《A God's War》A God's War Chapter Five
CHAPTER FIVE (The Beast of Regret)
Thanatos stayed under the earth and only comes out when it’s time to take a soul, his brother Charon gives him a ride across the river Styx and they seldom talk about anything. The water is clear and glowing but under it are vanished souls of the damned.
Charon always wondered why his brother always has this faraway look which seemed empty but even if he asks him Thanatos only responds in a few words that really can’t be considered as an answer,
“Who will you be taking now Thanatos?”
“A woman, her name is Cassandra and she is the fool who says that she has the gift of prophecy.”
“Another one of those crazed minds I see.”
“Perhaps. But there is something about her that makes me uneasy.”
“May I know what?”
“She was courted by Apollo before but all of a sudden he started to despise her.”
“Hmm. Humans are very unpredictable, their lives are short and they are frail to the point that even a single touch will break them.”
“But they still find ways to be happy.”
“I will not ask why brother but we are born as gods and it is up to us to preserve the world to how it is.”
“Nothing can stay the same Charon. As time goes by they gain knowledge and even a child rebels from its parents when it comes of age.”
“Are you saying that the mortals will rebel?”
“It’s a possibility that may not be too far ahead in the future.”
“Are you worried?”
“No, no I’m not. But a simple change can go far if given the chance.”
Thanatos stepped out of the boat and headed to the mouth of the cave. He spread his black wings and flew away. He went for Cassandra who was lying in bed. Her body is now thin and wounds covered her body but she still utters the prophecy about the end. Thanatos waited by her side as her life slowly fades away, she turned her gaze on the man beside her and reached for his hand. Thanatos responded and came close to offer his ears thinking that she might have a dying wish.
“A war between three kingdoms will destroy the world of man, god’s, mortals, and spirits will vanish leaving only an empty land.”
“What you say is something that I can’t believe but if you have a dying wish then I’ll see what I can do.”
“There are no wishes that I want from you. Hear my words and I beg dear god that you heed to me just this once.”
“If I believe your prophecy and if I stop this war then will it make your soul rest in peace?”
“It is not just a matter of believing for what I say is a warning, I have the gift to see what lays ahead but my heart that did not loved Apollo made him angry enough to turn the gift from him into a course that now slowly kills me. I have nothing to gain by telling you but I want to at least have someone to believe this foolish woman before it’s too late.”
“Your eye tells me honestly that you believe in what you are saying. I will return on the day where your souls parts from this earthly body.”
He walked casually passing through the crowd thinking about what he had heard. Thanatos saw a tree outside the village and decided to take a nap but his mind still wonders. Half an hour had passed and he opened his eyes to see that there was a little girl looking at him. The girl has golden locks that reflect the sun and her blue eyes is the same color as the deep sea. She stared at the god who was sitting under the shades of an old tree.
“Are you a nymph of this tree?” she asked.
“I am not a spirit of the earth.”
“Really? My father told me that this tree has been here for a long time and it houses a strong nymph that protects the village so I came here to offer this apple.”
“I am-“
Thanatos halted his words for he saw such innocence in the child, something that he found fascinating. He wondered if all the souls that he once guided to the river were once a child like this, full of life and dreams without even knowing what the world really is but it’s not just the innocence that made him pause but the sadness in her eyes. She may have a sweet smile but her eyes tell sadness that she bears.
“I am the spirit of the tree. Is there something you wish to ask?”
This response from him made the girl smile with excitement.
“I brought an apple for you! So tell me, when will my father be back?”
“Do you not see you father every day? Or is he somewhere far away?”
“My father left long ago and he said that he will be back but many days passed and I never saw him again.”
“What do you remember before he left?”
“Oh! My father loves me so much because he always carries me on his shoulder and watches the stars with me! But when he left he was carrying his shield and sword and told me to be a good girl.”
“Where is your mother?”
“I don’t have one. My father was the only one to raise me.”
Thanatos knew that the girl’s father is already dead but humans who fell from battle are collected by his three sisters the Keres. The little girl held her other arm trying not to cry.
“Who takes care of you?”
“The villagers are all nice people. They give me food and takes good care of me when I’m sick but I really wish to see my father soon.”
The god felt a strange sensation within his chest and from that day as he waits for Cassandra to pass away he would always rest under the tree where the little girl goes. They grew closer and Thanatos felt at ease while watching her play.
“You never told me what your name is.”
“You never asked. My name is Elena.”
“Tell me. Are you happy here?”
“Yes, now that I finally see the spirit of the tree.”
“That’s all the reason?”
“Yes, because it means that I’m a good girl and soon my father will come.”
