《World of Eden》Vol.1 Chapter 0 - Prologue


Aldamedia, the strongest kingdom in the west continent of Eden. One day, that very same kingdom disappeared off the map. In its place, an enormous crater which left a scar onto the world. The event was named Heaven’s Fall. No survivor was found and the event was classified as unknown. People only remembered the event by the huge pillar of light that brightened the world that night.


Early morning, the dew on the forest leaves which meets the rays of the sun. The birds chirping soundly as they feed their little ones. The serene sound of the wind breezing slightly through the air. A fresh aroma of food wafted slowly throughout a small cabin within the wood.


A small girl with pink hair tied into two small ponytails slowly grumbled while smelling the food in the air.

“Sana, it’s time to eat.”

Yseif Deucar Kadrille, a young man with a sharp looking face endowed with slightly brownish-red hair and a small tail tied at the back. Pearl black eyes which seems to shine like the night sky. Covered in clothing befitting a farmer.

He slowly walked over to the bed beside the open window and looked at the small girl wriggling cutely inside her blanket. The bed was a queen size bed enough to fit two people on it. The base is made out of maple wood and the mattress is made of soft wool. The blanket was made out of pure cotton seemingly soft, fluffy, and warm by the look of Sana’s smiling and snuggling face.

“Sana, the food will get cold if you sleep in any longer.”


Not know whether to laugh or cry at the little girl, Yseif sighed to himself. In order to perk her awake, Yseif quickly whispered the menu onto her ears.

“We have rabbit jerky today with eggs and bread.”

*Swoosh* Sana quickly kicked the blanket away and stood upright. She slammed into Yseif’s jaw, causing him to fall over moaning in pain. Holding down the pain on her head with her two small hands and holding in her tears from leaking, she demanded from Yseif.


“Pa!! Rahh-beet je-kee!!”

Ysief rubbed his chin while standing back up. Looking at his daughter trying to hold in her tears and puffing up her face, Yseif laughed out loud and ruffled the little girl’s hair into a mess.

Sana Deucar Kadrille, daughter of Ysief. Sparkly wide emerald eyes like her mom’s. Wearing a one piece white dress, her face filled with excitement and a plumpness of fat. Round faced with a slightly pink-ish hue on her cheeks.


Feeling a little tickle-ish, Sana started giggling off.

Yseif picked Sana onto his arms and brought her to the table to eat. She felt very light as Yseif held her.

Hidden within this forest, stood a small wooden cabin which Yseif and Sana live in. Within the cabin is a bed, a fireplace made of ceramic, a dining table, and a cooking area. The cabin is one huge room with three windows located east, west, and across the cabin entrance.

“Let’s go fishing today Sana, I’ll show you how to catch fishes.” Yseif said while eating his breakfast.

“Fee-shzez!, Pa, fee-shzez!” She mumbled with food stuffed in her mouth.

“Don’t worry you’ll see them very soon, so swallow your food before you talk.” Yseif said.

Yseif smiled at his daughter running in circles excitedly. It’s been 5 years since Sana was born. Yseif has been raising Sana by himself for 5 years. She has grown from a little baby to a toddler now. Sana is his lifeblood, his reason for living, his inverted dragon scale. If anything ever happens to Sana, Yseif may just destroy the world for her.

“You got everything Sana?”

“MmM, MmM.”

Sana quickly nodded her head.


Yseif picked Sana up and sat her on his shoulder. Holding onto her two small arms making sure she doesn’t fall, they set out towards the river. Her small feet dangling hanging down from his shoulders.


*Splash* *Splash*

“Gyahaha, Pa, fee-shzez!”

Smiling while watching Sana playing in the pond separated from the river, Yseif adjust the fish cooking over the fire. The fishes were skewered on wooden sticks and placed in a pyramid shape over the fireplace. He turned them over and over again so they can fully cook on all sides.


“Come Sana, time to eat and warm up before you catch a cold.”


Sana ran out of the pond and straight towards the fireplace. Her small feet adorned with water shoes and in her hands was a fishing net. On the wrist of her hand, a sapphire carved jewel was inscribed onto a golden bracelet. It was a gift left behind by her mother. Wobbling from side to side while walking over the pebbles and rocks on the shore side, she treaded over to the fireplace.

*Drip* *Drip*


Yseif grabbed Sana and put him in his lap while covering her in a towel. He held her close to the fireplace to warm her up and fed her fishes from time to time.

Sunset, the rays of the glimmering sunlight started to slowly fade away. Sana slowly breathing quietly in her sleep. Yseif is currently packing up the items to get ready to head back.


Yseif turned around and saw a brown Demon Bear sneaking up on the fireplace. Sana was still soundly sleeping. The brown Demon Bear stopped and stared straight into Yseif’s eyes. The brown Demon Bear’s size was twice as big as Yseif. Standing on all four, it was two heads taller than Yseif.

After seeing the Yseif is not a threat, the brown Demon Bear ignored Yseif and started again towards Sana and the fireplace. Seeing as he was ignored, Yseif let out an ounce of his killing intent. Feeling the pressure of the killing intent, the brown Demon Bear stopped and looked up at Yseif again.

“Scram…” Yseif lightly told the brown demon bear

The image that the bear is seeing is of a majestic beast. Fear written all over its face, the brown Demon Bear turned around and ran away as quickly as possible. It will die if it had stayed any longer, the Demon Bear thought.

Seeing that the brown demon bear ran away, Yseif reeled in his killing intent and picked up the packed items onto his back. With everything packaged tightly into his bag, he walked over to Sana and picked her up into his arms. At a slow pace, he walked back towards the small cabin.

The sunlight almost all faded out, the stars started to shine brightly. The cold breeze blowing against the lone person carry a small girl and a big bag on his back. Looking upwards while walking, the lone person hummed a melodic tune.

“The stars are bright in the sky”

“Oh how the time flies”

“The kids growing one by one”

“The same but aged sun”

“It wakes and it sleeps”

“The shadow goes and the shadow creeps”

“The world spins but not for me”

“For I have sinned too much to see”

“The things I hold dear next to me”

“For I am too bloodied to be”

“May the gods bless my innocent one”

“For this life, I am almost done”

“My tears shall wash my pain”

“To my loved one which kept me sane”

“My heart is no fake as it is real”

“With a smile, I enjoy my last meal”


While humming, a tear drop slowly drips onto the little girl. The little girl opened her eyes feeling the moisture. What she saw was a face in sorrow. Not understanding what is going on, she brought her hands up and wiped the tears away.


The lone person smiled and wiped away his remaining tears.

“It’s nothing Sana, let’s go home.”


The small girl snuggled closely into the lone person’s chest while they entered the lone cabin within the woods. The moonlight shining brightly onto cabin’s doorway. The door slowly closed and the night sound reverbed quietly throughout the forest.

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