《A Thief's Sacrifice》I - Sermon


"Welcome, citizens of Ryk," a large, balding and robed man said from the front of the marbled hall

Keyla quietly shut the door behind her, hoping nobody would notice that she was late. With hunched shoulders she moved silently forward and joined the last row of folk standing behind the pews. The long, pillared room stretched out before her and was packed with fellow citizens. Her pulse quickened at the thought of all those pockets begging to be picked.

"Selah's blessing be upon thee, one and all," the priest continued. "Let us read today from the words of our beloved Selah, who delivered us from the brutal and savage Margaan, and set before us a time of prosperity and safekeeping. Please open your books to where we left off this past moon day..."

Keyla pushed the thieving thoughts from her mind and pulled out her own copy of The Diary. She flipped through its’ worn pages, found the section they’d stopped at a month ago, and began to read silently with the other folk.

I wonder sometimes how I could ever have loved him, yet still my heart breaks at the thought. Margaan. Wicked, twisted, sinister Margaan. And yet, despite it all, despite the months we've held against his wrath and the weeks engaged in battle rallying our defenses against the onslaught of his demon horde - despite it all, I love him still.

He was sweet, once. I saw a future with him at my side, to guide the people with this new gift and to found a realm of peace, of prosperity.

I love him, and I must kill him. If I fail, we are all doomed.

Keyla raised her head like the sea of others before her as the priest spoke again.

"See here, dear Friends. Even as Selah sits at her desk, heartbroken and weeping, her mind stays steady and she sees the truth! She sees the destruction that would follow, should she choose her heart over her people. She is torn inside, but she acknowledges, and accepts. There is wisdom in this for us all..." The man trailed off as everybody's eyes returned to the pages.

How could Margaan have done this to me? To all of us? What happened that he became so consumed with hate, so focused only upon himself? We lost another thirty students today. Narn damn him! I never had the time to properly prepare them. I was so caught up in figuring out how to unravel that dark and shadowy magic that twisted all of his people into his monstrous horde, that army that pushes us ever back, that I failed to teach them the proper defenses.


Now those poor thirty have joined his undead ranks. My circle, brave and dear friends all, are trying everything but even I can see that we will not withstand their advances much longer. By week's end we will all be dead - or worse.

I am so close to figuring out the right disciplines to channel what is needed, to remove Margaan, but I worry about the cost and lose hope with every passing hour. I must return to my studies and trust that the circle will hold for as long as is needed.

Keyla's heart ached for Selah, as it did every time she read these passages. Keyla had never been in love, but she thought she must know what it feels like, and these words never failed to introduce a longing in her chest that she couldn't explain with words.

"Selah, bless her, shows us such human qualities as fear, and hope!" The priest interrupted their reading once more. "Qualities that every single body present in this hallowed hall has displayed, but still she holds true to her focus, her cause. Still she quells the rage and resentment, the passion and horror. She stores them as we have all been taught and strive ourselves to store, showing the ultimate resolve and the greatest of control..."

I've finally found it! Finally, I know how to ensure our people's safety forever! But the cost. Oh, the cost.

I care not a whit for my life. I lay it down willingly. Yet my circle, ever trusting, ever faithful... I need them as well.

Do I ask them? Can I ask them? No. No!

I cannot ask them to submit to an eternity of torment, for all know that suicide is the greatest of Narn's sins, that which he punishes with eternal fire.

If I asked, they would acquiesce, and burn forever. No, I will suffer that fate alone. I must betray them, betray everything they have given me and seen in me, and take their lives from them that they may pass on to Narn's Valley in peace.

Narn forgive me.

My friends, forgive me.

Forgive me, and goodbye.

She had read these words countless times over the years, raised on them as all in the hall had been, yet still a small tear formed as Keyla read the goodbye.

"As you close your books, remember what followed Selah's final entry." The priest lifted his hands as he spoke, motioning to the crowd. "She committed these sins so that her people, you people, would never have to. She took the energy of her circle, and thus their lives, and joined them with her own, hurling everything she'd stored at Margaan and banishing him from our realm, sealing him in the Elsewhere for all eternity."


Keyla bowed her head with the other citizens as the robed man continued.

"She burns for us now, our blessed Selah. Do not make her sacrifice for naught. Do not betray her by straying from the Path. She gave us all we have, and all we know. Life, safety, magic. Blessed Selah guide us that we may live in your image, strive for your wisdom, and know your peace in our kingdom and our families. Selah be with us always, as we are with you. Thank you all for coming. Let us retreat now to our private studies, and Selah be with you until the next moon day."

Keyla turned on her heel, hoping to leave the hall first and avoid the temptation that always accompanied her in large crowds. Her fingers twitched at the thought of all riches to be found in the crowd's pockets.

"Keyla, a moment if your time, if you please?"

Keyla startled as she looked up. How does a man as fat as him move so fast? The bald priest, who only a moment ago had been at the head of the hall preaching, was standing by the door. He motioned for her to step into a side office as others filed past her to go about their day.

She gripped her worn copy of the Diary tightly and hunched her shoulders again, making herself seem as small as possible as she followed the man into his office. She hadn’t stolen from anybody today, what could he possibly want from her?

"Keyla, I have a job for you."

This was unexpected. Keyla looked up at him and waited, without speaking.

"Don't think I haven't noticed you outside my walls, child," the man said as he plopped down onto the padded chair behind his desk. "Don't think for a second that I'm not aware of your... particular proclivities."

Keyla fought the urge to deny it and remained silent. She had found as she'd grown that the easiest way to get information was simply to let the other person talk. Most folk were uncomfortable with silence, and would seek to fill it.

The priest smiled. "I like that about you. Your head may be filled with thoughts of sin, but it isn't filled with the impractical prattle and nonsense of other common folk." He heaved a sigh, folding his hands over his belly.

"As I said, I have a job for you. A job that requires your skills. Depending upon how you go about it, it may require your size, and maybe even your looks. You're a pretty little thing, you know."

She'd been told that before, but paid it no mind. She'd seen herself in a mirror before. How anybody could describe the dirt over her face or her matted brown hair as pretty was a thought for another day.

"I need you to retrieve a book for me."

Keyla raised her eyebrow in question.

He stared at her for a moment, but when it was obvious she had no intention of speaking, he exhaled quickly and continued.

"It has recently come to our attention that the Teknar family are Margaanites. A loyal member of our flock let it slip to me that they have a copy of Margaan’s Diary. I'm sure you can imagine the chaos the Teknars will sow if Margaan's words spread throughout the city. I need you to get his Diary, and bring it to me."

Her eyes grew wide before she could force a neutral mask over her face. Everybody knew the Teknar family. They were one of the richest families in all of Ryk. Practically nobility in every way but blood. Keyla's heartbeat quickened.

This wouldn’t be like anything she'd ever done. A real job.

The priest set a purse on his desk, and the thunk followed by the rattle of coins inside informed her that it was more wealth than she'd ever held at one time.

"This will be waiting for you, when you hand me The Diary."

The Teknar estate would be guarded. There would be advanced locking mechanisms, maybe even types of security she hadn't encountered before. Her mouth watered at the thought of the months of food, lodging, and comfort that purse would bring her.

Keyla gulped, and nodded.

The priest smiled and leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes and signaling her that she was free to leave.

As Keyla stepped out of the church, a crisp autumn breeze greeted her.

She smiled for the first time in days.

There was planning to do.

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