《What?! The world outside the village is full of villains.》Chapter 3 - The Creed of the Dark Heralds
There was surprise in Aaron's voice.
In his thirty-five years of life, what had just happened was undoubtedly among the strangest events of which he was ever a participant.
If the fall of a backpack with too unusual shape entered this list of events, the appearance of a boy of the same one occupied the first ten places without any doubt.
Aaron, without leaving his bewilderment aside, stared at who was in front of him.
He was a boy of average stature with dark eyes, and straight and disordered hair extended closer to the left side of his head. His jet-black hair matched the jacket he wore except for the part of the hood that was completely white inside. The rest of his attire was completed by dark blue pants and sneakers entirely in black.
But what surprised Aaron wasn't the physical appearance nor the clothes of the boy. What caused him to remain motionless in astonishment was to verify the excellent state of health of the young man. He couldn't find a physical, known or reasonable explanation for the boy to be unharmed after a fall of several meters.
“Aaron, I'm sorry, we already checked the slopel and we didn't find... Who is that?”
From the surprise of hearing the voices of Don and Ryder was that Aaron finally reacted. From the stupefied expression that his back hid, he quickly changed to a more composed one to receive his comrades. Before they asked him the same question, he answered them, taking care not to reveal his surprise.
“This young man is apparently the owner of the backpack.”
Aaron's strong words caused Don and Ryder to fall silent.
“We're-we're sorry.”
“It was our fault. We should have...”
He had to make a quick gesture when they began to apologize. Since these didn't cease because they hadn't searched more carefully, Aaron raised his voice to make himself heard.
Don and Ryder immediately fell silent.
Inhaling and exhaling deeply, Aaron looked calmly into the fearful eyes that watched him.
“I have already told you two that you must stop apologizing for every mistake you make. This was also my fault.”
“How can it be your fault? We know this place, its accesses and blind spots pretty well, and yet we failed to locate this person.”
“Please, don't apologize. It's our responsibility to be so careless in searching, while you managed to find him without much effort. “
“I didn't...”
“Your capabilities certainly surpass ours.”
“As expected from the strongest and most competent member of us. My sincerest apologies for failing you on such a simple task.”
No. I'm not really that amazing.
Aaron wanted to shout that it was pure luck that he easily found the owner of the backpack. Naturally, he didn't because the glorified image his comrades had of him would be destroyed, which would complicate things in the future. In addition, ...
“We will work better to make up for our mistakes.”
“We won't disappoint you again.”
But you have not.
Aaron swallowed his words in shame.
To think that he was lazing while his comrades were doing all the work made him want to leave with his face covered in his hands. However, he was the leader of that group and could not leave like that.
It was annoying to speak when he was praised, but even more so when he was praised without deserving it.
No. Don't continue with your compliments,
When those two young men saw him with those bright eyes, he didn't feel capable of destroying those expectations placed on him.
He had to stop those undeserved compliments.
“Listen to me.”
One word was enough for the two boys to shut up. It was enough that they saw his eyes to understand that they shouldn't continue speaking.
“I didn't think within the possibilities that the owner of the backpack was hidden in another location other than the one I indicated. I hastened to draw that conclusion. I’m very sorry to have made you both feel anxious.”
Yes, that's better.
A competent leader had to assume the mistakes of his subordinates when they had not committed any. After all, it was under his leadership and orders that they failed.
“Also, it was unthinkable that you would find him because this boy was hidden closer to where we thought ... He was inside the backpack.”
The expressions of surprise came together in a shocking synchrony, accentuated by a “Ha?”.
It wasn't for less this reaction.
Aaron imagined that, if he was younger, he would have reacted in the same way.
Finally, one of them spoke rather disconcerted.
“From the backpack?”
“Yes, from the backpack. I don't know how or why, but we'll find out.”
Aaron took a few steps with a rigid smile.
“Boy... can you tell me what you're doing here?”
Of course, after seeing the boy, he didn't expect an immediate response. His behavior was the expected behavior of an average person when faced with criminal acts.
The fear of being assaulted made it difficult for him to talk.
“I-I fell.”
“Oh, don't tell me. It seems to me that you were spying on us, waiting for the right moment to help this person, and out of carelessness, you fell.”
The boy's lack of more words proved Aaron right. Between the surprise and the fear that he must have felt when he was discovered, the second emotion was reflected more clearly on his face.
“Leaving that aside, that backpack you're carrying isn't a common backpack. I have witnessed how it managed to protect you from a fall of several meters without you dying or suffering serious injuries."
Aaron crossed his arms behind and with a firm stance, he stood like a wall between the young man and the path.
“What exactly is this backpack?”
The young man swallowed saliva when, at the same time, a drop of sweat escaped his forehead.
“I don't know.”
The boy's eyes went with identical fear toward the backpack.
