《A Warrior's Love (BL)》10~Beauty of Wine
"Marik, can you come here for a brief moment?" Zoticus called from the storage room. He insisted on helping me organize my home and he started with the food storage. He was munching on a dried apricot when I reached him.
He had used red ribbons to tie the purple curtains to pillars. Now, every corner in the house could be seen from anywhere and pillars often blocked views. The man pointed at five big crates.
I did not understand his concern.
"I have noticed two large crates of red wine. Those five crates are different types of wine. Peach wine, white wine, blackberry wine, elderberry wine, and some others I do not know how to read." Zoticus looked worried about the large crates.
He had opened one of them and its contents were enough to make him question me. "Do you have drinking problems? I do not think you invite your men to your house because it's too clean."
"I'm not an alcoholic," I held up a hand to deny any accusations. He did not believe me and I leaned against a column, sighing as I crossed my arms. His smile lured me to him. "My men do love wine, but I've always avoided drinking. I do not have pleasant memories of drinking wine."
"I see," he reached into the open crate to pull out a ceramic jug that was labelled as 'cherry wine'. Zoticus nodded to himself and turned to hold it up. His smile lured me towards him. "I haven't seen or tasted cherry wine before. I don't think Cithen has cherries. Although you've had bad experiences, would you like to try a glass of this with me?"
"Aren't you a priest? I didn't expect you to be familiar with wine." I shrugged, not sure whether I wanted to have a taste or not. My body moved on its own and before I knew it, my hands have retrieved two crystal goblets from the kitchens.
Zoticus accepted the glass offered to him and set it down on a crate. He focused on removing cloth and rope from the top of the jug. "Cithenian priests, mind you. As I said, we are not Vales' virtuous and prudish priests. Wine is our nightly drink."
"Then, if anyone is an alcoholic it would be you and not me." I had thought Cithenian priests did not drink wine because the drink gave average men pleasure. Intrigued, I watched him swiftly remove the cloth covering and lid. "What else can Cithenian priests do?"
"Well, we can have sexual relationships if that is what you're asking." Zoticus chuckled as he lifted the ceramic jug with one hand and raised it high above his glass. Wouldn't the wine miss the glass if he poured it from there? "We give relief to our people and not only by providing basic needs like food and clothes. Sexually frustrated people come to us for momentary satisfaction. A little like free brothels?"
I watched with a hanging jaw as a stream of liquid poured straight into the crystal goblet. Stunned, I gave him my glass when I see his hands were outstretched. "I do not like the idea of priests sleeping with people. You Cithenians are crazy! Have you ever done it yourself?"
"No, but I have been given easier tasks even before I became a chief priest. Light things include kissing and touching. I have been requested for sexual intercourse many times, but I manage to escape each time." Satisfied with the amount of wine in our glasses, he fixed the ceramic jug and placed it back into the crate. He picked up his glass and grinned.
"Kissing and touching, were you the one touching? Did you kiss women and men? Where would all this happen?" I was not risking taking a sip of my drink until I hear everything about this new topic. I was already beyond shocked and disgusted.
Zoticus shrugged and took a sip from his glass. "Some times I touched, others I was being touched. I've kissed both but I remember more women and everything happened in a designated room in the temple. Don't be so worried. Consent is always a must, the priest always has the power to stop. Each one is assigned a partner who stands outside the room in case the session goes awry."
I ran my fingers along the neck of the glass cup, very confused. I was in disbelief as I could not think of such a tradition to exist! Then, he also spoke of it as if it was a part of Cithenian life. "That seems wrong, but I'm not one to judge what is right or wrong. Your life must have been interesting."
"Indeed," he chuckled as he swirled the wine glass in his hand. He looked like he drank wine all his life. "Although I'm about eighteen, I've been called Father by thirty children. I've witnessed strange scenes and somehow, I found my way into your house. My goal is your life and eventually, your heart."
I did not feel comfortable with his intense staring and to distract myself, I quickly chugged the glass of wine. My cheeks warmed and I put the empty glass on a random crate. Using both hands, I slap my cheeks with a goofy grin. I felt dumb and light-headed. "You're already in my heart though."
"Are you drunk?" Zoticus stepped towards me with the wineglass still in his hands. He summoned a silver dagger into his hands and raised it above my head. He stabbed downwards, shocked when I did not move away. "Your tolerance is very low. How funny and interesting!"
"I'm not drunk!" I insisted, using the tone of an arguing child. I pointed at his chest, "I am not drunk! The wine does not like me."
Zoticus quickly finished his wine and set his glass down beside mine. The dagger in his hand had vanished. Then, his hands shot forward to grasp my shoulders and he spun me around. He leaned in behind me, "Marik, you are already like this. You should get some rest. You are not drinking ever again!"
I lift my lips and gnashed my teeth together like a grumpy dog. I shrug him off of me and unsheathed my sword, throwing its silver scabbard to the side. I pointed the tip at his neck, mesmerized by the bulge in his throat. "It's bobbing up and down! What is it? I want to cut it out."