Thanatos fell silent for the girl still hopes to see her father who was killed in the war. He thought that maybe he had lessened her loneliness but she still wishes for her parent.
He waved goodbye to the little and went to Cassandra who finally succumbed to her illness. His right hand placed on the woman’s chest slowly pulled out a small ball of light which is the soul of Cassandra. Thanatos brought the soul to the underworld where he returned it to the river of life still hearing her words, her warning, her prophecy. Even after taking Cassandra Thanatos still visits the Elena and on a fine afternoon the little girl fell asleep on his lap. He stroked her hair and held her small hand as he ponders how it would feel to have a child like this a child that he can call his own but alas he the god of death can never have such a life on peace. After the girl woke up he once again said goodbye to her but as he leaves, Elena help to his sleeves and asked him.
“Are you leaving for a while again?”
“Yes but I’ll be back soon. Is there something bothering you?”
“I had a dream where you never came back and no matter how much I call for you I can’t seem to find you.”
“Do not worry because I’ll always come if you call. I Promise.”
“Then I’ll will you take me with you next time?”
“I will. I’ll take you anywhere you wish. Is there such a place where you want to go.?”
“I want to see the ocean! I haven’t seen it before since our village is surrounded by mountains.”
“Then we will go to the ocean.”
“I will wait for you!”
Thanatos went away for a while as he collects the souls of the mortals that passed away due to a plague. He spent three months and after returning the last soul to the cycle a small orb of light came to him and whispered the same words that Cassandra told him. He returned to his chamber and on his way he was greeted by his three sisters they had a seemingly odd smile and he wondered where they will go, perhaps a war has broken out or maybe a number of people have been massacred but he felt uneasy with his wondering and he finally asked them.
“Where are you going on this time of day?”
“We have to collect the souls of the soldiers who were about to die.” The elder Keres smugly said.
“About to die? Then it means that they are just about to begin. May I ask which kingdoms are fighting each other?”
“Oh this war is interesting for there are not only two kingdoms but three. Zeus has permitted us to start this war in order to eradicate the three kings who opposed him.”
“But we had some tasty appetizer.. Including that village where the fool Cassandra once lived in.”
What the third Keres had said made Thanatos’s ears move. There was only one village where Cassandra had resided and it’s the same village where Elena lives. Without a word Thanatos rushed out of the underworld and flew with great speed that almost ripped his wings apart. On the horizon he saw some smoke and he immediately landed only to see the village collapsed. He frantically searched for the girl calling out her name and at a small corner he found her, covered with blood and her golden hair burned while her once sparkling eyes now seemed blank. He held her small body in his hand and said “no” countless times as if going mad. Deep in his heart an emotion overwhelmed him and the dark eyes of this death god suddenly became moist with tears and in no time overflowed with tears. His cries filled the silent village and the dark clouds spiraled around showering him with cold water.
Thanatos held her for a long time then he gently placed Elena on a bed and covered her so that the rain can’t reach her. He returned to the underworld and there Cassandra’s soul was waiting for him.
“Tell me. What you said was the truth is it not?”
“My sisters has invoked a war between three kingdoms, is this the beginning of your prophecy?”
“It is indeed and you can stop this so that no more souls have to be sacrificed needlessly.”
“What is that I must do?!”
“Stop the war three times and not only will you spare the world you’ll also gain what you have always wanted.”
“Wanted? What do you mean?!”
Thanatos came out of the cave with one thing in mind and that is to stop his three sisters. He flew to the battle ground wielding the weapon that Goddess Gaia had entrusted to him.
On a flat landscape the three factions met. Heavy thundering footsteps rocked the earth and the heavy rain seemed nonexistent to the blood thirsty men as they held their shield and swords. On each kings side there was a Keres disguised as a beautiful maiden who closely whispers to the kings.
The men shouted their war cry and with them the kings lead the charge but as they were about to clashed, a mighty image landed in the middle of the opposing kingdoms. It was Thanatos the God of Death and in his had he held a Scythe.
“What are doing Brother?! This is not for you so it’s best that you leave.”
“Your provocations have led to the death of an innocent girl.”
“What do you mean? People die every day anywhere and you are fully aware of that or have you forgotten what you are? Asked the youngest Keres.
“Why did I not return sooner? And what is happening now is proof of Cassandra’s warning.
To all the mortals here I ask of you to leave and not proceed with this war.”
The soldiers including the kings were baffled by what is happening but each Keres has spoken again to the kings and their words became absolute to them. The kings were all in a trance and they ordered to attack Thanatos and the other kingdom’s men, so they did, but the god who is grieving did not give a second warning.
