《A Warrior's Love (BL)》19~God of Seduction
I winced as I felt violent shivers slither down my spine. Currently, his hands gripped my jaw and I felt it wasn't long until I start showing signs of arousal. I pushed against his chest, not aiming to remove him from me. "No, I cannot love a man! I don't love women or men!"
"Why can't you love men?" Zoticus placed his veil on his head, holding two corners to make a wing-like structure. His handsome face was thrust into mine, menacingly. His intense gaze frightened me, even more so when his lips quirked upwards. They were a beautiful sight to behold on this day.
"I mean, I can love a man, but I absolutely cannot love my slave! No, wait, I don't know. I can't love anyone or anything." I held Lorica tighter, realizing I had been pinned to the tree. I had leaned back so much I can no longer back up -I can no longer avoid the shining man leaning in. "You're only seducing me!"
"I won't deny that," Zoticus chuckled softly to send light bursts of air on my face. His lips twist into a smirk. "I really want to kill you, I want to hear you hiss under my hands. One day, you will be at my mercy."
He was too close to me!
"Lorica is here, don't do anything to provoke me because I will hurt her." I was lying. Sweat plastered my hair to my forehead and I gulped. The pain in my chest was worse than being shot by flaming arrows. I felt my heart constrict, showing no signs of relaxing. And even then, I cannot die. "Zoticus, stop teasing me!"
"How can I be teasing you if you don't like me?" Zoticus leapt to his feet, bouncing with energy. He swooped down to flick my forehead. "You wish I will kiss someone like you. Only a drunken man would do such a thing! Well, at least I know your heart."
"My heart?" I subconsciously place a hand to my chest to palpate the beating of my heart. I gulped, knowing he was right. My heart is changing rapidly -too rapidly. This abnormal shift should not happen!
"Yes," he rolled his eyes and paced before me. He swirled his index finger in the air. "Your heart is slowly changing. Soon enough, I will be able to enter. Even if I must seduce your mind first, I will find a spot in your heart."
"Alright," I sighed out at last. "Do whatever makes you comfortable. I'll gladly play along with your plans. I do have something I want to say though. Can I tell you?"
"I won't be disappointed if you don't," he shrugged and leaned against the tree trunk. Golden curls framed his forehead. "What is it that you want to say?"
I grinned, "If you manage to settle in my heart, there will be no escape. If you let me into your heart, you risk giving up on your plan to eradicate me."
"That," Zoticus points up to the sky. He flashed a bright smile that I wanted to shield. "Will never happen. I cannot love a warrior of Vales, especially if your position is my master. I do not wish to be killed by Valesians because I soiled their virgin God of War. But I am perfectly fine with being killed for your assassination."
It was rare for a master to fall in love with his slave, but I have heard legends about the practice of killing the lovers. It sounds torturous to see a beloved killed before your eyes, but torture was the goal. I do not think it mattered if the slave is a male or female.
Male slaves have many options to choose from. I call it the 'Menu of Death' which many criminals must see if they committed a grave crime. Let me list these delicacies one by one.
1. Be crucified, left to die in the sun.
2. Be drowned by being tied to boulders and tossed into the ocean.
3. Roasted at the spit.
4. Stoned to death.
5. Pushed off a high cliff.
6. Have a searing hot rod shoved into the hole where their lover had been. I always shiver at this one.
7. Hanged from an oak tree.
Female slaves can choose from the same list or they can beg for quicker deaths which involve poisonings, beheadings or group stabbings. Valesians would never approve of love between master and slave. I said never.
As for the masters, they must be present at their lovers' executions after enduring three days of torture. Tied to a humiliating wooden pole, they will stand facing their slave, forced to watch the life seep out of their lover's eyes. Even if the master is wealthy and powerful, he will be helpless. He will live with the guilt of the slave's death.
Valesian traditions made me shudder the more I think about them. I looked up at Zoticus, "I will never let them harm you if you do fall in love with me. I'm their God of War, they know I can kill without batting an eyelid."
"Only in your dreams will we be together." Zoticus teased me by blowing a kiss to me. "Don't think I haven't heard you talk in your sleep. You are a pervert!"