"Are you mad?" Zoticus placed two fingers on the flat side of my sword and lowered it calmly. He pressed a finger to my throat, "You have one too. If you're drunk and wish to explore a man's body, try cutting your apple. I won't have to kill you myself if you do."
"No, I've tried harming myself but the worst to happen was I collapsed due to blood loss. Even if I lose all my blood because of myself, I'll just lay in my blood." I see the room had started to spin and I dropped my sword onto my foot. I kicked it away from me so I can sit on the floor. I looked up at Zoticus with a sheepish smile.
"So, when you try to harm yourself, you'll be suspended between life and death?" His eyes lit up and I knew ideas were forming in his mind. Surely, he is not as innocent as he seems. "That sounds good enough to please the gods. You're not dead, but you are not living either?"
"You misunderstood what I mean by laying in my blood. I will bleed out, but I eventually heal because of my dark blood magic. The last time I bled out it took me three days to recover. Dark blood magic is more complicated than absorbing blood." I shake my head, hissing when a strange sensation pricked the back of my eyes.
The room blurred but I can see a clear and bright figure in front of me. Zoticus squatted in front of me with a smile plastered to his tan face. "Sleep well, Marik."
"I'm not sleeping! The room is blurry, am I crying?" I did not realize I had already hit the floor and I looked up to see a man's leg. I grabbed it, wincing when the leg shrieked. I am sure I am not drunk. "Legs can speak! I remember I have a baby, where is she? I don't have a wife, how can I have a baby?"
"She is my daughter," the leg said as it tried to shake me off. I hung onto it like a lizard attached to a wall. A hand pulled me off the floor and dragged me to my chambers. The hand must've been angry because I was thrown onto my bed like a sack of potatoes would be thrown around in a market. "You are not going anywhere near Lorica until you are sober."
"Lorica? Did I name a baby after armour?" I shake my head and stay on my bed. I chuckled when I finally see a radiant face appear before my eyes. I giggled, feeling my hot cheeks with my hands. I am sure I am not drunk. "Oh, are you my wife? Our child must be very beautiful!"
"You are shameless!" A warm hand pushed my head away and I had to struggle against the person tugging my hair. I think Zoticus clicked his teeth with his tongue, but I was too busy grabbing his waist. "Let go of me! I'm going to tell your men you assaulted me, a slave."
"I'll tell them you are not my slave." My hands gripped warm cloth and I could not help but smile. I looked up at Zoticus, admiring his beauty. "I feel too happy for someone like me. What did you put in my drink? Don't think I didn't see your thumb shook as you poured the wine."
"I didn't do anything!" He snapped right away. Then, he looked away.
"You did, or you would be looking into my eye. I won't punish you, what did you put in my wine?" I leaned forward until our noses touched. He did not smell of wine so I must be the one reeking of alcohol. "You don't smell?"
"I didn't put anything in your wine. Where would I get the items to place sedatives into your drink?" He shut his mouth and held up a hand, slicing my nose. "I did not put anything in!"
"Sedatives, those won't work on me. I'm an odd man who needs aphrodisiacs to work as sedatives. I don't think you'll take the risk feeding me those." I knew I was safe from all his schemes except for one. As long as my heart stays still, I am safe.
The issue is that whenever I am around him, my head is pounding and my heart feels fuzzy. I am not safe around him if he discovers my change so I must push him away.
"You are my slave, how dare you try to put me to sleep! Come, I changed my mind and I will punish you." I could not control my actions or thoughts as I drew him closer to me by the waist. I am not a man lover, but I wanted to tease him well. I see his eyes widen and I nod to challenge him. "Yes, I slapped your behind. Why are you so shocked?"
"I'm not shocked," he bit his lip and one hand moved to grab mine. His golden eyes flashed into my face, I had to squint. "I'm fine with men touching me. Remember, Cithenian priests? If I do the same to you, how would you react?"
I held my breath and glanced up at his throat. I grinned, "I will also be fine. Sebastian grabs my assets all the time! I sometimes enjoy his shenanigans."
"Are you sure you are not a man lover?" Did he dare to question me? Zoticus placed a hand on my chest with a devious grin on his face. "If I can make you fall in love with me, I will have the perfect chance to kill you?"
"You are still planning to kill me, a God of War? You," I wagged a finger in front of his face whilst shaking my head. I pushed him off my chest and sat on my bed, pulling him onto my lap. He struggled against my hold, but I kept my ground until he stopped moving. "I'm not weak. I let you pin me down the last time to give you the benefit of the doubt. You are stronger than I thought."
"But not strong enough? Good, I'll have something to do at your house." The man wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me to his ribs. What was he going to do? "Your heart is happy, isn't it? I think I can harm you right now if I wanted to."
"You do not want to, I hear it in your voice. Zoticus, what would you do when you are the one to develop feelings for me?" I looked up from his chest to see his reaction. I loved the shocked expression on his face, telling me he never considered the possibility.
He ripped his eyes away from mine and muttered over his shoulder. "I will never."
