《Battlegrounds Of Celestial Beings》The Hidden Danger


Proceeding downwards, Qingyue signalled everyone to stop when they were about to land in the third floor.

"Everyone must be responsible for their own actions, no one should be blamed if you ever became rash and overestimate your own abilities. Well, you can't blame anyone if you are dead anyway. Also, be careful to not be injured by a zombie, even an injury might turn you into one and if that happens, we are going forward and leave you behind or we might just kill you instead."

Everyone nodded at her words and they started to realize that they should lessen their excitement and take things seriously.

"What would happen to those who were left behind?"

"If they turn into a zombie while we're gone, then its their luck to not die by our hands, but if they didn't and retain their humanity, then they should cope up with us and prove that they are still human or else we might mistook you for a human who was occupied by a zombie and directly kill you!"

Everyone who heard Qingyue shivers from her cold and cruel stare. Qingyue seems more colder than the usual, even her words were too cruel but was on point and this reality terrifies them greatly.

Ezra who was looking at everyones reaction, shakes his head lightly. He realized something terrifying for their group when he also heard Qingyue's words.

'Hmmm. Is it possible to get an orb when you kill a human? For example, now that I've earned some and those orbs were inside me, would it be stolen by someone else when they killed me? One more thing. What if when you were injured by a zombie but you don't die, Is there a chance for you to mutate to something stronger instead with some of rationality left and could think and scheme?'

The longer he thought, the darker his face become. He looked at everyone and prays that it won't happen.

'I don't have an idea on how this world works yet, but in the world that rules doesn't exist, cruelty and schemes were everywhere so I must be careful, I don't care about others but I must protect Alice at all cost, and if I could, maybe I'll include Qingyue too.'


Thinking back on how sad Qingyue is when they talked awhile ago, he couldn't help but felt some sympathy and decided to help her when he could.

'But killing a fellow human, huh? I am not sure if I could do it.'

If it was just another zombie or a mutating one, then Ezra wouldn't have any problem with it, but a killing a human is a different matter. He grows up in a society that killing a human is a crime so he still haven't make an adjustment and subconsciously deny that idea.

Ezra's musings came into halt when their group finally decided to take another step and decides their fates.

Because everyone is holding a cellphone to light up their front using their left hand, they could only hold the metal bar using their right hand and thus, weakening the force that it could exert.

When they reached the third floor they instantly looked at their surroundings for they might recieve a surprise attack.

The tension that was formed because of their current situation was multiplied when they heard Qingyue's cruel words earlier. So when they found out that the zombies aren't waiting for them, they instantly sigh in relief.

"He-heey! Lo-ook there they are!"

"Wait? Why are the whole bunch of them gathered in that particular location?"

"If I'm right the private rooms were placed in those locations so maybe someone purposely gathered them there to kill them then run towards the door to escape when the situation becomes dire"

The lowkey Leo, suddenly spoke this time, acting almighty and all knowing with his body straight and his gaze stared at those zombies seriously.

"Oh you're right. Leo guessed it."

"Maybe thats what really happened."

"They are smart to think that and Leo managed to guess it with a look."

Everyone aside from; Qingyue who didn't care about their discussion and was looking at Ezra seeming to look for his opinions in this matter, Alice who were poking Ezra's waist out of boredom, and Ezra who's eyebrows was twitching because of Alice, was staring at Leo with amazement in their eyes.

Feeling Qingyue's stare Ezra decided to meddle and destroy their fantasies.

'This bunch of killing minded idiots! Did they think that anyone was influenced like all of you? Maybe there was someone among them who decided to risk it all but for sure majority of those people decides to hide in those rooms and not using it as a plan to attack the zombies'


Thinking about this. Ezra facepalmed and clears his throat to start ruining their imaginations.

"Hey! Do you think they would have the guts to do that? Think, those who were assigned to the first floor, majority of them were weak girls and the injured ones, what's the possibility of them surviving? The second floor were about the same, they were mostly the weak minded ones or weak in physical attributes. We divided ourselves into thirty - thirty - thirty - twenty-five. As for the third floor, yeah its true that most of them were barely injured or uninjured at all, but do you think they could manage to handle the pressure when a corpse suddenly rised and bites them? Nope! Not at all, Maybe there would be one or two that would think of fighting back, but when the crowd suddenly run away, even the strong would be influenced and would also run. We lived in a peaceful world before so a sudden appearance of zombie would surely cause a chaos and wouldn't trigger one's courage."

The students who were clapping for Leo earlier suddenly shuts their mouths hard after hearing him. They suddenly felt like they were slapped hard in their faces and even choked a little bit thinking, 'Oh fuck! That was a fucking simple situation! Why didn't even I thought about it!'

Then they remembered the guy called Takeshi who was running towards them earlier in horror and panic just to be dragged back by the zombie and die, resulting him to alsp turn into one.

Qingyue, whose eyes were shining once again, stared hardly at Ezra's face like there was something strange in it making him feel uncomfortable, opened her mouth and formed into bunch of words without making any sounds..

Although Ezra couldn't hear it he clearly understand what she want to say. It was 'What about you? Why aren't you afraid and fought back?'

Ezra was dumbstruck at her wordless question. It was a question that he really couldn't find a correct answer. He could say he already thought that if there was a zombie here then probably the whole place is a zombie zone or whatsoever in front of the crowd, but if he were to ask himself, he really couldn't answer it.

'Sigh. Not now. I couldn't afford to be distracted right now. Focus Ezra.'

Shaking his head to remove those unnecessary thoughts. He looked at everyone who was now contemplating but was met by a glare of hatred and killing intent by Leo who he once again shamed upon. He returned the glare back, If it was before then he might not be able to do it, but now that he could become stronger with every kill he made, he doesn't have to be afraid of being stabbed in the back anymore, unless it was someone who is as powerful as him or stronger, or it was someone who comprehended an ability.

The glare was stopped only when Hikaru suddenly appeared behind Leo and pat his shoulders. This makes Ezra who was observing the whole time shocked and seriousness finally appeared within his eyes.

'A weak and scared nerdy class monitor could now pat the shoulder of the most arrogant guy in the class and could calm him down. HAHAHA! If this wasn't a conspiracy then what is? I really mistook him for being innocent, I thought he was just a nobody, I didn't think that he is this cunning.'

Ezra seems unbothered and decided to direct his attention to everyone else, then he only told them to be careful and take the zombies one by one or let them go away from the gathering first before killing them to ensure that they won't be surrounded and die.

He seems like he didn't care on the outside, but he was secretely watching over Leo and Hikaru and who they were with. His instincts told him that they might do something that although couldn't make his life at risk, it might still be troublesome for him.

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