《World of Eden》Chapter 6 - Raging Darkness


Yseif adjust himself and landed on the ground. Although he was sent flying by the force, he was not injured whatsoever. Dux stood up from the ground and patted the dirt off his armor. The blood-red armor did not have a scratch on it. It was still polished and glossy like how it was before. The cape draped over his shoulder still fully intact with no cuts or scrapes.

“That was a hit that I wasn’t prepared for at all” Dux said.

“…” Yseif stood his ground and did not say anything.

“Let’s try this one more time” Dux prepared himself.

The force that pushed Yseif away was now released again from Dux. The force turned from something transparent to a purple-red color. Covering Dux’s body like a bubble, Dux’s aura now feels like a sharpened sword prepared to kill.

“Here I come” Dux proclaimed.

*Swoosh* Dux disappeared from his position.

Swiftly, Yseif ducted and a wind pressure swiped over his head. The pressure pushed past Yseif and destroyed the huge rock 15 meters away. While dodging, Yseif countered with a rotating kick. Dux parried the incoming kick towards the ground and shoulder charged Yseif. Using the momentum of the downward parry, Yseif used Dux’s shoulders as leverage to flip over to Dux’s backside. Facing back to back with Yseif’s hands on Dux’s shoulder, Yseif gripped and tossed Dux over his head.

*Swooosh* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* Dux flew across the ground. He tossed and turned, bouncing up and down.

The cloud of dust clearing away. At the end of the trail, no one was there.

*Boom* another explosion happened.

After another dust cloud cleared away at Yseif’s position, Yseif can be seen on one knee with his arms crossed over his head. Dux’s arms were pushing downwards towards Yseif. The ground was depressed further into the Earth, causing a crater.


Dux’s left shoulder pad was shattered showing his conditioned muscle. His cape now torn and ragged. Kicking at Yseif, Dux used the force to push himself back. Yseif used the force of the kick to roll himself away from Dux.

“What a great fighter you are” Dux complimented.

“No one had ever survive in a hand to hand combat with me” Dux said satisfied.

Taking off his broken armor, Dux dropped the armor onto the ground.

*Boom* the armor caused a loud noise.

“That armor weighed me down a lot” Dux said.

Showing off his well-grounded and conditioned upper body, Dux held his hands up into a fighting position. His hands covering part of his face and guarded his chin.

“Again!” Dux yelled.

*Ziinnng* Dux made the first move again.

This time Dux fought head on. With part of his armor off, Dux was now faster than he was before. Yseif, instead of dodging, dashed towards Dux. Yseif swung his fist in a straight punch against Dux. Dux reciprocated by also sending a straight punch. Infused on Yseif’s punch was a lingering dark energy.

*Bang* the two fist collided.

A blast of energy shot past Dux’s face. It was a wave of pitch black energy. A wide grassland of area was destroyed and the grass in the surroundings withered away.

The dawn of sunlight speckled onto the battlefield. With Dux’s back facing the first light of sunrise, Yseif stood in front of Dux.

Kneeling on one knee, Dux’s half left of his body was totally destroyed. It’s as if his left side was eaten away. Blood streamed out of his body.

“You are good…No, you are great!” Dux laughed.

“Where is the girl?” Yseif questioned again.

“She should still be at the cabin” Dux said.

“I’ve never done anything to her, I just sent her away with some of my maids until you arrive here”


“Once you arrive, my aura was the signal for my maid to bring her back” Dux continued.

“I just wanted to fight you again” Dux smiled.

“Again?” Yseif asked seeming confused.

“Hahaha, you should get going” Dux pushed on.

Looking at Dux carefully, Yseif felt a familiarity but he couldn’t pinpoint just what it is. After a pause, Yseif looked at Dux one more time, and then turned around.

*Swish* Yseif disappeared from Dux’s sight.

*Thump* Dux fell on his back, sprawled on the ground.

The morning sunrays shone onto his face. The battlefield was now quiet. The morning breeze returned and blew across Dux’s face.

“I was glad…to have…met you again…”

“You were…like a father……to me…”

“To die…by your hands…is my blessing…”

“I really…”


“I will...going fir—“

Dux’s breathing stopped while he mumbled his last words. The blood on his face now seems drained. His wounds still bleeding profusely. In the end, Dux died with not a frown on his face but the best smile he can put on. The sunrays painted the battlefield like a picture of a fallen warrior.


Dashing swiftly back to the cabin area, Yseif was worried. During his way back, he’s been having a bad omen that something is not right. Yseif seemed uncomfortable, his face frowning again and his feelings unsteady.

When he arrived at the cabin, the place was a wreck. The cabin was partially destroyed. Outside was filled with bloods in shades of blue and red. Running inside the cabin, Yseif saw Demons sprawled all over the ground. They were dressed in frilly black and white dress.

“These are…the Demon Maids…” Yseif mumbled.

“Where is Sana?!”

Yseif looked around, inside each and every corner of the cabin, outside the cabin, even in the nearby forest. No trace of Sana can be seen. Frantically searching, Yseif was now in a panic.

“PA!!!!!” a screamed echoed across the forest.


Something has just been released from its cage. The beast is now free. The creatures trembled and cowered in fear. The skies darkened and thunders roared. The wind howls as it fiercely blow. The Earth cries as it felt pained.

“ARGH!!!!!” The beast roared across the world. All the living beings felt the rage of the beast.

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