《Number Of Virtues》chapter 10 - How to be born strong and healthy (3)


Jobs: N/A (98.12%) → (100%) *

“Finally” Mark smiled. During last few days he continued to train inner manipulation, and strengthening, but when he indeed could do it much easier with a skill, further progress, while existing, was slow. In the firs place, it had taken him weeks to learn first level, so who know how long second level will take?

And there was ten overall...

So he welcomed warmly change brought by jobs counter reaching 100%. Noticing a marker appearing beside it, Mark pointed it mentally.

Choose a single job from below:

Unborn, Soul-formed, Apprentice Magician, Apprentice Farmer.

Warning! Remember that you can't choose a new job without previously completely assimilating your previous one.

Without thinking too much Mark tried to point each of job's name.


No attributes reward.

Can only be chosen by one that obtained sentience needed to use the system while still in unborn state.

This choice will vanish once you are born.

Once you are born, process of this job assimilation will be automatically completed with the system aid.

Grants strong positive correction to easy and safe delivery, grants better health to person bearing one in possession of this job.

Once fully assimilated grants slight increase to all talents

Once fully assimilated grants you instinctual knowledge about your parents language.


No attributes reward.

Once chosen any action is considered as accomplishment to assimilation.

Once fully assimilated grants best suited skill to your soul-form.

Slightly increases some of the benefits of your soul-form.

Apprentice Magician

+8 points of Magical power and +2 points of spiritual power at the moment of choosing this job.

Slight positive corrections to learning and leveling skills affiliated with magical power.

Very slight positive correction to learning all things affiliated with magical power, even if they are not expressed with skills.


Slight positive correction to all actions related to magic power.

Apprentice Farmer

+7 points to life force +1 point to magical power and +2 points of spiritual power at the moment of choosing this job.

Slight positive corrections to learning and leveling skills affiliated with farming.

Very slight positive correction to learning all things affiliated with farming even if they are not expressed with skills.

Slight positive correction to all actions related to farming and to all harvests.

All of these jobs were quite interesting and packet with information, still where he could guess from where first three came... why farmer? He definitely didn't do anything that would justify it...Still, choice was rather obvious as 'Unborn' was only job with a time limit, and certainty, that he will be able to 'assimilate' it... whatever it meant... So without unnecessary thoughts Mark made his choice.

Name: N/A

Surname: N/A

Species: human

Age: 6 months (Unborn)

Life Force: 0.143 → 0.151

Magical Power: 5.35 → 5.37

Spiritual Strength: 135 → 136

Jobs: N/A (100%) → Unborn(00.00%)


“Magic Power Manipulation lvl 1/10”

- “Inner Manipulation ● Strengthening”


Soul-Form: Chain

Pillars Of Heaven

- Pillar Of Wisdom

- Pillar Of Faith

Yes no doubt, it was the right choice. In the first place, Mark tried to not think about all this 'labor' issues, as it worried him a lot. After all, even in advanced technologically Earth accidents during childbirth were still happening. Having something that would help here was worth a lot, even if you didn't count other benefits.

From which automatic understanding of his parents language was very tempting by itself.

Satisfied from his choice Mark returned to training his magic power manipulation.

Still three months left.


Around one month later...

Last day Mark felt very uncomfortable, he didn't know exact reason, but he suspected that something bad happened outside. Fortunately, it didn't seem as it had any permanent negative effect (as far as he could feel) but he still was worried. He even though about infusing his magical power like during his 'strengthening' into his mother body, but ultimately rejected the idea. He didn't know if infusing not your own magical power could have any negative consequences. After all if you try to transfer blood with a wrong group it would be tragic even if you use a minimal dose. And his own mother was definitely not someone that he wanted to test it.


… And one more month later.

Skill “Magic Power Manipulation” reached lvl 2!

Magical power + 5

Spiritual strength + 1*2

Mark smiled, lately his face muscles finally developed enough for him to do it in reality and not only in his mind. Still, it had taken him two months to reach second of ten levels... was he really that untalented? Or maybe he was doing something wrong? Well I didn't really matter now, every bit of progress was welcome.

Interesting thing, were bonuses to attributes from skills doubled with each level?

Fortunately, whatever it was that made him feel uncomfortable month or so ago, passed without any repercussion. He probably was worried without reason anyway.

Putting it aside moment of his birth was probably coming close.

And some more time on the future.

It was happening.

It really was happening!

He had to remember to not panic! He needed a clear mi-

Oh God, it was really happening!

Should he do something? Or just let nature take its course? Some time ago his position reversed, what was proper if anything that he read in his previous life books was true in this world as well.

It was, right?

It had to be!

And he had this job that helped in safe delivery too... Surely it will be alrig-

Mark thoughts were broke by strong feeling of pressure from most of the directions around him. It was strong to the point of being painful.

Oh, God! It really was happening!

Mark current status:

Name: N/A

Surname: N/A

Species: human

Age: 0

Life Force: 0.231

Magical Power: 10.7

Spiritual Strength: 157

Jobs: Unborn (82.11%)


“Magic Power Manipulation lvl 2/10”

- “Inner Manipulation ● Strengthening”


Soul-Form: Chain

Pillars Of Heaven

- Pillar Of Wisdom

- Pillar Of Faith

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