I press my hands to his back to feel him shudder. "Never is a weighty word that you should not throw around. I may be influenced by wine at the moment, but I know everyone and everything changes. Feelings can change too."
"Are you speaking about yourself?" He knew he caught me, especially when he brushed the hair off my forehead. His eyes held a strange look of loathing and affection, a look I have never seen on anyone else. Then, there was the smile! "You are speaking about yourself!"
"Shut your mouth, my heart is made from obsidian. It will not become talc for you." I lift him off my lap and threw him onto my bed while I got off. I stumbled through the house and out the main entrance, turning only to see Zoticus was laughing on my bed. "What a crazy man! How did I come to buy him for one thousand gold coins? Gold!"
The sheets of rain had become a slight drizzle and I thought I should escape my house for a bit to clear my head. I wandered through wet streets to find myself standing in front of a palm reader's shop. A sign creaked above the house's door.
The scroll hanging on the shop's colourful door said the reader also understands the language of cards. Gambling cards or tarot cards? I shook my head, wondering what pulled me to this house because in all my life I never believed in divination. I would rather splurge my money on other things -like my boys.
Despite my indifference towards fortune-telling, I grip the door's silver knocker and waited for anyone to answer. I stood in the light rain and released a sudden burp. I apologized to the air for polluting it with my mouth odour. I tapped my feet impatiently, starting to think the palm reader is sleeping or away.
As I turn to leave, a female voice frantically called through the door. Locks opened on the other side and soon enough the person whose business is built on superstitions and lies. It was a woman and she did not look like a 'normal' Valesian woman. I could not guess whether she is elderly or middle-age.
She wore colourful shawls on top of shawls, from which silver and jewels hung like tassels on Zoticus' temple shawl. Around her neck was an odd necklace: a flat rock depicting an eye. The accessory resembles archery targets and the pupil is the bullseye. She touched the necklace when she saw me stare at her chest.
I then looked down at her bare feet and immediately looked back up to her face. Her skin tone matched a Cithenian's and her winged eyeliner looked very much like Zoticus'. I stared at her long hair that was braided yet reached the floor even when it was twisted and tied.
The woman glared at me, "What do you want? You do not look like one to come here."
I held up a hand to my chest to greet her, bowing politely because she could be a lot older than me. I straighten my back and smiled wide. "I know, I do not look like a potential customer and you may think I'm wasting your time."
"Cut the crap, you want your palm read? You are surrounded by dark phantoms, I do not wish to bring evil into my house." The fortune-teller moved to close the door, but I stuck my finger between the cracks before she can slam it shut. "Son, what is your name and why are you giving me trouble?"
"I apologize for the inconvenience, I really want to have my future read. I promise I will not bring harm to you or your business." I held out my hand and gold coins started to overflow in my palms. I needed to show her my sincerity and since people like her are rarely visited, she should be in need of money. "My name is Marik Valerius."
"Marik Valerius?" The woman gasped and a set of spindly fingers touched under my chin. She took a long look at my face and I had to smile at her.
Her dark eyes flashed for a second. She pointed a long finger to my face."You're the dark star that shone brightly twenty-four years ago? Your parents did not abandon you? You are still alive!"
"I am the general of Vales' Elite Army, I do not have parents. This dark star you are talking about, I cannot comprehend." I gasped when a cold hand suddenly grasped my throat and for a moment, I thought I would be killed by the crazy looking woman. "I cannot be killed. I know I carry darkness, but I would like to learn more."
"Have you met the brightest star?" She looked up at the cloudy sky, squinting as if to have a better glimpse at the greyness. Her wrinkled hands reached her mouth and her eyes widened. "You have met your counter star."
"Dark star, the brightest star, counter star, I do not understand." A chill ran down my spine and I shrieked when her head returned to peek at me through the wider crack in the door. I covered my face, "Where are your pupils!"
"Marik Valerius, there will be war in your life." The woman spoke as if she had entered a trance although her words were coherent enough. Her words so far held no value because my life is war as I am an army's leader. "You will always participate in physical wars, but you've started to experience internal wars."
"Let me speak!" She ordered when I opened my mouth to respond. She touched her stone necklace again, shaking her head. "You will experience a love trial which will end when you fall. From your high and mighty seat amongst the gods, you will fall."
"You will become more than Vales' God of War. God of strife, death, famine, and evil you will become. However, you have met one person who has the power to save you." She continued reading the sky with her empty eyes. Now, she spoke in hushed tones. "If they do not save you, you will become Vales' most hated man. You will become the world's enemy."
"I'm already the world's enemy," I muttered under my breath. My head started to hurt, but I strained myself to continue hearing her words. I do not think her words will be my life because what can I ever do to have my people loathe me?
"No son, you have not experienced the world's wrath to its fullest. Your people will push you into your enemies' land and they will gather together to treat you as if you are a witch." The woman grabbed my hand and tugged on it, urging me to listen to her. "Listen carefully and decide whether you'll believe me or not."
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