My face reddened quickly under his intense gaze. I have been told by my brothers that I have a habit of talking in my sleep, but I can't remember whenever I wake. I have had strange dreams about the man leaning against a tree, but I do not speak in those. It was impossible to hear me speak in my sleep!
"Ah, Vales' stone-cold God of War is ashamed of his dirty secrets? I'm flattered, I know what I can do to you and it is invigorating." Zoticus dug a hand into my hair to pull my head back until I am looking up at him. His glare penetrated my soul. "I'm not a lamb."
"I didn't say you were!" I grip his wrists, hesitating to rip his hand out of my hair. Instead, I pressed them closer to my scalp. "I know you look soft, but you are not. Remember, I saw you birth a gargantuan flaming bird!"
Zoticus untangled his fingers from my hair and I let him escape my grip. Then, he moved to put himself between my legs. With a cheeky grin, he snatched Lorica off my abdomen. "I am-"
I did not allow him to speak any longer when I took his angelic face in my hands. I stared into his shock filled eyes. "I don't care whether you are a lion or a lamb. If it'll make you shut up, I'm going to kiss you right now."
"What?" He said and that exact moment, I struck like a viper.
I kept my eyes open so I can evaluate his expressions while I enjoyed the taste of his lips. Like his eyes, they resembled honey but in taste. Sweet and warm honey. I loved the feeling buzzing from my toes to the top of my head. I preferred these lips to Sebastian's.
Unfortunately, my friend had stolen my first kiss while he was drunk. I didn't know how to react when Zoticus gripped my waist, pinning me to the tree. With a loud flap, his angelic wings appeared to wrap around us.
I would not want my boys to see me like this with Zoticus so I was grateful. As usual, the man holding me had planned his every move. Although I'm a general, I never have plans. I will always end up abandoning them anyway. Just like how I enjoy kissing my slave when I've insisted I do not like men.
"Ha, you will never fall in love with me?" He muttered against my mouth. His feather-light hands moved up from my waist to snake around my neck. His lips stretched against mine. "Goodbye, Marik Valerius."
For a brief moment his face scrunched and when he finished stabbing me with a silver dagger, he pulled away, wiping his mouth with his left hand. The look of triumph took possession of his face. My blood took possession of his hands.
I glanced down at the dagger he drove into my heart. My eyebrow popped up, showing my confusion. I was not expecting to be slapped so hard my head whipped to the side. I touch my cheek and glanced at Zoticus, "Did you slap me?"
"Yes, and how are you feeling?" His eager eyes searched mine, slowly becoming dim. He placed a hand under his chin, balancing the baby on his knees. "You don't look like you're dying. No, you are not in any pain. Damn, I failed again!"
"Well, you did not fail to seduce me but I'm sure you are not speaking about that. Look, Zoticus," I grabbed his shoulders to bring him closer to me. I gripped the knife's handle, "What you did just now was dangerous. You have huge balls, don't you know?"
His eyes widened, he knew he made a grave mistake. He slapped me once again with the back of his hand. "You are such a pervert! I failed again. I failed again!"
I reached out to grab his wrists to steady his trembling hands. I was not in the mood to watch him lament over his mistake. "Admit it, you leaned in because you enjoyed it. Then, you regained your senses to mask your feelings with this dagger. It was a smart move, I will give credit where it's due."
I grimaced as I felt the blade slide out of my chest as I pulled it right out. I sunk the wet weapon into the ground, my grin morphing into a sneer. "Talk to me, Zoticus!"
The tanned man clutched his daughter to his chest, trembling as if he had encountered a hydra. His glowing wings vanished as did the ethereal halo around his body. He shook his head, struggling to wrench free.
The more he retaliated to my touch, the more I held onto him. I allowed Zoticus to summon another dagger and with this one, he slashed my wrist. For a brief moment, we watched the stream of crimson liquid gush from my veins, fast and urgent.
His attempts to make me let go were all futile and he realized this quickly. With a pained expression, he continued to stab me in multiple areas.
If I was a normal human, I'd be dead already.
"What the hell do you think you are doing? Bertramus, help me get this lunatic off Brother!" Julius shouted behind Zoticus. I can see the soldier struggle to throw my assailant off.
"Do not touch me!" Zoticus growled furiously. His bright eyes burned and gleamed. He rolled his shoulders to throw the men off, "I said do not touch me!"