“It always looked like a regular backpack to me. It was when I was falling that a mechanism was activated and protected me... and from there I don't remember anything more.”
The weak and harsh voice that tried to disguise the fear that the boy felt didn’t diminish the astonishment that Aaron also shared for the strange event.
As the fog advanced toward the five people gathered, Aaron and the young man looked at each other without saying a word.
“So, you don't know.”
After a few seconds that seemed like an eternity, the first of them approached to Don and Ryder, who were on guard watching the old man and on alert in case the boy tried to get away.
“What do you think?”
“Well... from his expressions, he doesn't seem to be lying. He looks like he's really confused.”
“It doesn't matter how he feels. Don't you see? A wonderful backpack has come into our hands that would undoubtedly complete the effort of a whole month.”
“You're right,” Don replied to Ryder. “An unusual backpack that looks very valuable. Literally fallen from the sky.”
“Yes, who would say it. But leaving that aside. He's seen our faces! And he'll most likely tell the police when he gets the chance!”
“It's certain that he'll do so. What do we do?”
Two expectant faces turned to see him when they finished arguing with each other.
The moment Aaron felt that a dangerous idea was forming in the minds of his comrades, he had to bite his tongue to avoid also becoming infected with that thought. What they both wanted to do involved a last resort action to silence their victims.
An action that until now they hadn't been forced to perform.
“But the two of us mustn't decide that.”
Both young men looked at Aaron with more force than before, saying nothing more.
Aaron looked back at them knowing what they were expecting:
It was up to him to make the final decision.
After a few seconds of silence and reflection, Aaron spoke what he had thought.
“You both know that this isn't our way of taking possessions. Fortunately, we haven't been forced to use violence to acquire what we want on this path. Stealth, dexterity and mystery is what has characterized us since our first theft here on the Oyogue Path. Not the robbery.”
Don and Ryder were about to nod when they noticed that Aaron hadn’t finished speaking.
“But... perhaps this is our opportunity to bring about an action closer to what we know as theft. This strange succession of events and encounters may be the push we finally needed. That of the Dark Heralds.”
Don and Ryder were surprised when Aaron finished speaking.
They had never heard him refer to himself under that name. But what surprised them most was the use of the word “theft”.
An action different from the theft they had always done on the Oyogue Path.
“Then, we can...”
Aaron's voice cut through what the young people thought they understood.
“Let us honor that name and behave like gentlemen.”
His will reached the two young men. After these words, Aaron took a quick look at the old man.
He didn't move at all.
With a firm “Yes”, the will of the Dark Heralds became a reaffirmation of their creed.
Did I really expect any reaction from a person who has remained unconscious all this time?
Turning back to the owner of the backpack (who had stayed out of the conversation, but watched over under an attentive gaze that would stop any escape), was that Aaron disposed with a serious expression to follow his interrogation.
However, ...
... his eyes stopped suddenly.
What was that? What did I just see!
Protected by a rigid expression, within Aaron confusion dominated.
Until a few moments ago, he was talking to his comrades. Everything was normal by then. But as he turned his gaze to the young man of the backpack, he felt a familiar sensation that momentarily erased his connection with reality.
Aaron shook his head and quickly looked at the old man.
He was still unconscious, unaware of what was going on. That was a relief in itself.
Did I imagine it? That pressure behind me?
Aaron let several seconds pass in which he only swallowed saliva.
Yes, I imagined it.
He had just confirmed the situation, but instead of feeling relief, a sting of pain in his stomach denied him the truth.
Everything is fine.
He could lie to himself, but in the end he knew what he saw. For a brief thousandth, the emotions were as real as that time.
A blue, almost transparent flash looked at him with tremendous disappointment. Again, just like that time in the alley.
Before he had finished thinking, Aaron noticed that he was a few steps away from the boy of the backpack.
I'll have the time to talk to the old man. For now, I must concentrate on what I am going to say.
Feeling that he couldn't allow that silence to continue, Aaron composed himself.
“Boy... You're from the country, aren't you?”
“I see these objects aren't typical of the city.”
Leaning down to pick up the young man's belongings that had been scattered when he came out of the backpack, was that he took a straw hat in his hands. Seeing that piece of clothing unusual in a city environment, he felt a real interest on his part that he couldn't overlook.
“Yes, I'm.”
Aaron shook his head in affirmation, leaving the straw hat where he found it. Looking at the boy's luggage, he began to get an idea of who he was.
“I imagined it, look, I also grew up in the country and I know that it is difficult to come to the city being a stranger. From how heavy your backpack looks, I deduce that you plan to stay in the city for quite some time.”
“You're right.”
Perfect. Now let's give him more motivation to leave.
