《Top 25》Uncommon


Yukki: ...I can barley stand.... I can't even lift my arms...I really hope she's down or this is over...

Yukki looks over to Xena and as the smoke cleared he see's her laying on the ground she's barley awake and she's muttering to herself

Xena: dammit...yukki... you got lucky...

Yukki: I know, if I would of missed I would be in your position...good fight

Yukki smiles and offers to help her up

Headmistress: The Winner is YUKKI KAI!!!

Yukki: Huh?...Woah!

Yukki collapses and it seems he can't get up, his legs gave up and he's exhausted

Support students came out with stretchers to escort Xena and Yukki out of the arena.

Xena: I like your style we should train together, your attitude is what I like in a fighter.

Yukki: Heh... Thanks that means a lot, it's true I do need to improve as well. But I know I'll get the best training from you. You were #1 in the world right

Xena: Hell No! I was #1 in the school not in the world. Rozu is #1 in the world and I literally have no chance at beating her. I don't think I can beat the #2 girl at that school either Yukami...that school is full of powerful fighters.

Yukki: But isn't this the #1 fighting school in the world?

Xena: To be ranked high as a school just means they have the most money. The top 5 fighting schools have around the same amount be just have slightly more than everyone else.

Yukki: Oh... Well I could probably take on Rozu, I just have to train hard enough

Xena: It's not that easy... She's on a completely different level than any fighter I've ever seen. Her speed is insane, she's has bloodlust to fight so she one let her opponent give up...


The last weak opponent to fight her was cut up so bad that he regenerating abilities took a week to heal her.

Yukki: Oh...she sounds kind of intimidating

Xena: Yeah very....

After Xena and Yukki rested the night in the medical office they were cleared to go back to their dorms. Yukki didn't know that he was the new number one fighter in the academy.

Yukki: I'M WHAT!!

Xena: Yup your the new #1 student in the academy, I've been moved to #3, congrats.

I'll use this loss as motivation to get stronger and take it back

Yukki: So your not mad about losing your #1 spot?

Xena: Hell no! Before you came it was so boring not having anyone to fight. It's not that they were weak or anything it's just no one wanted to risk losing to me. Ugh, some people in this school rather have a easy guaranteed win than a hard fought one. But I'm sure you coming will bring me more opponents. Thank You.

Xena smiles and hugs Yukki and walks back to his dorm still tired, until he spots a girl with grey hair looking at him...

Who is she?

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