《Legend of Magus Academus 1: The Pillars of Unity》06. Exceptional talent


"So far, it was not common for first and second graders to join the circle team. 26 years ago, a precedent was set after 100 years, when Sven Yannik was allowed to play as a first grader for his circle. Since then, there have always been a few exceptional talents who were already very good with their magic. As an example, I just mention Simon Krott, who plays for the German national team today. We have decided to lift this restriction under one condition. All of the first two years, who want to be included in the Crossrideteam for their circle must first show with Master Rania, if they have their magic well enough under control. That's how we want to prevent serious injuries. "

After this announcement, an excited murmur went through the hall. Ulf's eyes were glowing. Tomorrow, they would be able to show in the last two hours if they are suitable for Crossride.

"Willing team?" He asked Luciano. He talked too fast with excitement, so that the person in question could not understand him.

"Please what?" He asked, confused.

"Sorry. I wanted to know if you wanted to our team too. "

"I can give it a try." They continued talking as they made their way to class in Venenum. However, when they met Ariane at the greenhouses, Ulf's good mood had abruptly disappeared.

"I totally forgot we had to deal with the stupid Aramis in Venenum," Ulf quipped. The present Verenus laughed spitefully. "Na Malakinbaby, did your father disinherit you for going to Aramis? I am glad that I was able to choose the best circle of Magus Academus. How does it look like? Do you also sign up for your weak team? Then I can beat you in two competitions. "


Before Ariane could speak, the door was opened by Master Rossford, who was also the Circle Master of Verenus. This lesson showed how deep the gap between Aramis and Verenus was. At the quad tables, both circles were separated. It was strange to see how Ulf responded to the students from Aramis. It almost seemed as if he'd forgotten what asked Elmar Erikson to him, even though it was only two days ago. He was also very nervous because his father had big problems in this field.

"Even if this subject mostly deals with potions and various powders, it should not be underestimated, as it requires a lot of magic to be able to produce the potions and mixtures correctly. The needed herbs and other ingredients are to be properly prepared in conjunction with your magic. A potion master or powder master must always be wrapped in his magic, otherwise it will fail. So that you do not just have to worry about your herbs on the first day, I've prepared them properly and I'm curious if you could prepare this powder properly. "He pointed to a plaque where a recipe for a powder appeared at that moment can disappear. "Be careful, otherwise it can be a nuisance of itching."

Ulf read it through and started at a line that said that Kronkörner had to be loaded with magic after they had been crushed. His feeling told him that it had to happen during that time.

"Master Rossford! Can it be that the third line is a mistake? "He asked shyly.

"I do not think so, Yannik," he replied with a grin. But as he scanned the lines, he hesitated and replied, "It seems you are right. The Kronkörner must, of course, while they are loaded with magic, be crushed. How did you know it was wrong? "


Ulf shrugged and said, "I do not know, but I had a feeling it was not true."

Rossford scrutinized him skeptically and said, "I'm curious how your feeling about this powder will help you." Time passed, and just before the end of the double hour, Master stood behind him. »Notable achievement. Have you ever prepared this powder? "

Ulf was a little confused. He was not feeling bad, but he had not assumed that he should be so good. Looking around, he noticed that only one of them had reached the desired color, Ariane. However, her powder was not fine enough.

"No sir. Mum and Dad always said I was too small for that, "he finally replied stuttering.

"You seem like a natural. Your father was never very good at this subject. 10 points for Verenus. "Ulf was overjoyed. These were the first points he had received for his circle. So I'm not like my dad.

With a proud chest he went to transmutation followed by the other Verenus. There they were greeted by a master who seemed very young. "Welcome class. I am Master Tiberion your transmutation instructor. "

He went through the list and briefly stopped at Ulf's name. "Ulf Yannik. I knew your father. We were together at the academy. He was a few years above me and a great role model for me. In my third year, I even had the pleasure of tutoring me in Defensivo. A remarkable man, your father. "

Ulf blushed. He did not like it when he was always approached. "I know you do not want to listen to a long lecture. I did not feel any different with you. "As promised, he kept to himself briefly and finally they were allowed to try to turn little stones into buttons. Master Tiberius showed it to the class and Ulf used his talent and paid attention to every action of his magic. Finally he picked up a stone himself. He imagined the button in his head, used his magic to lay around the stone, and projected the image of his memory onto the stone. He was surprised to find that he had become exactly what he had planned and was even more artistic than Master's.

"Yannik, amazing. I've been a teacher at this Academy for a few years, but no one has done it yet. This perfection often fails many graduating classes. Please wait a short time after class. I want to talk to you. "

I did everything right. Why does he want to talk to me?

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