“Besides, you don't want to be left with nothing just because you tried to defend this old man who was travelling in a dangerous place. In the surroundings, everyone knows very well that. And beyond the matters we have with him, this is between him and us. You don't want to be that third party to intervene.”
“You are right in what you say.”
The boy's nervousness was notorious. It was no wonder. This situation was a blow in life where good wishes weren't enough to recover. Deciding no longer to torture the boy, Aaron sighed reflecting on the tense atmosphere he had created.
“We’ll do this,” Aaron said very calmly. “Since you're from the country, like me, I'll let you go.”
The boy was surprised by Aaron's words, letting out a small exclamation.
“Pick up your things and go.”
Amid the sea fog that approached them, one sentence of life was dictated to a young man.
“Do I have your word that you will not attack me?”
The boy shrugged his shoulders and with the strength that this new hope gave him, he spoke more fluently, but without hiding his distrust.
They were the first clear words this person was able to say.
“Yes, you have my word.”
The young man nodded to Aaron's proposal. The latter watched with a little grace how the boy's expression relaxed after hearing that his integrity was safe. He never liked to torment individuals younger than himself, but he couldn't help but show a slight smile at the boy's fear.
Among the openings that the fog didn’t cover, a little malice was reflected on his face.
“What about that man?”
“What's wrong with him?”
Malice in the form of a smile disappeared from Aaron's face.
“I should have asked this before, but... don't you have everything you came to steal? If I were to give you a sermon on the sin that is stealing, it is very unlikely that you would want to listen to me, but… do you really expect to get something of value from an older person who only carries a walking stick?”
“With his condition, he shouldn't be walking on this bumpy path. In addition, there is something that I must clarify in peace with this person.”
“Whatever you want to take away from that person, maybe it's all for him. Leave him alone.”
“I don't think you want to fight because, as you can clearly see, you're at a disadvantage. Also, if this old man has nothing of value, then we will compensate him with what you carry in your backpack. I won't say it again. Get out.”
The young man didn't move right away.
He was probably thinking about what to do.
But after an oppressive silence, the young man hastened to gather his things.
“Now we can continue with our matter.”
Moving to one side, the road was free of interventions that would stop the boy's journey. A little further, Don and Ryder watched without saying anything.
Thus, one minute passed in an uncomfortable silence.
And then, thirty more seconds.
And later...
“You have fifteen seconds to leave before I change my mind.”
“Wait, wait, wait! I can't get my backpack back to normal, so it's hard for me to get everything ready to leave.”
He was right about that.
The backpack looked deformed and unsuitable to be carried without disturbing its owner's back. Apparently, the boy didn't know how to return it to normal after activating that device that protected him from falling.
After all, the boy really seemed completely unaware of the characteristics of his backpack.
“You'll fix that later. Get out of here!”
Aaron was already losing his patience.
No. I mustn't let this bother me. It's not because of his youth that he doesn't know anything about his particular backpack. Even I, being an adult, I don't know. I must be patient.
Whether it was because Aaron startled the boy with his voice, the backpack staggered sideways due to its unusual shape.
Shirts, blankets, shoes, fruits and socks.
Some of the belongings that the boy kept were scattered on the floor. The mess of the rush to leave resulted in even more mess.
Well... I tried.
“You have ten seconds to go.”
“I'm-I'm sorry. I'm leaving now!”
With rushed movements of hands coming and going, the belongings returned to the backpack. In a few seconds, almost everything was back in storage.
“Hey. Here. Take away your useless trinket.”
There were only two objects left to collect. Two small spherical objects that had rolled further away helped by a slight inclination of that part of the path.
To pick up, there was an apple a few meters from Aaron's foot; and next to this, a small ball that could easily fit in the palm of his hand.
Indicating to the boy that he would collect the belongings that had rolled, Aaron tried to get the boy to hurry before the fog covered them. When the boy saw that the visibility diminished, he hastened to pick up the apple and the ball that had rolled. He didn't care if the young man lost them, but seeing the luggage he was carrying reminded him a little when he himself traveled from his home in the country to the city.
A trip of which he went to seek in the capital of the country the opportunities that didn't exist in his village due to the oblivion of the State.
A trip in which for a long time he was able to do what made him happy.
A violent sound echoed in his ears and shook his head, stopping his memories.
Aaron didn't understand what had just happened.
His vision was suddenly clouded by a strong heat wave that invaded him to the point of hurting his eyes. He was disoriented. The explosion he felt detonating near his ear deprived him of hearing momentarily. But immediately, the smell of gunpowder and the pain in his eyebrow let him know what attacked him.
“I don't allow you to mock my creations.”
What he barely managed to hear with the pain that affected his hearing, made him wonder if the person who attacked him was the same person he had been talking to only a few minutes ago.
Words... didn't work.
Aaron clenched his fist tightly.
For Don and Ryder it was clear what their leader would do next.
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