《What?! The world outside the village is full of villains.》Chapter 11 - The Truth that the Fog Hides


Having shaken his thoughts from his head, Saulo resorted to the most powerful skill that only worked with a summoned weapon.

He should waste no more time.

This was not the scenario in which one could win with the will of words.

Simply put, the occasion for that to happen was long over.

And Saulo was prepared for that.

It feels strange to use this ability after so many years.

It had been many years since he had used that ability, so it took him long for the gray to flow through his body. More specifically nine years ago.

When he could still live with ignorance of the concerns of an increasingly adult life and tragedies outside the boundaries of his community.

The happiest times of his life.

"[Shadow Conqueror.]"

That was the name of the ultimate ability Saulo had used.

At his words, Saulo's body began to turn gray.

Arms, legs, torso, face.

Every part of his body where there were veins turned gray.

Faced with such a change of appearance in the young man's body, it was as if a different person was holding the halberd toward his enemy.

In the surroundings, this ability felt different from the others because it was at the peak of what one could use with the power of an element. And Aaron knew it well...

"[Smoke Empire.]"

... because he also possessed a similar ability. The most powerful ability that any user possesses.

An 'ultimate ability'.

At Aaron's words, a cloud of smoke was expelled from his sword. The dark soon covered him and Saulo as if the cloak of night had suddenly descended on the Oyogue Path in the form of a circular zone blocking the surroundings of both.

Suddenly, the density of the fog had been mercilessly replaced by an even darker one.

However, Saulo wasn't attentive to the prison of smoke that surrounded them and from which, as long as the ultimate ability of Aaron lasted, he couldn't escape.

Aaron's sword was turning lead color.

Tip, blade, handle, pommel.

Every part of his weapon where there were vital ducts was now of color lead. These were the "veins"of a weapon.

The ultimate abilities of Saulo and Aaron are similar, but at the same time different.


On the one hand, both are strengthening abilities. Saulo is given with this ability an increase in physical damage and gains bonus health; while Aaron, after summoning the smoke circle, obtains the ability to cause magic damage with his basic attacks as long as he stays within the smoke zone created with his ultimate ability.

On the other hand, their differences are notorious at sight. That of a shadow user like Saulo empowers his body. That of a smoke user like Aaron, his weapon.

With their eyes set on the other and the power of the ultimate abilities in their weapons, the two advanced to deliver the decisive strike that would sentence the fight.

I've to stay calm. If I doubt, I die.

Saulo looked at Aaron with seriousness in his eyes.

In turn, the seriousness that Aaron transmitted was also reflected in his face. Nevertheless, from what Saulo recognized with concern, this was only part of his attitude. Trust, determination, and security. Years of battle experience were reflected with all these characteristics in the man's countenance.

Without a doubt, he could say that the man served proudly in the army.

"Don't attack your country, commander."

Saulo ran with all his might and held his halberd tightly while shouting.

"[Lead Exterminator!]"

"[Gray Destroyer!]"

But even with the momentary increase in power given by his ultimate ability, Saulo knew he wasn't at the level of Aaron. After all, Aaron's power was still superior, although both had used their most powerful abilities. Because of his higher level of power resulting from training, along with his experience as a lieutenant in the army, the chances of winning favored Aarón widely.

Saulo knew this from the beginning.

Beforehand, even if they didn't tell him, the trusting glances of the other two young men showed the tranquility that experience bestowed. Both knew who would remain standing after the shock of the ultimate abilities.

As for Saulo, the mana needed to use his abilities had run out and waiting for it to regenerate a bit would take a minute. By the time he could use one more ability, the fight would be over.

But still...

He charged toward Aaron with the power of the shadow running through his body.


In turn, Aaron charged toward him with the power of smoke running through his sword.

On the Oyogue Path, a boy's veins and a man's weapon shone through the darkness of smoke and fog.

For a young man like Saulo, who came from an Amish village known in society for being a peaceful community, it was unthinkable that he was fighting and had reached the point of having to resort to using his most powerful ability.

"This is my will."

But the urge to slow down the speed with which he charged, disappeared from his mind.

Whatever obstacle stood in his way, Saulo would endeavor to defeat it whether or not in a conventional manner.

For everything that had happened so far, it made no sense to retreat.

The clash of wills would have its final coalition.


With a cry that came from his soul, Saulo closed the distance that separated them, preparing to use the force he would need for the next cut.

However, something strange happened.

Aaron, who had shortened the distance between the two much faster, stopped abruptly.


Saulo lowered the intensity with which he was running at the sight of such strange behavior.

Without knowing the reason, Aaron's consciousness was far from his sword and shield; and from the halberd that he held.

What's going on?

As opposed to the calm he had maintained and the determination required by the imminent collision, Aaron's expressions were tinged with despair.

With his weapons shaking and his head turned to the side, his eyes seemed to contemplate an event that was difficult for him to accept. Murmuring to himself, as if something could see through his heart, the strong will that until now dwelt in his eyes wandered away in the abyss of growing despair.

His attention was no longer focused on Saulo.

That same strange force that stopped Aaron made Saulo react.

He couldn't see nothing between the circular zone of smoke and the fog around them, but the surprise at his opponent's lost concentration made him realize the only thing going on inside the mysterious atmosphere.

He was wasting a valuable time.

Saulo directed his halberd to Aaron's chest, after advancing a few steps.

With the strength of his determination and the power of the 'ultimate ability', he connected the long-awaited cut.

Saulo didn't know how much time had passed while he kept pushing his halberd.

The lines of his face began to fade as he felt his strength diminish. By the time the last line disappeared from his body, any trace of the increase in power he gained through his ability had vanished.

Soon, the metallic sound of two objects touching the ground wasn't long in coming.

Dropping his sword and shield from his hands, Aaron was indifferent to having released the means he had to attack and defend.

With a long cut on his chest, Aaron didn't move nor react. His gaze, oblivious to the fact that his enemy was there, was totally directed in astonishment toward one side of the path. Saulo, aware that he had almost no mana after using his most powerful ability, couldn't stand still against someone who was still standing after using his ultimate ability.

Even if he was unarmed, Aaron had not fallen and could retake his weapons quickly.

As a soldier, his pride would lead him to refuse to surrender.

Saulo had his doubts.

He knew he had to attack, but between the ramblings of attacking an unarmed person or being attacked if he approached, made him stop.

Instead, he watched cautiously as the wound inflicted was deep enough to provoke a reaction: A shout, lament or complaint.

However, none of that happened.

For three and then five seconds, Saulo stood on guard against any change in the actions of Aaron, who remained attentive to what only he could see behind the mantle of darkness that surrounded them.

And suddenly...

Without paying attention to the wound on his chest, a different expression appeared on the man's face.

After seeing the conviction in Aaron's eyes, the young man's doubts became clear.

It was only for a second, but it was enough to get the clarity he needed to decide.

He had lost it.

All conviction had been lost in Aaron's eyes.

Seven seconds later, Aaron had his last reaction on the ground.

The fog, from then on, was the only thing that moved.

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