《Roalacia: FateBreaker》Prologue: The Greetings [Ridicule] Of The Fool To The King
*tak* *tak* *tak*
An echoing noise from the shoes of a certain old man could be heard as he stepped along the obsidian black marble floors towards the self-opening glass door. The interior of the place was similar to a luxurious hotel designed with chandeliers and extravagant types of furniture. Upon reaching the glass door of the expensively decorated building, the old man sadly commented while looking upon the small garden in front of it.
“Hmm… It feels strange looking at this place as a normal building and no longer my home to stay around. To think that it’s my last time being here as the Stygian Ruler who wielded such immense power. Also, it’s a shame that I can’t see those beautiful ladies walking along these black obsidian marble floors and marvelously crafted walls anymore.”
An old man clad in a jet black suit and shoulder cape with golden linings came out of the tall building with regretful looks on his wrinkled face. A strong feeling of authority could be felt around him as he walked out of the building while wearing a golden necklace with a small serpent making an S shape made of pure emerald as his Royal Regalia.
“Also I’m gonna miss this place. Man really… this place sure looks a 5-star hotel to me rather than a residence for its ruler. Heck, even the garden in the middle of the three buildings is really beautiful for its lush green trees.”
What lies in front of the old man was three tall jet black skyscrapers that could be seen high above the clear blue skies. These three modernly designed structures were 20 floors in height and arranged in a triangular pattern where each one was located on the corners. Multiple passageways that connected each structure to another could be observed along the body of the big three buildings. Its most distinct characteristic was its gold linings which exude a premium feel. The glass panels were tinted black to blend with the building’s overall color.
“But yeah this place’s security is no joke, after that attempted attack some 50 years ago, I really stepped up this building’s security game to the maximum. Those people became too lax back then until to the point that I need to frigging whip their slouching asses into shape.”
It’s fully made of rare magical materials to defend against any kind of attacks. Magical barriers were also deployed around the whole area without any pause to prevent any opportunities for an attack. Outside security was also heavily fortified, the whole area was a no-flight zone and each vehicle coming in and out of the premise should be inspected thoroughly before giving clearance to go. Not to mention the military soldiers keep on patrolling around to make sure no sneak attack can happen.
This heavily guarded place is the Gezire Sia Palace, the place where the ruler must reside. It’s located on the center of the Sanguine city, the capital of Stygia.
Multiple men dressed in black suits and shades instantly appeared from the sides of Gazire Sia’s Entrance and approached the old man in a very synchronized and snappy fashion. There were about 20 men who formed two lines with 10 on each which created a straight path for him. Other men could be seen guarding the area beyond the entrance. King Roa made an impressed look then followed it with a short praise,
“Very snappy as always royal guards. Another one of the things I will miss after I depart from the palace. Anyway, don’t slack off now that I’m no longer the current ruler, you will need to continuously train and be ready anytime to protect the new ruler of Stygia. Understand?”
“Yes, your majesty!!”
Very loud and clear voices in unison were heard all around the entrance area near the glass door from all the men lined up in response to Roa’s advice. You could really felt that each one of those men harbored a very deep loyalty to their ruler and would sacrifice their lives just to protect him. As he walked towards the end of the path made by the men, A small smile with a hint of sadness cracked on his old wrinkled face as he seemed to be satisfied based on what he saw but a certain word struck on his mind and said,
“King huh… You guys don’t need to call me a king or ruler, you will have a new ruler now as of today.”
“We know that your majesty but until they made it official on the ascension ceremony that sir Jin is the new King, you are still the ruler of Stygia technically.”
Roa casually looks into his right to see who was the one talking. A woman on the front steps which by walking through it would elevate you to the obsidian black floor that leads to the main entrance of the building appeared in front of King Roa. Similar to the other black-suited men that lined up, she was also wearing the same black suits and slacks but unlike the others, she was carrying with her right hand a wooden scepter with a huge emerald placed on the top. The woman positioned herself to the right side of king Roa as to not block his way and continued what he said earlier.
“So until then, We are obliged to serve and call you the king, King Roa.”
“I know that Hazelrink, the Obsidian royal guards are really strict with these things and will serve its ruler until his/her very last second of the rule. By the way, you are still looking sharp as ever since you joined the Royal Guards 10 years ago.”
“I’m very pleased to hear that your majesty. I just hope this sharpness of mine lasts a very long time.”
