《Totaris》The lonely path


11 years ago (just after the events of chapter 1)

Yuri wiped the last tears from his face and gazed at the rolling plains that swept across the landscape, the hint of dawns light on the horizon. ' I need to get away from the forest, who knows how long it will be before the direwolves find out I'm here' Yuri felt a shiver down his spine at the painful reminder of the nights events.

As he thought this Yuri began to move across the plains, Yuri saw some trees in the distance with vibrant green leaves with what seemed to be apple crossed with a melon looking fruits hanging from its branches. ' Well this is a stroke of luck ' Yuri thought as he gazed at the fruits, ' I am far too small to climb this tree there is only one solution to this problem.'

Two minutes later a small boy can be seen shoving his body as heavily as he can into the tree, quite a few minutes and scrapes later the boy is rewarded with the satisfying thunk of a fruit hitting the relatively soft grass. On closer inspection Yuri discovered that the fruits were easily the size of his head, 'I know it's risky eating random fruits that you know nothing about but it's not like I have much choice given the current situation.'

The fruit actually tasted great but an hour later as Yuri traveled further into the plains interesting side effects were discovered, it turns out that the fruits have a mild laxative substance which resulted in Yuri needing the toilet on regular occasions. ' well it could have been worse, the fruit could have contained poison which I would have no chance of stopping.' Yuri decided to bring another fruit along with him, even one of these fruits was able to fill him up completely despite the awkward yet manageable side effects.


As Yuri's path continued though the plains a mountain range could be seen in the far distance, ' I need to find shelter before it gets dark and I still need to rest after last night.' Yuri sighed at the memory as a haunted look crossed his face, as Yuri was brooding over the unpleasant memory he saw something out of the corner of his eye. Smoke in the distance over one of the smaller mountain tops, ' civilisation' Yuri thought with happiness.

Yuri with a new objective in mind walked briskly across the plains partly because of the hope to find other humans and another to find shelter At the foot of the mountains, a few hours later and one less fruit Yuri made it close to the foot of the mountains. Yuri gazed up at the mountain range now much closer than before one can truly marvel at the glorious feat of nature. The mountains seemed to be never ending in each direction covering half the sky with jagged and snowy summits that looked like claws grasping at the sky.

The sun starts to set over the horizon drawing Yuri's gaze away from the mountain view, in the distance Yuri could see caves jutting out of the mountain side making the mountains look alive and monstrous as if they wanted to devour the world. ' Caves probably not a good idea, father always told me the dangers of exploring unknown caves without Any weapons it is a death sentence.' Yuri thought back on the events with the confrontation with the direwolf, ' I don't know what happened then but I doubt the feat of what seemed to be a blink from one area to a close yet totally different location can be achieved again.'

As Yuri thought down this path he began to wonder how on Totaris that happened, was he helped by some unknown force but why would anyone want to help some child in the middle of the forest without even revealing themselves to further help the boy. ' No it can't be that ' Yuri thought adamantly, ' it could have been me there are such a thing as mages on the continent.'


Mages are a rare but not unknown force many stories old and new of the great powers the mages of the world can unleash, Yuri had read books which held tales of vast spells which could unleash fire and brimstone, heal the injured, or even raise the dead. ' It is definitely possible that's I may be the one responsible for that feat of yes ... magic ', Yuri smiled at the possibility ' no way to be sure of that though.'

Suddenly from the mountains howls and wails of wild beasts can be heard coming from the direction of the caves as the sun finally sets over the horizon, ' I knew it thank totaris I listened to fathers advice ' Yuri winced at the reminder, ' well cannot sleep in the caves and cannot climb any trees, luckily it's summer so the temperature is mild even at night.' Yuri contemplated his options in silence and chose a simple maybe dangerous method but the safest option nevertheless, settling next to one of the applemelon trees draping leaves and other natural debris around him as a camouflage and a minimum source of warmth.

Yuri fell asleep to the sounds of the wind brushing against the leave creating a rustling sound, the wild animals could be heard in the distance calling into the night.

Yuri woke with a start afraid and alert in case he was being attacked however with dawns light gracing the landscape no dangerous was currently in site, Yuri ate a fruit from the tree and carried another in his arms as his journey continued making sure to take plenty of trips to the toilet along the way.

As Yuri made his way into the mountains he could see the large pillar of smoke, at a gap between two mountains a path could be seen winding between the two mountains. ' Looks like this Is the closest way to the source of that fire ' Yuri thought as he made his way up the pathway into the depths of the mountain.

Yuri glanced both ways at the mountains sorrounding him at all sides feeling as if he could be swallowed up at any moment, as Yuri rounded a bend in the pathway he saw the source of the smoke a huge bonfire surrounded by tents and many people dressed in the rugged furs walking around performing there duties. Before Yuri could react he was surrounded by men in each direction with swords drawn with bowmen in the distance with Bowen drawn tight ready to fire, Yuri realised too late that this group of people were ' BANDITS ' Yuri shouted as realisation kicked in to his current situation.

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