"Well, get your hands off Brother Marik!" Julius grabbed a handful of sunny hair. With all his might, he pulled Zoticus' head. The prideful man's eyes bugged and he could not care for the chilling stare thrown at him. "You're a stubborn one, huh?"
I can see Julius and his self-esteem start to appear. I also saw Zoticus' eyes full of murdering intent. If he can't kill me, he would kill my soldier. The soldier grabbing his delicate hair would receive his wrath. "Julius, stop before something unnecessary happens."
"Oh, is this your child?" My subordinate dismissed my words like the wind. Julius snatched Lorica from her father. He held the baby girl by her arms, making her cry. "Let go of Marik and I'll return your baby girl."
"Give me Lorica." Zoticus spun around to face Julius. His eyes were at level with Julius' jewels. Although he was slightly dazed, the golden-haired man rose to his feet with clenched fists. "Lorica is crying. Give her back. To me. Now!"
"Lorica?" Julius winced when the baby shrieked loudly. "This brat is named Lorica? You are a stupid man to name your daughter 'Lorica'."
I held my breath, suddenly annoyed with the prideful soldier who believes he is defending me. I named the baby girl, am I really stupid? "Julius, stop this! I named her myself and Zoticus was not harming me."
"What were you doing then? Kissing until one of you bleed to death?" Julius glared at Zoticus. "You dared to stab Marik Valerius? Be gon-"
Before the man could finish his sentence, he was thrown off his feet. Julius screeched as he let go of Lorica and fell to the ground. He lay on the dirt, paralyzed by surprise and pain. The man did not utter a sound as he registered the sudden attack.
Zoticus rushed in to save Lorica, instantly thrusting her into my arms. As soon as he touched the baby, the girl finished crying and started to giggle. He had quickly healed her injuries, providing comfort to the child.
Looming over Julius, his lips formed a tight line. His nose flared and if placed beside a raging bull, there won't be much of a difference. He bent over to grab Julius by the hair as the latter had previously done to him.
With this, he lifted the soldier off the ground and grabbed the man's legs. His muscles flexed, appearing and vanishing after every contraction. Sweat dripped below his brows in big drops. His voice was deep and dark as he addressed his enemy. "You harmed my baby! Now, you shall pay with your pain!"
I winced when the tree behind me shook multiple times. I saw Zoticus slam Julius into the tree, exerting more energy with each hit. I was afraid for my brother because Zoticus did not show signs of letting up. I should interfere soon.
"Zoticus, you are going to kill the man!" I stroked Lorica's fragile head as I watched her father whack the tree with a grown man. Surely, I was shocked to see Zoticus' strength. I should call Augustus, but I did not.
"Do not worry, I won't kill him. I know when to stop so that he is paralyzed but not dead." Zoticus is starting to frighten me. The odd glee in his eyes shook me to my core, planting seeds of fear in my stomach. His hanging tongue was long and thin as a snake's and from his voice dripped venom. The honey-sweet voice I knew had transformed.
Seeing Zoticus in this rageful state terrified me, I could not recognize the current Zoticus tossing Julius against a tree. I scream every time my subordinate's body caused the tree to tremble. I brought the baby girl closer to my beating heart to comfort myself.
"Zoticus, you are scaring Lorica!" I felt the air in my lungs had been punched out when his piercing eyes snapped to mine. My eyes glazed over his tan skin shining under the sunlight.
He looked like a livid god came to Earth to exact revenge on his enemies. Unfortunately, Julius was this god's enemy.
"I'm not scaring the baby, this man did!" Zoticus released Julius' leg to let the soldier roll on the dirt. Veins popped from his neck as he stood, raging. He must look like a sunnier version of me.
"Zoticus has always loved children, he lived for the innocent and the weak." An otherworldly voice escapes Zoticus' lips and I thought I was hallucinating when his golden eyes became violet. "He was a distinguished priest full of duty and love. He was too merciful towards his enemies."
"Who are you?" I squint under the light radiating from Zoticus' body. The voice and eyes did not belong to him, I was sure of it. "You are not Zoticus."
Zoticus chuckled, throwing his head back. He laughed until he clutched his waist, something the real Zoticus would never do. Zoticus would not laugh this much!