The woman talking to the old king was Hazelrink Quatra, The captain of the Obsidian Royal Guards, the king’s personal security. Her silky black hair was flowing up to her hips while her bangs were clipped sideways to the right. She was also a beauty with her porcelain-like skin and with eyelashes taken care off perfectly. Her gorgeous body shapes especially her above average size bosom was really eye-catching that can give those beauty models a run for their money since she always makes sure her body was in healthy condition.
After she responded to King Roa’s compliment to her looks, she also looked into the king’s appearance and examined him,
“You, my majesty sure the same. A very enigmatic individual with a strong aura of superiority. An old wizard in his workshop image maybe? That beard of yours sure gives that vibe.”
“Hahaha, I translated that as a shady oddball who locks himself in the palace doing nothing but watching anime and reading light novels. Surely that’s what you want to say to me. C’mon admit it already Hazelrink.”
“Oh no!!, It seems that I’m busted again with the help of the old king’s great wisdom. Guilty as charged once more this time, I can also say that YOU are still looking as ever my majesty.”
The laughing old king just made fun of Hazelrink’s examination of him by interpreting it the other way. A fake shocked Hazelrink, on the other hand, has sarcastically pleaded guilty on hiding her real impression of the old king. It’s incredible of her to casually talk to the king while her subordinates are dead serious safeguarding the area and not showing some emotions to her sarcastic remarks. Perhaps it’s one of the perks of being the captain of the royal guards.
“But Hazelrink, I’m still curious on what you are using to maintain that youthful looks despite your old age, I need some of tha… oh cra-”
“Hmmmmm??? Are you saying something about my age, your majesty???”
King Roa with his “Oh crap!!” face felt a very bad feeling about that smile Hazelrink put up after she heard something about “old age”. Her smile was really emitting deadly vibes as Roa needed to do something or else he gonna receive the wrath of the beautiful lady, with an awkward smile on his face, Roa smoothly diverted the topic.
“Oh! hahaha… N-nevermind that one Hazelrink, you are just imagining things. I never said anything about age and just waiting for my car to arrive! Yep! Nothing at all.”
“Hoooo… I see them! I thought I’m hearing something earlier about OLD AGE. Gosh, I must be imagining things then.”
“100% Imagination indeed!”
As if he was wiping his sweat from his forehead even no sweat was there, he gracefully managed to defuse the Hazelrink wrath bomb and made sure that everything is fine. Looking relieved now, Roa started to wonder about the car he talked about earlier and asked Hazelrink about it,
“Jokes aside, Isn’t my car taking longer than usual? It should have been a few minutes ago.”
“Strange… I know that the car’s travel route going here is completely sealed off from the civilian traffic, I shall contact the driver and check the reason why the car is getting behind the schedule.”
“Please do Hazelrink.”
Roa looked sideways towards the large steel gate where the car should make its entry while Hazelrink approached some security on the corner to discuss what was currently happening. It was a short moment of discussion between the security men and her with some confused look on their face as it was interrupted by the King himself.
“There it is! I can see the car now, no need to contact them Hazelrink.”
“Your right your majesty seems there’s no need for an inquiry as it’s already here. Wonder what took them longer?”
“Must be a flat tire or something Hazelrink. In any case, It’s already here to fetch me and go to Borquier city.”
“If you say so, your majesty. Security! Prepare for the car’s arrival.”
“Yes, commander!”
All the security personnel salute to her after she issued an order to receive the incoming car with full focus. The security started to move and tighten the surveillance around the mouth of the entrance as the car approached the front steps. The two powerful figures looked the same car as they wondered why it took longer to arrive here but in the end they also both disregarded it as the car was already in their sight.
“Here comes my ride and really? That number of armored vehicles that I’m seeing from here is just too many if you ask me. I can protect myself you know.”
“I know that you can protect yourself and look at the number of the escorts, it seems fine to me. It’s always better to be fully secure than to be in danger just because we settled with ”good enough” mindset..”
Hazelrink’s reasoning to this large number was really a good one as she was protecting the head of the country therefore heavy security was a no-brainer. The old king knew this but since he was withdrawing from power, he thought that his importance and value to the country has dropped to the point where he was no longer a person needed to be protected up to this extent. Perhaps it’s a nice gesture of showing respect and thanks for what he did for Stygia last 108 years.