With a powerful swing his blade sliced through the armored men almost like a farmer trimming down his wheat and with each movement of his weapon more and more souls leave their bodies. Thunder cracks and lightning strikes the soil was watered with thick fresh blood and soon the three Keres surrounded their brother with the Eldest one first to ask.
“How dare you interfere? You may be our brother but Zeus himself have ordered for this to happen!”
“It does not matter to me my sisters. Nothing has any meaning right now.”
“You cannot kill us Thanatos, we are gods like you and we will just start a new war.”
“With my blade no but with this weapon you will vanish.”
Thanatos elevated his scythe from the earth and it was the very same weapon that Cronus have used to slay his father. The very sight of the scythe brought fear to the Keres and they know that it will be more than enough to kill them.
“Think about this brother. These humans mean nothing to us. Do not destroy our family just because a single girl was killed!”
“A Single girl? How did you know that I am grieving for the loss of that girl?”
“W-we just made a guess.”
“I have heard enough. Today I shall believe Cassandra and I’ll stop the prophecy. I will cut my ties from this world.”
Thanatos slowly walked towards the second Keres and in his eyes they saw not their brother but something else, something that even the gods will fear. They tried to attack all at once but Thanatos slashes around him and all at once the heads of the sisters fell to the ground. From behind an arrow came flying towards him but he caught it with his hand. A king survived and he tried to kill Thanatos but failed. Thanatos approached the wounded man and picked up a stray sword.
“Damn you! Soon the era of the gods will fall and we mortals will rule this world.”
“It is as you said but not today.”
He gripped the man’s hair and swung the sword towards its neck decapitating the king instantly. From above Hypnos descended and found the headless corpse of his sisters and on the mount of severed bodies his twin brother stood.
“Why Brother!!”
Their small talk still lingers in his heart but after giving Hypnos a few words he turned his back and disappeared in the thick mist. He returned to the village and carried Elena in his arms. He flew miles away from the village and reached a tall place that overlooks the sea. Thanatos sat with the girl cuddled in his arm and they waited as the sun went down. He buried Elena on the spot where she would have enjoyed watching the sunrise and sunset over the sparkling water of the ocean and on hi palm was Elena’s soul, he decided to keep it until the day where he can find a way to reunite her with her father’s soul and be reborn to a much peaceful era where war can never harm them again.
When he stepped away from the grave one of Zeus’s winged enforcers came to Thanatos. Kratos blocked his way holding a sword and Thanatos can feel what is about to happen.
“You have defied Zeus my brother, and for what? A prophecy of a mad woman and the death of that mortal child? You know what kind of punishment is waiting for you right?”
“I have no need for Zeus so step away and return to your master.”
“Tough words coming from a god who murdered his own siblings. You are to be brought to Olympus and there Zeus will decide what punishment is fitting for a murderer.”
“If you won’t let me pass then you leave me no choice Kratos.”
“Funny, even I have no choice.”
Kratos attacked with his sword pummeling Thanatos with great force, with his quick steps Thanatos had evaded the attack and had Kratos come after him luring the winged enforcer away from the grave. While flying the two exchanged blows that thundered throughput the woods. Thanatos immediately summoned the scythe and released a powerful slash that left a deep mark on the earth then Kratos seized the opportunity and landed a hit on Thanatos breaking his chest armor. Their trade of attacks lasted for a while when once again Kratos managed strike his foe.
“You are weakened by your grief Thanatos. I can tell that you are not even focused on our battle. So after I bring you down, I will destroy that grave and have the vultures feed on that girl’s corpse.”
Thanatos felt a deep hatred towards Kratos’s words and he gave a look that resembles the eyes of a mother wolf that desperately wants to protect its young. He returned the scythe back to earth making Kratos question him in his mind then, it began.
The warm air under the sun turned cold and the animals flee away with panic. The plants around died and the earth ran dry. Black smoke darker that the abyss leaked out of the soil under Thanatos’s feet and covered his entire body turning him into a very different being. Kratos watched in horror after seeing the creature and feeling the overwhelming power coming from it.
Out of desperation Kratos launched an attack that have him used all his strength but it did not even leave a single scratch on the creature’s body. He attack numerously but it was like that he is just a child flailing his arms against a tree and not even a single hit made his enemy move a bit. The creature that was once Thanatos began to attack. The battle became one sided and Kratos was being tossed around like a rag doll. Bloodied and almost dead he watched as the creature slowly slices his left eye leaving a mark that will remind him of the monster that almost killed him. The creature spread its wings and flew away showing no interest on the half dead god and deep within Kratos’s memories, the encounter with the monster who is Thanatos’s other from have left a mark that will last throughout the centuries.
End of Chapter Five.
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