"No, I'm not Zoticus or whatever you mortals call him. I am the one who sent him to you. Marik Valerius, listen to the charge I will give to you today." Stiffly, one tan arm raised into the air. The hand at the end of the arm pointed to my forehead.
I gulped, ready to attack the strange Zoticus. I was not going to receive a charge or order unless it comes from my master, Emperor Utar.
Whoever this intruder was, he had no power over me. Or so I thought. Even with modified parts of Zoticus, I still felt excited looking at him. It was like seeing a more epic version of the man, one that shared the same eye colour as me. I felt my insides flutter as our eyes silently fought.
"Protect him while he is on Earth and one day, you will realize who he is -if he reveals himself to you. His memories have been locked but you have the ability to bring them out." Zoticus was speaking about Zoticus? "In return, he will unlock your memories. The ones from your previous life, but not as a soldier."
I blinked thrice, not fully understanding why I needed to protect someone who made a huge flaming bird that devoured three phoenixes. If anything, I need to protect myself from the seductive and powerful man.
"Believe me when I say the Zoticus you know is not his true self. Zoticus, he's more ruthless than you'd ever imagine." An airy cackle made the ground tremble. "You have killed so many, be careful. Zoticus will protect you but you need to teach him how to be aggressive. He should not be docile here!
"I can assure you that I don't understand a word you are saying, but I will protect him with all my blood." I held a hand to my chest, swearing to the gods for the first time in my life. "He is definitely special to me. Even if he wants to kill me, I'll protect him."
"He plans to kill you? Damn, I need to visit those Cithenian gods. Is it Ithys I should speak to? No, her name must be Iris!" Zoticus was swept away by his thoughts and he mumbled to himself, ignoring me. "If he strives to take your head, the plan has definitely failed."
I was opening my mouth to speak to the odd being taking possession of Zoticus' body, but the person left. I see the light fade and golden eyes returned, confirming something had been controlling him. The question was: what?
"Marik, I don't feel well." Zoticus swayed on his feet, struggling to balance himself by spreading his arms. Like a tree, he tumbled to the ground.
I could not guess whether he was unconscious or not as he did not even twitch. I held Lorica close to my chest and crawled over to Zoticus. I reached out to touch his forehead that was hotter than branding iron. It was scalding hot!
"Augustus! I request your assistance!" I shout out towards the former battlefield, shocked to see everyone had left the area. They must've settled into inns and taverns while the sky became a colourful canvas. "Must I be the one to help him?"
"Did you feed Lorica?" Zoticus murmured against my hand. He looked tired as his eyelids fluttered open. He struggled to smile before his eyes rolled back and his head hit my palm. From then on, he was unresponsive.
I seized the opportunity to stare at his face at peace. Seeing his most relaxed expression was a bliss, washing me with a warmth I have never felt. I touched his smooth skin to feel his flaming cheeks.
His eyes rimmed with kohl looked beautiful. Despite the sweat dripping down his temples and the burning sensation on my palm, I found him to be very lovely to watch. When a pained expression took possession of his facial features, my heart sank.
"We should find an inn so we can both rest. Lorica is lucky -being able to rest every second of the day!" I rolled my eyes, clutching both father and child. Why was I talking to the metallic air and why did I even care? "I am Vales' God of War, carrying both into the city would be no problem! I am so tired that I can sleep here."
Determined to prove my love, I placed the baby girl on Zoticus' abdomen and carried the man bridal style. As we entered Mesoa's capital, Lorica repeatedly called me her mother. Had I not participated in a war, I would bicker with this smart child. I don't know when children start speaking but Lorica may be a genius.
Zoticus and I had brought her before a dozen medics to inquire about her age and health. Despite being found in rubbish, she is as healthy as can be. Also, she is at least two weeks old and at most, a month old.
Do babies speak so quickly or is Lorica talkative? Besides calling out "papa" and "mama", she is usually quiet. Her tiny eyes are always narrowed, silently taking in the everchanging world around her.
I vowed that I would never have children of my own but Lorica is special. She is not my biological daughter which allows me to experience fatherhood. She calls me her mother so I'm experiencing motherhood?