“At last, My car finally arrived in front of me. Goodness, gracious! what took you so long to arrive here?”
Loud engine noises could be heard from those multiple heavily armored vehicles as they lined up from the entrance gate up to the exit gate with the exquisite looking limousine was on the middle part of the line.
After they managed to park properly, Multiple soldiers in military camouflage fatigue came out of those vehicles as they immediately made contact with the royal guards for identification purposes. The whole area was now filled with both the military guarding the area around the gates and the royal guards protecting the old king. During all these movements from both sides, another man came out directly from the limousine where King Roa must travel with and walked to him. Unlike the others’ attire, he was only wearing a plain black polo shirt and pants together with a pair of light brown driving shoes.
“Greetings your majesty. Good to see you’re in good health and looking just fine.”
“Good to see you also Woss and if look at that, What interesting clothes you wearing right there, are you going to a golf session after this? Or are you gonna have a celebration of sorts? I also love parties if you are not aware.”
After King Roa saw Woss' casual attire that does not fit the occasion, his atmosphere took a quick turn from being a goofy guy who handles jokes just fine to a serious one. Woss just shrugged off the old king’s reaction to him and cheerfully replied while putting up a normal attitude and smile.
“Yes! yes! I appreciate that you noticed my attire. Looks goods to me aren’t? We will be celebrating something later and that’s Sir Jin’s being the head of our country! Oh and I don’t mean any ill intentions or anything! It just that after I transported you, your majesty, I will quickly drive to the ascension ceremony party.”
“Oh my! I see that you’re really excited that you already wearing your clothes for the party rather than wearing the formal attire for your driving work. I can’t blame you for that since everyone is looking forward to that event.”
“I’m really grateful for your understanding.”
Woss bowed his head as a sign of respect to the king’s understanding but not wearing his formal attire just because he was so eager to attend the party didn’t express the same intention and was just straight disrespect to King Roa. He even dares to speak and boast in front of the old king about his attendance to the reception party as if he was implying that this departure of King Roa was not that of importance compared to the party. All the obsidian royal guards noticed this arrogant act of him and started to keep an eye to his movements,
“This guy…”
“Such arrogance…”
“He’s in front of the king…”
The longer they see the man, the stronger the displeasure and hate they harbored to the man flaunting his casual attire while speaking highly of the other important event. The atmosphere was starting to tense up. If King Roa ordered them to subdue the man, without hesitation they would comply immediately and brought the man down to his knees but until now no such orders were given therefore they were forced to stand aside except for one person,
Everyone’s attention was shifted from Woss to a single woman who struck her beautifully designed emerald scepter down into the black marble floor as a sign that she had enough of Woss’ disrespectful attitude towards the king. This woman is the chieftess of Obsidian royal guards Hazelrink. After she got Woss' attention, She gracefully approached Woss with a very dangerous glance in her eyes,
“Wossenheim Lond! You are in front of the king and you dare to appear in unsightly attire just because you put the party before the king’s departure as your first priority? I strongly advise you to change your attire right now.”
“What will you do if I don’t comply? King Roa already understood it and let me wear my current clothes, therefore, there is no problem right? If there’s none then we should stop wasting time and go already.”
“Tsk… Just because you’re one of the trusted officials of Jin does not mean you can do whatever you want. King Roa still have the throne until he departs so show some respect.”
“I know that commander but as I said before, King Roa does not mind it so it’s all good. Oh! just in case you forgot, It’s president Jin for your information commander so you better start getting used to it hahaha.”
“You arrogant...”
Woss' irritating laugh was heard all around the area as Hazelrink was strongly irked by his correction to what she said in a very taunting manner. Amidst all of this disrespectful speaking from Woss. Hazelrink kept her composure as she talked back to him yet the tension between the two just keep rising and killing intent started to surface for her side. King Roa knew that it’s time to intervene or else a confrontation between the two will surely happen. Before the two knew it, the king was already in the middle of them both.
“Enough both you! You both dare to argue in front of me? Can you just let me depart in a peaceful manner?”
A very powerful voice from the king suddenly overwhelmed the two as they immediately stop arguing with each other. Both of their faces changed from being angry to someone who was scared of being punished in a blink of an eye. All the chattering between the royal guards and the military quickly came into a stop as they focused their attention on King Roa with fear. Now, all of them here now was in the mercy of the old king and awaited what would happen next.
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