《The Sacrificial Queen》Chapter 16


With her arms wrapped around her soft blanket, Isabella heard male voices speaking in soft voices close to her. Nuzzling her face against the soft fabric, she debated drifting back off to sleep. Except her curiosity peaked on who the voices belonged to and what was their topic of conversation? Isabella focused on the low undertones and identified Samuel’s voice, but she struggled to recognize the second-deep male tone. She stirred in bed listening as it turned to muted laughter. Before her eyes truly opened, Isabella forced herself to sit upright in bed. Raising a hand to her face, she rubbed her eyes willing them to open.

She heard Samuel’s voice close to her. “I am sorry Isabella. We did not mean to wake you.” Cracking her eyes an inch, she made out shapes moving around her room as she spoke. “No, I am good; I just need to wake up. Who were you talking with?” She focused on the end of her bed as her senses sharpened as she became more alert. In her line of vision, stepped the dark-haired man sporting a stubbled beard. He wore a dark black coat cinched at the waist over his brown slacks. She stumbled out. “I did not expect you to be here this morning.” A friendly smile crossed his face as he answered her. “Princess, I did not come all this way for you to spit fire at me and then go home.”

Thoughts flooded her memory of the awful things she threw at him earlier this morning. Isabella was disturbed when she recalled her mean statements about the Warlock. The fear that he would kill Samuel was so strong that her only recourse was to hurl insults at him. But even after her verbal lashing, the Warlock still was pleasant and kind to her. He even staid true to his word and did not make any advances on her when she was sleeping. Isabella was in a completely vulnerable position this morning, and he never once made her feel uncomfortable. Except when he questioned the bite marks on her neck which to be honest brought up a feeling of shame.


Even Samuel was jovial with this Warlock and carrying on as nothing had occurred between them. Isabella had to admit, she did have trouble remembering his name. She cleared her throat hoping to interrupt them in their lively chat. Both men looked over at Isabella as she asked. “Excuse me Sir, but I appear to have forgotten your name.” The dark-haired man grinned at her and stated. “Ronan, my name is Ronan Princess.” The Warlock approached her, leaned down and gently touched her chin turning her face. “That is one hell of a bruise you have there.” Ronan released Isabella’s chin as she gazed downwards.

“That reminds me, I was going to grab some ice for the swelling.” Samuel explained as he crossed the room to her door. “I will be right back.” He explained as he exited the room closing the door behind him. Ronan sat down on the bed beside her and stated. “While it is still daylight, Samuel and I were discussing it would be a good idea to meet some of the villagers.” She nodded as she worked up her courage to speak with him. “Ronan.” She shyly stated. “I apologize for my words earlier today. I was scared and tired, but I should not have spoken to you in such a manner. I hope you can forgive me.” She gazed into his eyes as she sincerely felt sorry for her behaviour.

“Hey Princess, I understand. You had a difficult day, and I do not blame you for being a little fearful.” He let out a small laugh. “Shocked the hell out of me. Here I was expecting a meek and mild woman, but instead you were quite the lioness.” Isabella folded her hands together on her lap. “I think it is a good thing to have a bit of fire inside of you Princess.” Feeling more comfortable in his presence, Isabella asked Ronan. “Why do you keep calling me Princess? I am a Queen.” Rubbing his hands on his legs he answered. “Sorry but you got demoted when I saw the bite marks on your neck.”


She felt a tinge of embarrassment as she answered Ronan. “Yes, I understand. It’s not really a good thing is it?” He shook his head. “No, it is not. Your husband should have more respect for you. I would never dare to treat my wife in such a manner. My mother would give me such an earful.” Isabella heard the affection in his voice when he spoke of the woman. She wanted to hear more about his mother. “She sounds like a good woman. She must be so proud of you.” Ronan scratched his ear as his expression became solemn. “I hope so. She has been deceased for a couple years now, but I keep hearing her voice in my head on how to behave.”

Isabella felt ghastly about bringing up his mother and worried if she upset him. “I am so sorry Ronan. I did not mean to pry.” He shook his head as he spoke. “No, it is fine. Speaking about her makes her feel like she is still with me. She was a good woman, and she would have loved you.” Isabella heard the sentiment in his voice as she inquired further. “May I ask how she passed away.” She figured illness must have taken her too early from her family. Ronan answered. “Well, the townsfolk figure it was probably werewolves that stumbled across my mother and sister and killed them. But too many witches have been found murdered. Personally, I believe it may have been vampires.”

“I am so sorry Ronan.” Isabella emphasized as she reached out and grasped his hand in hers. She could only imagine the pain he must have felt losing his mother and sister. Her bedroom door opened as Samuel entered the room carrying a wrapped cloth in hand. “I am back. Good news is the cooks can prepare us some meals before we go down to the village.” Samuel crossed across the room as Isabella pulled her hand away from holding Ronan’s. The palace guard kept speaking. “We can still spend a couple hours in the village before the sun sets.” Ronan held out his hand and Samuel gave him the cloth holding cubes of ice.

She watched Ronan fold the cloth into a perfect square on his lap before he gently placed it on Isabella’s cheek. She was not sure if she jumped because of the coolness of the cloth or Ronan’s other hand cupping the side of her face. Isabella gazed into his deep brown eyes as his free hand gently touched her. She tried to read the expression on his face until his thumb gently ran down touching her lips. “Just hold this on your cheek for a couple minutes.” Ronan stated releasing his free hand as she reached up to hold the cloth in place. Ronan stood up crossing the room to her bedroom window.

Isabella’s mind swirled in a state of confusion over the subtle exchange between them as Samuel came to sit beside her. “I believe the cooks have prepared some chicken for us tonight.” She smiled at Samuel unsure of why she had felt butterflies earlier. Isabella cared deeply for her palace guard, but she thought about what Ronan had said previously. What was she hoping for, to have children with him running around the castle? To have a loving relationship with him, while she was still married to Nathanial. But she still had to have a child to comply with the decree set out by the Golden Oracle Council.

Pushing away her confusion, she asked the two men. “What are our plans for today?” Beside her Samuel answered. “Ronan and I thought it might be best if we explore the village and speak with the villagers.” Isabella holding the cloth to her face stood up and exclaimed. “I would really enjoy that. Boys, out of my room as I need to get changed.”

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