I was so deep in thought that I barely registered my legs were carrying me in circles. My hands itched to touch my lips when a burning sensation lit my mouth on fire. My body seemed to burn with desire.I saw his face while we kissed and I heard his almost inaudible moans. If it wasn't for my hyperactive ears, I would not hear any noise except my heartbeat. I felt the ghost of his lips pressed firmly against mine and I felt excitement rush through my body.
He was in my arms, angelic and deep in sleep. Even as he slept he held Lorica to his body. The same body that burned as hot as the sun. Sweat slipped down his neck, dripping onto my arms. Oddly enough, his perspiration felt refreshing. I felt disgusted but at myself. I enjoyed his presence much more than I should. I cherished him and his daughter more than I should!
Zoticus was a snake charmer, bringing me out of my basket and wooing me to the point of hypnosis. He had persisted, stooping as low as kissing me, a man. He had helped me defeat the phoenixes. Just to prove to me that he is capable of tearing off the stone layers coating my heart.
My tired legs gave beneath me, startling me out of my wits. I was shocked to feel a soft cushion beneath me and I looked up to see a wrinkled face, lit by a candle's flame. "Oh, hello and thank you!"
- In Serial442 Chapters
The Evolution of a Goblin to the Peak
The fantasy VRMMORPG, Battle Worlds, is one of the most played games in the world.In this game, there' a legendary player that could defeat a "Boss" on his own.His name is Blood(In-Game-Name).
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5 Threads of Fate
Lin is a Weaver of Fate, someone who can see and weave the Threads of Fate. Her family had always cautioned her to be aware of the boundaries her role imposes upon her, to know that she is merely to watch and witness all that happens. But Lin is not convinced. She will do all she can to write a shining legacy, no matter what Fate has to say about it. (Community magazine contest submission)
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Undead Anima
Playing gachapon, she won a ticket to travel to another world, but due to an accident, she reincarnated instead. Reincarnated as an undead princess and also to fallen clan, she needs knowledge from her past and also the power she currently has in order to her clan to prosper again.
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Happy Moments
У Элизабет было все чудесно, её радовал каждый новый день. Но внезапно в жизни девушки все перечеркивается и идет наперекосяк. Она уже не уверена, что когда-нибудь что-то измениться. Все же иногда у Элизабет появляются счастливые моменты, но после них всегда случается что-нибудь плохое. Будет ли так всегда? Или же девушка сможет обрести полноценное счастье?
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The Core of a Factory
An abandoned steampunk arms factory, in the middle of a conflict torn former state of the Empire it served, gains a soul. This transforms it into a Lord, capable of turning land into power. Beset by enemies on all sides it must figure out how to win the war its creators lost a century ago. This is a progressive Dungeon Core novel (which is to say the core will progress and expand in scale, eventually) across multiple dimensions with different characteristics (e.g. steampunk, magic, mythological). It has rationalist leanings (paragraphs of reasoning) and litrpg leanings (there are stat blocks). The core game mechanical idea is something like "what if different flavors of magic power actually did come from controlling land" and then the story is: "what if there was a flavorless (artifact deck) dungeon core". Chapters will be relatively short (my aim is that in three column format each would fit on a wide screen monitor), the first few chapters - setting up the main character and mechanics - are currently the longest in the entire series. I write chapters in blocks, and then release them one a weekday (M-F; 6 PM GMT, unless RoyalRoad's publish thing screws up) until I run out. There may be a few days of gaps here and there if someone finds an egregious error I have to re-write around or if I am behind. In general though one can read this once a weekend. I may do slight retconns and edits, I'll make sure to put it in an authors note if I do.
8 89 - In Serial3 Chapters
How To Come Out To Your Sisters / Shinomitsu
Take place in the Kimetsu No Yaiba High School ||Demon Slayer High || A book where one-shots and cracks chapters co-exist in a same AU where Shinobu and Mitsuri are bootiful gf.The first one-shot is like an introduction for the AU. [!] This book is in search for more ships. If you want yours to be added, just go see the latest chapter.Just read if you want. One-shots. Cracks Chapters. --> Fluff-->This contain some mild content, be careful ! -->Gayness -->Wholesome girlfriends.-->Funny story I don't own the characters of this story Ships : Shinomitsu (Shinobu x Mitsuri)[!] The cover is not gonna stay long normally.
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