《Rein's Reign》Chapter 3: Parent's Lecture


Chopping off most of his hair symbolized a new beginning. Those outsiders who have done business with the clan would have to think twice to recognize him. Besides his name and emerald eyes, he would be hard to recognize at a first glance. This made it easier for him to leave Cain territory and start his journey. Boys usually had the most drastic haircuts, while ladies tended to trim a few inches while keeping their current hairstyle. Ladies of the Cain clan preferred to look the same for several reasons, but the Cain clan was progressive enough to not push for traditional ideals. Boys on the other hand, loved the ritual. Mostly because they no longer had to abide by their mother’s request and could finally be free.

As nighttime arrived at Cain manor, Kirian walked over to his father’s study dressed in long black pants and an off-white silk shirt. Within the study, Cindy and Ralf were chatting about Kirian’s childhood while laughing. Kirian bushed slightly. He decided to lightly knock on the door to announce his presence and get his parents to stop talking. Kirian walked in. His parents were expecting him, so they smiled and signaled him to sit on the couch beside them. As he walked in his mom’s eyes sparkled as she complimented him on his haircut. Cindy could not help but laugh as Kirian’s haircut reminded her of Arnie. When Arnie left 3 years ago, he decided to get a buzz cut. Arnie had always been wild but also the collected older brother. He tested the limits but never went too far. Despite his wild side, Arnie always looked out for his two younger siblings. It was hard to think they were the same person sometimes.

Kirian took a seat across from his parents. Ralf had a large build, a moustache and beard, emerald eyes, and a dark blue robe on. Next to him, Cindy looked like she would be crushed. Despite looking petite, Cindy was just two ranks below her husband even though he was 15 years older than her. After breaking into the Blue grade, Cindy had beautiful brown eyes, smooth skin, and plump lips. She looked closer to a young lady in her 30s compared to her real age. Kirian did not know how old his mother was but based on the age of his grandparents and Uncle Eric she had to be at least 150. This was not old since cultivators extended their lives as they leveled up. After reaching grade 9 of the initial awakening, cultivators could live until 100-105 depending on their foundations. The yellow stage provided another 50 years of life, while the orange grade promised 100 more. Considering Kirian’s parents were both blue grade they had extended their lifespan to 500.


As Kirian sat down, he grabbed a cup of tea and began to inform his parents about his plans for tomorrow.

“I plan on leaving in the morning. I will do my morning practice routine and be at breakfast by 8am. Ideally, everyone would be there if it is not too much to ask. I know grandfather and uncle are busy. You know I love family breakfast, so that is all I will ask for. After that, I plan to say my final goodbyes and be on the road by 10am. If I do that, I can leave our territory before nightfall.”

Ralf glanced at Cindy and then cleared his throat. “Hmm. I know I promised to keep this meeting short, but I want to cover a few things with you.” With a serious face he continued, “Son, the Cain family is meant for a larger purpose. You are young so you do not need to fret about the Clan’s future, at least not now. The family motto is all we have tried to instill in you. Your mother and I have watched you grow up into a fine young man. Members of the Cain family, especially direct descendants like us, need to bear the weight of the motto. While you have faced some challenges within the territory you have not truly been tested. Blood is thicker than water and we do not tolerate killing our own. This in part is why you’ve had it easier than most on the outside.”

Ralf signaled Cindy. She continued “Rein, you must do your best to grow stronger. Not just for you but for all of us. Remember the happy times you had here and remember everything we have instilled. You are smart, witty, and kind. The outside world is filled with different types ofcultivators. Some will be evil and untrustworthy, while others you should rely on. We trust that you will make the right decisions. The family will always stand besides our own”


“Son do not forget that we are cultivators. While peaceful solutions are what we enforce in the territory, we show no mercy to those outside who wish to harm us. Do you understand?” Ralf lectured.

Kirian nodded his head along and proclaimed; “Mom, Dad, do not worry. I have heard and read plenty about the outside world and I am no longer a naive boy. I will do what needs to be done. I will protect those I care about. I cannot do that without strength. I have never killed another person before. I will not be afraid of doing so in the future.”

Ralf stroked his beard and loudly chuckled, “Good! Good! Well said. I know you know this, but …” Ralf quickly used his eyes to point to his mother. “… we just wanted to make sure.”

Cindy rolled her eyes as she noticed her husband's eye movements. She patted Kirian’s hand and said “don’t forget to look for Arnie. I am sure he will have a going away present for you. He has been gone for 3 years, but he may still visit 2nd high. He is due to return around the time Sarah heads out on her own journey, so if you don’t see him stop by around then.”

Kirian smiled and nodded to his mother’s request. With that, he got up and headed back to his room. He laid in bed and went through his nighttime cultivation routine. He visualized and broke down the meaning of his sword arts while manipulating his energy force through his meridians. As the hours ticked by, Kirian awoke to the morning sun.

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