened the sky was green with white clouds.

Jump out of my tree and I looked everywhere and the road was still covered with beaten cars. However I noticed that the Leon Hu Bitmon was nowhere.

"Termon, Termon, where are you!" I yell.

Nothing happened, so hit my arm to make sure I was not dreaming and you know what, it hurt, as I could not do anything about what happened around me, I started to followed my path.

A while later I saw a movement on the edge of the street, in the middle of tall grass, pull out a 9mm, come near and saw Golden Hornet rabbit. I was surprised to see one of these here, so I remember my last experience against one of them, I said quietly:


BITMON: Unicorn Rabbit LEVEL: LV 1. HP: 30 pts MP 5 pts DEF 3 pts

All this information was displayed in the Ki reader, after looking at it for a moment I said:

"Dispel", disappearing all the information of the Bitmon and appearing the photo of the rabbit and a red bar with the amount of hp.

Then save the gun, taking out the machete of the dimensional back pack, hit his neck with all my strength with the machete, my surprise was with a single blow cut off his head.


"35 Critical Damage," said a female voice.

"Puff" in a white cloud disappeared the body of the Rabbit. Appearing a meat in a dish and a some copper coin.

I did not expect this to happen, I expected more like the rabbit went flying from the blow and that he lost a little of his life, since the first was hard to kill. So I asked what level the first rabbit we kill would have.

I hit my hand with my fist and I realized that this one was smaller.

I picked up the prize for killing the rabbit and looked the way north from where I had come and the road to the south I was to follow.

Still not sure how the rabbit came to this world, look at the sign of City Cronos and start walking towards that direction.

I Look at my status to know how much experience the rabbit had given me and remembering my previous status I realized that I had won 15 exp.

As I entered the city everything was in ruins as if God's fist had beaten this land, the streets were full of abandoned cars everywhere, but I could see the disaster that the rhinoceros left for me to follow.

I arrived at an Intersection when I saw the sign that said:

"Cafeteria la Selva" so I entered the premises and I started looking for some coffee after finding that and several supplies. I saw a table near the outside glass that I remember once when my wife invited me to join her for a coffee. When we were just getting to know each other, she told me when I entered the room to look for a place to sit while she asked for something, I sit down near the window, while the cars and the people ran from one side to the other. When she arrived at the table she said:

"Beautiful man allows me to sit at this table" so I smiled and rising I told her:

"My beautiful lady is this brat is happy to have your company on this table."

Then out the window in the street I saw a giant furry caterpillars, who looked like an ottoman with antenna. One of them passed near the window so I could see his canines, so I seemed unfriendly.

So looking at it I said:


BITMON: Giant Furry Caterpillar. LEVEL: LV 1. HP: 20 pts MP 5 pts DEF 2 pts

So I went outside and attacked with a machete, one which was more closer.

"Slash" - 15 hp. he tried to attack me, was very pathetic, so I hit him again with what I killed it.

The female voice told me:

"You have earned 10 EXP and 1 copper coin."

When I saw more approaching , I did not think much and attack them.

Eighteen more or less Caterpillars later, my clothes were all wet with a green viscous liquid, I heard a voice that said:

"Congratulations to the uploaded level 2, do you want to see your status "YES" or "NO"!, " I said:

"NO!"while farming with a smile. I decided that I would reach my next level.

Fifty more or less Caterpillars later, my clothes were all green, I saw that little by little I was being surrounded so I decided to run from the mob of Furry Caterpillars.

A few blocks inside I saw a huge public library, my eyes were open as plates and my mouth was drooling, for all possible manuals with knowledge I could learn, but I shook my head and I said I would return after I end the rhino path.

Once more on the way to the rhino, I was running at full speed, saw a movement in the corner of my eyes, with what I twisted my head to see better, I saw it was something with six legs, that of astonishment, that make me inadvertently tripped and hit against containers of trash with a Big Bang.

The six-legged monster looked at me, meeting my eyes with his own with what I heard:

" Graaaaaaaar !"

With what I jumped off the floor and ran down an alley.

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